If your dog never drinks overnight, take up his water after hes asleep for the night, and wash the bowl. Your world stops when your greyhounds diarrhea starts! Humans can get some parasites, such as hookworks and tapeworms. Do not allow your children to play in that area. A third cause of diarrhea is stress. If your dog ingests the feces from an infected animal, he or she will contract the parasite. The same benefits, however, can be achieved with the right commercially-prepared kibble, without the risks associated with the raw diet. Check the labels! Never, EVER give your dog any food or treats that are made in China. Youve probably heard about the melamine scare years ago. Check out this video about natural, 3-ingredient chicken jerky strips, which cost several dogs their lives: There are many theories as to why food allergies and intolerances happen, but that is beyond the scope of this article You have come to learn how to stop your greyhounds diarrhea., In the case of allergies, treatment is usually a case of trial and error. Everyone needs to wash their hands after playing in the yard, gardening, petting the dog, and before touching any food.. Diarrhea is one of the most common ailments in dogs that we see at our clinic on a daily basis and most dog owners have probably dealt with this happening to their pet at some point in time. Most parasites are very easy to treat but can be very contagious to other pets and people so it is very important to have a stool sample checked at least twice a year even if your dog is not having diarrhea. Good Move Program targets stress diarrhea in shelter pets. If your dog already has as an aversion to come start over with a new cue word, Do not use the word come as a threat as this will also poison the cue. Youll feel like youre drowning it, but it really does a great job of keeping your dog well-hydrated. She would trail behind me on our walks and graze, and then either throw up, or have awful diarrhea later on. Also, your dog may have other behavior problems, stress or anxiety that may be making his stool eating worse and resistant to modification. A forum community dedicated to UK based pet owners and enthusiasts. How to DIY Five Toys, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), the effects it could have on your greyhound. Add 8 oz. For More Information on Intestinal Parasites: http://vetmedicine.about.com/od/diseasesandconditions/a/CW-DogHookworms.htm, http://bakerinstitute.vet.cornell.edu/animalhealth/page.php?id=1097, http://dogs.about.com/od/caninediseases/tp/Common-Canine-Intestinal-Parasites.htm. Editors Note: Greyhounds can be notorious for eating stool, and there are plastic stool guards available that fit inside their muzzle (See photo on right). If you suspect that your dog might have an allergy, alert your vet right away for advice. And it makes a poopy mess of the muzzle! water to each bowl of food. This type of diarrhea may resolve on its own, but it is best to feed your dog a bland diet of boiled chicken or hamburger and rice for a few days and consult with your vet if things are not improving within 24 hours as other medications such as antibiotics, probiotics, or anti-diarrhea medicine may become necessary. There are treatments available including steroids and chemotherapy if your dog is diagnosed with one of these conditions. If your greyhound just had one round of diarrhea, and then hes fine, it is likely that he picked up something he wasnt supposed to and ate it. Like many newly retired racing greyhounds, he had soft stools when he first arrived. Bi-annual fecals that test for parasites and bacteria can detect problems early and save suffering and money in the long run. and has had an accident in the house this morning (first one in 7 months) so I think he may be unwell. Greyhounds can snap up a goodie so quickly when youre not looking. Your greyhound seems uncomfortable, and, perhaps, in pain. Diarrhea can drain out a creatures fluids to the point where only IV fluids can save him. Do not try to cure worms on your own, with home remedies, or OTC products. You can locate one here: http://www.animalbehavior.org/ABSAppliedBehavior/caab-directory. Peaches had a lot of trouble with worms, and also had horrible teeth and gums, which took several procedures by the vet to clean up. Clean with a rag or sawdust any fluid puddles from your vehicles. Used alone, without training, this is probably the least desirable option for management since the dog can learn to squish poop into the muzzle thereby continuing to get reinforced. Rather teach your dog that he really wants to respond to the cue come because it ALWAYS earns him a reward( food, play, etc., whatever the dog finds it rewarding), Practice frequently and in many environments, Leave Itdog turns way from stool on your cue to receive roasted chicken, You can use the word yes! or a clicker as the marker for the correct behavior. Too many treats can cause an issue, as well; or resuming treats too soon, after the dog has been ill. Finally, we hit on a formula that he could tolerate a limited ingredient food made from only 5 ingredients, including lamb, rice and tomatoes. One product that is endlessly raved about by greyhound owners, far and wide, is Olewo Carrots (. The eggs got into his muscles and so every time we thought we had them cleared up another batch of eggs would come out and latch on to his intestinal wall with 6 sharp teeth. The owner of the Greyhound Homecare website and YouTube channel, Gail has had retired racing greyhounds as pets since 1997. And it supports the mission of animal welfare organizations to facilitate successful placements by managing the stress of pets going to new homes where vomiting or diarrhea can put them at risk for being returned, said Brenda Bax, brand director, Purina Pet Acquisition. Even if your standard of bowl-cleanliness has worked for decades, your greyhound may be more sensitive to bacteria than past pets, or may be becoming that way with age. Then you can practice asking him to leave other objects including stool.. Be sure your dog is on a leash so he cannot get to the stool and reward himself, Flag Leave Itdog turns away from the flag and then eventually from the stool in order to receive smoked salmon (flag becomes the cue to Leave It). Dogs that come in contact with infected stools, dirt or water, or eat rodents or rodent droppings can become infected. Moist formulas can be harder to tolerate. Dont feed him for 24 hours His intestines need time to calm down. Also, discourage him from licking back there. We have a special area fenced off for the new dogs and monitor their bowel movements carefully and pick up their stools immediately. In the warm weather, throw in a few ice cubes to discourage bacterial growth. He is doing remarkably well now and is settling in his new home. In all of our years of experience with dogs, weve seen them all hooks, rounds, whips, tapes as well as coccidia and giardia. Uly is allergic to chicken, turkey, duck, salmon, bison, potatoes, and oatmeal! Is it in a draught-free location? I would strongly suggest you take your dog to the vet, none of us are vets nor are we qualified to diagnose over the ether. Pinch up your greyhounds skin over his shoulder blades If it doesnt retract, hell need IV fluids from your vet. We slowly switched him to a total of 9 different foods over a period of many weeks, but found that he could not tolerate anything but the boiled hamburger and rice. We also begin the 4 to 5 day course of Panacur and follow up with a fecal and another de-worming. Many shelter dogs and dogs that live in close proximity with other dogs have some type of intestinal parasite. Saving one dog wont change the world, but it will change the world for that one dog. Copyright 2015 Greyhound Friends For Life / All Rights Reserved. Is it warm there? Sometimes we can diagnose this based on your history of witnessing your pet eating something like this but other times the dog will do this while you are not looking and we need to run further tests to make sure it is nothing more serious. NE Ohio Greyhound Rescue, Inc. is now part of a new program designed to help ease the transition from the track and into a new home, thanks to a new program in partnership with Purina Veterinary Diets. If you press on them with your finger, they should refill with blood right away.If they dont, contact your vet right away. Finally, certain types of auto-immune diseases and cancer can also attack the intestinal tract and cause diarrhea in dogs. Worms are best treated by the vet. Another problem is that kibble formulas change all the time, but vets are typically too busy to go back and update their Internet articles to reflect the latest information. Peaches used to pull this every Spring, when the grass was fresh and new and tender. Choose a high-quality dried kibble. Yes, it will kill the grass thats there, but it will grow back. A stool sample showed that Jetty was loaded with hookworm eggs. Our veterinarian said this was one of the worst cases of hookworms she had ever seen. Diarrhea can have several causes. His fecals were negative, so we suspected a food allergy. This can be a very bad symptom. Try these tips, to see if you can firm up your greyhounds stool: Try these tips for a few weeks. Your greyhound is not himself, not interested in the things he usually enjoys. https://www.youtube.com/c/GreyhoundHomecare, How to Play With Your Greyhound (20 Greyhound Games), What Toys do Greyhounds Like? Is the bed off the beaten path? Dogs can find it upsetting to be constantly stepped over and brushed past. Your vet may recommend that your dog have a biopsy taken from parts of his GI tract to look for evidence of these diseases. When Jetty came to us, he went through the normal transition and deworming cycle and his fecals were negative for parasites. Continued fecals were still negative, so it seemed that we were dealing with some major food allergies. Keep your yard greyhound-safe by emptying any standing water from rain or sprinklers, and mopping up any puddles in your driveway. Because changes are inevitable, be sure to give your greyhounds lots of attention and reassurance during these times. Check the fiber amount on the label Even as little as 1.75% can help bulk up your dogs stools. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Sometimes when parasites are the cause, there will be blood in the stool, as well. The juvenile hookworms can penetrate skin and travel through muscle tissue to intestines. We gave him a daily vitamin and added rice and ground beet pulp to his food to bulk up his stools. If hes already clean, he wont do that as much., Dont skip this paragraph! However, they rarely work if they are the sole method of behavior modification. . Shannon used to have a mysterious case of diarrhea at the same time every week, until I caught him licking the soapy residue off the empty bottles I set out every Tuesday evening for the milkman. Until all of the encysted hookworms are gone, hookworm-caused diarrhea can recur. Jetty was adopted and developed a full-blown hookworm infestation about 2 months later. Please visit our channel, too! This causes the dog to mistrust you and poisons the word come. Treat him with Pepto and the bland diet, as above; but call the vet right away, too. Here at Greyhound Homecare, I always include this vital bit of information. Routine fecal exams and bloodwork can also lead to early detection and treatment of some diseases that cause diarrhea and hopefully prevent your pet from having unnecessary suffering. No food or treats. Weve found, unfortunately, that very few people that visit pet stores, vet hospitals and dog and human parks pick up after their dogs and this leaves the potential for the spread of parasites, especially hookworms. His normal temperature is 99.5-102.5 F, Any time you think your greyhound may have ingested anything dogs shouldnt eat, especially plants, Any time your dog has been drinking out of puddles or anywhere water had gathered from rain or sprinklers. As long as your greyhound is not exhibiting any of the symptoms below, it is safe for you to explore some different types of kibble that might work better for your greyhounds sensitive tummy and digestive tract, as well as some mild food supplements, such as yogurt and pumpkin. In researching this article, I found an article for the American Kennel Club , which said, Only use foods suggested in articles that are written by Board-certified vets., I disagree with this advice, to an extent. Not all veterinarians are natural writers, and may express themselves in a way that is not accessible to the frantic owner, who is just doing some quick research to find a better dog food for his greyhounds sensitive tummy.. The important point of a food trial is that your dog must be strictly on this particular food for a few months without eating anything else so that your vet can properly assess his or her response to the new food. They always manage to slobber food into their water, even when they dont actually drink any of it, and you dont want to leave that food and drool, culturing in the bowl. Booking him in for after I finish work. Humans and dogs can also be infected through the skin cutaneous larva migrans most likely in areas of moist soil or on sandy beaches. Brush his teeth every day to cut down on gut-hurting bacteria. Some brands tout short ingredient lists, but your greyhound needs vitamins and minerals, as well; so be sure his food includes them. Whenever your dog has diarrhea, the first thing you need to do (besides making sure hes out of the house) is pick up some of it in a plastic bag. Just like dietary indiscretion, this is usually diagnosed from the history and may resolve on its own, but it is good to feed the dog a bland diet and use probiotics during times when you know he or she may be stressed. Non-adults hookworms that are in muscle tissue are not affected by the deworming medications and can stay in those muscles for weeks or months. Booby traps, such as these that foul the taste of stools, are a great way for the object to punish a dog for an undesirable behavior because it avoids the side effects that often comes from a person applying the punishment. Children that play in areas of hookworm infestation and eat infected dirt can easily ingest the eggs. Diarrhea occurs after eating a lot of fat, and then he doesnt want to eat. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Diarrhea lasting beyond 12 hours (this is too long, and he may be dehydrated to the point where only IV fluids will save him). We dont like to talk about it, but sometimes our darling dogs will eat really disgusting things. In my house, this has included diapers, dish soap residue, grass, and in one horrifying instance a turkey turd. After your dog is successful with leaving kibble on the floor, practice outside in the grass and ask you dog to leave the kibble. Avoid mass-market grocery store brands. Give this greyhound one teaspoon (5 ml) of Pepto Bismol (regular strength) on 1/4 of a slice of bread. Practice teaching your dog the concept first by holding a low value item (kibble) in your closed hand, then in your open hand and lastly on the floor. If this doesnt give him diarrhea, make his next meal consist of half his normal food and 1/2 cup of cooked rice, plus the yogurt. For persistent diarrhea, vets often prescribe the gastrointestinal diets, but these have a high percentage of corn and other grains, which most greyhounds dont tolerate well. I even had one case where we had to give up a treat Peaches had been OK with for years, when we got one package of it that gave her diarrhea.. If hookworms are in lungs, dogs may cough. Dont forget the vitamins! There may be a more serious metabolic cause of your dogs diarrhea which needs to be considered if there are no parasites found and the dog is not responding to a food trial or anti-diarrhea medications. This is the largest category, and of the most common cause of diarrhea. It covers all of the ways that your greyhound can ingest something that just doesnt sit well. Special plug-in diffusers & Thundershirts can be useful in calming nervous dogs. It is awful to clean up, and takes your full attention as long as its going on. Greyhounds are particularly sensitive to changes in their routine or their environment. The FortiFlora Good Move Program aims to reach more than 600 Animal Welfare Organizations (AWOs) in locations across the United States this year.1 It supports shelter pets during stressful transition periods by providing the shelter with free Purina Veterinary Diets FortiFlora Canine and Feline Nutritional Supplements. Video tutorial: http://drsophiayin.com/resources/video_full/come_when_called, Written tutorial: http://www.clickertraining.com/node/1785, Video tutorial: http://www.dogspelledforward.com/my-dog-keeps-taking-stuff/, Video tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNLquf-RcAw (PS: the family drama ends and training begins at the 2 minute mark). Uly started his transition onto the boiled hamburger and rice and Panacur and was doing well. Buy the smallest bag to try the new food., Add it to your dogs old food very gradually. An unusual reaction happens: an intricate set of nerves are triggered. The RGT greyhound food has a high wheat content - which is not recommended for dogs in general. The most common cause of diarrhea is dietary indiscretion, meaning your dog ingested something that irritated or introduced pathogenic bacteria into his digestive system. Its their unique life cycle and their ability to go dormant in tissue, that make them our most dreaded pest. If his stools dont firm up, call the vet. A good example of this is the raw diet. Pumpkin did not work for my dog, but many owners swear by it., Feed him a high-quality dry dog food designed for digestive issues, such as BilJac or Eukanuba (buyers tips below).. Some Greyhounds experience many food changes as they move from one situation to another, and they may be more prone to developing food allergies later in life. Bacteria builds up in those places, even if you clean the bowls every day. If the diarrhea is lasting longer than 24 hours or recurring frequently your pet will most likely need medicine and your vet may recommend additional testing. Hookworms are hard to eradicate, not only because they are easily transmitted, but also because de-wormers only work on adult hookworms found in the intestines. Highly Specialized Care for Special Animals, http://drsophiayin.com/resources/video_full/come_when_called, http://www.dogspelledforward.com/my-dog-keeps-taking-stuff/, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNLquf-RcAw, http://www.apdt.com/petowners/ts/default.aspx, http://www.animalbehavior.org/ABSAppliedBehavior/caab-directory, Have been punished for defecating (they try to hide the evidence and prevent the punishment), Have been confined and must defecate where they rest (they eat the stool to stay clean), Are not getting enough nutrition (stool can provide calories), Have an illness which causes the stool to be especially fragrant or inviting, Rule out a medical cause: such as malabsorption by having your dog and his stool examined by a veterinarian, Prevent and manage your dog from accessing his stool by: always walking him on a leash (and a head collar if necessary) to potty, and keeping the yard free of feces, and. Give your greyhound a daily acid reducer. Some hounds will look sad about this; but some greyhounds have excellent instincts, and are perfectly happy to skip a days meals after their digestive system has been worked so hard. After the 24 hours, feed him 1 cup of cooked rice with a Tablespoon of yogurt, and little chicken or hamburger, if you have some. Another concern, I believe, of the AKC is that an owner may not seek help from the vet when it is really necessary. Be sure you read all the way to the bottom of this article, so you dont miss the section on when you should call the vet. You can treat this diarrhea at home for your greyhounds immediate relief, but the worms need to be dealt with separately. Over the counter de-wormers are available, but they can be hit-or-miss. Examining poop gives us some clues as to the health and well-being of our canine companions. Hookworms are also zoonotic, passed from dog to human. Weve also learned a great deal about medications used to treat intestinal parasites and use both broad spectrum de-wormers, such as Panacur and Strongid, as well as those targeted for specific parasites, such as praziquantel (for tapeworms) or Albion (for coccidia) when needed. If a dog is having a problem with one of his internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, or pancreas, he may not be able to properly digest his food and will therefore have chronic diarrhea. Along with easing their transition, we hope the program also encourages new owners to consult with their veterinarian regarding GI problems and questions, states Grace Long, DVM, MS, MBA, director of technical marketing for Purina Veterinary Diets. This one-off type of diarrhea can be treated with a dose of Pepto-Bismol and more supervision. The main risks of the raw diet are that it is difficult to include all the nutrients appropriate for your dogs health, and costs five times more than even high-quality commercial kibble, not to mention increased risk of infection to everybody in your household, including your dog, from food poisoning and parasites associated with handling and feeding of raw meat. Some dogs have or may develop an allergy to certain ingredients in their food which will lead to chronic diarrhea. Now we know that dogs that eat poo are not defective or bad dogs we can work to change their unappealing gustatory urges. Just as some people are lactose intolerant, dogs can have problems digesting certain foods as well. If you feel you need help mastering the above training techniques please seek the help of a qualified, positive reinforcement based dog trainer at: http://www.apdt.com/petowners/ts/default.aspx. Use only bowls which are made out of dishwaher-safe material that doesnt scratch or pit. For her sensitive tummy, we had very good luck with our vets plan: feeding her Biljac with a little rice with chicken in it, some yogurt, splitting her daily food into two feedings, and giving her an acid-reducing tablet every day. . Bowls can become scratched and pitted with use. Is it quiet, away from the TV or other noise? If your doggie is treat-dependant, you can give him a little scrap of bread in place of a treat. Uly was a recent retiree. Recent research tells us that the majority of owners whose pets have GI issues do not seek veterinary care, because they either assume nothing can be done or because they believe they need to wait out the problem. Veterinary services and products are a valuable resource to all pet owners. If allowed to go on, it can have the followed effects: It can leave him dehydrated, which can be life-threatening. At the track, the dogs become infected with intestinal worms because of poor hygiene conditions and fleas. Veterinarians decide if a pet that has been brought into one of the designated Good Move Program shelters should be given a 30-day supply. Give your hounds system a 24-hour rest after a bout of serious diarrhea. The best thing to cut down future outbursts is bring down his anxiety level with a calmer environment. The easiest way to do this may be to simply to relocate your dogs bed. Change your dogs water before he eats, of course; but change it again, after he has finished. As his owner Cindy, a vet tech, explains. Based on individual needs, some pets moving to adoptive homes within 30 days may take the remaining supply with them. The reason for their poo snacking lies in the dogs scavenger genes whereby their wild ancestors derived nutrition by keeping poo on the menu. This is usually accompanied by weight loss, vomiting and lethargy as well and can be diagnosed with blood tests that can be performed at your vet clinic. . This article has the tools you need to deal with this very concerning condition: It starts when your greyhounds gut becomes inflamed, irritated by bacteria, something that doesnt agree with his tummy, or just plain stress. This is probably stress-induced. Lets face it we need to keep track of what comes out as well as what goes into our dogs. A signal goes to your greyhounds brain to gather water from the rest of his body, maybe even produce some mucous, as well; and send it to flood his digestive system, flushing out the offending substance. We put Jetty on ProPlan High Performance formula, a high protein diet, because the hookworms were preventing him from getting the nutrients he needed. Another common cause of diarrhea in dogs is intestinal parasites. Dogs that lick between their toes may be itching from penetration of hookworms through their skin. Some greyhounds will loosen right up when they are stressed-out. Often, this is hereditary, or just a quirk of your dogs personality. 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