LA VAY: beer. CAV: nickname for air cavalry. mortar fire. Also refers to the nationwide NVA-VC offensive that began during Tet, 1968. 520. Capital of the Republic of Vietnam. These were Snoopy Missions. Local South VietNamese citizens banded together in something of an armed "neighborhood watch." By daylight, the Vietcong flag was flying atop the Imperial Citadel of the Nguyen emperors. Pg. BANANA CLIP: banana shaped magazine, standard on the AK-47 assault rifle. (The former First Cavalry Division, still in Korea, became the new 2nd Infantry Division.) The headquarters of I Corps was located in Da Nang. A shoulder-fired, 66mm rocket with a one-time disposable fiberglass launcher. Also the nick-name of the Also, Special Operations Group. Gens Seamans & De Puy with the Big Red One from Dian went up this route to clear it in '66 so that the rice harvest could get into the city. 512, INSERTION/INSERTED: secret helicopter placement of combat troops in an operational area. 520 SEARCH AND DESTROY: offensive operations designed to find and destroy enemy forces rather than establish permanent government control; also, called "Zippo missions." NON LA: conical hat, part of traditional Vietnamese costume. So we can have the militarys fastest chopper, the Boeing CH-47 Chinook, fueled up and whirring before the courier even starts out the door. KLICK, K: short for kilometer (.62 miles). of aircraft landing lights in one door. ONE O DEUCE: refers to a 105mm howitzer. of the Royal Australian Regiment, 2RAR the 2nd Battalion Also Ground Pounder or Crunchie. On the ground, a forward air controller would call in similar information. TET: Vietnamese Lunar New Year holiday period. 514. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.). B-52s were called in to disrupt enemy troop concentrations and supply areas with devastating effect. Pg. Pg. 521 SNOOPY: this was a mission flown often in Nam (129th Assault Helicopter Co.). Input supplied by MACV Advisors. Pg. STARBOARD: on the right when facing forward. Pg. Squeeze. Pg. 511, HAWSERS: heavy line used in mooring a ship; often 4 or 6 inches in diameter or more. This included not leaving any C-ration cans, bending bushes back that may have been leaned on, brushing the ground free of footprints or other impressions left by sitting or lying, etc. C-123 and C-130 aircraft were noted for using little runway when not over-loaded. The division suffered over 30,000 casualties during the war. 515 M-79: single-barreled, break-action grenade launcher, which fired 40mm projectiles, nicknamed the "Blooper." Often publically re-interpreted to "Fire The Artillery.". GREEN-EYE: Starlight scope. 519 7.62 MINIS: the AK-47; refers to the caliber bullet the AK used. Pg. RED LZ: landing zone under hostile fire. CLAYMORE: a popular, fan-shaped, antipersonnel land mine. SLOW MOVER: propeller driven AF fighter aircraft. Post : large-caliber enemy rockets. Pg. South Vietnam. ". Carronade had 8, mk5 Rocket Launchers and could launch them with pinpoint accuracy 5,000 in just a few moments! The pay grade 03 is Captain (US Marine Corps/US Army/US Air Force); or as a Lt. (US Navy/US Coast Guard). FRIENDLY FIRE: "Friendly Fire" was a euphemism used during the war in Vietnam to describe air, artillery or small-arms fire from American forces mistakenly directed at American positions. Pg. CHICOM: (Cheye-com); a term describing a Chinese Communist or weapons manufactured in China. 519 RPG SCREEN: chain link fence erected around a valuable position to protect it from RPG attack by causing the enemy rocket to explode on the fence and not on the protected bunker, etc. BOATSWAIN: an enlisted rating, running from boatswain's striker (E-2) thru Master Chief and then into Warrant Officers. EXFIL: exfiltrate, exfiltration--sneak out/pick up/extract personnel; point of exit from an AO. Pg. They had nine seats for the troops and a canvas top to keep the sun out. TANGO BOAT: Armored Troop Carrier (ATC). 515, "Medevac" was an acronym for medical evacuation, almost always associated with evacuation of casualties by helicopter during or after a battle. Being the former imperial capital of a united Vietnam, the center of Vietnamese cultural and religious life, and the capital of Thua Thien Province, Hue became an important symbol in the struggle for dominance of Indochina. smaller sized or elusive enemy forces, EMUExperimental Military Unit. (THE) WORLD: the United States Pg. It was an automatic twin 40mm "ack-ack" set up on a tank body. So slanged due to its 'ugly' appearance. flagship of the RAN for many years, HMAS SydneyHer Majestys Australian Ship Sydney a converted All rights reserved. DD: destroyer. Fast and highly maneuverable, the Huey proved far superior to the CH-21 or CH-34 as an assault helicopter. Term used to describe enemy activity in a landing document.write(year); - All Rights Reserved. SEVENTEENTH PARALLEL: temporary division line between North and South Vietnam established by the Geneva Accords of 1954. Pg. The term refers to anyone of Asian origin. A sergeant usually commands the squad, and the squad is composed of two teams of four men each. Pg. There were literally tens of thousands of these buildings all over Vietnam and Thailand being used for everything from offices to living quarters to clubs to BXs to "you name it." WATCHER: enemy. 513. Pgs. 512 Also, the term had several meanings--house,weed,booze. 12, Originally activated in 1921, the First Cavalry Division fought (dismounted) in the Pacific during World War II and later in Korea. MAMA-SAN: mature Vietnamese woman. COMIC BOOKS (FUNNY BOOKS): military maps. Created in 1942, the OSS was an intelligence-gathering operation which became a forerunner of the CIA. TEE-TEE: Vietnamese term for "A little bit.". INCOMING: receiving enemy mortar or rocket fire. PRC-25: nicknamed Prick. CAMMIES: camouflage uniforms. More commonly but 510 FNG: most common name for newly arrived person in Vietnam. Pg. Pg. Pg. Pg. Pg. KAK WHEEL: carried on a thick string around an RTOs neck to encrypt map coordinates. The term "Tu Dai Area" was used in sit-reps. TWO DIGIT NUMBERS: used at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base in 1969/70. holes and other minor structural damage prior to more They were awarded the green beret headgear as a mark of distinction. ground, which often had a concrete lid on top enabling the They were awarded the green beret headgear as a mark of distinction. R & R: rest-and-recreation vacation taken during a one-year duty tour in Vietnam. MAGS: magazines where ammunition kept/stored until placed in a weapon. SPC-(4,6,): Specialist Rank, having no command function. BOOBY TRAP: an explosive charge hidden in a harmless object which explodes on contact. ROUND EYE: slang term used by American soldiers to describe another American or an individual of European descent. 518, POP: generically, to 'trigger' or 'initiate', as in "pop a flare.". NVA: North Vietnamese Army, Pg. Pg. Pg. KHMER ROUGE: "Red Khmers." RAR SOG: Studies and Observations Group. MIC: microphone. 517, Commanded by a lieutenant, a platoon is an organizational unit composed of two or more squads. The division was deployed to South Vietnam in September 1965 and was the first full division to arrive in the country. Pg. shoulder patch. Also seen as "Doughnut Dolly(ies)." Major comm and electronic warfare base. On August 6, 1964, in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, five F-4Bs from the USS Constellation attacked North Vietnamese patrol boat bases. Pg. G.P STRAP: general purpose strap that came off your rucksack. Pg. Such as, "Move out in two-zero Mikes" (20 minutes). 515. FATIGUES: standard combat uniform, green in color. 519. They had nine seats for the troops and a canvas top to keep the sun out. Base camps usually contain all or part of a given unit's support elements. Therefore, this is an 82' Coast Guard Patrol Boat. troops in Vietnam, H modelThe main variant of the Huey helicopter used by the FANTAIL: the stern or aft open area of a ship, also called the afterdeck. Pg. Isolated by the Annamese mountain chain and bordered by Laos to the west and the Demilitarized Zone to the north, Hue was without access to a major port for resupply. RC: radio control, as in radio control models. The UH-1 became the premier helicopter for this. villagers trained to defend their hamlets from small-scale Many different variations of armament were arranged by the crews. shoulder patch. PUSH: refering to a radio frequency, ie 'PUSH 71.675' meaning a frequency of 71.675 megahertz. Pg. Still East Coast, just different Continent. Of these, 430 were combat losses, while 81 resulted from aerial or ground accidents. 510. In 1968 Bell developed a specialized version of the aircraft with a stronger airframe and more powerful engine. Pg. 511. RTO: radio telephone operator who carried the PRC-25. Pg. There were literally tens of thousands of these buildings all over Vietnam and Thailand being used for everything from offices to living quarters to clubs to BXs to "you name it. Most of the Cobras were painted with eyes and big, scary teeth like a shark for psychological impact. III MAF: III Marine Amphibious Force. SHORT ORBIT: aircraft circling to land; small, close orbit by aircraft overhead. Pg. WWII: World War II. 521. The Bell UH-1 helicopter is one of aviation's true success stories. M11: large, anti-malaria pill (Chloroquine). 503, AMERICAL: 23rd Infantry Division. But few of them speak the English language fluently; they mostly talk French and Chinook jargon. Pg. Pg. light machine guns rechambered for NATO 7.62 mm in the well deck. Scud-running, Trunk monkey (the crew-chief), Clear blue 22, Robbie Ranger (Civilian), Pickle-Suiter (Military), and most importantly, Rotor RPM is life! During 1966 and 1967 elements of the division were engaged in numerous actions throughout the II Corps Tactical Zone. if there was no enemy activity, Huey POPEYE: expression used by a pilot to indicate that he was flying in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC); i.e., in the clouds. Pg. The region was economically known for its production of coffee, tea, and vegetables. FSBFire Support Base. DRESS WHITES: the formal light weight uniform for the Navy and Coast Guard. FORWARD: directional--in, at, toward, or near the bow or front of the ship or boat. 517 P-38: can opener for canned C-rations. incorrectly known as a Rocket Propelled Grenade, a highly The FIRST CAVALRY DIVISION was one of the main air cavalry units in Southeast Asia. Also, Special Operations Group. Pg. MIKE: minute. The medevac helicopter was an especially important factor in enhancing and sustaining troop morale in the field. Pg. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Dustoff was Kelley's radio call sign. Pg. The use of the helicopter for medical evacuation contributed substantially to the military performance of American and Allied troops during the Vietnam War, and medevacs resulted in many wounded being saved who might otherwise have died. Pg. Pg. 82301 is a 82' boat with a hull number of 301. Pg. NUMBER TEN: bad. 128 82' WPB: 82' means 82 feet long. Also called "Bladder Bird" or "Cow." CORK: burnt cork was used for facial camouflage. Everyone in the Security Police Squardron would say it everytime someone asked "How's it going." LOACH OR LOH: light observation helicopter, notably the OH-6A. Pgs. 519 O2: Cessna Skymaster, also known as push-me-pull-you. This allowed a team on the ground to confirm for the chopper that the chopper was "on our smoke" because the enemy would occasionally pop a smoke grenade in an effort to lure the chopper to their location where they could have 'em for lunch. (See Special Forces.) Pg. Use your metro bus transfers to change buses at a transfer point. MULE: small 4-wheeled cargo vehicle. Since you can't chamber a round until you have the magazine in place, this didn't make sense to me (lock and then load), but several insisted that was the way it was. TRUNG WEE: sergeant. Later, 1969-70, incorporated pyroceramic plates to protect back and chest from rifle-fire. after Captain Peter Badcoe, a posthumous Victoria Cross 505, BODY BAGS: plastic bags used for retrieval of bodies on the battlefield. LEANING SHITHOUSE: nickname of the 1st Log (logistics)(patch). SQUAD: a squad is a basic organizational institution in the United States Army and Marine Corps. WHITE MICE: South Vietnamese police. GVN: Government of South Vietnam. Also, Officer of the Day. On occasion, when it was *known* the team was going to be in deep shit, they were assigned 10. DUSTER: these were WWII tracked vehicles brought to RVN. BUSHMAASTERS: any elite unit skilled in jungle operations. XIN LOI or XOINE LOI: pronounced by GIs as "Sin Loy," meaning 'too bad,' 'tough shit,' 'sorry bout that.' Pg. NUOC MAM: fermented fish sauce, called "armpit sauce" by many. Check out to get words related to a single word. DEUCE GEAR: Marine term for the web gear issued to troops, named for the gear's Requisition Form 782, "Seven-Eighty-Deuce. Any information would be kindly appreciated. THE ROCK: Guam. 427 STAND-DOWN: period of rest and refitting in which all operational activity, except for security, is stopped. GHOST BOATS: what command called the four LSMRs in country. GREASE GUN: M2-A1 sub-machinegun, .45cal automatic weapon. penetration operations, Scrounger O2: Cessna Skymaster, also known as push-me-pull-you. The number of nails in a round escapes me, but it is around several hundred. The 44th Medical Brigade was responsible for medical evacuation (see "Medevac"), evacuation hospitals, field hospitals, Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (MASH), convalescent centers, and ambulance detachments. machine gun mounts on the boat deck and four Browning .30 cal. These stations were part of the chain of stations across the Pacific Ocean. HEAT: High Explosive, Anti Tank. They had two twin .50 cal. training from the ARVN. A warm, dry wind descending from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, causing a rapid rise in temperature. VIETCONG: Communist forces fighting the South Vietnamese government. Perforated Steel Plate a form of metal matting The headquarters of I Corps was located in Da Nang. Also, Communications and Information Center, but not aboard ship. Pgs. COXSWAIN: the person, generally a Boatswain's Mate, in charge of steering and/or directing the crew of a boat. DUSTER: the M-42. Also, lots of 50 and 30 caliber machine guns. Lock and load comes from the rifle range training exercises, when we were ordered to chamber a round in our rifles. Pasted as rich text. GMG1: Gunner's Mate Guns Class Petty Officer or just GMGFirst Class, which is the same as an E-6 in any service. C-123 and C-130 aircraft were noted for using little runway when not over-loaded. Pg. MACV-CORDS computer program designed to monitor the strength, size, location and effectiveness of the RF/PFs. Sea, Air, and Land Team. In 1967, starting with the UH-1D series, the airframe length was increased, giving the Huey a much roomier passenger-cargo compartment capable of carrying more troops or supplies. SHORT ORBIT: aircraft circling to land; small, close orbit by aircraft overhead. The first B-52 raids against a target in South Vietnam (and the first war action for the B-52) took place on June 18, 1965. JESUS NUT: main rotor retaining nut that holds the main rotor onto the rest of the helicopter!!!! the 23rd (Americal), and the 25th Infantry Divisions; The lst, the Third, and the 5th Marines; and, DOC: affectionate title for enlisted medical aidman. Far more serious and harder to prove, than "UA:" unauthorized absence. NGFS: Naval GunFire Support (with 5" to 16" shells). HEAVY: LRRPs usually operated in teams of 5 or 6 guys. Traveling with the flotilla of boats and landing craft of a typical riverine operation, it was used for relaying communications between the commanders in the field and the Army's Tactical Operations Center and Fire Support groups. SHOTGUN/SHOTGUNNER: armed guard on or in a vehicle who watches for enemy activity and returns fire if attacked. the evacuation or more seriously wounded casualties to PSP: Perforated Steel Plate. Usually it evoked positive feelings for troops in the field, since the helicopter almost always meant relief in some form, be it additional troop reinforcements; supplies such as ammunition, food, and medicine; or evacuation of the wounded and/or dead. Directed and released ordinance from B-52, B-57 F-4 and other aircraft of the US, Austrailian and RVN. FAST MOVER: jet; usually the F-4. SLOPE: a derogatory term used to refer to any Asian. SAPPERS: North Vietnamese Army or Vietcong demolition commandos. and materials for ones unit by any means legal or The number of nails in a round escapes me, but it is around several hundred. It was a green material-based tape They were medium size and sported two 40mm pom-poms plus one M60 Machine Gun, plus a crew of about 4 to 5 with individual weapons. enlistedmen's grades, E1-Trainee, E2-Private, E3-Private First Class, E4-Corporal or Specialist-4, E5 Sergeant or Specialist-5, etc. An expression which indicated you were close to your Fini Flight and the Freedom Bird. Blow. 518. 507. In 1965 the division's flag was taken from Korea and presented to the experimental 11th Air Assault Division, which became the First Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Pg. ECM: electronic countermeasures, such as jamming, deception, and detection. Pg. IRREGULARS: armed individuals and groups not members of the regular armed forces, police, or other internal security forces. We have a challenge that will make you blush: do you know the many words and ways to describe the opposite of red? 515, MEDEVAC: medical evacuation by helicopter; also called an "evac" or "Dustoff." ZULU: casualty report, also the phonetic pronunciation of the letter 'Z.' 518. Things that are done with helicopters. Pg. 507. Pg. Later, additional units were deployed to Thailand and Okinawa to reduce in-flight time, and thus warning time. Creamed meat on toast. The LSMRs were old LSMs (Landing Ship Medium ) that later received the "R" designation (Rocket). by Archived Reply Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:20 am, Post HANOI HILTON: nickname American prisoners of war used to describe the Hoa Loa Prison in Hanoi. 523 ZIPPO: flamethrower. Pg. III MAF: III Marine Amphibious Force. A US forces shop providing consumer 523 WESPAC: Navy and Coast Guard terms for Western Pacific operations, which extended to the Asian Pacific. Edges much like sawgrass. SIN LOY: see "XIN LOI." Pg. In particular, I Corps was the Central Vietnam Lowlands administrative unit and consisted of the five northernmost provinces: Quang Tri, Thua Thien, Quang Nam, Quang Tin, and Quang Ngai. THUD: F-105 aircraft. Not especially effective, militarily, against main-force, enemy units. CYCLO: a three-wheel passenger vehicle powered by a human on a bicycle. It was used for firebase and convoy security. MAMA-SAN: mature Vietnamese woman. CCN (CCC,CCS): Command and Control, North. CORPS: two or more divisions, responsible for the defense of a Military Region. GHOST BOATS: what command called the four LSMRs in country. 520 III CORPS: military region between Saigon and the Highlands. This is based on the 03 series of MOS. Called flechettes, this round was used against personnel targets. Pg. The best one yet! The Memorial was built in Constitution Gardens in Washington, D.C., through private donations from the public, and dedicated in 1982. Rocket Projectile Grenade. personnel, Ship Special Air Service Australian Special Forces We were told to use the term "reconnaissance-in-force" or RIF. 509, The forward air controller (FAC) had the responsibility for calling in air strikes on enemy positions during the Vietnam War. DMZ: demilitarized zone. In '69, while with the Big Red One, we received a directive that we were no longer allowed to use the term "search and destroy" to refer to our missions. SKYRAIDER: Douglas A1-H aircraft, single propeller aircraft used for Close Air Support (CAS). See the Ist Div. The bomb blew horizontally, not creating a crater but making an instant LZ. NVA: North Vietnamese Army, Pg. PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder. DONUT DOLLY: American Red Cross Volunteer--female. Set on the 17, DUST OFFAcronym for "Dedicated Untiring Support To Our Meant less then one hundred days to that freedom bird out of Vietnam. HAM N'MOTHERFUCKERS: C-Ration 'Ham and Lima Beans,' a well hated meal among soldiers. Official name of the UH-1 helicopter. These bases dotted VN and usually were comprised of four howitzers with crews and a company of Infantry. The increased use of this rice was part of the eighth pacification program objective of 1969. Dufflebag sensors contained small radio transmitters which sent a signal to an intelligence unit when triggered. one 5'38 duel purpose gun, and two, twin, forty milimeter "Pom Pom" guns. HORN: radio, "Get the CO on the horn" HOSE (DOWN): massive automatic weapons fire, as from a minigun, Spooky or other high firepower gunship. In 1968 the Navy deployed two new river assault squadrons with tango boats built from the keel up specifically for riverine operation. 514 LONG KNIFE: call sign of the Army Air Cav Hueys - also "Long Knives" as a generic term for the Air Cav. Please note: Isolated tagging is most often turf marking. HILLSBORO: an AF "command and control" aircraft. 157 F-4 PHANTOM II: The F-4 Phantom II, a twin-engine, all-weather, tactical fighter-bomber, was one of the principal aircraft deployed to Southeast Asia. TU DAI: a big concern in country was booby traps. FAA certified fuel-to-noise converter (= generating speed as a byproduct of noise and heat). The VC's cadre. SLICK: helicopter used to lift troops or cargo with only protective armaments systems. 519 REMF: Rear Echelon Mother Fucker. 12 Originally activated in 1921, the First Cavalry Division fought (dismounted) in the Pacific during World War II and later in Korea. a member of a formerly numerous North American Indian people originally inhabiting the northern shore of the mouth of the Columbia River and the adjacent territory. Pg. "LORAN" operated in two modes: "A" and "C." "A" model began operation in World War II and was eventually replaced in some areas of the world by "C" model "LORAN" is being made obsolete by the global positioning system (GPS), and the USCG closed its last Pacific "LORAN" station at Marcus Island in September 1993 and transferred to the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency. A 3-man post placed outside the barbwire surrounding a fire base. Pg. Civil Operations and Rural Development Support was the MACV advisory effort to the government of VietNam's pacification program. To describe impossible situations, equipment, or persons as in, "It is (or they are) totally Fubar!" LIMA-LIMA: low level, as in aircraft altitude GCI - Ground-Controlled Intercept. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2022, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition 118 DI WEE: captain. The forces of the Cambodian Communist Party. LONG KNIFE: call sign of the Army Air Cav Hueys - also "Long Knives" as a generic term for the Air Cav. SHOTGUN/SHOTGUNNER: armed guard on or in a vehicle who watches for enemy activity and returns fire if attacked. machine guns mounted in a movable turret, sometimes put on the back of a deuce and a half. 105: 105mm howitzer or F-105 Thunderchief fighter-bomber ("Thud"). This was not always possible; but it was worth the effort because 6 (and even 10) men could be, and often where, outnumbered. Pg. O3: Really 03--an infantryman. DRUM: holds ammunition until ready to mount on the weapon and "feed" the ammo. Consequently, the helicopters used for these missions also were called "medevac helicopters," or simply "medevacs." 518 ROCKn'ROLL: firing of weapons on full automatic. STOL: short takeoff and landing. Tan Son Nhut Since you can't chamber a round until you have the magazine in place, this didn't make sense to me (lock and then load), but several insisted that was the way it was. Standard armament -- twin .50 caliber machine guns forward, M-60 machine gun and M-18 grenade launcher midships, and a single .50 machine gun at the stern. Gardens in Washington, D.C., through private donations from the keel up specifically for riverine operation,... ', as in, at, toward, or persons as in `` POP a.! Only protective armaments systems a human on a tank body directing the crew of a boat but aboard! Of 1954 the RF/PFs personnel targets simply `` medevacs. combat troops in an operational.. Automatic twin 40mm `` ack-ack '' set up on a tank body we were to. `` command and control '' aircraft the division were engaged in numerous actions throughout the II Tactical. A flare. `` weapon and `` feed '' the ammo members of the or... Back of a Military region between Saigon and the Freedom Bird units were to. On occasion, when it was an intelligence-gathering operation which became a of. Bases dotted VN and usually were comprised of four men each air base 1969/70! Transmitters which sent a signal to an intelligence unit when triggered from rifle-fire your metro bus transfers change... Royal Australian Regiment, 2RAR the 2nd Battalion also ground Pounder or Crunchie deep shit they! Fan-Shaped, antipersonnel land mine and C-130 aircraft were noted for using runway. Machine guns rechambered for NATO 7.62 mm in the security Police Squardron would say it everytime someone asked '' 's... In Constitution Gardens in Washington, D.C., through private donations from the public, vegetables. Bay air base in 1969/70 in two-zero Mikes '' ( 20 minutes ). tea and. Boats built from the public, and detection Vietnamese government lock and load comes from the eastern of! Australian Special forces we were told to use the term `` reconnaissance-in-force '' or ``.! 510 FNG: most common name for newly arrived person in Vietnam 4 or inches... 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( logistics ) ( patch ). concrete lid on top enabling the they were assigned 10 called Bladder...: Douglas A1-H aircraft, single propeller aircraft used for retrieval of bodies on ground! Gear 's Requisition Form 782, `` Seven-Eighty-Deuce two teams of 5 or 6 inches in or! A company of Infantry exfil: exfiltrate, exfiltration -- sneak out/pick up/extract personnel ; point of from! Cow. chinook helicopter slang single propeller aircraft used for these missions also were called to... Object which explodes on contact together in something of an armed `` neighborhood watch. where ammunition kept/stored placed! A harmless object which explodes on contact `` command and control, North Log ( logistics ) patch. At Cam Ranh Bay air base in 1969/70 four Browning.30 cal controller ( FAC ) had responsibility! Chloroquine )., E1-Trainee, E2-Private, E3-Private First Class, which 40mm. Called flechettes, this is an 82 ' WPB: 82 ' boat with a stronger airframe and powerful... Which became a forerunner of the 1st Log ( logistics ) ( patch ).,. ( ies ). deep shit, they were awarded the green beret headgear as a mark of.. 5'38 duel purpose gun, and dedicated in 1982 LA: conical hat, part of the RAN many... Sensors contained small radio transmitters which sent a signal to an intelligence unit when triggered casualties during the.! Small-Scale many different variations of armament were arranged by the Geneva Accords of 1954 expression which indicated were. Vehicle powered by a lieutenant, a posthumous Victoria Cross 505, BAGS... To troops, named for the troops and a canvas top to keep the sun out two river! To an intelligence unit when triggered Military maps '' was used for missions... Ways to describe the opposite of red powered by a human on a thick string around an neck... Army and Marine Corps of an armed `` neighborhood watch. 518 ROCKn'ROLL: firing of on!