Her most recent blood test showed everything normal except one liver metric that was 120 (was told the top was 119) I dont know what that refers to honestly. We have a sweet girl who is now 10, and has had seizures since she was 3 (our Vets believe she suffers from these due to 2 bouts of Lyme Disease). My dog Stormy had a seizure for the first time tonight. But she is never outside unattended, she is always within reach as she always likes to keep me in her sight Around 7:30 in the morning, he began having some trouble breathing, and I called my mom and asked her to send the vet to my place as soon as possible. I took her to the vet and they found her blood work and pressure to be normal and called it idiopathic seizures. It sends electrical impulses to various parts of the body to cause an actionbe that walking, barking, or breathing. They might smack their lips or bite at the air, and their legs will lock up and appear tense. Talk to your dog softly and gently touch him to assure him. I am also highly suspicious about an insulinoma. Only 2 commercial foods contain the correct ingredients for seizures, see below. Low blood sugar can definitely cause seizures. She stated she has a cataract in her left eye, and a slight ear infection but her breathing, lymph nodes, etc seemed to be normal. Remember not to stick your fingers in your dogs mouth because you might accidently get bitten. He is a researcher. Two other conditions that may be confused with a seizure are old dog vestibular disease (aka doggy vertigo) or a stroke in dogs. Dear Amanda, We did take her to the vet. We have no vets around me open during the weekend sadly so have to wait til tomorrow. The ER vet has suggested we take her in the morning to our state veterinary hospital for neurology tests. Privacy Policy | Return Policy | Shipping Terms So I waited until December she had 2 boosters. Did you receive any results from the urine test? To protect your dog and yourself from injury: Once your dog is in a safe place, you can try capturing a video of the seizure. 2. Other than being tired, he is back to himself and acts like nothing happened. You should also make notes of how long a seizure lasts, and how severe it appears (did the dog fall over and start paddling, or did he/she just start to shake and look dazed but did not lose complete balance or conscience). Application "Sponsor a Squishy Face" Program, Our vet did tell us that,"A dog may seizure for any number of reasons. It can be caused by a high fever or by low blood sugar. I cant imagine a better way to say goodbye than what you described. More info on this commercial diet can be found here. Ive been regretting it everyday since then, i feel like i gave up too quickly, I rushed into my decision but maybe I could have started him on treatment for seizures and he would still be here. Any suggestions? A few minutes after I hung up, his breathing steadied and he closed his eyes and went to sleep. My 18 year old Lhasa Apso mix started pacing at night a couple years ago, cbd didnt help, melatonin didnt help, trazodone helped up to a point but i had to keep increasing it. You can give your dog phenobarbital twice a day, but over time it can damage his liver. It has fewer side effects that Phenobarbital and Potassium Bromide and can also be used alone or with other medications. As either of those organs fail, toxins build up in their blood stream. Dear Linda, Think about the brain as the command center of the body. We see vet in two days. Their head and neck may arch backward, and they may cry out and whine while this is happening. Sometimes there can be a brain tumor, or sometimes it can be caused by an overweight dog who has sleep apnea and simply putting the dog on a reducing diet can cause the apnea to stop, which then causes the seizures to stop. If your dog is near something that could hurt him, like a piece of furniture or the stairs, gently slide him away. There are two ways to go - you can cook the diet yourself (best), or if you are not able to do this, you can find a commercial diet that has the basic ingredients recommended for dogs having seizures. Also, seizures can be caused by benign or malignant tumors in the brain. Since I havent examined your dog myself, I cant make specific conclusions. This has been absolutely tragic to witness. Dear Sheri, The exact signs will be determined by the area of the brain where the abnormal electrical activity was centered. This brings joy to my heart! In august of 2017 she got 2 more boosters and rabies booster. Your description of biting at the air was exactly what occurred at the beginning of the first seizure. Your vet probably recommended referring you to a neurologist because they have more experience with diagnosing the cause of seizures and treating them. So How do you figure out a diagnosis to help a dog! Dogs that take phenobarbital need blood tests about every 6 months. A neighbor recently told me of witnessing a dog having seizures at a pet store (the pet was in for grooming). It is very important with any specialized diet that you restrict ALL treats unless they contain only these ingredients. I can however, offer you these resources that may help guide you through the process: If you think your dogs quality of life is declining due to seizures, talk to your veterinarian too. I also noticed a buildup of wax and fluid in the ear on the side of his head where the cancer was. Syncope is mostly triggered by excitement, coughing, or some other activity. We are going to back her off the Prednisone some and keep watch for any more problems. So this is a viable option in certain cases. She usually gets up and starts walking after a brief rest. It also helps to keep a seizure journal that lists the date and time of the seizure. Any time seizures or other strange symptoms show up unexpectedly in a senior dog, in the back of my mind I am always afraid of finding cancer. I am not sure your boy would have had much quality of life without the use of his limbs and eyes in addition to the nighttime anxiety and trouble sleeping he was already dealing with. I am very concerned about these new mobility issues and her lack of eating. If this is happening to your dog he may have a seizure disorder. It also helps to check the color of the dogs gums and tongue if you can do so safely. Again, stay calm, your dog will not die, he almost assuredly will come out of it. Your vet may prescribe medicines to control seizures, like phenobarbital or potassium bromide. I didnt know what to do except to hold her tightly to me. The term epilepsy is used to describe this recurrent seizure activity. Our 16 yo female JRT Zoey (shes a rescue weve only had her 7 years) is in the ER vet tonight. After she is tired but otherwise she eats well and is very active etc. 3. Your vet will want to do a thorough physical exam, and get some lab work to look for the causes of your dogs seizures. Below I will give you some important information and links so you can be armed with the most up-to-date treatments. I hope with time your heart will heal and you will find comfort in the good memories you shared together. Bless you both. We followed up with our regular Vet this past Thursday. Just because a dog has a seizure does not mean that the dog has epilepsy.". (Cluster seizures youd call them?). University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine and Gary Johnson, DVM, PhD Would that even have made a difference? These medications require careful monitoring, sometimes have undesirable side effects, and are often needed lifelong. Epileptic seizures can be effectively managed with Phenobarbital, in fact it can be used to treat many different canine seizure disorders. Dogs can fall to the side and make paddling motions with their legs. . After a seizure has finished, dogs may be more aware of their surroundings, but they are still not 100% normal. So buy the canned Natural Balance Duck and Potato formula, it is very high quality and would be my first choice. They gave us a choice of euthanasia or bringing her home to pass. I am glad you had an appointment with your vet Friday afternoon. My ten year old golden rescue mix had two seizures, about one minute long or more each on Friday.. Thanks for these informative articles! Information on brain tumors and research studies. Normally, unless the dog is still suffering from the seizure when you get there, they will not start the dog on any medication. It is possible for a dog to have one seizure and never have another, but more likely you will see another one sometime in the future. [emailprotected] However, bigger clinical trials are currently underway. I believe that even if the diet alone doesn't work, one should still keep the dog on these diets. They think she might have a brain tumor. When treatment is first begun, it typically takes 1 to 2 weeks to reach a stable level in the blood system. Like you, he or she has your dogs best interests in mind and can help you work through this difficult decision. 4. She seems back to her normal self and is resting comfortably now but I cant sleep. Shes never had any before this. She had 8 (violent) Grand mal seizures total (so far, she is resting now). Other dogs will continue to have more seizures through their lifetime. Best wishes for many more happy years together. I hope your girl continues to be seizure free and can get back to living her best life. So the question is, when are the seizures severe enough or frequent enough to absolutely warrant treatment? Fortunately 24 hours later, no more seizures but she is very unsteady on her feet, tripping, bumping in to things and just tipping over. She has had heavy panting for a year now treated with Xanax and rimadyl for arthritis. Is it too late to clean this carpet and remove the odors? Praying your girl is at peace and resting no matter which choice was made. Click here Available from your vet or online. I live two states away. If your dog has a seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes or if he has several in a row while he's unconscious, take him to a vet as soon as possible. My very healthy 11.5 year old mastiff/pitbull/shepard mix had her first ever seizure yesterday. I am sorry your girl is having so much trouble. We get momentary tinkles of her old self then her eyes will dart and her teeth chitter and we cant deny it. We decided to bring her home since she started eating and walking again and didnt want me to leave her. The other component is anti-seizure medication. Tuesday, we took her to the vet and he couldnt tell anything was out of the ordinary but I gave him a urine sample, fecal sample, and they took blood work. Spot on! Thank you so much Dr. Buzby. Was it wrong of me not to take him in to the emergency vet the night before? Thanks again. They may stay in one place, pant and drool excessively, and appear restless, disoriented, or confused. At the age of ten, it is important to rule out the possibility of a tumor. These are known as cluster seizures. Update: Senior dogs are more prone to kidney and liver disease. If your dog is near stairs or in another dangerous location such as on a bed or couch, carefully move your dog to a safer location on the floor. Be clear about your limits and what you would like the stopping point to be. Use the canned only, the dry has coconut oil in it. My 15 year old Shih Tzu /Chihuahua mix has been having seizures for several months now. If is wakes up easily and acts normal right away, it is less likely to be seizure activity. She had what we believed to be her first seizure this afternoon. She has only been eating about every other day and is losing weight. Detecting a tumor or issue in the brain requires specialized imaging that most local vets dont have access to, but a neurologist would. We keep a running list of potential topics and always appreciate new ideas, especially when they are as well thought out as yours. Some dogs may look dazed, seem unsteady or confused, or stare off into space before a seizure. Here is a list ofDrugs that may lower seizure threshold: Aspirin, IB Profen, Advil, Excederin or Motrin, If your petsare taking any Anti-Epileptic Drug, consult with your vet first before you give any OTC (over the counter) cold medication(s). (This also applies to any OTC medications, Herbal Supplements including Vitamins. Since I havent examined her myself, it is hard to make specific conclusions and recommendations about quality of life. In a psychomotor seizure, some dogs will stare into space and appear unresponsive. After the seizure is over, take the dog to the vet right away and have the dog examined and follow your vet's instructions. DHPP, LEPTO. The complete rationale (no EXACT recipes per se, but necessary rationale) for how diet can both cause and relieve seizures can be read here Glutamate Aspartate Restricted Diet info. The content is presented solely for informational purposes and may not be relied upon to replace face-to-face medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by professional pet healthcare providers. They can be so scary and heartbreaking to watch. I guess Im just worried that despite his calm appearance, I may have put my boy through unnecessary suffering during his last night. This article was really helpful in explaining everything. First flopping uncontrollably, then paralyzed on her side. If you did end up saying goodbye to your sweet girl, I hope her passing was smooth and peaceful. About 30 minutes later, his breathing started to slow down, and then, along with the rhythmic beating of his heart, it finally stopped. Seizures can look like a twitch or uncontrollable shaking and can last from less than a minute to several minutes.Our vet did tell us that,"A dog may seizure for any number of reasons. . Dont put anything in his mouth. They said she was close to passing and didnt seem to be in any pain. Gabapentin can also work well especially in dogs with brain tumors and helps to calm them down if any of the drugs are causing them to be hyper (which mainly happens with Valium) or if the dog is getting overly excited for whatever reason, setting off a seizure. 5. A dog can lose consciousness and convulse. They can be so scary even if you have seen them many times before. Dr. Buzbys ToeGripsinstant traction for senior and special needs dogs who struggle to walk on slippery floors. Any sustained temp over 105 F will cause brain damage, so bring some cold wet towels with you or whatever you can to cool their head, neck and chest. The rest of the night, I had him next to me in my bed, with my arms wrapped around him which was his favorite way to sleep. Feel free to keep us updated as you continue to navigate this tricky situation. Wising you both the best! We thought for sure we were losing him. It Does a Boston Body Good, Do dogs have souls? In fact, I had one patient who had seizures whenever he played with a yellow tennis ball. I am concerned about these new symptoms you are describing in your senior girl. Seizures are scary for everyone. Our 14 yom golden retriever mix just had a seizure about two hours ago. Ultimately, I cant tell you when it is time for your dog. Best wishes and feel free to leave an update if you have a chance. If the seizure was from a cause not related to the blood sugar, then the honey would not have helped. We live close to a vet, so Sunday evening I had her come over and just make sure she was sound. I am hoping this diminishes as he is home and no longer on a sedative. You made the best decision you could with the information you had at the time. That way he or she can see what is happening and hopefully distinguish between normal REM sleep, a REM sleep disorder, or a seizure or other abnormal neurological event. My parents think she had multiple strokes last night and that caused the seizing. We took him to the emergency vet hospital which is affiliated with our vet clinic and he is there overnight for monitoring. Normal number is 3. Praying for a positive outcome! If you have the time, keep us updated! My 13 year old Pit mix started having seizures about 3 years ago, she only had them maybe twice a year the vet said it was due to heart failure, she then had a uterus infection and had the surgery to correct it, during the check up for the uterus infection we were informed that she had cancer of her mammary glands, she has been doing great but is now having several seizures a week, does this mean she is at the end of life? Filed Under: Common Dog Health Problems, Our Blog: The Buzby Bark. Blood tests to evaluate organ function, blood sugar, electrolytes, and blood cell numbers. Stay away from your dogs mouth and head; he could bite you. I hope you never have to experience a seizure again. We dont know the results of this yet. Seizures may happen for a variety of reasons. . There may be a simple treatment or medication that could resolve these new issues. 1. Here is a list of someconditions which can cause seizures in dogs: Brain tumor, Head injury, Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Distemper Environment - toxins, Epilepsy, hyper' and hypo' Conditions, Hyperglycemia or Hypoglycemia, Hypoxia or Hypoxemia, Hepatic Encephalopathy or Liver Disease, Renal (kidney) disease, Hyperkalemia, Hyperlipoproteinemia, "garbage" (poisoning), Tick Bites, Toxoplamosis (Toxo), Lissencephay. However, it can help you understand how to comfort and safely care for your beloved dog during the seizure. If you can, time it. A dog's body temperature can rise very fast during a seizure, and with a long seizure, it can go even higher. Do it sooner than later before you are charged tons of money for other tests, treatments or hospitalizations that may not be needed or useful. I dont know what to think. They sometimes poop or pee during the seizure. Thank you for your blog! If the following criteria apply to your canine companion, anti-seizure medication may be needed: Your veterinarian may prescribe anti-seizure medications like phenobarbital for dogs, potassium bromide, levetiracetam, or zonisamide. Somehow that was not really reassuring, especially when he went on to tell us,"Currently no tests to determine if a dog has epilepsy", which might be inherited, or caused by something else like a trauma event. I try to comfort her and she eventually goes to sleep. We took her to Pet ER after the second one, they sent us home then we were able to get our usual vet to prescribe us phenobarbitol. They started her on Phenobarbital. Hi Lisa, She has low blood sugar. Seizure symptoms can include collapsing, jerking, stiffening, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, drooling, chomping, tongue chewing, or foaming at the mouth. If your dog is diagnosed with a brain tumor and the dog gets through the initial week or two on medications after showing the first signs (usually seizures, circling, inability to see or other unusual behaviors), the dog will probably have between 1-2 months of life if only medication is used. Some of them include: If an otherwise healthy senior dog starts having seizures, there is usually an underlying cause. My 18 year old minpin was diagnosed with CKD in August 2021 and on daily injection of Hartmanns solution since then. I am looking for more information on seizures (causes,etc.) There is nothing you can or should be doing except monitoring the time and making sure your dog is safe. All the best to you, and thank you for your quality advice. It is helpful if you can seek the help of a Board-Certified Veterinary Neurologist if your dog is having seizures. Hi Amy, The 2nd seizure happened this morning 2am+. Afterwards he lied on the ground breathing kind of weird and drooling everywhere. He has had a little bit of emotional stress this week due to separation anxiety from my mom for a week. My pom is around 15 to 20 years old and has seizures to. Finally, older dogs are at a higher risk for tumors. A difference very concerned about these new mobility issues and her teeth chitter and we cant deny it guess just! Back her off the Prednisone some and keep watch for any more problems due to separation anxiety from mom. Does a Boston body good, do dogs have souls and heartbreaking to.... And always appreciate new ideas, especially when they are still not 100 %.. Treats unless they contain only these ingredients Potato formula, it typically 1... That most local vets dont have access to, 13 year old boston terrier having seizures over time it can damage his liver for... Healthy 11.5 year old golden rescue mix had her 7 years ) is in the ER vet.... 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