// Please do not write to us or email us about adoption - we want to speak to you before we start the process. Or wrestle. Two border collies on the loose makes them harder to monitor. [CDATA[ 2006-2022 Copyright. If you live in a fairly busy household with lots of people coming and going you need a dog that tolerates or enjoys such a lifestyle. I have yet get Lily playing with a non-border collie. Its best tohave a backup planif the meeting doesnt go well or your new dog doesnt get along with your existing one. I don't know and I"m not going to test it out any time soon. Having more than one Border Collie can be a lot of fun for you. If you are looking for a companion dog, it is dogs of this type that we would offer. It's hard to find a dog that's so energetic, work-oriented, loyal, quirky, and affectionate at the same time. This can be the good habits and the bad habits as well. var tlJsHost = ((window.location.protocol == "https:") ? Display as a link instead, When the male died (far too soon) I rescued another BC, who was a 5 month old female. Border Collies are not the best breed with young children - in fact many of the dogs we are asked to take in have proved to be a problem with I don't think he'd work well with breed that's known for being more snooty? They all got along generally well. The temperament and character of a Border Collie needs careful consideration when matching lifestyles to that of potential owners. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ I'm moving out of my family's house and getting my own house soon. What others have said is good advice, and I'd particularly listen to Gideon's Girl as what she mentions are very common experiences. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function() { When two border collies are together they can pack up in instinctual situations, like chasing a rabbit and go in for the kill. What traits can you not live with in a dog? By I've seen this over and over with my dogs over the years! A family with young children should be aware of these risks Aed will play with any dog that will run with him, and he doesn't have a preference between border collie/non border collie as much as he does between energy/less energy. I had 2 and they were both great dogsI was really into agility when I had my 1st one and he was a great athlete. When I asked Border Collie owners what large breed dogs they have that work well with their Border Collies Heres what they told me. Older children and teenagers stand less chance of becoming victims and are more likely to gain respect and compliance than young ones. That said a nice age to me is about 2-5 years apart. Best pals. into our care and look after it, at any time, if the new home is unable to keep it - for any reason. This is because they can both be the Alpha of their own gender, so you will most likely have less squabbling and fighting. I find it hasn't really been much different looking after them both than when I just had the one. She pepped my now older male up quite a bit and assisted him in his later years. Separate walks until they have learnt the basic's of walking on the lead and they are focused on the person on the end of the lead. I'm not sure if it's because I adopt older dogs, but one way or another, they always got along ok. But man, there's something weird about how they just instantly "get" other BC's. Your Collie will need to be very patient and gentle with this new little dog. I suspect if it was one WE owned/lived with that it would be different and she'd enjoy the similar play style but out and about? It might be worth mentioning I got them both as pups because my nan works them and they had some unexpected litters. Talking with many Collie owners who have multiple Collies I havent had a single one tell me they regret it! Despite the age difference, they treat each other like siblings. I have a friend who has English Shepherds. The border collie rescue society is a specialist The older BC did teach the pup some great habits, so that was nice, and even though the pup was kind of ignored by her older sister, she still used up some energy generally being an annoying little twit to her. If you currently have a Border Collie and are planning to bring home a small breed dog, you will need to be very careful to always monitor the puppy around your Collie. }); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dont force it. Our assessment process ensures that any dogs that wish to herd, or possess strong working instinct, are detected and re-homed to working homes where they can be trained, putting their We are happy and though he demands lots of activity and attention we work to give him those while we are also having fun. Well. Or really just interact in any way. The size and temperament of both dogs are big factors. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1293410998927460", Every wanted to compare a Belgian Malinois to a Border Collie? My BC (12 years old) has dropped off in terms of physical demands, but the ACD spurs her on. Ours tends to favor opposite sex dogs and she doesn't necessarily care of the age. You cannot paste images directly. Also if you are bringing a puppy home they will need more confinement as they are learning to be trained as well as a separate space to sleep since their sleep cycle will be very different than an older dog. So you have a Border Collie and you love it! He has a more laid back, care-free attitude, so he'll probably do better with someone like him in that regard. I had a female BC (rescue) and when she was about 3 years old I got another BC (farm dog pup bought for $20) who was male. If youre not able to give them several hours (not necessarily in a row) of your time each day to walk them, play with them, teach them, etc.. then you are probably not ready to get another dog that will also demand more of your time and attention. knocked over or accidentally injured a child when play got out of hand. when taking a Border Collie as a family dog, even if told it is good with children. ..Well, there is something calledlittermate syndrome, which you can read more abouthere, but basically, 2 puppies can get so attached to each other that it can cause extreme anxiety and behavior problems for one or both of them. This article covers the cost of grooming a Border Collie:Cost to Groom a Border Collie (Owners Surveyed). Click here to see what a Belgian Malinois and Border Collie Mix, Bichon Frise Teething Timeline and Teeth Care Guide, Cost to Groom a Border Collie (Owners Surveyed), Click here to see what a Belgian Malinois and Border Collie Mix, Why Does my Siberian Husky Smell? She has so much energy that we had a problem with her running off for a while. herding instincts and drive to positive use. He is super playful and high energy so around 6 months old we decided to get another puppy because he needed a friend. The first one, came with specific instructions that she was to be an 'only dog' because she was aggressive. I had two border collies growing up, but they were from the same place and we're both puppies when we got them. What are your favorite traits of your Border Collie? Aed sounds like Keeper, who is also still young. If you want to mix it up, but still stay within the Border Collie spectrum, you might want to check out some Border Collie mixes in rescue. The border collie is known to be a one person border collie, does not this in itself warn the average pet owner against having more than one. Its best tolet them meet each other on neutral territory. All images, logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owners. I might try to be a pretty macho man most of the time, but every time that one of those ASPCA commercials comes on, I can't help it darn you Sarah McLachlan Anyways, I'm thinking he'll do best with another herding dog. Charity No 1128983 Charity No SC040796 (Scotland). My current BC boy loves his Papillon brother..seriously, they are besties in a way I have never had 2 dogs be besties before. enable_page_level_ads: true })(); Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our Terms & Conditions ,Privacy Policy and Disclaimer *I am joking, don't do this. Either way, you will want to have space where your older dog can go to escape and be alone when they want a break. :), Edit: here's a picture of our sweet dogs :) https://imgur.com/a/M9Seh. Your link has been automatically embedded. Many Collie owners find great success in usingthis online programto train their dogs. You are sure that your dog would thrive with a friend around to keep him company. We welcome all border collies and mixes too! I love your picture rushdoggie they are so cute! If they start showing signs of nervousness or aggression, its best to back off and try again later when they are calmer and in a quieter place with less distraction. Having one dog is expensive, but having multiple dogs can get even more expensive. That said, there are a number of people here with dogs of other breeds but, in large part, I think sticking with something at least somewhat similar is a best bet.
Champion Rough Collies,