2006;159:2416. Finding cardiovascular disease genes in the dog. J Vet Cardiol. Specifically, dogs were classified as controls if none of the inherited conditions under study were diagnosed. Schick R, Fadok V. Responses of atopic dogs to regional allergens: 268 cases (19811984). Breeds characteristically prone to GDV are large and giant breeds, particularly those with deep thoracic cavities [25]. As evidenced by some of the disorders in this study, different breeds likely shared distant ancestors if breeders sought similarities in function, morphology, and behavior. The findings of the present study may shed light on the possible origin of certain inherited disorders in domestic dog evolution. Inspection of the data indicates that prevalence for aortic stenosis, GDV, and dilated cardiomyopathy averaged less than 1 % in all dogs seen. Analysis of 88,635 dogs seen at the University of California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from 1995 to 2010 identified ten inherited conditions having greater prevalence within the purebred dog population as compared to the mixed-breed dog population: aortic stenosis, atopy/allergic dermatitis, gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV), early onset cataracts, dilated cardiomyopathy, elbow dysplasia, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, intervertebral disk disease (IVDD), and hepatic portosystemic shunt. PubMed In contrast, for aortic stenosis, gastric dilation volvulus, early onset cataracts, dilated cardiomyopathy, elbow dysplasia, epilepsy, and portosystemic shunt, the prevalence in most purebred groups was not distinct from that seen in the mixed-breed population. Finally, it would be ideal to have replicative data sets from multiple hospitals. Similar to the situation for aortic stenosis, when assessing the data for the haplotype share groupings, only retrievers and working dog 2 groups exhibited increased risk. For each disorder, healthy controls seen at the hospital during that same time period were matched for age, weight, and sex to each affected dog to determine risk of disease presentation in the purebred group as compared to that of the mixed-breed population. The P values presented and used to assess significant departures from an OR of 1.0 is the mean of the 50 individual values each computed from the randomly generated data sets. Furthermore, various dog breeds retain approximately 87 % of the genomic diversity seen in the ancestral wolf [36] suggesting sufficient genetic diversity exists within breeds provided breeders do not homogenize the breeds. Genetics. Lawler DF, Evans RH, Reetz JA, Sackman JE, Smith GK. Google Scholar. 2011;189(2):17782. For some disorders, certain breed groupings had a scarcity of affected dogs, such as for portosystemic shunt in retrievers. Estimating the prevalence of specific inherited disorders is an important component of assessing the welfare impact of disorders on the purebred dog population [15] and can provide insight into those disorders most amenable to improvement. Ubbink G, Van de Broek J, Hazewinkel H, Rothuizen J. Packer RM, Hendricks A, Volk HA, Shihab NK, Burn CC. Purebred groups with higher prevalence of particular disorders may reflect common ancestors or may be a consequence of selecting for a common structural morphology (e.g., shape or size). However, some disorders, such as hip dysplasia, are more uniformly observed in the dog population as a whole [6]. Although the resolution of the diagnosis of elbow dysplasia in the present study does not allow attribution of individual conditions to breeds as done by LaFond et al. In each of the 50 samples, a new control set was developed. In contrast, mastiff-like breeds which may be expected to be predisposed to the condition did not show an increased risk for elbow dysplasia over that of the mixed-breed population. [23], the breed groupings at risk described above do mirror their findings. How long and low can you go? The results offer an assessment of the distribution of inherited disorders within purebred dogs and illustrate how mixed-breed and subpopulations of purebred dogs do not differ statistically in prevalence for certain disorders. PubMed Despite the limitations outlined, they do not invalidate the characterization of the contribution to the risk of specific inherited disorders by particular breed groupings or lineage. Google Scholar. Google Scholar. Population structure and inbreeding from pedigree analysis of purebred dogs. Mixed-breed dogs were also stratified by the same criteria. Menegazzo L, Bussadori C, Chiavegato D, Quintavalla C, Bonfatti V, Guglielmini C, et al. The inherited conditions of aortic stenosis (a narrowing above the aortic heart valve or the aortic valve itself), atopy/allergic dermatitis (skin allergies), gastric dilatation volvulus (bloat/stomach dilation), early onset cataracts (a clouding of the lens inside the eye), dilated cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the chambers of the heart and thinning of the muscle wall), elbow dysplasia (abnormal growth of tissues that leads to malformation and degeneration of the joint), epilepsy (brain seizures), hypothyroidism (underactive production of thyroid hormones), intervertebral disk disease (problems with the disks between the vertebrae of the spine leading to neurological problems), and hepatic portosystemic shunt (an abnormal blood circulation where blood is diverted around the liver rather than into it) are more prevalent in purebred dogs than in mixed-breed. Anim Welf. Purebred dogs were also categorized into one of the 11 groupings based upon haplotype sharing as defined in Wayne and VonHoldt (2012) [14] (n = 55,353): ancient and spitz (n = 2946), herding (n = 4579), mastiff-like (n = 5548), retriever (n = 18,347), scent hounds (n = 3742), sight hounds (n = 761), small terriers (n = 2534), spaniels (n = 4315), toy (n = 5542), working dogs 1 (poodles and Havanese; n = 1923), and working dogs 2 (n = 5116) (Additional file 1: Table S1 and Additional file 2: Table S2). As noted above, the assignment of the German shepherd dog to the working dog 2 and the separate categories for retrievers and spaniels in the haplotype groupings may account for the difference observed between the AKC and haplotype groups. Herding and hound groups showed higher probabilities for four, non-sporting in five, working in six, and sporting in seven disorders as compared to the mixed-breed population. Acta Vet Scand. TB collected and collated the data, assisted in analysis, and aided interpretation of the data. Standard poodles are in the AKC non-sporting group but in the working dog 1 haplotype association scheme, Havanese are in the AKC toy group yet are categorized as haplotype working dog 1, and the AKC sporting group includes retriever and spaniel breeds while the haplotype sharing approach splits those into two distinct groups. Similarly, the haplotype sharing categories may not be intuitive to individuals more familiar with the AKC breed groupings. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. This concept is supported by the observation that the terrier group had lower risk when compared to the mixed-breed population. Ten inherited disorders in purebred dogs by functional breed groupings, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40575-015-0021-x, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. PubMed Inheritance of hypoadrenocorticism in bearded collies. It is known that many individual breeds show a higher than expected frequency of some disorders [710] suggesting that the higher prevalence of those disorders may be restricted to discrete subsets of the purebred dog population. Terms and Conditions, Inbreeding and genetic diversity in dogs: results from DNA analysis. Calboli FC, Sampson J, Fretwell N, Balding DJ. PubMed Central Ndtvedt A, Egenvall A, Bergval K, Hedhammar . Leading the way: canine models of genomics and disease. Article LaFond E, Breur GJ, Austin CC. Google Scholar. Vet Record. 2013;196:927. The mixed-breed population would not have experienced selection toward increased body length to height ratio and therefore have less susceptibility to IVDD. Article 2005;66:17384. Veterinary J. J Am Vet Med Assoc. Bonnett B, Egenvall A, Olson P, Hedhammer . Mortality in over 350,000 insured Swedish dogs from 19952000: I. Breed-, gender-, age- and cause-specific rates. Because the total number of dogs lacking a given condition far exceeded the number of dogs with the condition, to create the control population against which the dogs with the condition were compared, it was necessary to randomly sample among the dogs lacking the condition. This study represents a further analysis of the database interrogated in the report by Bellumori et al., [6] in which the prevalence of inherited conditions were compared between purebred and mixed-breed dog populations seen at a veterinary teaching hospital over a 15-year period. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. [6]. Breeds categorized by haplotype allele sharing as per Wayne and VonHoldt (2012) with speculated designations denoted in red font based upon Parker et al. Canine Genetics and Epidemiology Article Reproduc Domestic Animals. Data presented as mean OR (with 95 % CI) of the purebred group relative to mixed-breed dogs, mean P value of the matched control sampling sets, and the number of times (of 50) that those matched control sampling sets indicated a significant difference in probability that mixed-breed and purebred categories differed in prevalence of each condition (denoted in italics), Red upward arrows indicate a significant increased risk of presentation whereas green downward arrows indicate a reduced risk of the condition relative to mixed-breed dogs. Article When assessing the disorder among the haplotype allele sharing groups, mastiff-like, retriever, and working dog 2 groups displayed higher proportions than those of the mixed-breed group. CAS Understanding the genetic relationships behind a disease may provide new insight on how to best reduce its prevalence in the dog population as a whole. Analyzing the prevalence of the conditions in subdivisions of the purebred population based upon the American Kennel Club classification of breed group or by relatedness at a DNA sequence level revealed that three conditions, atopy/allergic dermatitis, hypothyroidism, and intervertebral disk disease, were common across the purebred population with many of the purebred groups showing higher risk than the mixed-breed population. Although some disorders are observed across the dog population as a whole [6], other disorders are observed with higher prevalence in the purebred dog population. The domestic dog is frequently cited as being an exceptional model for human inherited disorders due to the number of diseases identified, similarity in disease presentation, and population structure in the dog [1]. The ORs generated from each disorder analyses of the 50 sets were averaged along with the lower and upper 95 % CIs and the associated P values. Early onset cataracts showed a statistically greater probability of being found in two of the AKC breed groupings, the non-sporting and sporting groups. Brockman D, Washabau R, Drobatz K. Canine gastric dilatation/volvulus syndrome in a veterinary critical care unit: 295 cases (19861992). 2012;23:318. 2005;46:10520. The number of purebreds able to be categorized into the AKC breed groupings and used in the analyses was 65,952 while the number of purebreds categorized based upon allele sharing was 55,353. J Anim Sci. Thus individual dogs having one of these ten disorders were matched to a randomly selected dog from the control group having the same weight, sex, and age classification. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 2014;45(5):61828. 2014-0000-02. Ohad D, Avrahami A, Waner T, David L. The occurrence and suspected mode of inheritance of congenital subaortic stenosis and tricuspid valve dysplasia in Dogue de Bordeaux dogs. For instance, in AKC, the German shepherd dog is categorized as a member of the herding group whereas in the haplotype sharing scenario, German shepherd dogs are associated with the working dog 2 category, sharing genomic similarities to the Doberman pinscher and Portuguese water dog. Despite the commonly held notion that mixed-breed dogs display fewer inherited disorders than purebred dogs [25], actual data suggests a more nuanced interpretation. Similarly, the inability to determine risk for individual breeds reflects insufficient representation of every individual breed thereby preventing meaningful analyses of the contribution of individual breeds to genetic risk of a particular disorder. CAS Technical Report No. The data presented here suggests that for some disorders associated with morphological selection, differential emphases in breed standards could reduce the incidence of inherited disorders in the purebred population [37]. Article 2008;9:71325. In the haplotype groupings, the retrievers and spaniels both showed a significant predisposition for cataracts as did the mastiff-like and working dog 1 groups. Study limitations: Notwithstanding the evaluation of ~ 90,000 dogs, a limitation to the study is that the data was derived from a regional referral teaching hospital. 2011;189:14754. Nevertheless, utilizing functional and genomic relationships yielded meaningful associations of risk for purebred groupings. For each condition, the random sampling from the control dogs was repeated [6]. Retriever breeds account for the risk in the AKC sporting group. The objective of the present study was to ascertain if disorders having statistically higher prevalence in the purebred population could be attributed to particular purebred dog group classifications, such as American Kennel Club (AKC) breed groupings or groups having genomic similarities based upon allele sharing [14]. Disorders that require more extensive diagnostic procedures may also inflate the risk determined because motivation to fully diagnose a condition may differ between owners of purebred and mixed-breed dog owners. Disorders having reliable diagnostics were selected to reflect different physiological systems with an expected impact on quality of life. A larger sample of hospital records may mitigate this limitation. [7] reported that certain disorders, such as elbow dysplasia and portosystemic shunt, are more likely to be found in dogs of related ancestral origin. J Am Vet Med Assoc. Frequent common ancestors in a pedigree have been implicated in reduced fitness and health [3, 28, 29] and loss of genetic diversity [30] although a study of dogs in the United Kingdom found that recent levels of inbreeding were less extensive than previously believed [31]. O'Grady MR, Holmberg DL, Miller CW, Cockshutt JR. Canine congenital aortic stenosis: a review of the literature and commentary. Cite this article. Epidemiology of surgical castration of dogs and cats in the United States. 2013;197:3517. Studies that have comprehensively assessed the genetic diversity of particular dog breeds have uncovered contradictions to the assumption that loss of diversity and inbreeding correlates with reduced health. Springer Nature. The proportion of mixed-breed and subclassifications of purebred dogs for each of those conditions was determined to distinguish what specific backgrounds may contribute to the inherited conditions seen with higher prevalence in the purebred population or if in fact, purebreds as a whole were more at risk than the mixed-breed dogs. Cookies policy. 2013;242:154955. 2010;3:2734. Voith VL, Ingram E, Mitsouras K, Irizarry K. Comparison of adoption agency breed identification and DNA breed identification of dogs. An additional limitation is that for some groupings, a condition may be rare or the number of dogs classified in a particular group was not frequently seen at the teaching hospital leading to imprecise risk estimates. 2014;2014. Lund E. Epidemiology of canine atopic dermatitis. When compared to the mixed-breed population would not have experienced selection toward increased body length height... 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