Initially used as fighting dogs and then as farm hands, today, this breed may be seen working for the police force or employed as watch and guard dogs. A dedicated companion, American Staffordshire Terriers are people-oriented and protective of those they love. When it comes to their character, those with a high pain threshold and gritty determination have always been favoured. Both as a watch dog and a guard dog, this breed excels, enjoying being given a task to carry out and happy to please their master. A very tough dog that lacked the element of fear. Their intelligence makes them relatively easy to train; sadly, a trait that has been manipulated by humans to some breed members detriment. They like the opportunity to roam their territory in a gated garden and also enjoy being taken outside on walks and hikes. His obituary features in the New York Times and he even has his own inscribed brick at the Liberty Memorial. All Rights Reserved. Almost inevitably, these two breeds were mixed together, resulting in a breed known at the time as a Bull and Terrier. He had a body that seemed like it was carved from stone. A sturdy and heavily muscled dog, the American Staffordshire Terrier certainly gives off an intimidating first impression. This endocrine disease can be difficult to diagnose, as false positive results occur commonly in unwell dogs. They should not be allowed off-lead in public (unless very well trained and socialised) due to the risk of canine to canine aggression and the potential for them to seriously injure other dogs, particularly small ones. A genetic test is now available for this disease in some countries. A Veterinarian's Review of the Raw Diet for Dogs, Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome, Doggy Dental Care How to Keep a Dogs Teeth in Good Condition, Travel Vaccinations & Preparing Your Dog for Foreign Travel. The Bull Terrier then evolved into two separate breeds: The modern-day Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Nowadays, many American states and European countries have banned the American Staffordshire Terrier, though this has proven to be a law that is almost impossible to enforce, with many people owning the banned breed and suffering no consequences. Their story begins in England, in the mid 19th century, when their ancestors, the Bulldog and a variety of Terriers, were frequently used in dog fights in the UK. Remarkably loyal, this breed will put its owner above everyone else; including itself. The condition may be suspected if a small cerebellum is seen on an MRI scan but can only be definitively diagnosed on a necropsy. The American Staffordshire Terrier loves long and interactive play sessions with its family and should be given the opportunity to show off its intelligence solving puzzles and participating in agility and obedience. It would not be sufficient for an owner to simply leave their AmStaff in the garden all day, as they will likely become bored and frustrated. A cross between an American Staffordshire and an American Pit Bull. It has also historically earned them respect on farm yards, where their trainability allowed them to become versatile farm hands. While their ears are not prone to infections, they should be kept clean and dry. While the terriers were fierce and brave, they lacked stature and bulk; traits which the Bulldogs of the time had in spades. Their wide head possesses an obvious stop, strong jaw and well-developed cheek muscles. The American versions of this breed was bred to be larger and heavier than their British cousins. Within America, they are undeniably one of the more popular dog breeds. Dogs will act mentally as if nothing is wrong. Their nose must be black in colour. There is no cure and treatment is supportive. While any coat colour is permissible, white, liver or black and tans coats are discouraged. Overtime, this dog developed into the Bull Terrier; renowned for its speed, strength and canine aggression. Our work is not Public Domain. I would say 2 meters was very good seeing that he was quite short. Once properly supervised and adequately socialised from young, the American Staffordshire Terrier can make a good friend to children. A collar could not be used on him as it would last about 10 minutes before he ripped the ring out the collar (a reinforced collar). Interestingly, Pal had a distinctive dark ring of fur around his eye that had to be drawn-in on replacement canine actors with make-up after he passed away. Very playful and friendly.". A few conditions to be aware of would include: The hip joints and elbow joints are essential for good mobility but are often far from perfectly formed in many purebred dogs. The American Staffordshire Terrier is itself a mix of the Bull Terrier and Bulldog. American Staffordshire Terrier Information and Pictures, American Staffordshire Terrier x American Bulldog mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x American Pit Bull Terrier mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Australian Cattle Dog mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Australian Kelpie mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Boxer mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier or American Pit Bull Terrier x Bulldog mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Bullmastiff mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Chihuahua mix = Chi Staffy, American Staffordshire Terrier x English Bulldog mix = English Bull Staffy, American Staffordshire Terrier x French Bulldog mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Labrador Retriever mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Mastiff mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Olde English Bulldogge mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Rottweiler mix = Staffweiler, American Staffordshire Terrier x Tibetan Spaniel mix =, American Staffordshire Terrier x Vizsla mix = Vizsla Staff, American Staffordshire Terrier x West Highland White Terrier mix =. Symptoms can include wobbliness, goose-stepping and muscle tremors. Brave and confident, they are full of life and have big hearts. Not one to rest when working, they constantly pay attention to their surroundings, checking for any suspicious activity and reacting instantly. Their tail must not be overly long and should taper out to a point. Over the years, the American Staffordshire Terrier has been bred to have a large and powerful head with an impressive jaw, ensuring it is physically distinct from the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. An underactive thyroid can result in a variety of vague symptoms, including weight gain, sluggishness and recurrent skin infections. As with any dogs, they do not have endless patience and children must be taught how to respect dogs as animals. The dog who played Pete was called Pal the Wonder Dog in real life. The American Staffordshire Terrier benefits from a confident master who has experience in what they are doing and is firm and clear in their instruction. Nowadays, natural ears and tails are much preferred to the old-fashioned cropped ears and docked tails that they once sported. Once diagnosed, this condition is treated with daily oral medication, to which the response tends to be good. This is a dog that can adapt well to living inside a small home once provided with enough exercise. A typical dog weighs from 18kg to 27kg. Sergeant Stubby is a decorated American war hero from the 1920s. Their short, shiny coat is harsh to the touch. In terms of cross breeds involving the American Staffordshire Terrier, there are plenty of them, including (but certainly not limited to): Copyright 2016 - 2019 - Privacy | Authors. This has ensured their place as police dogs and in search and rescue missions. As American Staffordshire Terriers are registered under a variety of organisations, it is difficult to know for sure how many of them currently exist. The adage holds true for the American Staffordshire Terrier: Theres no such thing as a bad breed, just a bad owner. Developed within the last 200 years, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a mix of the Bulldog and several Terrier breeds. While some were used for dog fighting, many others were employed as farm dogs and boar hunters. They have dark, circular eyes that should not be too close together. Contents & Graphics Copyright Dog Breed Info Center (C) 1998- var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()); . A soft brush can be used to distribute their natural oils along their coat once weekly, but further grooming is not really required. At the end of the 19th century, Staffordshire Terriers were exported to the USA. Many breed members will have cropped ears, though this is falling out of favour and natural, short ears are preferred. Stocky and powerful, the medium-sized American Staffordshire Terrier should be well put-together. Claws may need trimming from time to time, particularly if the dog is restricted to soft, grassy land and not walked on pavement or roads. Their coat is short and may be any colour. "This is my hound Buster. Signs may be subtle or screamingly obvious, depending on the extent of the joint disease. It is unsure whether he was an American Staffordshire Terrier or a Bull Terrier. The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Very easily trained, this eager to please dog is smart enough to perform well in most canine disciplines. There are no user comments for this listing. Despite their bulk, they should retain a graceful gait. They have a short back that gently slopes, a wide chest and well-sprung ribs. He also had a very hard bite and could jump 2 meters with ease. Traditionally used in dog fighting, this breed has come a long way from its nefarious beginnings and is now more often spotted within the family home, cuddled up close with its master. It is undeniable that they come with a label and are often owned by criminals and thugs who take advantage of their loyalty and protective nature, training them to become overly aggressive. Their attractive qualities stretch far beyond their working abilities though, as this is a dog that is known to make a loving and affectionate family pet. While initially dogs would have been bred for their aggression towards other dogs, with the outlawing of dog fighting, this is no longer the case. The American Staffordshire Terrier will usually live to the age of around 12 years old and tends to enjoy good health. Sadly, being a breed that is favoured by unsavoury characters, shelters and rescue centres often have a high number of American Staffordshire Terriers searching for their forever homes thanks to a poor start in life. Negative reinforcement or punishment style behaviours should be avoided at all costs, as they can lead to resentment and an unhappy dog. Their thick neck should have no dewlap of skin and should flow smoothly into their wide shoulders. The AKC recognises the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier as two distinct breeds, and initially accepted the AmStaff into their books in 1936. A Bull Terrier type breed, the American Staffordshire Terrier is commonly referred to by those in the know as the AmStaff. Given the genetic component, it is vital that breeding dogs have their elbows and hips screened and that potential buyers act responsibly and request that these tests be carried out. This is a rare neurological disease that has been studied within the breed. Females stand between 43cm and 46cm, while the larger male reaches heights of 48cm. Pete the Pup was an AmStaff that starred in the 1930s series of movies Our Gang.
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