Each container image can have multiple running instances. Aquas vulnerabilities database, founded on a continuously updated data stream, is aggregated from several sources and consolidated to make sure only the latest data is used, promoting accuracy and limiting false positives and negligible CVEs. Furthermore, your execution environment might block containers running as root by default (i.e., Openshift requires additional SecurityContextConstraints). As of Docker 1.13, you can use the --init flag to wrap your Node.js process with a lightweight init system that properly handles running as PID 1. We recently covered in this blog how image scanning best practices helps you shift left security. The following table summarizes recommendations from the CIS Docker Community Edition Benchmark, specifying how to set up a safe docker configuration. Some tools can also test a container image for security best practices and misconfigurations. The following code sets a Docker container to read only: Cloud native security requires security controls and mitigation techniques at every stage of the application lifecycle, from build to workload and infrastructure. My Web Development Journey, Or How I Fell In Love With WebStorm, Building My First Gem: Learning What I Dont Know. Learn how to prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications by applying a quick set of Dockerfile best practices in your image builds. Create a minimum number of manager nodes in a swarm, Bind swarm services are bound to a specific host interface, Encrypt containers data exchange on different overlay network nodes, Manage secrets in a Swarm cluster with Docker's secret management commands, Rotate swarm manager auto-lock key periodically, Rotate node and CA certificates as needed, Separate management plane traffic from data plane traffic. Be really careful about your confidential data when dealing with containers. Implement drift prevention to ensure container immutability. While Docker requires root to run, containers themselves do not. If you are unable to complete this form, please email us at [emailprotected] and a sales rep will contact you. Set Docker memory and CPU usage limits to minimize the impact of breaches for resource-intensive containers. A common example is using a base image with a full Debian Stretch distribution, whereas your specific project does not really require operating system libraries or utilities. When following the local install instructions, due to duplicated yarn the image will end up being bigger. Avoid giving open access to your entire teamthis simplifies operations, but increases the risk that a team member, or an attacker compromising their attack, can introduce unwanted artifacts into an image. Runtime Security. There are many open source and proprietary image scanners available. Forcing a specific UID (i.e., the first standard user with, When using custom images, check for the image source and the Dockerfile, and. As the author of the image, you should default to running as a different user and make it easier to limit access for that user. In container land, tags are a volatile reference to a concrete image version in a specific point in time. You want to run the container as an unprivileged user whenever possible. Create an incident response process to ensure rapid response in the case of an attack. Not all system calls are required to run a container. Running binaries that were created elsewhere requires a significant amount of trust, and the same is true for binaries in containers. myapp) execute: For alpine based images, you do not have groupmod nor usermod, so to change the uid/gid you have to delete the previous user: By default, any Docker Container may consume as much of the hardware such as CPU and RAM. Founder, replicated.com. Container Security, Then, you copy only the resulting artifacts to the final image, without additional development dependencies, temporary build files, etc. If you use a base image to create new images, any vulnerability in the base image will extend to your new images. This also includes in the developer computer, using the Sysdig inline scanner, which provides different integrations with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Github actions, and more. Docker Security, You need to specify the published ports at runtime, when executing the container. You can then create a user account, and copy the original ENTRYPOINT and CMD directives to your own image. Running as non-root might require a couple of additional steps in your Dockerfile, as now you will need to: You might see containers that start as root and then use gosu or su-exec to drop to a standard user. Im logged in as a normal (non-root) user. Each CIS Benchmark provides guidelines for creating a secure system configuration. Rani is the SVP of Strategy at Aqua. An ad blocking extension or strict tracking protection is preventing this form from loading. If your team needs to log into your containers using SSH for every maintenance operation, this creates a security risk. Dont expose host devices directly to containers, dont disable the default SECCOMP profile, dont use docker exec commands with privileged and user option, and dont use Docker's default bridge docker0. The Docker Image can then be run with the node user in the following way: Alternatively, the user can be activated in the Dockerfile: Note that the node user is neither a build-time nor a run-time dependency and it can be removed or altered, as long as the functionality of the application you want to add to the container does not depend on it. While Docker has become synonymous with containers, various container tools and platforms have emerged to make the process of developing and running containers more efficient. Images with vulnerabilities that exceed a severity threshold should fail the build. However, it is a Dockerfile best practice to avoid doing that. We also added a bonus section summarizing the security best practices of the Docker CIS Security Benchmark, so you can be aware of secure configuration best practices. has the last word on who is the running container effective user. Dont share the host's network namespace and the host's process namespace, the host's IPC namespace, mount propagation mode, the host's UTS namespace, the host's user namespaces. To follow this best practice, try to avoid: Most of the time, you can just drop the --chown app:app option (or RUN chown commands). Use labels to add information to containers, such as licensing information, sources, names of authors, and relation of containers to projects or components. If you wish to upgrade yarn globally follow the instructions in the next section. If you are familiar with containerized applications and microservices, you might have realized that your services might be micro; but detecting vulnerabilities, investigating security issues, and reporting and fixing them after the deployment is making your management overhead macro. Developer #golang, #erlang and more. Aqua offers an open source tool, called Trivy, which lets you scan your container images for package vulnerabilities. This significantly reduces the attack surface. This container will have trouble if running with an UID different than myuser, as the application wont be able to write in /myapp-tmp-dir folder. Both the ADD and COPY instructions provide similar functions in a Dockerfile. The final image will contain only the minimal set of libraries from distroless/static-debian-10 image and your app executable. This option should be enabled with care, especially in production containers. This set of recommendations, focused on Dockerfiles best practices, will help you in this mission. That means having a smaller and restricted build context will make your builds faster. Openshift and some Kubernetes clusters will apply restrictive policies by default, preventing root containers from running. It is strongly recommended not to rely on the default bridge networkuse custom bridge networks to control which containers can communicate between them, and to enable automatic DNS resolution from container name to IP address. In this example our application will use the path in APP_TMP_DATA environment variable. It is essential to patch both Docker Engine and the underlying host operating system running Docker, to prevent a range of known vulnerabilities, many of which can result in container espaces. Never make the daemon socket available for remote connections, unless you are using Docker's encrypted HTTPS socket, which supports authentication. As new security vulnerabilities are discovered continuously, it is a general security best practice to stick to the latest security patches. Also, if a container needs to run a very specific command as root, it may rely on sudo. Avoid the temptation of running as root to circumvent permission or ownership issues, and fix the real problem instead. Well designed systems adhere to the principle of least privilege. Trivyuses the same vulnerability database as Aquas commercial scanner. Provide appropriate file system permissions in the locations where the process will be reading or writing. Finally, you can create a user on the host, and pass its uid to Docker when starting the container. Use EXPOSE to flag and document only the required ports in the Dockerfile, and then stick to those ports when publishing or exposing in execution. Even if you are extra careful with the COPY instructions, all of the build context is sent to the docker daemon before starting the image build. See our Attack of the mutant tags to learn more. Sensitive information should never be hardcoded into the Dockerfileit will be copied to Docker containers, and may be cached in intermediate container layers, even if you attempt to delete them. The nodejs package is less likely to change than our application source. It is a Dockerfile best practice to include metadata labels when building your image. Store your credentials as secrets, don't leave them in your source code. You will have to set up a process to rebuild when the base image is rebuilt. Here is an example of how you would run a default Node.JS Docker Containerized application: The Docker team has provided a tool to analyze your running containers for potential security issues. Docker images are designed to be portable, and its normal to pull other images from Docker Hub to use. Use the following command to launch the Daemon when the host starts: Here is how to run a container as rootless using Docker context: Ability to tamper with Linux security modules like AppArmor and SELinux. Ensure the scanner supports the languages used by the components in your image. Container labeling is a common practice, applied to objects like images, deployments, Docker containers, volumes, and networks. These are designed to contain only the minimal set of libraries required to run Go, Python, or other frameworks. This resulting image now follows the best practice outlined here, and will run securely by default. To check if the container is running in privileged mode, use the following command (returns true if the container is privileged, or an error message if not): docker inspect --format =''[container_id]. Enable user namespace support to provide additional, Docker client commands authorization, live restore, and default cgroup usage, Disable legacy registry operations and Userland Proxy. In this article, you will learn about the following Docker security best practices: Docker and Host Configuration Keep Host and Docker Up to Date Do Not Expose the Docker Daemon Socket Run Docker in Rootless Mode Avoid Privileged Containers Limit Container Resources Segregate Container Networks Improve Container Isolation Set Filesystem and Volumes to Read only Complete Lifecycle Management Restrict System Calls from Within Containers Securing Images Scan & Verify Container Images Use Minimal Base Images Dont Leak Sensitive Info to Docker ImagesUse Multi Stage Builds Secure Container Registries Use Fixed Tags for Immutability Monitoring ContainersMonitor Container Activity Secure Containers at Runtime Save Troubleshooting Data Separately from Containers Use Metadata Labels for Images. But many images dont do this. It will help you shift left security by checking for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, allowing you to act before threats are deployed. One of the best ways to protect yourself against any unexpected access is to grant only the minimum amount of privileges necessary to a process to run. Docker images often require sensitive data for their normal operations, such as credentials, tokens, SSH keys, TLS certificates, database names or connection strings. Aqua protects Docker application at runtime, ensuring container immutability and prohibiting changes to running containers, isolating the container from the host via custom machine-learned SECCOMP profiles. There are very few use cases where the container needs to execute as root, so dont forget to include the USER instruction to change the default effective UID to a non-root user. Some of these (official images) will follow this best practices and run as a normal user account. This is the way you would pass in secrets and other runtime configurations to your application as well. Docker provides network drivers that let you create your own bridge network, overlay network, or macvlan network. First off this reduces the number of processes running inside of your container. Avoid use of privileged containers during runtime, running ssh within containers, mapping privileged ports within containers. For example, in docker this is done with the DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST environment variable:export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1. Since RUN, COPY, ADD, and other instructions will create a new container layer, grouping multiple commands together will reduce the number of layers. Follow these Dockerfile best practices to select your base images: Use base images that are frequently updated, and rebuild yours on top of them. But lets not forget about some additional pre-checks and what comes after building your image: running it. And remember, a scanned image might be safe now. If you are building an image from the CI pipeline, you need to scan it before running it through the build. Lets create a Docker image from this Dockerfile: And finally, lets run this Dockerfile, bind-mounting a volume from the /root/secrets.txt file that I cannot read to the /tmp/secrets.txt file inside the container: Even though Im marc, the container is running as root and therefore has access to everything root has access to on this server. Rani is an avid wine geek, and a slightly less avid painter and electronic music composer. This can prevent malicious activity such as deploying malware on the container or modifying configuration. This article dives into a curated list of Docker security best practices that are focused on writing Dockerfiles and container security, but also cover other related topics, like image optimization: We have grouped our selected set of Dockerfile best practices by topic. It is a Dockerfile best practice for every executable in a container to be owned by the root user, even if it is executed by a non-root user and should not be world-writable. However, COPY is more explicit. In this way, administrators can troubleshoot containers without logging in. https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security. Aqua provides a platform that secures Cloud Native, serverless and container technologies like Docker. Expose only the ports that your application needs and avoid exposing ports like SSH (22). He holds an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. Really avoid running your environment as root. Well written, secure and reusable Docker images should not expect to be run as root and should provide a predictable and easy method to limit access. Getting rid of the known risks in advance will help reduce your security management and operational overhead. For example, a latest tag is used to indicate that this is the latest version of an image. So far, we have focused on the image building process and discussed tips for creating optimal Dockerfiles. There are three main strategies for ensuring tags are immutable and are not affected by subsequent changes to the image: Visibility and monitoring are critical to smooth operation and security of Docker containers. Set appropriate CPU priority for the container, set 'on-failure' container restart policy to '5', and open only necessary ports on the container. When using plain Docker or Docker Swarm, include a HEALTHCHECK instruction in your Dockerfile whenever possible. "https://yarnpkg.com/downloads/$YARN_VERSION/yarn-v$YARN_VERSION.tar.gz". At the last stage, only the generated artifacts are copied to the final image, without any development dependencies or temporary build files. First, one option is to create another image, using the original image as the FROM layer. The same goes for dpkg or bash. It is one of the Dockerfile best practices to use docker content trust, Docker notary, Harbor notary, or similar tools to digitally sign your images and then verify them on runtime. Learn on the go with our new app. Docker images are commonly built on top of base images. There is no need to always go to the latest version, which might contain breaking changes, but define a versioning strategy: Every opened port in your container is an open door to your system. The image scanning feature in Sysdig Secure will help you follow these Dockerfile best practices. Previously Rani was also a management consultant in the London office of Booz & Co. To build containerized applications in a consistent manner, it is common to use multi-stage builds. Ability to install a new instance of the Docker platform, using the host's kernel capabilities, and run Docker within Docker. Love podcasts or audiobooks? Previously founder of @lookioapp. Since the kernel is shared by the container and the host, kernel exploits when an attacker manages to run on a container can directly affect the host. Ensure sensitive host system directories arent mounted on containers, the container's root filesystem is mounted as read-only, the Docker socket is not mounted inside any containers. Ideally, we would create containers from scratch, but only binaries that are 100% static will work. Restrict containers from acquiring additional privileges and restrict Linux Kernel Capabilities. Remember that a process running in a container is no different from other process running on Linux, except it has a small piece of metadata that declares that its in a container. For a go application, an example of a multistage build would look like this: With those Dockerfile instructions, we create a builder stage using the golang:1.15 container, which includes all of the go toolchain. Be extra careful with files that get copied into the container. This will block the executing user from modifying existing binaries or scripts, which could enable different attacks. The Docker daemon socket is a Unix network socket that facilitates communication with the Docker API. Differences between static and dynamic libraries. Restrict network traffic between default bridge containers and access to new privileges from containers. To avoid this issue, follow these best practices: Docker provides rootless mode, which lets you run Docker daemons and containers as non-root users. Dont use a hardcoded path only writable by myuser. If running your images in Kubernetes, use livenessProbe configuration inside the container definitions, as the docker HEALTHCHECK instruction wont be applied. Remember that any additional component added to your images expands the attack surface. Make resources world readable (i.e., 0644 instead of 0640), and ensure that everything works if the UID is changed. The app user only needs execution permissions on the file, not ownership. Run the container as a non-root user, but dont make that user UID a requirement. This isnt ideal; running containers this way means that every container you pull from Docker Hub could have full access to everything on your server (depending on how you run it). Aqua further enhances securing Docker as follows: Aquas container firewall lets you visualize network connections, develop rules based on application services, and map legitimate connections automatically. If you want to go a step further, check also our 12 container image scanning best practices article, to help you shift left security. Remember that a vulnerability in any component of your image will exist in all containers you create from it. It is safer, and it also reduces image size. Follow these best practices: In a container, you can choose to allow or deny any system calls. Even if a file is removed in a later instruction in the Dockerfile, it can still be accessed on the previous layers as it is not really removed, only hidden in the final filesystem. Enabling signature verification is different on each runtime. An example will show the risk of running a container as root. Avoid networking misconfiguration by allowing Docker to make changes to iptables, and avoid experimental features during production. By following this best practice, youre effectively enforcing container immutability. Avoid including unnecessary packages or exposing ports to reduce the attack surface. They can then tear down existing containers and deploy new ones, without ever establishing a connection. We compiled 20 essential Docker security best practices into the most comprehensive hands-on guide that will help you build more secure containers. Most container scanning tools use multiple Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) databases, and test if those CVEs are present in a container image. However, because tags can be changed, it is possible for several images to have a latest tag, causing confusion and inconsistent behavior in automated builds. Ideally, the operating system on a container host should protect the host kernel from container escapes, and prevent mutual influence between containers. Images that follow this pattern are easier to run securely by limiting access to resources. This is similar to the userns-remap mode, but unlike it, rootless mode runs daemons and containers without root privileges by default. In Docker, the default setting is to allow the container to access all RAM and CPU resources on the host. If you need more control, you can create a Docker network plugin. Confirm cgroup usage and use PIDs cgroup limit, check container health at runtime, and always update docker commands with the latest version of the image. 12 Container image scanning best practices to adopt in production, Attack of the mutant tags! Containers are not trust boundaries, so therefore, anything running in a container should be treated with the same consideration as anything running on the host itself. Container image scanning is the process of analyzing the content and composition of images to detect security issues, misconfigurations or vulnerabilities. So, when building your images, follow these practices: Also, your images shouldnt contain confidential information or configuration values that tie them to some specific environment (i.e., production, staging, etc.). Set the logging level to 'info', and set an appropriate default ulimit, Dont use insecure registries and aufs storage drivers. Docker provides a privileged mode, which lets a container run as root on the local machine. You should design a way to maintain containers without needing to directly access them. It is important to set resource quotas, to limit the resources your container can usefor security reasons, and to ensure each container has the appropriate resources and does not disrupt other services running on the host. Ensure that containers can connect to each other only if absolutely necessary, and avoid connecting sensitive containers to public-facing networks. For example, Ill add that to my Dockerfile from above and re-run the example. Aqua securely transfers secrets to containers at runtime, encrypted at rest and in transit, and places them in memory with no persistence on disk, so they are only visible to the relevant container. This has both operational and security advantages. Difference between Terraform and Kubernetes, marc@srv:~$ docker run -v /root/secrets.txt:/tmp/secrets.txt , $ docker run --user 1001 -v /root/secrets.txt:/tmp/secrets.txt , $ docker run -v /root/secrets.txt:/tmp/secrets.txt . Container orchestrators like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm provide a secrets management capability which can solve this problem. COPY is more predictable and less error prone. You can use one or more of the following Linux security capabilities: A simple and effective security trick is to run containers with a read-only filesystem. Having the path as a configurable environment variable is not always necessary, but it will make things easier when setting up and mounting volumes for persistence. That means having a smaller and restricted build context will make your faster... Unix network socket that facilitates communication with the Docker API SSH ( 22 ) variable: export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1,... 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Docker Command Inside Container,