Continue to practice putting your Cocker Spaniel in a sit or down position with hand signals in real life situations such as when guests come over or when you come home after being gone for some time. Therefore, unless you live somewhere with totally again, so you must remove the smell entirely. the doors are closed. goes to the door hoping to be let out, she'll play with the bell and you will know to get up and let her out. Once he is calm and sitting, you can acknowledge him and pet him. that there is nowhere to go without soiling their own bed. her on your carpet you're just ASKING for trouble! If you wait until she has a habit of sitting to get attention, then she should automatically sit when meeting new people because she expects that to get her attention or rewards. a potty break if it's crazy cold outside, or raining or snowing. Continue to practice these steps every time you walk into your home. prepare spaces for your pup to be during the situations when he normally jumps Its making walks very hard, Hello Robert, Trying to train your puppy to pee on paper or pads inside your house is a VERY bad idea. When your Cocker Spaniel is happy, he will show that energy however you allow him to show it. hang a small bell next to your back door and teach the puppy to play with it. They love to have fun with their families, and sometimes this means jumping up to show their excitement. the dog to turn around in. Published: 01/05/2018, edited: 01/08/2021, When rusty is out for a walk either on his lead or off his lead he jumps up at people in excitement. You'll Always have treats handy to reward your dog for choosing to lie down rather than jump up. Training your Cocker Spaniel not to jump up is an important training for him to show great manners., Once your Cocker Spaniel has basic obedience down, begin to train him not to jump up. * A dog will not pee New puppy owners usually struggle a bit mistaken. Training a Cocker Spaniel puppy that jumping up on you is not good manners will take a bit of time and patience. Once his chest and belly touch the floor, give him the treat. Make sure there is always a way for the dog to get outside without your help for example, a doggie door, or a door left open. If a dog is almost ready to pee or poop, but hasn't gotten around to doing it quite yet any physical activity Potty break first, play time second. Your carpet will appreciate it! dog is, the shorter the period of time between potty breaks should be. Your Cocker Spaniel can be trained to find other ways to greet you or ask for something without jumping up onto you or your guests. or poop in their own bed if they can possibly hold it. When your Cocker Spaniel is jumping up and misbehaving, poor manners do not give him any attention. tips on raising a Cocker puppy. Once he understands jumping up is not lucrative for him, he will remain calm in the sitting position and wait for his reward in the form of a treat and affection. Puppies aren't likely to want to go outside for She may be signaling her frustration that she knows she is not supposed to pee in the house, yet she can see that all And remember, always assume your puppy needs to go potty immediately after she wakes sense of smell is about a hundred times better than yours so if you Practice coming into your home. Cocker Spaniels are sweet and affectionate dogs. In order to train him not to jump, you will have to give him alternatives and expectations instead of jumping up. As soon as the dog wakes up from a nap, go outside for a potty break. If COMPLETELY clean up any potty accidents in At night, place the dog in a tightly enclosed area with room enough only for a pillow or dog bed. You can practice this by your front door where guests come in if this is a place where he is usually overly excited and jumping up on people, or in the kitchen when your dog jumps up to beg for food. You want her to think that: potty-training their pup. Cocker Spaniel and see his new manners in training. Please explore the rest of the site by viewing our table of contents, Just ignore him. Once your Cocker Spaniel is in a sitting position and calm, acknowledge him and praise him with lots of love attention and verbal appreciation. After it's been a certain amount of time since the last potty break, take the dog out for another. up from a nap. If you pick too large of a container, this strategy will not work. Continue to turn away from your Cocker Spaniel as he jumps on you. See my. 2022 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Once your dog is calm and waiting for your approval, give him a basic command such as 'sit'. Anytime your Cocker Spaniel decides jumping up is a good idea, use your hand signals to have your sit and then lie down. Just continue to turn your back away from him even if he follows you to the opposite side keep turning away from him and ignoring him. with Use the motion of your hand to indicate a signal for sitting and lying down. This will give him an activityto doand, of course, a reward, while he waits for you to get into the door. Once your Cocker Spaniel sits and notices the treat, lower the treat down to the floor and then closer to your body. Hold any treats you give her below her head or drop them on the floor - so she will get into the habit of looking down when greeting people, which also helps her not jump up. The smell of urine in the carpet will encourage her to go there A temporary sacrifice of more freedom for a long term gain. And remember that a dog's The size of the container is critical it must only be large enough for small kennel or animal carrier. or Summer. the house. If your pup is very excited he will probably jump up on you because he wants to say hello and tell you how much he missed you. Do not reprimand him, do not talk to him, do not make eye contact with him. Check out my tips on buying a Cocker puppy and my Training an older Cocker Spaniel to change his behaviors will take a bit longer, but is certainly possible.. He does this in any setting when people arrive or he sees people. Before you start training your Cocker Spaniel not to jump up, you will need to understand the methods and All indoor activities should be preceded by taking the dog out for a potty break. When you come across a person who doesn't know to do the step toward method with her, then use the Leash method to correct her yourself and instruct the person to please not pet her until she sits because you teaching her polite manners. When you are coming through the door, for example, you can train him to lie down instead of jumping up. will usually trigger the urge to do it. The younger the If you choose Continue to practice with your Cocker Spaniel so he knows your expectations of being calm and patient and using his basic obedience commands to sit before he can be acknowledged by yourself or anyone coming near him. think running a damp towel over it is going to do the trick, you are sadly Teach guests who come into your home and anyone in your Cocker Spaniel's life not to touch, pet or even acknowledge your him unless he is using his manners. As difficult as it is, ignore your Cocker Spaniel as you walk into your home. Your intelligent pup should follow the treat into a down position. Whenever your puppy cries or whines, assume she has to go potty! When taking the dog outside for a pee or poo, use a leash. Take advantage of this and limit their night-time sleep area so If you need to, turn your back to your Cocker Spaniel and continue to ignore him. This way, if the puppy questions. Using your hand motions, practice having your Cocker Spaniel sit and lie down in areas where he is typically very excited and jumps up. There is a LOT more to this web site than just this page! Also, I suggest not letting her off leash around other people who won't do the step toward method with her until she is doing better. to train with guests, have a few friends ready to come over to greet your You want her to be your friend, right? Jumping on someone, then being petted and not corrected for jumping will make training her not to jump 3x as hard. Recruit people you know to meet you on walks and instruct them how to step toward her, then reward her when she sits instead. Jumping = correction AND Sitting = petting and treats. or by clicking on one of the quick links below. ANTICIPATE your dog's need to go potty. How to Train Your Cocker Spaniel Dog to Not Jump Up, How to Train Your Dog to Perform Down with a Clicker. He will eventually calm and wonder why you're ignoring him. Don't expect that the dog will alert you when she wants to go outside. Eventually, your pooch will learn that he cannot get attention from you as a greeting when he is overly excited and jumping up. He wont think jumping up is not a tolerable thing until your train him not to do it. Do not use your hands or your voice to acknowledge him at all. Praise the dog when it poops or pees in the right spot, GENTLY scold when it does it in the wrong spot. Meet Jim Zim If he becomes excited again and begins to jump up, repeat the steps above, turning your back and ignoring him. Always train your puppy to go potty outside. Get one! Here are some ideas: What else have I learned as a breeder of Cocker puppies? up. Stop water intake a few hours before bed time. When your Cocker Spaniel jumps up, he might think hes showing you just how much he loves you and missed you, but in reality, he could destroy your clothing or anger your guests. Three little words for you: Carpet Cleaning Machine. Move it toward the back of his head and have him sit. Check out the article linked below and the Step Toward and Leash methods. Once he's calm again ask him to sit and then rub his head. Notice how your Cocker Spaniel greets you. So, if a dog wakes up from a nap and you immediately start playing with You do not want your puppy thinking it's ever OK to pee or poop inside the house! (Yet, the same behavior in your teenage daughter is completely normal.) This will help the puppy sleep through the night without waking you up to go outside. It's a LOT easier to potty train a puppy during dry, warm months. Place a treat close to your dog's nose but do not give it to him. The easiest way to do this is to place the dog in a Contact Jim Zim. Be sure to have treats handy to reward him for choosing to lie down rather than jumping up. Best of luck training, mild winters, you will make the job of potty training MUCH easier for yourself if you acquire your new puppy in Spring As with any training, do not ever hit the dog. it is impossible to provide a way for the dog to get outside without your help, Caitlin Crittenden, How to Train Your Dog to Perform the Down Position, How to Train Your Dog to Ride a Bike with You, How to Train Your Dog to Fetch a Dumbbell, How to Train Your Dog to Use a Gentle Leader, How to Train Your Dog to Perform a Beg Trick, How to Train Your Dog to Search and Rescue, How to Train Your Australian Cattle Dog to Herd, How to Train Your Dog to Not Pee in the House, How to Train Your Dog to Lay Down from a Distance. Once your dog has calmed down and is no longer jumping, you may use a verbal command and ask him to sit. You'll be able to control the dog better, and keep it from fooling around when there's business to be done. also find a lot of good advice in my list of frequently asked Have lots of treats on hand for rewarding positive behaviors. Use this method when you walk into a room to an excited Cocker Spaniel as well. All About Our Cockers Don't even acknowledge his negative behavior.
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