Please try again.. You will need to change each of these. This makes Docker download an image and modify it according to the instructions in Dockerfile. Well describe how to get Nextcloud Office running on your server and how to integrate it into your Nextcloud using the docker image Nextcloud and Collabora built. This process is described here under Adding Features. Your Apache reverse proxy has no backend server to proxy to yet, however you can go ahead and get your Lets Encrypt certificate in order. That should be it. I simply had to tell the reverse proxy to use a https backend and redirect the requests to the collabora port 9980 via environment variables. The build process is completely hands-off, you just have to trigger it. Then you will add a new line under it with the same indentation which says build: . When docker-compose is putting together the containers, it will recognize that this one needs to be built instead of pulled. I use an haproxy docker container as a reverse proxy + ssl handling. Its better if you display the default self-signed certificate there because displaying a real certificate with your servers FQDNs as subject alternate names would reveal the FQDNs needed to access Nextcloud. Basically what youll do is download two files into the folder where you have docker-compose.yml which are Dockerfile and supervisord.conf. Further information on data protection at Youtube can be found in the privacy policy of the provider at: video. Its even possible to use expose instead of ports so the collabora port is not public accessible on the host. I havent got it completely running and my setup differs a little bit from yours, but I might give you a starting point: You could easily add collabora to the compose file without using https. Can you show what you have? Below is my configurations. Combined with the letsencrypt-companion I dont even have to worry about certificates. Users can insert and reply to comments and invite others without a Nextcloud account for anonymous editing of files with a public link shared folder. Note that when youre updating containers, when you run docker-compose pull , it will fail to pull this image because it doesnt exist. With a little luck, theyll take the hint and move along. Depending on the exact environment, they may not be needed. If your intention is to use Collabora, you probably dont want to leave the box checked to install OnlyOffice. The docker-compose.yml directive for mounting the data folder creates the folder both on the host and inside the container, however it will be owned by root. If someone could help me understand, that would be nice. Yeah can confirm this, I have the same error. This is a general guide to setting up a functional Nextcloud instance using Ubuntu Server 18.04.3, Docker CE, Docker-Compose, Collabora CODE, and an Apache reverse proxy. Nextcloud is running on port 8888 and ssl is independently handled by a reverse-proxy. It can happen that a document does not open with the following error forwarded by Docker: collabora_1 | wsd-00029-05 04:02:26.019667 [ client_ws_000b ] Timed out while waiting for document to unload before loading. Insert images directly from your Nextcloud Removed it and it worked. One other thing to note about this, your default self-signed certificate will probably have your servers hostname in it. Trying to run collobara and nextcloud on same server - REpost sorry, Help Running NC19 as a Container w/ Persistent Data, Using Podman & Podman-Compose. There is a link to some example Dockerfile files, one of which installs smbclient in the image. I recently ran out of disk space using docker collabora ce. Youll need: without native support. The only drawback seems to be that the default TCP port from collabora needs to stay open for http traffic on the hosting server, which could potentially expose security risks. I used Ubuntu because Ive been an Ubuntu user since about version 8, and its among the most popular. You can find instructions and examples here: Next you will set up the Docker-Compose file which describes all of the containers to be run. OCC is inside the Nextcloud Docker container. Unable to open Next Cloud Office, File Sharing is not possible on installation with docker, External requests stop at Apache test page. Basically what youll do is create a file in the same folder as docker-compose.yml called Dockerfile with one of the examples or whatever other commands you want to modify the image. Is it better to install Nextcloud via snap or setup a web server? Nextcloud and Collabora will also talk to each other through this proxy. Freshly-installed and up-to-date Ubuntu 18.04 server. I added collabora in the docker-compose file as you suggested. It cant be the actual nextcloud IP address since the actual IP address of nextcloud is going to be a private docker IP. Yes. Hi! Chat or have a call while editing Im getting error on setting up collabora. Autoconfiguration using the environment variable NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS does not appear to work. i have found this recipe here that seems to do the job: So for example, when you are off-network, your device will query from a public DNS server and receive your external IP address. Head to and follow their instructions. Get a feeling for the collaboration platform that helps thousands of modern organizations to secure data and to collaborate across divisions and over company borders. Most of this will be outside the scope of this document. One question, in nextcloud settings there are same errors about background jobs (not execuded days ago) When using the external url the access is pretty long and I have latency navigating through the documents, Hope that could be solved if I succeed to connect through the local url. What this means is that you have a DNS zone, in this example, and that you have this zone available in both public DNS and local DNS where the records differ. Enterprise users who need a more reliable and scalable solution with long term support, guaranteed response times and security updates can take advantage of our optional support contract for Collabora Online. Any advise on How to host NextCloud on Ubuntu? In the below examples, Ive used for Nextclouds FQDN, and for Collaboras. change in configuration after collabora Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Using nginx instead of Apache for Collabora, Can't find the directory "/hosting/discovery", Collabora + Caddy reverse proxy (in Docker), Unable to connect nextcloud docker to collabora container which is accessible from host, [Collabora] Configuration with docker-compose, First, edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add the following near the bottom: Next, edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf. But we can use Apache wiht a docker file. post a new topic in the Collabora category, A subdomain or a second domain that the Collabora Online server can run on, An Apache server with some enabled modules (, A valid SSL certificate for the domain that Collabora Online should run on, A valid SSL certificate for your Nextcloud, Go to the Apps section and choose Office & text, Admin -> Collabora Online -> Specify the server you have setup before (e.g. Make sure to replace with the host that your own Nextcloud runs on. Huh. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Docker-compose - almost perfect, need help with collabora/code. You need to have an period escaped domain as explained in the docs. If you use a self-signed certificate then youre mostly on your own , The following steps will download the Collabora Online docker, make sure to replace with the host that your own Nextcloud runs on. Configuration on Settings / Nextcloud Office appears to be ok: I got the green circle on Setting up a new server after click Use your own server, fill the URL (using user:password, as I saw elsewhere) and then checking Disable certificate verification (insecure). My NC install works great, the reverse proxy and the lets encrypt image as well. Youll need to have some info ready that well use throughout the process. What this does is adds entries to /etc/hosts of the containers to ensure that the FQDNs resolve to the IP address of the reverse proxy on the host. Many people on this forum use it. Bringing self-hosted online office to everybody. I have same setting with nginx-proxy and letsencrypt-companion and could not get it work. Collabora is LibreOffice in browser. Thanks for your help. Plug in the COTURN secret from your .env file. I am stuck as well using haproxy. Once you have done that the server will listen on localhost:9980. I think these are not necessary. Enterprise users have access to the more stable, scalable Collabora Online Enterprise version through a Nextcloud support subscription. But I am now using a subdomain and ssl encryption, like the guides suggested. Nextcloud_IPADDRESS ? A lot of the info above would probably work on other systems as well. I am reopening this thread because I cant get my setup to work although my docker-compose.yml file seems to be OK. Confirmed this is working. I have messed with the formatting and it still not works. The first thing well do is set up Docker. With Mariadb install fails at first (you can see in logs) but retries and finalizes the installation. You can now simply type occ and the command will be sent to the Nextcloud container. Create a folder in your home folder called nextcloud. He didnt like the in services.nextcloud.ports and services.collabora.ports I followed exactly all the steps except 5.4.Adding Features & 6.2.Running OCC. I tried with port also :9980 but not working. We need to change it to www-data or we will get an error during setup. Ive installed several small Nextcloud instances using this method with good results, and I wanted to compile my setup notes in a format thats easy to follow and reproduce. View and reply to comments. As of this writing, SSLHonorCipherOrder exists but is already commented, and SSLProtocol and SSLCipherSuite with preset values. Now I have completed the rest of it and I am getting the default webpage for apache2 for the office URL. Make sure in your settings (in the NC GUI) you use the value: http://:80 even though the nginx proxy will cover everything with SSL. Since everything is running in docker the containers names are resolved. Install the Collabora Online app If you have built an image with a Dockerfile, To check the status of your containers, run. A check of the trusted_domains array in config.php confirms this. Thanks for this, it made the installation so simple ! @pravin Ok, please start your own thread for troubleshooting and make sure to post your Apache and Docker configs. ONLYOFFICE is more like Google Docs: client's browser loads the full editor, and sync changes on the document to the server. If you need cron support, you will have to adjust the Nextcloud container configuration to build instead of pull. The main difference is, it now seems that Redis password authentication is a requirement, otherwise, the following errors appear in logs: The clue was in this thread [SOLVED] Latest Docker image broke the installation (Redis password auth). That will be enough. Install Apache from the Ubuntu repository and enable some modules. Ill indicate this thread as solved. A few notes about running these containers: Also, an important note regarding the Nextcloud data folder. Persistent data (your Nextcloud data and database) are in the subfolders, so even if you delete your containers, your data is safe. We will be dealing with multiple instances of Apache in this setup. Nextcloud has native support of Collabora Office. This line is already in the Apache site configs, but its commented out. This is fine, and certbot will make the changes to your Apache sites config files for you. Apparently they take precedence over POSTGRES_* environment variables and Nextcloud try to connect to a MySQL host instead of the Postgres host. This is the most complete resource Ive yet come across for setting up Nextcloud in a Docker container. on Nextcloud + Collabora CODE+ Docker Compose + Nginx. You will also be prompted whether you would like to redirect HTTP to HTTPS. You can follow EFFs official guide and be done in a couple minutes with no hassle. So, right now, Im wandering if there is a way to run the Collabora server without SSL. If you make any changes to docker-compose.yml, you can run. For me this gets everything connected but loading/creating Files does not work with the following error: Im investigating further and hope to find a solution. Harder on server since the server is effectively rendering a copy of LibreOffice for every client and transporting differences after operations. When I try to create a new document, Nextcloud let me choose a template, I click Create and then Loading test.odt until Document loading failed - Failed to load Nextcloud Office - please try again later. Would you care to comment on these points please? So I didnt have to edit any config files. This is a documented option, so as far as Im aware, it should work. Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) is free and under heavy development, adding features and improvements all the time, but beware that it is limited to 10 open documents only, so it is only suitable for small teams or as demo version! If you want to use the docker container with more than one Nextcloud, youll need to use domain=cloud\.nextcloud\.com|second\.nextcloud\.com instead. Comment out the existing ones and add these at the bottom above : Put the following in /etc/apache2/sites-available/010-nextcloud.conf, Put the following in /etc/apache2/sites-available/011-collabora.conf, Put the following in /etc/apache2/sites-available/999-catchall.conf. It is possible to run Cron jobs with this tutorial? I use Nginx on the host directly since I have more than 1 services to run. The only thing you should need to do is create your initial admin account. So when I did the docker-compose it gives me an error of services.callabora.ports contains invalid type. So the section to add would be something like that: Now you have to configure your reverse proxy to forward request to the collabora container (add a VirtualHost/Server): Then you have to log in as admin and install the [collabora online connector app] ( By the end (and as of writing), this setup will have an A+ rating on Nextcloud Security Scan and Qualys SSL Server Test and a valid, self-updating certificate from Lets Encrypt. Most likely a typo. Could you help me on how to add Collabora in the following docker-compose file? Once you have done that the server will listen on localhost:9980. Also make sure to escape all dots with double backslashes (\), since this string will be evaluated as a regular expression (and your bash eats the first backslash.) If you have any experience with Nextcloud, you know there is a command line utility called OCC that youll need from time to time. At this point you should see the data folder under your nextcloud folder along with html and mariadb. Nextcloud + Collabora CODE+ Docker Compose + Nginx, Redis Object Cache on Shared Hosting (DirectAdmin, cPanel, Plesk, etc.) We are able to provide a solution for Online Office for the entire Nextcloud community through our partnership with Collabora in an easy to use docker image for developers and home users. Take some time to explore our interface and see how Nextcloud can help you accomplish your tasks! Cannot get rid of the reverse proxy warning, Collabora and Nextcloud in docker-compose - not working, Apache Reverse Proxy on same machine as Nextcloud, Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server, Up-/Download to slow (only 2MB/s) after installation despite good hardware, Error with permissions for mariadb directory after running docker-compose.
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