The day he died, he had a seizure in the morning. She was a 7 yr old German Shepherd and the sweetest, smartest girl. She was fine and doing well until Feb 2021. We just had to put down Kalie a 13 yr old love of our lives. She's been very healthy all her life. We had 13 yrs with a wonderful friend. Sadly I had to say goodbye. We took Murphy home to spend a few more days with him to make sure we say our proper good byes and to love on him like he deserves. Fast forward 3 vet trips later and i made the kindest decision to let him cross the rainbow bridge. At first he seemed to be no better, but slowly gained strength and was eating. He was fine the rest of the dayuntil he got another seizure that last very long. Our german shepherd passed away today. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) conducted a study and concluded that German Shepherds were one of the most dangerous breeds based on bite severity and frequency of biting. Luckily he hadnt gone in the garden as he was too ill after the surgery to get out there otherwise I wouldnt have known. We decided yesterday not to have him in anymore pain and put him to sleep. The vet said with her age and current state of health it would be unlikely she would survive the surgery and if she did it would only give her a few months. She was given a week at the most and as few as days at best. I called the vet but they were closed but the vm gave me the number of another emergency vet. After reading this, I know I made the righr decision to put her down. She acted like it hurt when she tried to sit down and couldnt jump up on my bed as she loved to do. What a horrible word to use. We had insurance (Trupanion) who were incredible - when we called them, they just said - don't worry about the costs, do what's needed for your dog. It cant be easy. She showed me how to massage Keesha for her arthritis pain management, with some herbal and homeopathic options. Devastation doesn't even describe the feelings we have. She was a lab and celebrated her 14th birthday two weeks ago. Jessileigh887 He was bleeding out. November 17, 2020 Love her so much! Thank you for this article. Until this weekend. When is the right time to consider euthanasia? To recap, I agreed with the vet based on the exams performed at the time that the advance distended stomach due to severe hematoma had gripped our baby and she was almost at the very end. Devastation doesn't even describe the feelings we have. It was holiday time by time we got him to vet they thought he had a bacterial infection he was put on an antibiotic we were told to give it 3 days by that Saturday he was not better he was put in hospital for 4 days fluids and iv antibiotics, they said he could come home, he did seem like he was getting better then his gums turned white the vet had me pick up prednisone we did that for four days. This time, the entire few hours that we spent at the vet, she laid perfectly still in my arms, in a blanket, with her little shaved belly exposed so she wouldnt get too hot. Restless. His always had sort of a sensitive tummy and it seemed to be getting a little worse and we put it down to his teeth he was eating grass and being sick more often then 3 days before he died he stopped eating and drinking I was using a stringe to give water and he liked it otherwise he wouldnve walked off but he stayed to get fluids I managed to get him to eat a sausage (as in the raw ones on a string he loved ) and way Monday came he went vets I explained everything they should have known anyway and what peed me off is everytime I d took him vets at the end Id say can you check his belly his got a sensitive tummy oh it feels fine ! March 17th took her out at 630am no issues took her out around 1230 no problems but moving slow. She keeps looking like she is sleeping in my lap. . To recap, I agreed with the vet based on the exams performed at the time that the advance distended stomach due to severe hematoma had gripped our baby and she was almost at the very end. Jennas mom I'm crying now. Our Livvie was going to die and her days were numbered, this is a fact which I have since accepted. Obviously, after the initial splenectomy, I opted for chemo as she is so young. Appt made for TODAY, for ultrasound with her primary vet. Comments policy | She looks better today than when she started looking a bit I'll a week ago. I pray to God that when it's her time, it will be fast for her. He was given a transfusion and other medication to stabilize him for surgery. My vet told me I did all i could to help her but i keep thinking about the "if only's." $10000 for a blood transfusion but no guarantee after such trauma. We lost our 10 year old Maltese this past week.He grew a tumor on his Spleen this summer and we had it removed in late July, we was doing chemo and taking the herbal supplements. Do you have to show proof of a service dog? To submit a commentary for consideration, email They also were breed for dog fighting so they have the edge there. I didnt think anything of it though. In fact, had his annual checkup in December and was given a clean bill of health. I had very little time to comprehend it all and im still struggling as we speak. All 3 sleep next to one another and all 3 are inside furbabies.Boo/Golden & Ella/Australian Shephard, but Zoey/Corgi is the alpha. He still has a good appetite, wags his tail, goes for walks, although I can tell he is slowing down. She had been peeing blood when I took her in, and asked them to get a pic of her abdomen, because she always had a bulge, especially after eating. Thank you for the information. lol Prayers Appreciated! I did get her in on Mar 8 and was told she was anemic, jaundiced, pale and some dehydration, and the vet wanted to give her an iv with fluids and blood and some meds and i could get her back in 3-4 hours. We opted not to go for surgery due to the low life expectancy and his age, yesterday we noticed his stomach was very bloated and he was out of breath on his walk, we took him to the vets and scans showed lots of fluid in the abdomen which they thought to be blood, they think his spleen had ruptured. Why did I have to put her down. I know that this can be considered as selfish and perhaps if I had gone in this direction, I would have now been expressing a different wish but this is the exact struggle, i.e, having total power over a beloved companion's final act. His tumor was in his heart. She has always been so healthy, no surgeries nothing! My phone rang within 5 minutes and they told me Maggie had died when she was being prepared for surgery. I miss her every minute of every day. Just lost our sweet girl, Kaya, on 9/8/21. April 19, 2021 Our Romeo is an 11 y/o standard poodle, who was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma a week ago. I take her to the ER, they do a fastscan, no apparent bleeding, no temp, seems well enough. October 17, 2020 My last girl died in my arms after collapsing. Romeo also has addison and heart murmur; his doctor did not recommend a splenectomy. We spent time with him in a room, where I tried to be strong, for Louie, since he wad so in tuned with my emotions, I tried to mask my sadness. She showed me how to massage Keesha for her arthritis pain management, with some herbal and homeopathic options. August 7, 2020 . A few weeks prior he started to slow down and was diagnosed with hip pain which is common for dogs his age. There was absolutely no warning signs until it was too late, no change in appetite or anything. I took him to the vet on Friday 4/16. I took her out to go potty, she squatted to do her business and jumped up like she had an itch. I did this all day and stayed up late to check on her. April 6, I had a house fire, and felt like my world was turned upside down. My life stood still for the next few minutes. John D. Nelson The vet found blood in his abdomen and they knew right away. He did not look like he would survive the drive so we opted to euthanize him. I shot a video and sent it to my vet so she could see my concern.She told me to go to the ER straight away. The emergency doctor and techs were very compassionate. The package says use for 5 days and 2 weeks off. It was a huge relief not to base our decisions based on the costs. They told me that they could give her blood transfusions and possibly do a splenectomy but her chances of surviving the operation were very low and if she did survive she might not live for very long because this kind of tumor can spread to her other organs. She has been weaker in the back end for years, some days better than others. Luckily my girl is still with me, it's been over a year since I got those tests and diagnoses, but I think her spleen has been enlarged for way longer than that, but no one would take concern when I asked about a bulging stomach. Just lost our beloved Stella, a 9 y/o Portuguese Water Dog to this horrific disease 12/18/2021. Vets found blood in his abdomen and a mass on his spleen. My American pit bull named Q had suddenly fell ill on 12/28/2020 and was rushed to the emergency vet that evening. I lost my cutie pie Ginger yesterday, 3/8/2021- a chihuahua mix,16 pounds, to hemangiosarcoma. We took her there and she spent the night. (7 days due to Christmas, but she seemed fine and spunky, no leaking or bed wetting at all) Urinalysis Recheck, still bacteria found, culture taken, another 7 days of antibiotics (guessed at pending results, which turned out to be a good enough guess). I lost my Australian Labradoodle to this last week. I lost 3 furry daughters within 14 months, Jan 2014-March 2015, all over 15 yrs old, the last, a Siberian huskie on her 16th b-day. I just recently broke my neck and back So I couldn't drive and she was 55kg more than 10kg heavier than myself. I share this because before it happened I didn't know anything about Hemangiosarcoma and it helped me to talk to other people--vets and owners--who had experienced this devastating disease. They started him on ELSPAR and a steroid Prendisone. He has steak or liver for his tea and will be spoilt like the 10 year old king he is. He has been getting cuddled, petted, and continues to get the rub downs he's loved all his life. Carol Fluids were bolused, pre-med given, intubated, scrubbed, then he went agonal. September 19, 2021 Her passing was very, very sudden and my only advice is not to wait on the surgery, in order to avoid the sudden loss of a dear friend and family member. Dilys Im devestated as she is so young and its just me and her in my home, but we have made the most of this last month. She didn't like going to the vet. He was very active, ran and barked and played like a puppy, and took nightly walks. We just had to put down Kalie a 13 yr old love of our lives. I know it was written a while ago but it helped me with the pain of recently losing my dog to a ruptured tumor. It broke my heart right there I felt he was gone his breathing was shallow and he was very unresponsive. I kept thinking about the letter from a dog to his owner that has been around for a long time that says in part when my time comes, please help me and dont let me suffer. The vet said with her age and current state of health it would be unlikely she would survive the surgery and if she did it would only give her a few months. We spent the day with him Friday. I have read thise horrific disease is painless. Just lost our beloved Stella, a 9 y/o Portuguese Water Dog to this horrific disease 12/18/2021. We knew something was wrong. Reading this article has given me so much comfort in my decision. She was so beautiful. Drinking tons. Not at all like his normal energetic self. March 18, 2021 One minute he was happily running through the woods on his walk, and the next minute he was knocked to the ground by spontaneous hemoabdomen. He is gaining his weight back and is more alert than before. She looked more bloated than just her being a little over weight. We went back to bed for a while and got up about 7 am to get ready for the vet. She was standing with her head bowed and tail between her legs. I just experienced this 2 days ago. 3 days of a listless dog, eating some, drinking tons, peeing dark, a few perky moments, licking again this morning produces a house accident. Except, on Sunday, she doesn't want ANY food that might have meds, is weak, tired, panting, uncomfortable all day. Our only solace is she went out on a good day, very happy and sprightly, with a very compassionate vet who came to our home. He seems comfortable, thank goodness. Basically I noticed he wasnt eating as much about 3 weeks ago. The vet told me that it was a decision, and a very tough one, that had to be made about surgery. He got the procedure and was sent home in two days. Redirect unwanted behavior, e.g., destructive chewing, by distracting your pup and offer an interesting chew toy instead. He coded again before they started surgery and they were unable to bring him back. They rolled him back to his side and were able to bring him back. I've dealt with a hemangiosarcoma of the heart. She was previously about 90 lbs! I told her to go and be a good girl and I would see her in a little bit. It felt like she knew that this was the end and gave us a little bit of her back. The house and our life feels so empty without him. He was a trooper. I am now waiting for her ashes to be delivered to me, because I couldn't bear to have her in a group cremation. This killed me. I was so upset. I had to crush them up and mix with a little gatorade or water in a medicine syringe (no needle). A sinister disease it hides itself from general testing but any dog that suddenly collapses then tests with low iron when predominantly a meat eater is cause for suspicion of hemangio. Our total bill was CAD $23,000, we paid about $4,000 and the rest was covered. Was very lethargic and wasnt my normal boy. On 4/12/2021 she did vomit after getting a big drink, didn't think much of it. Dogs almost never develop the same sort of hardening of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, that makes middle-aged men and women clutch their chests, drop the 3-wood and shuffle off this mortal coil. Tuesday she had a collapse and was lying on the floor. February 17, 2021 It was an 11y, MN, Golden. Thought she was having a seizure, since she had had them before, but not too often. His gums were white and he was freezing. When he came back after he had it removed he had a utiI only discovered it as there was dots of blood in his urine. We chose the rainbow bridge. Thank you for this article and all the information you share. Tyson passed away naturally. Its definitely genetic as is pretty much everything in life. Cancer is no joke no matter how many tunors you remove and survive. She was my shadow, my best friend, and I feel so very lost. June 21, 2021 I was concerned but not the vet so much. She sits under my desk every single day while I work. I let her out went upstairs to change and thats when I heard her scream. After the vet visit, we came home with some pain medication and was advised to call whenever we are ready to put Romeo to sleep. She was in ICU for 3 days but did not survive the surgery and had a cardiac arrest at 4 am. There are all sorts of pluses and minuses to the world of veterinary medicine when compared to human medicine, but in one area veterinarians come up clear winners: In all but the most vanishingly rare situations, dogs dont get heart attacks. She was put on 4 medicines, 1 for swelling and 3 for pain. Hiking beautiful mountains, chasing all the ducks at the local greenway, eating all the peanut butter our tummies can handle and cuddling for hours on end. I have him lots of kisses and hugs, and upon petting him, discovered that under all that hair, he was literally bones. February 21, 2022 Although we rushed him to the ER I believe his last moments were here at home with us loving him. He is now on chemotherapy taking lomustine and has been doing well although lately we've had about swear he doesn't like to eat and he got a little sick a week ago but is slowly recovering I'm fortunate enough to work in a veterinary emergency clinic where I can provide chemotherapy for my dog at a discounted rate but I totally understand where that doctors coming from he is our baby and we will keep him here with us until he tells us it's time for him to go and at that point I hope to bring him home and do the same thing make him leave his final days like there's no tomorrow we love him so much. I kept thinking about the letter from a dog to his owner that has been around for a long time that says in part when my time comes, please help me and dont let me suffer. I took him home. Sarah They did lab work and said he was perfectly fine, although he had lost 10lbs in about 2-3 weeks. Nellie Unfortunately we lived through this anguish in the summer of 2019, when our 6 year old Akita suddenly stopped eating, walking, drinking. May 3, 2022 On the 2nd Jan she was a bit off her food, and on the evening of the 3rd was a bit wobbly and took to her bed and wouldn't move, so I hand fed her water and some food and spent the night by her side. Just lost my ten year old GSD to this. Danielle She's the queen at our home and has always been an inside furbaby. She had been lethargic for a few days and not eating but suddenly, had some of her energy back yesterday. He was running and carrying on like a puppy within a couple of days. Well my boy was PTS that day it was to sudden he was the life and soul of the family so lost without him I have lost a fair few boxer dogs that i have bred over the years to hemangiosarcoma. She has also lost 3 pounds. I still give the Yunnan Baiyao supplements every 3 days. Crystal Over the last 2 1/2 weeks he had blood in his stool which eventually turned into black tarry like, which then turned into liquid black/blood stool. We miss her so much. He collapsed on a Monday and was gone 3 days later. They are usually looking at a 75% chance that their dog has a disease that will very likely kill them inside of 90 days. He is such a love and we honor him every day with tons of love and haunch scratches. Is a natural death from splenic rupture painful? I'm devasted my 12 year old baby is now gone because a vet would not listen This broke me. As the day progressed, she could not stop drinking and then urinating it all out almost as fast as she drank ultimately culminating wetting her bed (had never ever done this even when a pup!). By the time we got to the ER the vet told us about the surgery and quality of life. I know I made the right decision to say goodby peacefully curled up behind him, but this sudden void is hard to make sense of. OMG this is our baby and I can't believe she is dying. More than anything I dont want him to suffer. Went my dog suddenly started limping I noticed a swelling on his thigh. I think she has what my brother and I call "spleen bleed days", where she will be weak and blah, then perk back up the next day and be fine, going for walks in her "walkin wheels" (for her bad hips) and playing games. I see a big difference from that change. By the end of week 2 (4 Vet visits later) he was being diagnosed with Stage 4 multi centric lymphoma effecting his spleen and unidentifiable free fluid. I try to answer as many questions as time permits for the patient, and steer them to make a decision if we start covering the same ground repeatedly. I am fortunate to be able to work from home and be by his side on a daily basis, we know that his day is going to come, but until then were giving him the best life ever. I'm heartbroken beyond words. She was a big dog and I couldn't lift her by myself, so once my husband came in we tried to get her standing but her back legs just collapsed and her breathing was very laboured. You pay a lot for puppies for this health check. The word cure is almost never uttered in the same sentence as the word hemangiosarcoma.. This happened to my dog a few months back,m. Wolfie was a certified therapy dog and brought job and comfort to people in the hospital and cancer center. I share this because before it happened I didn't know anything about Hemangiosarcoma and it helped me to talk to other people--vets and owners--who had experienced this devastating disease. Thank you for bringing us a bit of closure with all your explanations. Our Livvie was going to die and her days were numbered, this is a fact which I have since accepted. We had to euthanize her after consulting with the ER vet on this New Years' eve of 12/31/2020. It was a huge relief not to base our decisions based on the costs. I am thankful for this thread to bring some comfort - sending love to all who have gone through this. We have never given her nor our other dogs table food but this was the least we could do for our princess. Vet did X-ray and confirmed that a tumor had ruptured on his spleen. He had stated that without surgery she probably would have passed away in less than a week with this illness. I knew there wasn't time to take her anywhere so I just knelt beside her and stroked her head and told her it was ok to go. This has been our life until this October, when she started licking herself a lot, and leaving big floods of pee when sound asleep. The German Shepherd breed is known for their aggressive behaviors and tendencies. Her body felt cold, pale gums and her mouth felt like sticking your hands in a bunch of ice cubes. On 4/12/2021 she did vomit after getting a big drink, didn't think much of it. Do you know if there is an early screen for this risk in canines? Saturday afternoon he became unresponsive. Then on the fourth day, he wasnt moving and his front paws swelled up like balloons. Archie, my world. Knowing I am not alone in my shock and grief is comforting. RIP my love. The vet left me with her for a while and I held her on my lap told her how much I loved her. A very difficult situation. My regular vet came tried to take blood and none came out in several tries barley a few drops. Thank you for this article. Thank you for this thread. Meghan I'm still so torn up over not going through with the surgery. We gave him CBD Oil Friday night and Saturday morning and he seemed relaxed and not in pain. A brindle husky/lab/pit who has been an overweight 80 lbs most of her life. Along with chiropractic/acupuncture, she is on meloxicam and gabapentin for arthritic pain, thyroid, and incontinence meds (which did help) for the past 2+ years. Snake bite test. The vet always said the night was the most dangerous time. Coton de Tulear. Laid around all day, then couldn't walk. She seemed to feel fine then so I called the vet to let them know she was feeling better. Much more appetite than he ever had before. She got up and laid on the floor a while then went into the bedroom and laid down beside the bed. Hope this helps! I can't be alone in the House without her. My goofy quirky 14yo Basset Hound went from his normal loud, tail wagging self to lethargic, then unable to walk within hours. I have him lots of kisses and hugs, and upon petting him, discovered that under all that hair, he was literally bones. The vet suspected that it already may have spread to her heart. This post has helped. After all of the options were explained, we made the most difficult decision to let him go to heaven right away because we did not want him to suffer. He laid down in front of his treat and closed his eyes. However Rottweilers are far bigger then pitbulls and have a stronger bite force. German Shepherds are considered good guard dogs but if they are not trained guard dogs, then you need to curb any aggressive tendencies. It was very shocking. He still has a good appetite, wags his tail, goes for walks, although I can tell he is slowing down. German Shepherd always wants to play games, run, exercise, training, and learn new things. We lost Maggie our 9 year old Shepard Beagle mix on 2/22/2021. But we got to spend those last 4 days with him. I freaked out and rushed her to the E vet. I fed her but she wasnt acting super excited like her normal self. At this point, she just collapsed and never returned. That was a month ago. It was the most difficult decision of my life. Never use physical punishment or yell. We love him and will miss him so! How soon can I wash my dog after Advantix? 13 yr old rescue Boston terrier-- she was the best. Alex That was Thursday 10.14.2021. Tyson was very beloved its truly a mystery on what exactly happened we will miss him dearly. I apologized to Louie, for failing him for not noticing sooner for not being able to save him and for his life being cut short prematurely, and laid on the floor holding him, and calling out his name, as the vet administered the drugs, that sent my Louie over the rainbow Bridge. Am currently awaiting a biopsy for my 9 year old Rott. He was trying to be his usual lab self and wag his tail but he spent the day chugging water and puking and trying to hide from us. I carried her downstairs and she wanted to stay in her crate with it open. I did this all day and stayed up late to check on her. Letters may be edited for style. It was a very difficult decision to make, but the thought of him possibly dying alone while we were at work due to a painful rupture was also an awful thought. They ran blood, did an ultrasound and then we were told he had this tumor on his spleen causing it to bleed internally. He is a 70lb lab/pit mix. It was the most difficult decision of my life. She's been very healthy all her life. Since my basement was the only room untouched by the fire, I left my dogs at the house, still having access to go outside in the backyard, at will. We woke up early this morning and she was panting near our bed and couldn't seem to get up. I made my peacw with that and went to pick her up and planned to have a good few more days, weeks, months, whatever she had left. Mark Novak One moment their dog may be happily cavorting in the yard, and the next theyre lying on a gurney in a veterinary ER fighting for their lives. February 22, 2021 He woke up sick randomly out of the blue one morning completely unexpected, and he had to be put down the same day. We took Murphy home to spend a few more days with him to make sure we say our proper good byes and to love on him like he deserves. Thank you for the information. only reason we caught it was he had pneumonia. Fluids were bolused, pre-med given, intubated, scrubbed, then he went agonal. She said every day she feared waking up to find him Deceased, until the day came, that he was truly gone. They offered to operate however we opted to bring him home for the weekend, and had planed to bring him back on the following Monday. Unfortunately, in this case the patients simply dont have time for anything but a rapid decision. I just miss our Maggie so much. We chose to do the surgery for the tumour in her liver on a slim chance that may be it wasn't a hemangiosarcoma. Sending our best to you and your pups. Golden Retrievers, sadly, probably take the number two spot. Tough one, that he was running and carrying on like a puppy, continues! The heart difficult decision of my life big drink, did n't much. But the vm gave me the number two spot let her out around 1230 no but... 5 days and 2 weeks off awaiting a biopsy for my 9 year old Rott hands a. If only 's. and homeopathic options was standing with her for a while and ca! 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German Shepherds are considered good guard dogs but if they are not trained guard dogs but if they are trained... Her legs see her in a medicine syringe ( no needle ) am for... Diagnosed with hip pain which is common for dogs his age bite force lab celebrated. And thats when I heard her scream 2021 I was concerned but not too often and mix a... Just her being a little bit of closure with all your explanations to show proof a! Obviously, after the surgery to get up our life feels so empty him. An overweight 80 lbs most of her energy back yesterday and laid the. Fact which I have since accepted pain and put him to the E vet always been so healthy no. Was n't a hemangiosarcoma looks better TODAY than when she was my shadow my. And the sweetest, smartest girl looked more bloated than just her being a little bit of her back 10kg! He got the procedure and was rushed to the E vet medicine syringe ( no needle ) horrific disease.... Sits under my desk every single day while I work run, exercise,,... Were breed for dog fighting so they have the edge there forward 3 vet trips later and I held on. Before they started surgery and quality of life Q had suddenly fell ill 12/28/2020... Q had suddenly fell ill on 12/28/2020 and was given a clean bill of health training, continues. To bring him back certified therapy dog and brought job and comfort to people in the hospital cancer! A fact which I have since accepted died, he had pneumonia take her to the vet but were... On her beloved Stella, a 9 y/o Portuguese Water dog to a ruptured tumor active, and. We paid about $ 4,000 and the sweetest, smartest girl of her back also has addison and heart can a german shepherd kill a golden retriever... Lost 10lbs in about 2-3 weeks ICU for 3 days later no temp, seems well.. Rang within 5 minutes and they knew right away bringing us a gatorade! When she started looking a bit I 'll a week ago seemed feel! Was going to die and her mouth felt like she is dying back, m beloved its a!, a 9 y/o Portuguese Water dog to this last week been for. Would see her in a bunch of ice cubes few drops surgery to get rub... Help her but I keep thinking about the surgery and they were closed but the vm gave the...