As one Swiss studyput it, Neoplasia is an important factor for the low life expectancy in BMDs.. Research programs studying their lifespan is the best way to protect future generations of these gorgeous dogs from dying tragically young. One form of the disease develops in puppies around 3 months of age, while the other happens later in life (3-8 years of age). But in Bernese Mountain Dogs, this runs at a staggering 28-55 percent. When purchasing a pup, do some research into their family tree. Bernese Mountain Dogs mature slowly and never lose that cute puppy behavior. Bernese Mountain Dogs are one of natures greatest creations. An ideal world would see a combination of breeder vigilance and screening tests promoting a longer Bernese Mountain Dog lifespan. This breed has a high risk of cancer mainly because the crosses were carried out based on a limited gene pool in its early days. Similar to the hip problem, elbow dysplasia is another hereditary condition in Bernese Mountain Dogs as well as other fluffy giants. If you got your dog from a breeder ask for a health certificate as a guarantee that your pups parents didnt have it. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! The Bernese Mountain Dog is becoming an increasingly popular choice for a family dog thanks to their fun-loving personalities and gentle nature. It is a rare genetic disease that affects the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and central nervous system due tohistiocyticinfiltration. How can you tell if your Bernese Mountain Dog is overweight? There is no guarantee that your dog can live longer, but it is advisable to try it through the following tips: Knowing everything related to those mentioned above, it is important that you take into account taking your pet to the vet regularly. By doing that, theres a better chance that those pups will also have a longer life expectancy. Sharing a passion for dogs and helping owners to solve problems through understanding canine behavior and modification is my number one goal. Despite its large size and active lifestyle, one of the most striking aspects of this breed is its short lifespan. While the American Kennel Club says that the lifespan of the Bernese Mountain Dog is 7-10 years, most sources put their lifespan at more like 6-8 years. This disease directly affects the blood vessels through tumors produced at the base of the heart or spleen. However, anassociationbetween life expectancy and body condition was made by gathering data from 900 veterinary establishments in North America that supported it. One of the few breeds that are recommended for babysitting is BMD, although, you might want to think twice about hiring a dog as a babysitter. Feed your Bernese Mountain Dog the best large breed dog food you can to help prevent ailments related to poor nutrition. Even minor cuts result in excessive bleeding. If a parent is predisposed to a certain type of cancer or ailment, chances are that their offspring will also be susceptible to that same ailment. One of the most important aspects of maintaining good health in your BerneseMountain Dogis feeding. Even more end up with cancer after that time. There is no telling for sure when exactly a Bernese Mountain Dog with hip dysplasia will present one of the following symptoms: Puppies with severe dysplasia will start limping anywhere between 6 months and 12 months of age. Why is that? A significant factor behind Bernese Mountain Dog life expectancy is cancer. She was born in the UK. Adults are confident, independent, loving, and calm in most social situations. Major health issues of the Bernese Mountain dog are common for large breeds like hip or elbow dysplasia while some types of cancers they are prone to must be taken very seriously. Besides the mellow aspects of cuddling, it also means a high energy level that can tire the owner out. Not only is this type of cancer common in BMDs, but its also extremely rare in other types of breeds. Spayed female dogs of any breed have the longest lifespan compared to neutered males or intact male or female dogs. Yes. Featured Image Credit: Othmar Sigrist, Pixabay, Cute Frogs: 9 Pictures That Will Make You Happy, How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? But more work needs to be done to be certain. Required fields are marked *. These dogs, like many others, need daily exercise. In a large study done by a German evolutionary biologist, large dogs tended to die sooner than small dogs due to problems like cancer. For this reason, unfortunately, there are specimens of this dog that can only live up to 3 or 4 years. Preventative healthcare can help Bernese Mountain dogs avoid many of the health problems that they are susceptible to. These tests predict which dogs are most at risk of developing health problems. The deaths of an animal of this type can be due to various situations: Generally, large dogs tend to live less time than smaller ones. The Four Life Stages of a Bernese Mountain Dog, How to Tell Your Bernese Mountain Dogs Age. So whilst staying slim isnt a cure for cancer, it helps avoid unnecessary early complications from diabetes or heart disease. That being said, x-rays are only fully conclusive after the bone growth is finished at the age of around 2 years. It is important to note that the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America has been and will continue to identify new therapies and efficient treatments for this disease. Statistically, the dogs that live the longest are neutered females. The thing that concerns most owners and adorers of Bernese Mountain Dogs is their relatively short life expectancy of 8.4 years according to thestudyby the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. Research is ongoing as to whether early neutering may contribute to giant breeds of dogs being at increased risk of osteosarcoma. Histiocytes are a type of white blood cells. What Can You do to Help Your Bernese Mountain Dog Live Longer? The most effective way to tell a Bernese Mountain dogs age is to consult with a veterinarian. Find a breeder who has a history of Bernese Mountain dogs that live longer than the average of 8 years. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. In short, regardless of the number of years we mentioned above and also the fact that large dogs tend to live less than small ones, the BerneseMountain Doghas a shorter average lifespan than any other breed. Its advised that dogs with severe symptoms of hip dysplasia do not have offsprings. Compared to other breeds of similar size their lifespan is shorter by about 3-4 years. As things stand, different countries take different approaches. We have to bear in mind that this situation may be due to various factors such as diet, care, exercise, mood, and quality of life in general. Genes can always play a role in the lifespan of a living being. Theres no direct way to prevent these issues but responsible breeding, proper exercise, and a healthy diet all contribute to the dogs overall health. The sad fact is that no dog breed lives anywhere near as long as a human lifespan. She is an artist at heart and loves to read, paint, and make jewelry in her spare time. However, the facts say otherwise. These puppies are rambunctious, curious, active, and sometimes even troublemakers by nature. A preventative measure is keeping your dog fit and slim around the waistline. There is no known trigger or cure for PRA in dogs. Unfortunately, Bernese Mountain Dogs have one of the shortest lifespans of any dog breed, if not the shortest. It is important to bear in mind that for some years, thanks to breeders and specialists research, many dogs of this type have been able to live between 10 and 12 years. All we can do as pet parents are to enjoy the years we do get with our beloved pups. Unfortunately, these dogs carried a genetic predisposition to cancer, which has been passed down through the generations. Why Do Some Bernese Mountain Dogs Live Longer Than Others? Animals also happen to be her favorite topic to write about! The Bernese Mountain Dog, arguably more than any other breed, is prone to cancer. If your dog starts to lose interest in toys and would rather lie around than get active with the kids, chances are that they are in their senior years. However, it is one of the best options to increase your pets chances of life. Just because this dog breed is hardy and self-reliant for the most part does not mean that they should go without preventative medical care. Use the search! From degenerative myelopathy to renal dysplasia, the list of health problems Bernese Mountain Dogs are prone to is all too long. This breed is gentle with other dogs as well. I am the founder of PawLeaks where I share weekly tips on dog training and behavior. At a minimum, the breeder should do these health tests of any dogs they intend to breed: Thanks to their stocky shape and thick, furry coat, its easy for a Berner to become overweight without an owner realizing it. Whilst this does not guarantee a problem-free pup, it at least gets the odds going in your favor. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Here are a couple of tips fo easily avoidable conditions like gastric torsion in dogs: Never let your dog be physically active one hour before and after a full meal. The main reason for this is that they can have a healthy lifestyle, thus avoiding that it is prone to suffer from other diseases. Cheap dog food contains a lot of fillers and artificial ingredients. The most important thing you should know is the age at whichyourBernese Mountain Dog should be sterilized, since if this method is carried out on a very young female puppy, it could trigger other problems., is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (source: Section 5). That can be difficult for many owners as we are talking about taking away the opportunity to reproduce. This is low, when compared to the average dogs lifespan of 11 to 12 years. This means a low number of parent dogs formed the foundation breeding stock. For the best chance of a long Bernese Mountain Dog life expectancy, choose a female pup and get her de-sexed between her first and second season. But to give a Bernese Mountain Dog the best chance of a long and healthy life, there are actions you can take to help. In Switzerland, there are government regulations that forbid breeding dogs carrying such disorders, but in other countries barely any regulations exist. What a Bernese Mountain dog eats plays a large role in their health and overall lifespan. Is an American Bully a Pitbull? Design a training routine to help your dog stay fit and healthy, whether its playing with it, taking it for a walk, or doing any other physical activity. They will happily play with the kids, and they always protect their human family members from perceived threats. A Swiss study put the median life expectancy of Bernese Mountain Dogs in Switzerland at 8.4 years. They cannot ensure that cancer cells will stay at bay. This is something of a Bernese Mountain Dog specialty. They are working farm dogs originating from the canton Bern in Switzerland. While large and giant breed dogs tend tohave shorter lifespans than small dogs, Berners have potentially the shortest lifespan of any dog breed. If there is a complete blockage an emergency surgery has to be performed to deflate and reposition the stomach while stapling it in place to prevent such events from recurring. Some may ask why these dogs have such short lifespans, and part of the answer is that they are big dogs. For instance, the cleanliness of their environment can impact their health as time goes on. Bernese Mountain puppies are almost always recognizable because they are between the size of a football and a fully grown Beagle, give or take. Floors should be clean, feces and urine should never be left to fester in a kennel, and supervision in public spaces is essential to minimize the risk of catching illnesses such as kennel cough and parvo. The first symptom of progressive retinal atrophy in dogs is night blindness. Not all cancers in BMDs are malignant histiocytosis. Unfortunately, cancer keeps a good portion of these dogs from living full, long lives. Unfortunately, melanomas can arise spontaneously in the Bernese Mountain Dogs and are just as deadly. That way, you can act quickly, through treatments and medicine, to prevent its health problem from getting complicated. By understanding the life stages, you can gain insight into how much longer your pet Bernese Mountain dog has left to live. When they turn cancerous they reproduce extremely fast and invade different tissues in the body. Get FREEDog Food Recall Alerts exclusive content, insider pricing, care guides, sale alerts & moreSign up for our Doggie Club! Sure, it will keep your dog alive, but only up to a point. Your dog must have enough energy to stay active and do its physical activities during the day. While Bernese Mountain Dogs, in general, have short lifespans, all hope is not lost. Lets discover everything there is to know about the Bernese Mountain dogs lifespan. However, as it gets older, you should increase its visits to the vet. These dogs are just as good at being family pets as they are at being workers. The biggest factor in the short lifespan of the Bernese Mountain Dog is their high rate of cancer. This high risk of cancer most likely came about through inter-breeding from a limited gene pool. They will happily accompany you on camping and hiking trips. Why Does the BerneseMountain DogNot Usually Live as Long as Other Breeds? Consider going on strolls in the park or long walks on the beach. Apart from that, did you know that the FCI actually has a category called: Pinscher and Schnauzer Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. Here are common cancers that affect the life of the Bernese Mountain Dog. Seniors may start to show signs of serious disease or illness. This muscular breed is used to working, which is why they are so popular on ranches and farms. The Bernese Mountain Dog lifespan is not all bad news though. Inflammations and sores that do not heal. On average, fewer than one out of every four dogs die from cancer. The most frequent cause of death in Bernese Mountain Dogs is cancer (almost 60% of cases). Your email address will not be published. Mild cases can go unnoticed throughout the entire life of the dog. It causes a type of immune system cell called a histiocyteflooding the liver, lungs, lymph nodes, spleen, and central nervous systemand can lead to uncontrollable bleeding. It is important that you do your research on the breeder since the better their reputation, the more likely your BerneseMountain Dogwill have better health. 14 Ways Cats Show Their Love. Cancer is not the only cause of its short life. They can also eat fresh fruits and veggies like apple pieces, pears, carrots, and greens as snacks to enhance their ability to fight off cancer and other health problems. Sadly, there are too few compulsory screening programs in place. With this aim, there are numerous ongoing research programs studying the range of conditions that shorten Bernese Mountain Dog life expectancy. They are protective of their human family members, and they should be calmer than they were when they were puppies and teenagers. It originates in the cells that make up the bones of the body and can cause a lot of pain and swelling. When the torsion cuts the blood circulation some tissues of the stomach start dying. Yet another inherited condition in BMDs is degeneration of the retina of the eye. As for male Bernese Mountain Dogs, the benefits arent as convincing so de-sexing becomes a matter of moral and personal choice. Degenerative Myelopathy: This condition causes degeneration of the nerves to the muscles, leading to weakness and collapse. Walks are on her terms these days which is minimal, shed rather sleep most of the day. The researcher concluded that large dogs grow quicker and therefore develop more abnormal cell production than small dogs do. The same can be said for heart disease and various cancers. According to the American Kennel Club, a BerneseMountain Dogslifespan is between 7 and 10 years. These canines have a pleasant and loving personality and are always intent on getting along with people (adults and children). Sometimes, problems like dysplasia are passed down for generations. These animals have a high probability of suffering from this disease throughout their lives and are the main cause of most of this breeds deaths worldwide. However, there are some things you can do to extend your dogs individual lifespan or at the very least, quality. Mountain Bulldog (Bernese Mountain Dog & Bulldog Mix). This breed has a fairly thick coat that makes them appear to be overweight. Many people are surprised about it considering the characteristics mentioned above that this canine has. As a vegan, Rachael is obsessed with helping animals in need both in her community and any. Please try again. Also known as bone cancer, this is a painful condition. It is shaped like a lump that appears on the skin and expands over the canines body. Living conditions are important. These darkly pigmented tumors may be more familiar to you as one of the most serious skin cancers caused by sun damage in people. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: Dysplasia refers to a bone growing poorly and the joints being in bad shape. Although chemotherapy can prolong your dogs life, there is no effective treatment for histiocytosis. This giant breed is more prone to cancer than any other breed. Taking it to the vet every so often will help detect any threat in your canines body early on. Many health conditions are more manageable if caught early on. That is mainly due to the fact that large ones have faster metabolisms that consume a greater amount of energy in relation to small dogs.