We are very comfortably fixed up here. He succeeded at last in getting a sufficient subscription for the new building, and in 1852 he laid the foundation of the new chapel. gling so for life, when ths beautiful eye which had once twin kled, and sparkled with the gleam of the highest joy, told now the. ' Well, tell us how to go.' " Said I, ' My promise to attend the meeting has been given, and when I have done my bes to reach the place, even if I fail, I shall feel better.' Life and Times of George F. Picr-ce. The Conference at Mexico will be remembered as a benediction. This is a Christian--a Protestant coun try--and while toleration in religion is the guarantee of the Constitution, and is supported by the sentiment of the peo ple, no man or community of men can plead * conscience ' for outraging public morality. of the Church stood by him. [CHAP, xv. He accepted these changes, but never indorsed them all, and he held to it that four years was too long for any The next day we were welcomed by Dr. Fitz gerald and his friend Mr. Genella. The colonel sends it, I am rather . The letter tells in a few words of his own method of family government. Vet out of that little humble woodland throng came two ministers, men of might, one of whom lived to preach the Gospel for fifty, and the other for seventy-four years." .never equalled. The people of California ' are able and willing to sustain their preachers. III. 309 He was an officer called by his breth ren to do a certain work, to see to it that each preacher had a place suited to him, and each place a preacher suited for it, and of that he "was, after getting all the information, he could, to be judge. At no time in his life was his sky more cloudless, than in these days of his first episcopacy. lie rose on a public stage, with the wind on his back, witli nothing to inspire him, and failed. The bishop \vas largely interviewed, and many a tale of private grief came to his ears, but they were never closed to anyone, however humble. Father took a peculiar pleasure in this " Thus far the Lord hath brought me on safely. Life and Times of George F. Pierce, On Friday last you had another niece born--Miss Julia Turner. " September 10, 1862. " 630 . Presently we overtook a 4 solitary horseman,' as James would say ; that is, he was alone, though many more were in sight, behind and before. The nearer I came to the scene of action, the more doubtful, contradictory, and uncertain was all I heard. In Washington, in Lexington, in Greenesboro, in Macon, In Clinton, and in many of the countrychurches, there were meetings of most remarkable power. I am well fixed. So I set up house-keeping--a regular 'bachelor's hall.' The Conference "was composed of the leading men of the Southern Church, many of them his associates 111 the General Conferences from 1840 to 1854. The battle with ritualism is to be fought again. But this is not " Life and Times of George F. Pierce. When the dirt has been precipitated and the surface has been skimmed, the liquid is tolerable, 'in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.' 377 ' Get up ; there is a snake under you. MY DEA.R ANN : If any letters informing you of my sickness have come to hand, I fear you will be uneasy. J3ut he was not only editor but contributor, and under the non de plume of "Clio " he wrote sundry short poems. Bishop Pierce was virtually the Senior Bishop, and felt the responsibility of his position. 1S43-1S-14.] A bag- of cotton to the acre is an offset to all objections. " 1871-J The bounding blood, struck by the chill of death, will creep in funeral motion to the heart, whose fee ble pulsations can send it forth no more. I am afraid I am to have 239 " finest land I ever saw. Our. " Oh what ? " That is the right name, whether we consider its size, its shape, or its business. I long to see you all. We must sub mit, hoping and praying for the best. The village was draped in mourning--every hammer still, every store closed. his gracious word, are never confounded, neither left nor for Such a company of men,, sqttavus, papooses, ponies, I never saw before, and likely never shall see again. other men's matters, a thorn in the flesh, a mes senger of Satan to buffet us,' and alluding, as I understood him to do, to a certain movement in New Kngland, and cer tain principles upon which that movement was based, he called it, ' The foul spirit of the pit, the juggernaut of perdition.' I almost wish I had the management for awhile. " At Cleveland he preached on " Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.'' To leave a home a man loves -- his wife in tears, his children loath to let him go -- four months of long travel and work before him -- is no small tax upon one's natural feelings. I cease not to pray for you. " I was weary----the wind was blowing very strong, and I found preaching hard work, but got through without damage. ,,,1; It would greatly relieve my feelings to hear from you all more frequently. Life and Times, of George F. Pierce. But we will try to do it, and in. [OIFAP. After service I sat down, in the dark, on a bench under a large live-oak. The secret will out, the tongue of fire Is never dumb, the electric cloud will flame and flash ; ay, and thunder too. This house is one of the many pleas ant homes I have found in my pilgrim wanderings, and that scripture, ' into whatsoever house ye enter there abide,' is no tax upon my taste or my affections, my convenience or my comforts. ' The necessity to learn our language ought to be thrown upon them by refusing- to translate our laws or to print a paper in their mother-tongue. " Something is due to parental responsibility in primary education, arid the only duty of the State, in my judgment, is to provide, from her own population--by endowment of her University and its branches, and by extension of their privi leges to deserving young men--the needful teachers, and leave the rest to the churches and the people. The story of a single year, with its labors and services, is sub- The services were opened with reading the one hundred and third Psalm by Dr. Key, and a lesson from the New. HE now began to make ready for his eai'ly departure to the Far West, and in April he turned his face toward California. In It is a great blessing. " On Monday at twelve I had an appointment at " He says : Even the lands now thrown out as commons will cover their nakedness, and shame with an evergreen forest which, however ridiculed and despised as the proof of sterility, will, nevertheless, in the lapse of years, through nature's mysterious recuperative pro cesses, repair the ruin wrought by a barbarous civilization, and yield bread in plenty to our enlightened posterity. Throat is better. \Ve made up a purse and got a negro to go in to the rescue. I found much amusement in listening" to the man who sounded the depth, and I soon learned to prognosticate a thump upon the bottom. '' The Church, thank God, is neither dead nor dying. He dreaded the rc"suits of secession. culty is in the subject and its conditions. There were tliree of us all buttoned up inside, and by a united effort we at last waked up our driver, and found ourselves nobody knew where. Shall have a heap to tell you. - 523 For long, long generations they will be as French, as German, as Swedish as the people they left in their fatherland. v. There was a small band of very devoted preachers and mem bers who adhered to the Southern Church. The reports to me since Conference are very cheering. I addressed the irreligious, and pressed the importance of immediate decision and personal conversion. Friends in need are good things--very. When we crossed by fording next morning, we found t7Juo men and mules with scrapers raking the gravel into a ridge on one side, hoping, I suppose, that the current would do the digging and the deepening. The widow of the bishop, full of the joy of God and of human sorrow, and many of his children and grand children were present. 198 They are ' brags ' out here. "The house -was old, somewhat out of joint, and the pul pit a nondescript thing, hard to g"et in or out of, a close fit for a large man." victions of the people, will sustain themselves by virtue of " I know it," said the doctor. " It was of wood, eighty feet long by forty wide, two tiers of windows, and a gallery. left, a great change has taken place. So is Brother Sims, but he is timid and as a preacher not efficient and active. Our clothing was wet, and, of course, our condition was very unpleasant. But enough. in. Recognition is thrown forward indefinitely. The dumb things could give no account of themselves or their peregrinations, Where they had been, we never shall know, but after much wandering and many delays they reached home. I do not speak of results, but of effort. The ab sence of all records, memoranda, and traditions indicate the obscurity of all who had borne the name and the hopeless res ignation of their descendants to their seemingly destined lot. Life and Times of George F. Pierce. *' MY DEAR CLAUDE : Yesterday I wrote to your mother. It is there, and there it might re main. GEORGE G. SMITH ANN M. PIERCE "When I reached the church on Saturday, the 25th, he was preaching from I Timothy ii. On August 28, 1856, I left home for Kansas. Unless I were very familiar with the localities, I should not like to walk about Weston at night.. Soon, if time endures, I shall be a withered old man. The days are hot and the nights very cold. Never begin to do wrong. Institutions long approved are displaced by the substitutes provided in modern wisdom ; opinions which have been received on trust from time imme morial are exploded, faith In them destroyed, popularity con stituting no shield to defend them from attack and overthrow. His grand children are numerous, and were here; and one of the most touching sights was the pale, sad face of the dear woman who for fifty years had been the joy of his life. 368 This is a pretty tough yarn, but is commonly reported. It was a time of great political excitement in Georgia, and Dr. Pierce was not a negative man. The Church Dr. Taylor is to be here, and I learn will go back to South Carolina. The great attraction was an unexpected speech from Senator Douglas. " 248 But this jealousy, these an tagonisms, which were natural, did not amount to anything of a serious character ; and as George, for so the preachers called him, was not rarely found in the opposition to his father, and as his zeal and devotion to the work were unques tionable, and as his willingness to take whatever work came to him was known to all, he disarmed all prejtidice. " Life and Times of George F. Pierce. were it not to please my Heav She would creep in among these 'sawyers,' and when one, being struck, would lower his head a little, the bell would ring", and on would go the steam, and over and through we would pass. He perhaps paid a high price for this opinion, and years of suffering" might have been averted if lie had thought of the Church less and of himself more ; but that was never his way. Life and TimeS of George F. Pierce. It strengthens the preacher. Well, it is so. High waters, heavy freights, and passengers, white or black, for every landing, made travel ling very slow to one impatient to get home. The saccess attending his work during- the year was not equal to that of some years. Saturday before her death it is said there was an unearthly AOD 9,6, DK EST FIN INT LT LV N SWE CH; NORD EST 2*BALTIC WINNER; ED 1/1, HD B/B; AOD 6,10 years, INT FIN EST RUS LT AKC CH; FIN W'2008; HD B ED 0 Eyes Heart Patella - Normal; vWD genetic Clear; DM Carrier; AOD 7y8m, INT FIN EE S CH EEW-06, HD A, ED 0/0, AOD 7,11. 456 Blessed light of Christian joy--calm sunshine of He, however, was exceedingly anxious for the success of the Georgia Female College, and for the advance of South ern literature, and anxious that his young friend should suc ceed in his daring venture. Such men contribute largely to the vindication of Christianity, as a Divine system ; they pitch the piety of the Church upon a higher key, and, amid the obliteration of othcr features and the decay of other bonds, still link us on in like ness and fellowship with the apostles of the primitive Church. And so the manuscript ends--a beautiful tribute to a beautiful character. '"'November 12, 1862. In Kentucky a. number of leading men had gone, or were going off, from the Conference. political millennium when there shall be no king in Israel, .. From this point to Fort Clarke it is fifty miles ; and I think there are only two settlements--one at Turkey ville, twenty miles distant, and the other at A Him Spring, still twenty miles further. Write to me. It'is not possible, interesting as the subject would be, to trace the victory of this remarkable young man over the obstacles of his early career. Life and Times of George F. Pierce. before you start. In California, as elsewhere, there are desir able places, and places which a man would not prefer, places now unorganized, hard work and poor pay ; but there is no struggle for the former and no dodging of the latter. II, S. Thrall, to a camp-meeting", five miles distant. None of us have been sick. I am afraid they were used to it. bells--ay, sits upon the tripod and waves the imperial John P. Duncan, of whom we have spoken, was the nominal preacher In charge. The rest will write to the intervening places. I found comfortable lodging with Brother Bertrand, and devoted the afternoon" to repose. Life and Times of George F. Pierce, Everything is exciting-- new country, wild, desolate often, something to be seen every turn, and then the stage travels from seven to twelve miles per hour, so that you never take time to think of weariness. " Life and Times of George F. Pierce. They have improved the roads, built fine rock-fences, reared more substantial houses, surrounded them with more tasteful adornments, and hang out more signs of permanent settlement and domestic con tent than strikes the eye almost anywhere in the great State of Texas. All more frequently in a few words of his position greatly relieve feelings... Almost wish I had the management for awhile. a public stage, with the localities, I home! 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