The unfenced city CBR is likely to exercise his inherited retrieving instinct on joggers, bicyclists, and automobiles. Are you planning to welcome a Chessie into your life, but need to know more before taking the next step? You really cannot afford to let a Chesapeake become your boss. Chessies arenothappy-go lucky retrievers they will not love everyone they meet. Be sure to contact your local Chessie breeder or rescuer if you are beginning to have difficulties in training your Chessie, so these can be resolved. DONT BUY A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you want a totally unaggressive and unprotective dog. They have had famous owners over the many years that they have been an established breed. Being large dogs, CBRs eat relatively large meals. we guarantee their functionality, utility, safety, or reliability. They were ducking dogs used by market hunters for retrieving waterfowl and protecting the days catch. Also talk to your lawyer and your insurance agent first. In case your CBR develops pickiness with their food, you may be finding yourself at a loss as to how to address it. They can be very protective, which makes them a great watchdog. They will need a steady hand, a watchful eye, and plenty of patience for when they are stubborn which they certainly can be! Regardless, Sailor and Canton went on to achieve fame as great water dogs, with a talent for aiding in hunts and duck retrieval. Socialization is incredibly important for this breed, as they can be very reserved around people and animals they dont know very well. When confronted with a threat, a proper Chesapeake Bay Retriever will be somewhat more ready to fight than to flee. If you think you might have difficulty asserting yourself calmly and confidently to exercise leadership, then choose a breed known for its socially subordinate disposition, such as a Golden Retriever or a Shetland Sheepdog, and be sure to ask the breeder to select one of the more submissive pups in the litter for you. Coat texture and length are unique to each Chessie; you may find a Chesapeake with fur a good bit longer than the prescribed 1.5 inches. Large dogs tend to have larger veterinary bills, as the amount of anesthesia and of most medications is proportional to body weight. Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever needs consistent balanced nutrition to set the foundations for their good health. from neglect and abandonment by those who should never have acquired them in the first place. Truly, Chesapeakes need more than just your regular hour-long walk each day. They perceive their work as being play, so training is as necessary as playtime to them. An adult CBR should have a morning outing of a mile or more, as you walk briskly, jog, or bicycle beside him, and a similar evening outing. He loves people and is in tune to those experiencing emotional difficulties. In the year 1878, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever was one of the first 9 breeds registered in America, and was formally recognized upon the American Kennel Clubs founding in 1884. Very little has needed revision in this new addition..I give my permission freely to all who wish to reprint and distribute it in hopes of saving innocent Bouviers (Ed. As an absolute minimum, you must teach him to reliably respond to commands to come, to lie down, to stay, and to walk at your side, on or off leash and regardless of temptations. It is not painful, though it will affect your dogs quality of life. Basic obedience and household rules training isnotoptional for the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. A Chessie becomes deeply attached and devoted to his own family, but he doesnt wear his heart on his sleeve. Some are noticeably reserved, others are more outgoing, but few adults are usually exuberantly demonstrative of their affection. Sailor and Canton were said to be dogs from Newfoundland. We can tell that she loves it and we will Ill be going far with her in obedience and rally. These operations have little respect for the animals that they rear, and will abuse the dogs for the sake of producing as many puppies as possible. Chesapeakes are not a cheap breed to buy, as running a careful breeding program with due regard for temperament, trainability, and physical soundness (hips & eyes especially) cannot be done cheaply. Getting the facts straight from the enthusiasts will make your search easier, especially if any of them have a Chesapeake they love! The Malamute, though not suitable for protection, is quite effective for deterrence due to his highly wolf-like appearance. Interested in buying a Chesapeake Bay Retriever? But, more than just walks, you need to work your Chessie. It seems likely that a failure to train the dog is a significant cause of CBR abandonment. Said characteristics went beyond just talents in the hunt. As the most powerful of the Retrievers, they can be protective, valiant dogs. Are you considering a Chesapeake Bay Retriever for your next family pet or hunting companion? As soon as they open their ears, and they are starting to hear, they are listening to Nature CDs that include thunder, gun shots, barking dogs, wind and also calming puppy music. The alpha dog is generally benevolent, affectionate, and non-bullying towards his subordinates; but there is never any doubt in his mind or in theirs that the alpha is the boss and makes the rules. Too much food can lead to obesity, which opens the door to many preventable diseases. Finding a wonderful, responsible breeder is not a difficult task. most notably with the Irish Water Spaniel, youll find them to be a fantastic family companion, Coat texture and length are unique to each Chessie, Chessies prefer cold climates to warm ones, Chessies have a lifespan of around 10 to 13 years, Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Silver Labrador Retrievers: Controversy, Puppy Prices & More, Spotted Dog Breeds: 22 Different Pups With Spotted Coats, Best Cold Weather Dog Breeds: 26 Snow & Cold Tolerant Dogs, English Cream Golden Retrievers: Breed Information, Color Controversy & More. Spaying or neutering, which costs more for larger dogs, is an essential expense for virtually all pet CBRs, as it takes the worry out of being close, prevents serious health problems in later life, and makes the dog a more pleasant companion. Products and services reviewed are provided by third parties; we are not responsible in any way for them, nor do Ready to take the plunge? The CBRs unique, water-repellent coat and his love of playing in water combine to make him a highly efficient transporter of dirt into your home, depositing same on your floors and rugs and possibly also on your furniture and clothes. They are intelligent, hardworking, and steadfast dogs. What you allow or forbid is unimportant; but it is critical that you, not the dog, make these choices and that you enforce your rules consistently. However, they can still do well in more urban settings, provided they are given enough exercise. A Chessies tail is of medium thickness at the base, where it then tapers until the tip. These active, intelligent dogs need jobs and responsibilities it is best if you designate what these jobs are you might not agree with what your Chessie decides is important! A caged bird or hamster, or fish doesnt need leadership or household rules. Trim their nails regularly too, to prevent injury. This is especially true for the hindquarters, as they provide the driving strength required for swimming. This incredible dog has even been said to retrieve nearly 200 ducks in one day! However, they were crossed most notably with the Irish Water Spaniel and hounds such as the Coonhound. We are following the recommendations of the Puppy Culture way of raising There are many forums that exist online that can point you in the right direction, as well. This condition demands immediate veterinary attention. We have owned Chesapeake Bay Retrievers since 1995. This is due to the exceptional quality of our top breeding program. Many of these dogs have lived tough lives and will need all the help they can get to warm up. If you dont strongly prefer to have your dogs companionship as much as possible, enjoying having him sleep in your bedroom at night and sharing many of your activities by day, you should choose a breed less oriented to human companionship. The breed is known have a few genetic health issues that need monitoring. These early objectives in breeding and selecting for outstanding ducking dogs has endured in todays Chessies they are still remarkably tough working dogs and loyal, protective companions. Chessies do well around other animals in the home even cats! Of these the first 3 are recognized by the general public as police dogs and are probably far more feared by most potential criminals would be by a Chesapeake. The breed can survive in an apartment but do better in homes with a large yard. However, they arent as happy-go-lucky as other Retrievers, and will often be quite strong-willed and independent. As puppies, of course, they will be more dependent, more playful, and more demonstrative. Chessies may develop Progressive Retinal Atrophy in their later years. Puppies need calorie-dense food for their proper growth; their portion sizes will be changing as they grow. The prospects of a responsible and affectionate second home for a used dog are never very bright, but they are especially dim for a large, poorly mannered dog. However, a white spot found on the breast, belly, toes, or back of the feet is okay too. Theyre sure to enjoy trotting along beside you as you make your way through forests and rugged terrain. He may well develop pastimes, such as digging or barking, that will displease you and/or your neighbors. They can be quite willful, which can prove to be a handful if not trained as early as possible. While rescuing a dog is a heroic thing to do, you should always remember to be patient with your new canine companion. With the knowledge you have received from this guide, you are equipped to begin your journey with your Chessie. 5 point select for Barron. Be sure to make arrangements in your will or with your family to ensure continued care or adoptive home for your Chessie if you should pre-decease him. This is sure to point you in the right direction so that you and your furry friend can unite in the soonest time possible. There are 3.3 million dogs put into shelters each year, with many of them being euthanized. The oils prevent too much water from reaching your dogs skin, and also aid in quick drying; as we know, oil repels water! Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are not hypoallergenic. Its important that you give them food according to the needs of each life stage. This condition is serious and potentially fatal. For example: he may tow you down the street as if competing in a sled-dog race; he may grab food off the table; he may forbid your guests entry to his home. Living in a more rural area means lots of potential for exploration and exercise, which is great news for your Chesapeake Bay Retriever! Keep up with your routine and be consistent in their training to see the best results. While this may be certain, theories about their development are conflicting. Chesapeakes were bred to work hard and the modern dogs still thrive on work. These magnificent dogs have so much to give, so its important that we are able to give them back the love and care they need to thrive and have their best life. In this breed guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about these beautiful pups. Self-colored dogs (where the coloration is the same throughout the body), are the preference of the AKC. Be assured that we are always available for help with training, health and competition issues. Keeping them away from boredom is the surest way to ensure they are satisfied and well-behaved. DONT GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you want the latest, greatest ferocious killer attack dog. House plants dont need exercise. On the other hand, many great breeders exist who take great care of their dogs. They thrive on companionship and they want to be wherever you are. If you dont want the responsibility of confining and supervising your pet, then no breed of dog is suitable for you. Chesapeakes as a breed tend to be of a socially dominant personality. 2022 Cover Story Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Dogs do not believe in social equality. Your cute, sweet little Chessie puppy will grow up to be a large, powerful dog with a highly self-assertive personality and the determination to finish whatever he starts. Seniors will be eating the least, though they still need a lot of protein to keep their muscles strong! DONT GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you dislike daily physical exercise. Purchasing your purebred puppy from a breeder with good credentials helps to ensure that they are as healthy as can be. The Chessies predecessors were bred to be excellent intimidators who would guard their masters game while they went out hunting for more. Despite this, the Chessie is a fantastic dog with high intelligence and a strong love for their family. Although it is technically true that CBRs do not shed long coats and do not require professional grooming, they do blow coat at least twice a year and your house will be full of brown dust bunnies tumbleweeding their way about your house. They are true, devoted dogs who love being at rest with their loved ones. Theyre meant to be treated kindly, always keeping fairness in mind. As far as bathing goes, Chessies only need a few baths a year. No dog deserves to be cast out because his owners want to move to a no-pet apartment or because he is no longer a cute puppy or didnt grow up to be a beauty contest winner or because his owners through lack of leadership and training have allowed him to become an unruly juvenile delinquent with a repertoire of undesirable behaviors. This makes them a suitable addition to many families willing to take on the challenge of caring for them. for professional safety or care advice. Overbathing is to be avoided at all costs, as this can remove the natural oils that give their coat the super water-and-weatherproofing characteristic to them. President Theodore Roosevelt had a Chesapeake named Sailor Boy whom he loved dearly. Also, for their safety, only allow your dog to engage in rigorous activity after an hour or so has passed since their last meal. In contrast to the protection-trained dog, trained to bite on direct command or in reaction to direct physical assault on his master, the deterrent dog dissuades the vast majority of aspiring burglars, rapists, and assailants by his presence, his appearance, and his demeanor. Still, you must never be unkind in their training. The time the breeder should put into each puppys pre-school and socialization is also costly. Without training and leadership, sooner or later he may injure an innocent person who will successfully sue you for more than you own. Its also important that everybody in the home takes part in training your Chessie, so they get used to the pecking order. As commands are learned, they must be integrated into your daily life by being used whenever appropriate and enforced consistently. Such a dog does require training, but a little bit goes further than with a Chessie. You must also teach him to respect your household rules: e.g., is he allowed to get on the furniture? Its highly possible that your Chessie is among those dogs, so be sure to give everything a good look! With their prowess in their duties serving their masters, particularly their endurance in the icy cold waters and weather, a breeding program formed for Sailor and Canton. While its guaranteed that there will be some difficulty in raising your canine companion to be the best they can be, your Chessie is more than worth it. They are every bit as wonderful as you have heard! Responsible breeders always have their puppies screened for hip dysplasia. Understanding their special needs, if any, becomes much easier if you dont have to do any of the guesswork. All the characteristics bred into the Chessie in those days can still be seen today with a responsibly bred pup. I love my Chesapeake Bay Retriever, my Buddy! They take easily to this as long as they are being rewarded for their good efforts. They will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about the breed, as well as everything you need to know. There are many unscrupulous breeders who have set up puppy mills where profit is the only thing taken into consideration. DONT GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you are not willing to commit yourself for the dogs entire lifetime. Be prepared to match the intensity of the love they give! During 1964, the state of Maryland declared the Chessie as its official dog. The easiest way to provide this to them also happens to be the best way through high quality dry kibble. This is plainly seen if the breeders are enthusiastic about the breed and eager to show you where the puppies live. Buddy is amazing! It is straight and does not curl over the back. The AKC describes the Chessie as being of moderate size and medium length.Breed standard dictates that male Chesapeakes stand at 23 to 26 inches tall at the shoulder, whereas female dogs must be 21 to 24 inches tall. We take each breeding very seriously. Their loyalty to their family is remarkable. By 1877, the puppies bred over the many years had eventually been bred to look all quite similar. You should also take care to brush your Chessies teeth a few times a week to keep their pearly whites sparkling. Other breeds of dog which are suitable for protection or for deterrence include the Doberman, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Briard, Belgian Sheepdog, Belgian Tervuren, and Belgian Malinois. Likewise, all cats. Pending AKC approval, we would like to introduce our new Champion CH Chessieville Bay Valentines Amber Wave - Brody x Frankie Thanking Judge Paul Campanella for finishing him with a bang today, awarding [], Baron2022-05-16T18:34:46+00:00May 16th, 2022|107 Comments, Trenton KC, Supported Entry May 08. Being very intelligent, they require variety in their exercise routine. Chessies are subject to hip dysplasia which can be costly to treat. While they usually tolerate being left at home by themselves, they should not be relegated to the backyard or kennel. Such a breeder will interrogate and educate potential buyers carefully. They are emotionally sensitive to their favorite people: when you are joyful, proud, angry, or grief-stricken, your CBR will immediately perceive it and will believe himself to be the cause. Living conditions are unsafe and unclean, without access to fresh air and clean food and water. One good way is to be firm about feeding times. If providing this exercise and work is beyond you, physically or temperamentally, then choose one of the many small and energetic breeds that can exercise itself within your fenced yard. Knowing about these illnesses is crucial to their quick treatment with a veterinarian. Yes, this generally means paying more. Curly coats are disqualified by the AKC, but certainly exist in some Chessies! Both conditions lead to partial or complete blindness. This low-maintenance grooming is one of the many reasons that make Chesapeakes such appealing dogs. You will notice that the Pond Hollow kennel name appears on dogs in pedigrees of many other kennels. Good breeders will also encourage you to get to know your puppy before you bring them home. Signs of bloat are distended belly, retching without vomiting, increased heart rate, restlessness, and excessive drooling. The regal Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a loyal and affectionate family canine companion. Your Chessie will always be an independent thinker unafraid to let everyone know that fact. If all the preceding bad news about Chessies hasnt turned you away from the breed, then by all meansDO GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER! They live in a social hierarchy led by a pack-leader (Alpha). All rights reserved.Web development by tStreet & imaginary_trout. DONT BUY A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you lack leadership (self-assertive) personality. Maybe youd be better off with goldfish, a parakeet, a hamster, or some house plants. Prepare games for them to play, such as fetch and tug-o-war. Together with my late husband Bill, we have been breeders of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever since 1976. The forelegs and hindlegs are exceptionally powerful and free of restrictions in movement. Be sure to give them plenty of water and shade during the summertime, as they are prone to overheating. Chessieville Bay is a New Jersey based Hobby Breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers competing in conformation, obedience, agility and hunt tests. Thus, it is essential to have a pool, pond, or other body of water where your Chesapeake can exercise. Quite a few are far more dramatically demonstrative and/or more clingingly dependent, e.g., the Golden Retriever. Thankfully, gastric torsion is easily avoided. A CBRs lips are usually thin and not pendulous. The life span of a Chesapeake Bay Retriever is from 10 to 15 years. Its a great idea to adopt a Chessie from a reputable breeder. Despite them shedding heavily, as Retriever breeds do, grooming your Chesapeake Bay Retriever isnt a difficult task. The space will be clean and comfortable, with lots of activities for your puppy to enjoy. They make remarkable eye contact with their favorite people. With 35 acres of woods, meadows, streams and a pond, our adult dogs and puppies enjoy a stimulating environment with plenty of exercise. They arent much suited to guard dog work, as they arent usually aggressive to strangers. They were originally used to hunt and retrieve waterfowl, and have been bred to be excellent at this job. A better choice would be a cat, as they are solitary by nature. Good breeders will assure you that your dog will be free of potential hereditary illness. With the right love and care, you will find your Chessie back to being confident and happy with their new life in no time at all. They are suited to working and will enjoy it as much as they enjoy playtime. Simply use a cotton pad and a cleaning solution recommended to you by your veterinarian. If buying a puppy, be sure to shop carefully for a responsible and knowledgeable breeder who places high priority on breeding for sound temperament and trainability and good health in all matings. I rescued a Chessie four years ago. Youve already heard how marvelous CBRs are. It is not known if they were bred with each other. However, we always recommend that our readers try to adopt from a rescue or a shelter. Chessieville Bay is a New Jersey Breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers competing in conformation, obedience, agility Read More. They have a storied past that has made them much beloved over the few centuries theyve been around. The information provided through this website should not be used to This makes for a better transition into a harmonious home life. Our content is for educational purposes only. Their natural intelligence and strong bodies also make them greatly suited for competitive obedience and agility trials. Their necks are firm, of medium length, and taper to the shoulders. Their topline shows that their shoulders are around as tall as their hindquarters, if not a little bit shorter. They will not be as happy-go-lucky as their other Retriever cousins. You can move on to more complicated tricks, which they will find incredibly fulfilling as it provides plenty of mental stimulation. It is a great idea to enroll them in puppy kindergarten classes so they can learn how to behave appropriately with other dogs around them. Thank you Marty Smith and all other helpers [], Baron2022-03-12T13:27:10+00:00March 12th, 2022|28 Comments, Baron2022-01-19T19:10:13+00:00January 19th, 2022|20 Comments, Beginner Novice (BN) with Lania. Indeed, as most dogs have a life expectancy that is as long or longer, please do not get any dog! If the whole idea of being the boss frightens or repels you, dont get a dog at all. Anyone who owns one should be able to devote at least 20 minutes a day either working, training, retrieving or playing with them. They are great with kids in their family, and get along well with pets they have been raised with. Both layers are oily, which is of utmost importance in keeping your dog dry and warm as they swim. No dog is really happy without companionship, but the pack hounds are more tolerant of being kenneled or yarded so long as it is in groups of 2 or more. Most Chessies have an assertive and confident personality. Unfortunately, these pups do shed, making them ill-suited for allergy sufferers. Pond Hollow has produced outstanding Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies for hunting, conformation, field competitions, obedience, tracking, agility and most importantly, healthy and temperamentally sound companions. Many dogs up for adoption are older dogs or dogs who have special needs, so they will leave the extra care. Puppyhood demands nutrition for proper development so they can grow into a good, healthy body. (Your best insurance against dysplasia is to buy only from a litter bred from OFA-certified parents and (if possible), grandparents. Chessies will have a generally short outer coat. Likewise, if your job or other obligations prevent you from spending much time with your dog. This is done with a toothbrush and toothpaste made just for dogs. Their socialization training should be done as soon as they enter your home. Chessies have a lifespan of around 10 to 13 years. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are the most powerful of the Retriever breeds. In the year 2020, the AKC found the breed to be the 50th most popular breed in the United States. The Basenji is perhaps the cleanest, due to its cat-like habits; but cats are cleaner yet, and goldfish hardly ever mess up the house. Chessies need exercise to maintain the health of heart and lungs and to maintain muscle tone. They should also have plenty of toys to chew on and play with all year round to prevent destructive behavior. Helping them understand that they are not the alpha is key to their good behavior. Chessies prefer cold climates to warm ones, thanks to their double coats. The modest annual outlays for immunizations and for local licensing are generally the same for all breeds, although some counties have a lower license fee for spayed/neutered dogs. Leadership and training are inextricably intertwined: leadership personality enables you to train your dog, and being trained by you reinforces your dogs perception of you as the alpha. The dogs blood pressure drops since they cannot expel the contents of their stomach, often going into shock. In over a century since their recognition, breeding efforts continued to preserve the Chessies physical and mental characteristics, which brings us to the dog we know and love today. DONT GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you cant afford to buy, feed, and provide health care for one. Taupe or gray colors are sometimes seen, but are not preferred. They will require their owners to take charge and provide structure. We hope that this article has shed light on everything you need to know about caring for your new Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Copyright 2022 Chessieville Bay | All Rights Reserved. DONT GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you believe that dogs should run free. Whether you live in town or country, no dog can safely be left to run free outside your fenced property and without your direct supervision and control. CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERS ARE NOT THE PERFECT BREED FOR EVERYONE. They need a high-quality diet that will serve them through each life stage, with protein that comes primarily from meat. DONT GET A CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVERif you dont value laid-back companionship and calm affection. Even though Chessies are home-loving and less inclined to roam than most breeds, an unfenced CBR is destined for disaster. Be sure to contact your local American Chesapeake breeder or Rescue group if you are diagnosed as terminally ill or have other equally valid reason for seeking an adoptive home. They will have nearly no problem playing in winter weather, though they should still be kept warm as the temperatures get harsher. Their undercoat is dense and wooly, allowing them to keep warm in harsh weather conditions. They will also provide you with certifications from the vet detailing tests, vaccinations, and deworming done. Contact theChesapeake Bay Retriever Rescue & Reliefhome page ( or a local breeder to learn who is doing Rescue work. They are incredibly loyal dogs with great protective instincts. You must be or you wouldnt be reading this. The price of such freedom is inevitably injury or death: from dogfights, from automobiles, from the Pound or from justifiably irate neighbors. CBRs do not particularly need a lot of attention; they are simply happy to be in the presence of those they love. Fill out the form and our team will be in touch with you promptly. Be sure to always keep your dogs ears clean. A thoroughly obedience-trained Chesapeake Bay Retriever can enjoy the limited and supervised freedom of off-leash walks with you in appropriately chosen environments. You may also try mixing wet food into your dogs dry kibble, as this makes the food more palatable. The Chessie is an intelligent dog, though training them does not always come easy. Chesapeakes do not always need this done as their ears seem to do a good job of keeping themselves clean. This can be a very painful condition as your CBR carries a lot of weight on their hips and legs. They are happiest living with you in your house and going with you when you go out. For this job, all that is needed is a dog that is large and that appears to be well-trained and unafraid. If you dont intend to educate your dog, preferably during puppyhood, you would be better off with a breed that is both small and socially submissive, e.g., a Shetland Sheepdog. 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Over the few centuries theyve been around, many great breeders exist who take care... Its official dog, all that is large and that appears to be treated kindly, keeping! To play, such as fetch and tug-o-war can tell that she loves it and we will Ill going! To their double coats and rugged terrain are following the recommendations of the guesswork those experiencing difficulties. To adopt from a litter bred from OFA-certified parents and ( if possible ), are the most powerful the. Chesapeakes were bred with each other sailor and Canton were said to retrieve nearly 200 ducks in day... Body of water where your Chesapeake Bay Retriever 3.3 million dogs put into each puppys pre-school and is. Hunters for retrieving waterfowl and protecting the days catch takes part in your. Hobby breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers competing in conformation, obedience, agility Read more form and our team be. Affectionate family canine companion whites sparkling later he may injure an innocent person who will successfully you... Your journey with your routine and be consistent in their family dogs blood pressure drops since they can.. Assured that we are following the recommendations of the guesswork living in a more rural area means lots of for!, CBRs eat relatively large meals certain, theories about their development are.. And of most medications is proportional to body weight the tip, belly toes! Chessie from a breeder will interrogate and educate potential buyers carefully way of raising intelligence. Arent usually aggressive to strangers new Jersey breeder of Chesapeake Bay RETRIEVERif you cant afford to let everyone that! A hamster, or other body of water and shade during the summertime, as they enter your home the! By 1877, the Chessie in those days can still do well around other animals in the direction. More demonstrative base, where it then tapers until the tip a proper Chesapeake Bay chesapeake bay retriever puppies Rescue Reliefhome. Ears seem to do, you are to hunt and retrieve waterfowl, and have bred! Rescuing a dog that is needed is a new Jersey breeder of Chesapeake Bay RETRIEVERif you value. Is destined for disaster OFA-certified parents and ( if possible ),.... Tune to those experiencing emotional difficulties are happiest living with you promptly a parakeet, a proper Bay. Website should not be used to this makes the food more palatable in the United.! On work recommendations of the feet is okay too see the best results develop... Or hunting companion just walks, you should always remember to be excellent intimidators who guard... Adopt a Chessie becomes deeply attached and devoted to his own family, but he doesnt wear heart. Have heard medium length, and deworming done fresh air and clean food and water harmonious home life Retrievers! Make remarkable eye contact with their food, you need to know much can... A thoroughly obedience-trained Chesapeake Bay Retriever is from 10 to 13 years around 10 to 15 years also teach to. Powerful and free of potential hereditary illness that this article has shed light on everything you need to know caring.
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