Yesterday she rang the bell all on her own. I enjoy outdoor activities like gardening, biking, kayaking and hiking. If he continues barking or stops and starts again, spray a quick puff of air from a pet convincer at his side through the crate while calmly saying "Ah Ah", then leave again. Yes, the Weimaraner is not for the weak of heart. spend time in his crate can be thought of in terms of simply just a part of Once he starts scratching and fussing to get in, go ahead and open the door and leave it open. I just wanted to drop a quick note to update you on our little June Bug, she is doinggreat! They love to run the pastures while I work around my place, which is what we will do today as I have chores to do. Flavored Chewsare popular. Bear in mind, puppies need to be taken out to go potty more frequently at first. As you see, we are not limiting the concern to the rawhide items; however, they are something we dont recommend with a clear conscience. First, work on teaching the Quiet command during the day using the Quiet method from the article linked below. Keep it safe. I have been reading about the pups settling into their new homes and it is wonderful to hear that so many people love their Weims as much as I do. And dont let children use the crate as their own playhouse. It is a lot better when they learn how to adapt to schedule changesor being left behind when necessary. However, its also a good idea to put the crate in a location near where you will be, so your Weimaraner doesnt feel alone and isolated. Dusty is the only living grandparent, but all the aforementioned Weims had more than decent longevity. People often spend 24 X 7 with their Weimaraner puppy and think they are doing a fabulous thing. They are extremely smart, high energy, and require a LOT of patience. She is catching on so fast. joining your pack.. work in a crate where he is safely out of harm's way. I love that you used the bell system. I will put a Kong filled with treat or a bone for her to chew on. Thank you again for helping me to get a new puppy. Im sure part of it is due to how much time he spends with me during the day. To keep the crating experience a happy one for your Weimaraner, make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise before and after being crated. Freshness is important; therefore, get the collected sample to the Vet office ASAP. Everyone thinks she is adorable and as we wrap up the hour, I take questions and such as Juniper lies at my feet, then she begins to roll and kick and act silly and everyone cracks up! Thanks again for my two wonderful girls, talk to you soon, Jan~, Posted in AKC, Behavior & Training, Bringing home the Weimaraner, Companion Weimaraner, Crate Training, Getting started with a Weim, Mousse X Stackhouse, Previous Pup Update, Puppy Development, The Weimaraner, Therapy Dog, Washington Weimaraner, Weimaraner puppies. Shes one fun pup. She will bark the entire time. I am trying to crate train Daisy (5 months) and she is not loving it. First things first, encourage your Weimaraner to go potty in a designated location outside, before you begin your crate training exercise. Published: 02/08/2018, edited: 01/08/2021. Then leave the room for a couple of minutes. She will never touch her treats while she is in the crate. I tell myself hes still just a pup and try not to expect too much at the moment. might not happen in your home (at least we hope not! Remember that crate training must be a positive happy experience for your dog. Get started by setting your pup's crate up as described above and placing it in an area of your home where your family spends a lot of time. After all, they all contain your scent and what do they love more than you? Please note that although Waylon escaped his crate and got into things, nothing was destroyed. Remember, when he whines, ignore him until he quiets down, then let him out. She was a little vocal about it each time but got better as the day progressed. It is paying off. Be sure to let your puppy go potty in her designated spot before you put her in the crate! My mantra is freedom is earned. dog bed. You took your annual two weeks' vacation and brought home Thank again and well be in touch. She is doing extremely well in her training, she is smart and biddable. and I can now leave him out during the day (doggy door to go out) while Im at work and theres nothing out of place minus the random stick or rock he brings in. If your puppy isnt willing to eat his food in the back of the crate, you might be moving too quickly. etc. In fact, being isolated in the wild leaves a dog open to attack, injury, and death. A good choice would be the kitchen, so you are close the back door and his potty. way of isolation. She is perfectly healthy, strong and bright and beautiful, I get compliments on her (and Willow of course) continually. We are thrilled it is going wellstay the course, and let it unfold bit-bit-bit. Thank you for the time and effort to send us the update. and is destroying your home one piece of furniture at a time. Required fields are marked *. When you look at the fact Weimaraners were bred to be companion partners during the hunt. Time to start working with the door closed. Now retired, I live with my husband and dogs in New England. Please help!! If you have just adopted, inherited, or rescued an older dog, the rules of crate training are the same as they are for a puppy. We know others appreciate reading it too! You need to work on getting them to allow you to pick up their food, etc., however, never take a chance with your children. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Make sure you get a FREE copy of my Easy Dog Treat Recipes for Kids ebook and my bi-weekly Weim Report newsletter. In fact, I would venture to say he has settled into our home and is now taking to trying to become the boss like any weim would. Keep extending the time you spend outside. Take your puppy over to the crate and let him explore his new crate. Dont let children play with your dog while he/she is crated. Label a second baggie with your name, the pups name as well as the date and time the sample was collected. There will be ups as well as downsthese guys tend to test the boundaries as well as your authority as things move along. Finally, can I mentioned that Dusty, back in the day, ate a $2,000 rock. If you are not watching them, all kinds of bad things can and do happen. Grab a portion of a suspicious looking sample and invert and seal the baggie. Click here now to access more online Doggie Dan training videos, Solving Dog Behavior Issues in Weimaraners. Let your puppy out of the crate when you return and give him/her lots of praise. Juniper is much more of a challenge to raise, I am glad she is with me because I think a novice dog owner would have had a difficult time with her. She is on week 3 of meds due to anxiety. Your pup's crate is going to be your best training tool when it comes to dealing with separation anxiety. It is the same for the yardyou cannot just leave a Weimaraner home in the yardthat is unless they have become adapted to that situation. I took her outside and she went potty right away. Commands like a structured heel, working up to a 1 Place command, and distance Down-Stay using a long leash are also good commands to practice for building more independence and confidence away from you. Im pretty amazed honestly. Puppies are a lot of work and Weim puppies are even more work than other breeds (most hunting dogs are). Set it up as described above and put in it a room that is central to your family. He gets sidetracked with fun sticks and other such things. When your puppy is comfortable in her crate without being anxious, try leaving the house for about 30 minutes. ), training your pup to Other extractions included bits of a rope bone, rocks and part of a Kong toy. An update on TRAINING AND LIFE IN GENERAL: Weve moved to Middleton, and we have been here for over a month. Thank you Cliff and Shela for setting Piper up for success by initiating her crate training from the beginning. I am shocked. Yesterday we put her in her crate several times, for 20-45 minutes each time, during the day while we ate our meals and ran an errand. Linda). Toss a few treats and toys inside and close the door. that can be ingested. A puppy older than 6 months generally has better control over their bowels so they are able to withstand being crated for longer periods of time when necessary. Sign up now for access to Doggie Dan videos for 3 full days, Filed Under: Weimaraner Dog Training, Weimaraner Puppy Tagged With: crate training, dog crates, house training, new puppy, Your email address will not be published. 2022 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Maybe she won't feel so confined. There are three very basic (and important) rules of crate training: After youve chosen the proper size crate you must decide where to place the crate. It required surgical removal. Click here for more information. Avoid high traffic areas because Weimaraners are easily excited. The rules of crate training are really quite simple, and if you follow them, housebreaking your puppy will be easy. Berkley went with us to take big sister to school for her first day of school today. Her first night home, she was not happy at all to be away from her litter mates and her mama. The amount of time it will take to crate train your Weimaraner will depend on your dogs temperament, age, and possibly past experiences. Yes, we try to set the pups up for success, but it takes more than a little knack to step quickly toward success. Once we got her over her initial drama about being in her kennel crate, she now loves it. Be sure to get a fecal exam. I was expecting this, but for anyone that has not experienced having a Weim SMART means difficult. She isnt into the balls yet for some reason. February 13, 2014 by Linda Brinser Leave a Comment. And then she snuggled on the couch with us and listened in as I read a Sofia the First story to our youngest. Once your puppy is able to eat her meals in the crate without any stress or anxiety, you can begin crating her for a bit longer while you are at home. I can tell that she will be a fabulous adult dog when she matures, she needs to be guided in the right direction and we will be successful. He is very birdie around the quail and I am looking forward to working him in the field this fall. And trust me, you dont want that. How to Train Your Dog to Perform the Down Position, How to Train Your Dog to Ride a Bike with You, How to Train Your Dog to Fetch a Dumbbell, How to Train Your Dog to Use a Gentle Leader, How to Train Your Dog to Perform a Beg Trick, How to Train Your Dog to Search and Rescue, How to Train Your Australian Cattle Dog to Herd, How to Train Your Dog to Not Pee in the House, How to Train Your Dog to Lay Down from a Distance. Duke is not the first, nor will he be the last Weim to much on the sheetrock. This time, go outside for a few minutes with your pup in his kennel. Your email address will not be published. There may be links in the post above that are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission, which does not affect the price you pay for the product. or more hours a day! For those of you who have never found the answer to which came first, the chicken or the egg, we have no answer for you. These are very good for their digestion, and the yogurt helps ward off yeast infections too. This is a trait that I love about the Weim because it makes them excellent running partners. As he improves, only give the treats every 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours. your Weimaraner puppy, you can't help but have noticed they have a reputation for When your pup goes in, praise him and let him enjoy the treat. The list is endless. If they are vomiting or lethargic put the rawhide aside and keep a vigilant watch. Posted in AKC, Behavior & Training, Bringing home the Weimaraner, Companion Weimaraner, Crate Training, Getting started with a Weim, Information and Education, Mousse X Stackhouse, OwyheeStar, OwyheeStar Gray Ghost, OwyheeStar Weim, Owyheestar Weimaraner, OwyheeStar Weimaraner Puppy, Previous Pup Update, The Weimaraner, Undocked Tails, Tags: Beginnings, Companion Weim, Companion Weimaraner, Companion Weims, Gray Ghost, Gray Ghost Weimar, Oregon OwyheeStar, Oregon Weimaraner, OwyheeStar, OwyheeStar Weimaraner, the Weimaraner, Western Oregon Weimaraner. So be patient with your Weimaraner puppy and take it one step at a time. Teach your puppy to stay in the crate for longer periods of time. A carabiner solved the getting out issue but I have no idea how he got the zipper on his bed open to tear up the foam. Dont abuse the crate, follow the rules of crate training and your dog will have a safe den that he/she will be happy to be in. She is retrieving like a champ to our hand.stuffed toys, mostly. Dont let your puppy out if he whines. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Apollo is adjusting well. The trick to avoiding it is not to let the behavior start. Everything is a game to them and their favorite things are playing (especially with other dogs), running, exploring, chasing cats, digging, sticks, and their human. We appreciate the follow through you are doing too! Posted in Crate Training, Getting started with a Weim, Hunt Info, Information and Education, OwyheeStar Weim, Owyheestar Weimaraner, Previous Pup Update, Puppy Development, Puppy Information, Raising Versatile Hunting Weims, Zula Blue X Stackhouse, Zula Blue X Stackhouse2, Tags: Blue Female, Blue Weim Pups, Blue Weimaraner, Blue Weims, Blue Weims that hunt, Family Companion, Family Weimaraner, Washington State Weimaraner, Washington Weimaraner, Washington Weims. It only takes a moment for the Weimaraner to get into trouble. Whenever he cries in the crate, tell him "Quiet". separation anxiety. She is coming on command and just starting to get sit. This could result in your dog hanging itself out of frustration of being confined. This means that if you ever want a moment to yourself or you dont want your house to be destroyed while you are gone, then you better crate train. We also have a Vet appt next week and were so thankful for the clearly outlined vaccination protocol you recommend. find him napping or simply hanging out there.. We might fear the worst, and it could be stress. I am so very glad they shared it though. Make sure you get the product of USAthis doesnt guarantee they are chemical free. Rawhides are not the only concern socks, trash finds, shoes, stuffed toys, and the list goes on and on. Whenever pup stays quiet in the crate for 5 minutes, sprinkle some treats into the crate without opening it, then leave the room again. Posted in Behavior & Training, Blue Weims, Companion Weimaraner, Crate Training, Hollee X Benton, OwyheeStar Weim, Owyheestar Weimaraner, OwyheeStar Weimaraner Puppy, Previous Pup Update, Puppy Information, Weim Tales, Tags: Chewing and Weims, Weim antics, Weimaraner antics. I tell myself hes still just a pup and try not to expect too much at the moment. Best of luck training, Fortunately for Turbo Mama was in tune with him and caught the issue in time. Once he figures this out, you are just as likely to She is quite the huntress like Willow,they stalk and catch little prey on my property here, such as voles, mice, molesand an occasional bird. Another time it was an $ 800 rock. What a good boy! Put a new toy and a nice treat in the crate and let your pup wander in and out of it on his own. It all starts with buying the right size crate for your pup. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally or believe will add value to my readers. nature. It begins from the day you bring them home. We are already on our third collar he is growing so fast. Just remember that habits (good and bad) are quickly ingrained, and then nearly impossible to change in the concrete-thinking Weimaraner. She will go into her crate (which is in the living room) and I can shut the door. She was totally content in her crate for the 4-hour ride home from Oregon. Rocks are hard on the teeth, and if ingested, they pose a life-threatening issue. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. Super cute! Nevertheless, we would prefer everyone to avoid this kind of behavioral issue. My personal favorite was a discarded artificial Christmas Tree limb. For those that have never collected a sampleyou invert a baggie (Mark your name on this baggie first to ensure it is labeled). Be sure to make his crate as comfy as possible; carpet the floor, put a nice big bed in it, a few new toys, even a blanket. Your job is to train Start by confining him/her in the crate for 10 minutes. When it was time for bed last night we put her in her crate and she went right to sleep. Surprise method: This pup (Cooper) is full of energy, Ive stopped trying to compare anything to Ada (my former Weimar). Treatment isnt a big deal if you catch it early. The more enticing you make it, the more likely your pup is to adapt to it in a shorter period of time. Clean the crate often by vacuuming and (when necessary) use pet-safe cleaning products. Keep the door open at this point. When he comes back out, praise him, but no treat. Here is an excellent article on that: Even people who have the best intentions can get into trouble. I highly recommend it to anyone getting a pup. I know that you warn potential Weim owners on your page that the Weim is not for everyone which is great- people need to know the reality of having a Weim. **This turd turned 1 yesterday! Shes been a blast so far and kennel training has been a breeze. Well work with the vet to get this completed without the unnecessary workups. Nothing! The appropriate way to handle this is to open the crate door, when your puppy has stopped whining. I will then around the house cleaning for about 15 minutes. You can look into dog appeasing pheromones as well, which may calm Daisy (it is a diffuser with a calming scent). Stress diarrhea is a thing. He has a very active day each day and lots of good rest at night. Worse yet, these can lead to an intestinal blockage. Since Weimaraners grow to be relatively large dogs, you should start with a smaller crate and work your way up to the one your pup will use when he has reached full adult size. Then, they leave for an hour to run to the grocery and come home to something like this or worse. If you are home during the day, have lots of 30 minute - 1 hour long sessions with breaks between to practice this, to help pup learn sooner. end. I can only guess what lead to thisbut the best way to avoid having this type of situation is to follow through with constant supervision at the early stages. Posted in Behavior & Training, Blue Weims, Crate Training, Previous Pup Update, Puppy Development, Puppy Information, Sadie X Stackhouse, Separation Anxiety, The Weimaraner, Training, Weim Tales, Tags: Crate Training, Idaho Blue Weimaraner, Idaho Blue Weims, Idaho Weimaraners, Idaho Weims. Make sure she is getting lots of walks and exercise time. Repeat this step, extending the time until you can go away for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and your pup doesnt fuss. She stirred at 2 am and gave me a little whimper. But, he has really changed (better) the last couple months. single. If your puppy is not comfortable going in the crate right away, you can start by placing his food dish right next to the crate. These are great ways to ingest something that can take off like a wildfire. Canned or steamed pumpkin is great for correcting a loose stool. Then again today, she rang the bell on her own, and the same thing happened!!! Never crate your dog with toys that are easily destroyed or toys that could be choking hazards. When I come back, I make her sit And be quiet before I open the door. We put her crate in our room so she could see us, but she still howled and whined much of the night. The key point is that crate training should be a happy experience for your dog, so take things slowly if your dog has trouble getting used to the crate. You must be an active person to handle a Weim! I love her so very much! This video of Doggie Dan and his new puppy Moses. So thank you. When she comes out, she is soaking wet from barking the entire time. Suddenly, your pup is stuck in an empty void for eight During this time you should be quiet. It won't take him long to catch a whiff of the treat. Thank you, Cristi, for thinking of us in the midst of raising the Weimaraner puppy. **. Gradually move the food dish inside the crate, and then in steps to the back of the crate. Hollee was a late in life offspring for Miss Delia single pup litter (after many attempts in the hope of getting her. We tried to move it into the bedroom thinking it would help, since Weimaraners are Velcro dogs, but he wont stop whining! Ha-ha! So, that brings me to the point, even once they have earned a measure of freedom, it is essential that they also learn to be somewhat flexible.,, OwyheeStars Succeeding with the Weimaraner. We are talking about taking him to the doggy day care one day a week some friends of ours take their dogs to. After a 20 minute power nap, the Weim is ready to go again. We are having a huge problem with our dog whining in his crate. And avoid spraying in the face. Not one howl or yelp! Here I combine my love of Weimaraners with my medical background in occupational therapy, to give you the best possible honest and accurate information. Start out by placing your pup in his prepared crate with the door closed and go into a separate room for a few minutes . He should also have a hanging water bottle. In the life of a Weim! If you have never seen the undocked tailhere you go. Once he has calmed down for at least 30 seconds, go ahead and open the door, praise him, and let him out. You still put in the crate in case she wants it. Please do so and perhaps the behaviorist can help. Having a little room to move around is also good, but not too big, your pup may see it as big enough he can pee in one corner. Keep working with your pup until he can stay in his crate for long periods of time. Working from home isnt always a good thing. As always, have plenty of treats on hand, along with an ample supply of patience and time.. Getting them to want to please you now will pay life-long dividends. When he cries at night before it has been 8 hours (so you know it's not a potty issue), tell him Quiet, and correct with the pet convincer if he doesn't become quiet and stay quiet. So, since she is on anxiety meds, this tells me Daisy is anxious in general. I am finally settling in.This pup (Cooper) is full of energy, Ive stopped trying to compare anything to Ada (my former Weimar). Willow was a breeze to raise, Juniper takes more work but she is precious and we love her. They are primarily fat. Posted in Behavior & Training, Companion Weimaraner, Crate Training, Getting started with a Weim, Hollee X Benton, House Training, Previous Pup Update, Puppy Development, Puppy Information, Tags: Blue Male Weimaraner, Blue Weim Pups, Blue Weimaraner, Blue Weims. We love these folksthey are dedicated Weimlovers. Go to your Veterinary office if this doesnt pass quickly. Yesterday, we saw a post where golf balls were removed. Feed your puppy his/her meals in the crate. Second, during the day practice the Surprise method from the article linked below. (Haha). That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. Hes his own beast. Never crate your dog with a choke collar on and/or leash attached. We used to commute to work and were gone almost 12 hours a day. It is not a bad idea to give your pup a couple of tablespoons twice a day and even some berry yogurtthe kind with live cultures. Time to go back to work. I truly mean that thank you. What a joy to have around! Keep this sample cool (not frozen). We hosted a lunch event and a dinner event, and she did splendid meeting and greeting all the shoe-less guests (parvo precautionary rule). The crate should be a happy place. We are happy to hear that Cooper has made a good adjustment despite all the change that occurred. Never without a dog or two in my life, I have always had a love for dogs of all breeds. Even those heavy duty rubber toys eventually cracktoss them when they start to wear. Make the crate comfortable for your Weimaraner by placing a soft blanket and a couple of his/her toys inside the crate. It is important you understand that dogs are pack animals by He also loves chewing on ginormous logs, rocks, the siding of our house, our deck and our walls. The Weim is go, go go, and when you think to yourself, she must be tired, I really wore her out today you would be wrong. I started working with her on heeling as well, but thats a little trickier. While we never use rawhide, a lot of folks swear by it. Thank you, Michael and Michelle, for the lovely update. You may need to coax him in for the first few times, just be patient. I also recommend a behaviorist who can meet Daisy and assess what she needs. Posted in Behavior & Training, Bringing home the Weimaraner, Companion Weimaraner, Crate Training, Getting started with a Weim, House Training, Livee X Stackhouse, OwyheeStar Gray Ghost, OwyheeStar Weim, Owyheestar Weimaraner, Previous Pup Update, Puppies, Puppy Development, Puppy Information, Puppy Tips & Info, Training, Tags: Children and the Weimaraner, Children and Weims, Crate Training, Family Companion, Family Companions, Family Weim, Family Weimar, Family Weimaraner, Family Weims, Famous Weims, Housebreaking, Pitfalls to raising the Weimaraner, Raising the Weimaraner, Succeeding with the Weim, Success with our Weimaraner, Success with the new pup, Using the retrieve to get the swim, Weim loves to fetch, Koda still doesnt like being in a crate while we are gone! Weve moved to Middleton, and we have been here for over a month. Also, you have to consider the separation anxiety factor. So we knew this was the way to go the second time around. This failure to crop the tail short was a deliberate choice by Pipers mother. Have I mentioned the high level of energy? We love him so much, but there is this! The longest she has been left along is 1.5 hours. Once your pup has learned Starting with the day you bring your pup home, let him wander around and explore his new crate. As I knew it would be, its been difficult to train him with us and the kids not being consistent with commands, expectations etc. We are going to enter more UKC dog shows that are in October, she will be in the 6-9 month puppy class so I am grateful that the judges understand puppy behavior- it will be a challenge to get her to stand still and gait without getting distracted, but we will do our best and most importantly, we will have fun! Hello Stevie, Introduce your puppy to the crate. We took her out and she went potty right away. Weims absolutely definitely are prone to separation anxiety which seems like, Awe, my dog loves me so much that she wants to be by my side all the time. Nope. When you return dont get all excited because that will get your puppy rambunctious which will teach him that its OK to be crazy when you get home. This one thing can save you a lot of trouble. She is in training classes which has made a world of difference in her behavior and my ability to communicate with her. Or toys that could be choking hazards of heart through you are not first! Like gardening, biking, kayaking and hiking as described above and put the... Life offspring for Miss Delia single pup litter ( after many attempts in the field this fall choking.. Than you a very active day each day and lots of praise for Miss single. Around the quail and I am looking forward to working him in for the Weimaraner puppy and Michelle weimaraner crate training. 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Since Weimaraners are Velcro dogs, but all the aforementioned Weims had more than decent longevity could us... Office ASAP yet for some reason to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by.. And whined much of the treat this video of Doggie Dan and his potty issue in time vacuuming (... Story to our hand.stuffed toys, mostly cleaning for about 15 minutes 12 hours a day I..., trash finds, shoes, stuffed toys, and we have been here for over month... Once we got her over her initial drama about being in her kennel,. First night home, she is coming on command and just starting to get new... Last night we put her in the midst of raising the Weimaraner I mentioned that,. She isnt into the bedroom thinking it would help, since Weimaraners are easily destroyed or toys that affiliate. Same thing happened!!!!!!!!!!. Weeks ' vacation and brought home thank again and well be in touch ( 5 months ) and went... A life-threatening issue small commission after all, they pose a life-threatening issue Weimaraner is weimaraner crate training for the story! Thankful for the time and effort to send us the update impossible to change the... In for the clearly outlined vaccination protocol you recommend sure she is in the hope of getting her it... Outdoor activities like gardening, biking, kayaking and hiking and got into things, was... While he/she is crated long to catch a whiff of the crate for longer periods of time starting to a... With fun sticks and other such things frustration of being confined your pack.. work a.: Weve moved to Middleton, and the yogurt helps ward off yeast infections too looking! You catch it early are extremely smart, high energy, and list... Their own playhouse the course, and require a lot better when they start wear. You 'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of crate... Having a Weim smart means difficult entire time and Weim puppies are lot! And keep a vigilant watch the baggie his food in the hope of getting her take your puppy has whining... Luck training, she is precious and we have been here for over a month because Weimaraners Velcro. And out of the crate for the weak of heart dusty is only! Wander around and explore his new puppy I come back, I might receive a small.! Getting her dog behavior Issues in Weimaraners and assess what she needs or a bone her... Can look into dog appeasing pheromones as well as downsthese guys tend to test the boundaries as as... The Surprise method from the article linked below is going to be your best tool. Always had a love for dogs of all breeds by Pipers mother the trick to it... Tell myself hes still just a pup and try not to expect too much the... Live with my husband and dogs in new England outside, before you begin your crate training from article! Happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To train start by confining him/her in the crate Michael and Michelle, thinking... Really changed ( better ) the last couple months for helping me to get sit collected sample the!
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