I never set out to be a breeder of dogs. Carmella What interested me was his breeding to Karla z Polytanu. that puppyhood is a challenging time and that chewing, biting, Pups are $2,000. both love people and children. breed for us and for people who have similar needs. working her dog, whether or not she wishes to compete. His bloodline includes dogs titled in KNPV PH-1, mondio ring, IGP (schutzhund), and working police/military. formally work their dog in any sports. They can learn to discriminate, but building that ability takes time, training, and consistent socialization and exposure to a variety of situations and people over the first year to develop. It was extremely hot, the sand was hot, but we made it. I have started a waitlist for the upcoming litter. more about the history and current status of the Belgian Shepherd. Vaccinations I am thrilled to be able to add this strong stud to my breeding program, and bring over some new, powerful, and diverse working tervuren bloodlines.Pups will have enormous potential to excel at the highest levels in protection sports. In Chase, there are many long-lived dogs with excellent solid characters, excellent pigment, and solid performance and working drives. Karla is a police patrol dog with the Slovakian Police, handled by her owner Juraj Paulovi. A good session of Frisbee or retrieving can provide an outlet as well when time is short. Jahnu was not yet two years of age, so that was an unpopular component. During those four years, I dabbled in showing, while certifying and deploying with Savannah for SAR, and soon after, I received my Orsam x Disco Groenendael puppy Jai. 'F' of Intention Hill, Healthcare & Research Health Records, Groenendael I had come to admire Beata tbrov's. In his relationship with humans he should be observant and vigilant with strangers, but not apprehensive. "Pinkie" Ashwini In most of the Since learning this, Prot lost three siblings to cancer before the age of 10 (two to stomach cancer, and one to bone cancer), and his mother also succumbed to cancer, before the age of 10. However he did not develop the social character for protection sports by US standards, and didn't seem to possess the social confidence for working in the public venues we desired for narcotics detection (schools). His dam, Nicki, titled to PH-1 and IGP3 an impressive accomplishment for any dog but especially for a breeding female. either are well linked to other sites, or have a particular interest in Savannah is my ideal in a Belgian, and I wanted more of her offspring to work with. Moriahs pups are excelling in everything from disc dog to IGP to Police K9. Worldwide, most working Belgians (both the sport competitors and actual working police dogs) are Malinois. breed. He has been shown lightly, and earned Winners Dog at the 2015 Evergreen Belgian Tervuren Club Specialty. presence to be an effective deterrent against crime. Atlas is trained to PDC in PSA, and will be trialing for titles as soon as possible (Covid related delay). Since I wasn't comfortable using Gabbit for my C Litter, I bred Aanandi (from the A litter) to a male from Betsy Keating (Arlequin) and Alleyne Dickens (Bonheur). KNPV dogs (dogs typically sold after competitions to become actual police dogs) tend to be harder and are very often a bit larger than dogs bred for the other sports. Christa, Litters I am extraordinarily pleased with Moriahs first litter. The Belgian Tervuren is a variety of Belgian Shepherd. Even folks who have already owned Belgians are frequently surprised with how much more active and pushy a working-line Belgian can be. They have consistent structure, correct angles, social, confident character, and strong drives. Rather, it contains pointers to a few sites that Working-line Belgians are from lines bred to work which in the case of European Belgian Shepherds, means bred for protection sports: IPO (formerly Schutzhund), French Ring, Belgian Ring, Mondio Ring, KNPV (Dutch police dog training). I later learned of higher than average cancer risks in Prot's side of the pedigree, through extensive conversation with several European pedigrees, going back to Vici des Hauts de Bievre, and often also attributed to his great great granddaughter Jolie Canelle du Domaine Ponti. We have the right to refuse the sale of any dog or puppy for any reason. Breeder offers lifelong support and will place or take back any pup at any point in his/her life for any reason. your new companion will form a fulfilling partnership for life. I was losing my oldest rescue, Jayanta, which ultimately just tore me to pieces. Hips, elbows, and back are clear, with excellent to good hips and clear elbows throughout both pedigrees. owned in the past. level, great willingness to please, love of work, physical agility, keen To his inherent aptitude as a guardian of flocks should be added protectiveness of the person and property of his master. Belgians do not tend to handle rough handling and have a lower pain threshold than do Retrievers or some of the hound breeds and may nip when hair is yanked or tails pulled. The Belgian Sheepdog should reflect the qualities of intelligence, courage, alertness, and devotion to master. He is an incredible dog- a tervuren out of malinois, balanced drives for all three phases of IGP with a special love for protection, loves his handler, easy in the house, and confident. Belgians do have a strong prey drive and will chase deer or other wildlife if allowed to run loose. If, with that knowledge, a Sprite puppy sounds like the dog you are For me, this offspring from my B litter will be used sparingly, and Gabbit himself, will be collected and used sparingly, as we observe the overall health of his siblings and half siblings. This was a sad discovery for me. Breeders should have OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) numbers for hips and elbows as well as current CERF or OFA clearances for eye diseases. Helpers working with dogs out of this litter have asked to buy pups for Police K9 due to the social openness in the pups, combined with their ability to work and handle pressure (balanced defense/prey). I never thought I'd be breeding but now I find this endeavor to maintain a balanced working and performance dog with good health, character, structure and moderate breed type, a dog that can search for the lost, work on the ranch, and be an excellent companion has become very important to me. E-Mail: dfenzi@comcast.net; Malinois Advice There is a wide variation in energy level, sensitivity, drive and how social they are. Producing the A Litter with Kelley was so rewarding, and watching them grow has been immeasurable as an education. 2022 Kiersten Lippmann. Working-line Belgians might be fast on an agility course or flashy on an IPO field or in an obedience ring. If you are not able to drive to pick up your puppy, you will need to fly here, meet me, and fly the pup in cabin back to your home. During this time, I'd been studying pedigrees and dogs and really watching for breeders who put performance, working ability, temperament and health as very important factors, as opposed to a heavy focus on showing. And they require above- average training and involvement from the owner. Christa is in a companion home with breeding terms, and already I have shown her to her first two points in conformation (WB/BOS) and will train her in herding or tracking whenever she visits. These versatile pups work hard and relax at home with the kids, are easy socially appropriate in public, and love to please their people. Some lines (seen more often in dogs from countries that require the ankrung, or stability test) are almost German Shepherd-like in their stability not as twitchy or handler-sensitive as agility people might like. They are bred to be high-drive, quick-reacting, highly intelligent, very active, and very athletic. Gabbit brings tremendous athleticism, biddability and focus that overrides prey drive, and good heat tolerance. The D Litter My research led me to become very interested in a particular litter in Czech Republic. But it was a lot of work as it went against the natural instincts of the dog. The following is by no means an exhaustive list of all the relevant Web Questions: webmaster@redtaildesign.com I took two of her dogs to herding class with me and Kylie, my rescue Groenendael. Working & Breeding neighbor. I had been on an exhaustive search for a male, and had chosen some in Europe that were of interest to me, but with so many unknowns, and the financial risk to importing semen on a maiden bitch, I am deeply grateful for this offering and suggestion from Karyn to use "Chase" Arlequin in Hot Pursuit. And, beyond these performance-based differences, there can be a dark side to dogs bred for protection. Please note, I will not ship pups. Show grooming is not complicated and most Belgians are shown and groomed by their owners. In addition, it is not unusual for a puppy to If this is not possible, there are pet-nanny transport companies you can look into, but I will not be shipping in cargo. It is helpful to find a breeder who is breeding for the characteristics you value in your next dog. Here are some additional sites you can go to for more information on working-line Belgians: Facebook discussion page for working-line Tervuren, If you read French or can deal with Google translate, this site discusses the genetics behind working-line Belgians and their character (thanks to Kate Hogan for bringing this site to my attention): ensure that these puppies are placed only in those homes where their Weres Deabei Atlas X Official Star de la Rouquine Moriah. Dior In a given litter, there will typically be a range, and not all of these characteristics can be seen at eight weeks. successfully. owners have the experience and interest required to work with them There were four males and four females in the litter. Savannah at her precertification test for Wilderness SAR, Sisters-OR, 2008. So I set out to receive a puppy from one breeder, but her bitch didn't get pregnant on that breeding (I got a puppy from that combination later). is clearly happiest when he has work to do, whether that work be doing his In some cases (Wings, Who) the Malinois ancestors are further back. Savannah was eight years old at the time of breeding, and would turn nine before whelping. All puppies need a leader and consistent rules to be a well mannered member of the family. whose members were not experienced in the handling of high-drive breeds. When we relocated from Montana to Washington, I began competing in Disc Dog competitions with him. The trick is to get a balance in these traits: not too soft (sensitive) but also not too hard, not too independent but also not too needy or handler-dependent, not too phlegmatic but also not too twitchy or too intense. And so I imported Gabbit Elmar Slovakia from this litter of Prot x Karla. At those times daily brushing is needed, at other times a good weekly brushing and nail trimming is adequate. One of them also competes in dock diving and had some training in IPO, though not consistently. And so he has too much angle in his pasterns to be considered for agility. Justin Unfortunately there is no test yet for epilepsy. who could excel in a variety of performance events one who would Some lines can be twitchy nervous or even sharp. E-mail: malinoisduchocorua@gmail.com , or call 508-361-6880 with questions. Obviously, we want these characteristics for agility and other performance activities. Sire and Dam lines in Europe are active in police, ring, and IGP. Gabbit brings some important things to the table - the drives, focus, biddability, excellent heat tolerance and stamina, and good pigment. Moriah is trained to BH and working toward further IGP titles. Promote Your Page Too. Photos Gabbit produced my second litter, the B Litter of Intention Hill. Your site was a clear winner with U.S. pet owners over the last 12 months. IPO and More about IPO, Michael Ellis and Pi at the Mondioring Nationals 2010: Since his co-owner did not share this, we cannot know if early intervention would have brought an immediate correction or not. I had come to admire Beata tbrov's Prot Deabei very much. Cancer (Artemisinin and Other Info) is also known as the Groenendael), the Belgian Malinois (who has a Chittaprasad Jairam du Volant, Tervuren Therefore, waiting was not favorable. In some cases the parents of working-line Tervuren are Malinois, as is the case with our Austrian import DAir (in Europe, where the Belgian varieties are considered alI one breed, pups are registered by phenotype: a coated pup born to Malinois parents would be registered as a Tervuren; a black long-hair born in a litter of brown long-hairs would be registered as a Groenendael). Sprite Belgians, San Francisco, CA, USA. My young import Jacqui is from such a combination. For the greatest ease in following each litter, I create a Facebook page for each one. Chandravathi is in the UK training for SAR, obedience and tracking. The person who is likely to enjoy a Sprite puppy is interested in Puppies out of this pairing will excel in protection sports, working K9, scent detection, and many other working venues. other variety of Belgian Shepherds) should be aware of the needs of the behaviors. It is open to question whether this At Sprite Tervuren, we breed to produce dogs who have a high energy So as I was on several searches with Savannah this Spring, and saw that she was slowing down a bit at 10 years, I knew it was time to train her SAR replacement. All rights reserved. He has the potential a long, healthy life. I really wanted to get a puppy in before Jayanta passed away. Ligaments that are stretched do not unstretch. typical of a working line Tervuren. channeling the energy of a willing companion, and uses mostly positive One of them has turned to focus on disc dog competition, and was competing at the pro level as of 2016. RightNow = new Date(); Website Award has enormous energy, an independent temperament, a lack of stability, or a Puppies will be $1,800 and will come with full AKC registration as Belgian Tervuren. I fell in love with her Malinois Bixenta. My Second Stud Dog So I searched far and wide, and after finding no Groenendael with reliable predictors for success in SAR, except in Norway, which was cost prohibitive at the time, I turned to Tervuren. Working-line Tervuren thus almost always are Tervuren from Malinois lines so the kind of dogs HV Tervuren producesare the same as the dogs featured in the videos above, only with more hair. You are choosing a companion, and family member, to live in your home for the next 12 plus years. Michael Ellis and Pi. He should not show fear or shyness. Sprite Belgians. 'C' of Intention Hill This balance is achievable but requires I be very selective with my breeding dogs and program. Belgians, unlike the typical Golden or Lab, tend to be protective and territorial, they will protect their family and home, but this can be a negative in a busy household where there are frequent visitors and the family pet is expected to know that one stranger coming into the home is OK but another is not. Be sure to ask for health clearances on the sire and dam of a litter. reaching a comfortable resolution can take time and work. Belgian Sheepdogs are a working breed and should have a moderately high activity level and drive to work, this is what is needed for a good performance dog. He is demanding of time and attention, and They are all showing strong prey drive, biddability, good focus, toy drive, hunt drive, and athleticism and good heat tolerance. to commit the time to training and attention that this sort of dog Kelley has been my whelping coach for all four of my litters, via the magic of the internet. Then in 2017, we had numerous requests from the sheriff's office to search for weapons thrown by suspects. Pups will be vet checked and microchipped. Be sure and spend time researching if this is the right breed for you, your lifestyle, and your entire family for many years to come. In addition, most litters are We wanted an attractive dog who had sufficient For context, Vetary awards breeders with best-in-class online buzz, content, visuals, and most importantly, a strong cause and devotion toward their breed of dogs. encompasses the Belgian Tervuren (who has a long-haired brown coat with I have some aspirations to train him for lost dog detection, given his excellent work ethic, and very neutral demeanor with outside dogs. The Belgian Tervuren fit our requirements; it is the perfect I had preliminary xrays performed on him, and the results came back excellent for hips, and normal for elbows from OFA. Most likely both factors contribute, just as there go through phases of shyness or aggressiveness as she tries out various copyright their respective artists. I also have a page for the kennel and farm. (who has a rough brown coat with black overlay). He is defensive of the homestead, and has to be watched - he will jump fences to chase off stray dogs and foxes! to show aggressive reactions. typical of working-line Tervuren. More photos are kept here My own dogs have shown great restraint in dealing with boys when they were young but it has taken training of both the dogs and the children to respect each other and behave properly. The semen for this breeding was made available to me by Karyn Cowdrey (Blackfyre). obedience routines in a competitive trial or showing off tricks for a My research led me to become very interested in a particular litter in Czech Republic. Pups planned to arrive April, 2023. That is, there are some dogs showing who have not been worked for several generations, but the package is there, if only the opportunity arises. display differences in temperament. Puppies Mondio Ring III and French Ring III require a dog to move directly from the obedience to protection phases without a break, often working up to 45 minutes straight in drive, and decoys in these sports (the guys in the bite suits) seek a dogs mental weak spots. Copyright 1996- An excellent discussion of this is on the Haute Vole Belgian Tervuren Website. Sometimes when his older brother and friends came over, and play became rough, and the youngest started crying, the adolescent Belgian would run in and nip at the kids hurting his boy. Matti had been shown, but not done any performance. And so I chose Dior. Coat care is not demanding on a regular basis. not well-suited to serious working homes, so there may be a perfect Sprite comfortable with the breed. Jahnu Early Spay & Neuter His proper exams are pending as I have to travel to redo them. Most of the Belgian Sheepdogs or Belgian Tervurens are bred primarily from conformation show lines. The C Litter Resources, Intention Hill "Radha" Cantata Breeding some of the finest working tervuren in North America. Without going too deeply into genetics many of the working line Belgian Sheepdogs (Groenendael) have Tervuren who arise from the breeding of two Malinois who carry the recessive long hair gene in their pedigrees. In my program, I prioritize confidence, intelligence, drive to work with the handler (not just for the toy or bite), and ability to live life with their handler outside of just the sport. seeking, please contact us (650-851-1757 or dfenzi@comcast.net). So I seek a balanced dog. My current dogs, Soja and Cisu, though different from Justin, are also Genetics of Working-line Character, Copyright 2013 - Haute Volee Belgian Tervuren, Wings competes at the European Open in Brussels, Belgium. Belgians have excelled in obedience, agility and tracking, they are highly intelligent, but unless they have a constructive outlet for their energy they can become bored and destructive. At one year of age, I feel I have struck gold with this litter. In all cases, we make a strong effort to ensure a close They MUST have a job to do, and learn strict guidelines for how to behave. He was a beautiful dog, but also IPO3, excellent tracking, but suitable drives for SAR. It is a fact, however, that the Belgian Malinois A link is not necessarily an endorsement! Breeding will take place Dec-Jan 2022-23! I thank all who have appreciated my dogs, and who have advised and mentored me, and continue to do so. The mom took responsibility for training the puppy about proper behavior and spent several hours closely supervising the children whenever friends came to play and was able to teach the young dog that this was not acceptable. pages on the Internet. That is asking for quite a bit of discrimination and a less naturally protective dog might work better. They like to be with their person and will often follow them from room to room. working, as opposed to show, lines. I took them both to herding clinics and worked with them some at home on sheep and ranch chores, but our primary focus was SAR. Exceptional imported bloodlines will produce puppies suitable for protection sports, police, agility, SAR, active companion. Please understand and be familiar with this breed, their energy, drives, and time requirements. Because you can often get Tervuren from some top working Malinois lines you do find more working line Tervuren than Groenendaels. working dogs. Those facts, combined with the onset of mild pannus in Gabbit at the age of 4, and the onset of pannus in one of his daughters at the age of 2, and then after learning of health risks of cancer behind Gabbit's sire side, have caused me to be more guarded in using Gabbit or his offspring going forward. There are few, if any working tervuren of this quality being produced in the United States at this time. Everyone will have a different idea of best when it comes to working dogs. Look beyond the beautiful show I continue to study and learn about the health issues that affect the Belgian Shepherd lines, and pray every day that my dogs remain healthy, and all future offspring will continue that great health. _uacct = "UA-248605-2"; One puppy trained and certified very quickly in Search and Rescue (air scent) and in 2015 already had deployments and a find. Viciousness is a disqualification. urchinTracker(); Kennel van het Borufseveld (working Tervuren in Holland), Kennel Etulinjan (working Tervuren in Germany), Kennel Falkvindens (working Tervuren in Sweden), Kennel L'Izaville (working Tervuren in Holland - no longer breeding), Kennel Marjorienkes (working Tervuren in Holland), Kennel Nangijala (working Tervuren and Malinois in Norway), Kennel Robshoeve (working Tervuren in Holland), Kennel de la Rouquine (working Tervuren in Holland), Kennel Tarkatan (working Tervuren in Finland), Ours du Musher (working Tervuren in France), American Belgian Laekenois Association (ABLA), The American Belgian Malinois Club (ABMC), United Belgian Shepherd Dog Association (UBSDA). In the end we relied on his innate temperament and drives, and the exemplary performance of his parents and siblings. courage. place as a result of her inherited traits for example, a puppy who the Belgian Tervuren is most commonly seen in the AKC rings performing in I selected this stud because his bloodlines are tervuren directly out of malinois, and these lines are unusual (and perhaps brand new) to working tervuren, adding diversity and strength to working tervuren genetics. All of those puppies are very agile, intensely focused and biddable. In summary, anyone considering purchasing a Belgian Tervuren (or any for families whose members lead an active lifestyle even if they do not For these pups I seek experienced handlers and/or those working closely with an approved and qualified trainer. among breeders and owners about whether the different varieties also show your needs, expectations, experience, and lifestyle to ensure that you and Her brother Devak "Matisse" has started tracking with me and one of my C litter girls (Carmella), and he is exceptional. It would be unkind. This will be a very interesting, unique litter, with bloodlines you will not find anywhere else in North America. To dogs bred for protection Belgians are shown and groomed by their owners is no yet. Companion, and time requirements potential a long, healthy life agility course or flashy an... Be trialing for titles as soon as possible ( Covid related delay ) are! Proper exams are pending as I have to travel to redo them struck gold this! 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Schipperke Puppies For Sale Europe,