Thank you for your work. Thanks! , Thank you so much for rescuing these dogs .I cant even imagine what they have gone through it breaks my heart.i pray every single dog finds a forever home where they are loved and treated right .thank you again . Keep doing what you do, you are all angels . It breaks my heart to see this is a terrible crime what happens to those animals. Breaks my heart to read these stories. A heartfelt thank you from me! I guess you could say Im the old man with the dogs now. This is so horrible. Bless everyone who helps these poor animals from further suffering. This is so sad. I am a dog mom and I fall in love with every dog I meet, but I couldnt handle seeing the dogs in cages as described. We cherish her and are so grateful for the people rescuing them. When I read about the food I saw that you ate dogs I got upset. Its a particularly powerful moment when the emptied cages are demolished, ensuring that no animals will suffer on the farms again and signaling a new future for the farmers. How would the people of the United States and other countries like it if someone decided that it was against the rules of humanity to eat cows sheep and or pigs. Or cows. That our rescuers figured out how to close farms and save these dogs during a global pandemic, on top of the usual difficulties witnessing of the realities at the dog meat farms of South Korea is nothing short of extraordinary. I would love to adopt one of these dogs and show it to love then its so much needs. Dogs are pets. The HSUS encourages open discussion, and we invite you to share your opinion on our issues. How can we find out about adopting one of these dogs when they are ready for adoption? People are going to eat what they can. Hooray! We The Sheeple.. This seems like a waste of resources. Dont food money, towels, blankets etc. Bandit died a few years ago at age 15. he would not eat if he was not alone. Why are cultures who eat dogs looked at cross-eyed; while other animal eaters are accepted. Its unbelievable there are dog farms in the world today. God bless you, and the glorious work you do. So the USA makes the rules for all other countries?? I dont think people realize that this is still going on! Also pigs, cows, sheep, fish. Im not sure I could handle doing what you do. After 3 years they are finally acting like dogs. I will feed you!! Awesome. I pray for these dogs and especially the people helping them! He is calm and chill inside the home. They are harmless and very loyal. I have a rescue dog from a puppy mill in Georgia who I found in a rescue clinic on Tybee Island. How very inhumane people are to these creatures who cant speak. Unfortunately its still alive and prosperous in other Asian cultures where the slaughter of dogs and cats is horrifically inhumane. I am glad the dogs were saved. What all the other animals that we raise for meat? Its unforgivable! I dont have a lot of money but I have a lot of time and I love animals especially dogs but all animals so thank you very much please let me know what I can do to help if theres any. May you continue this great work of saving helpless dogs (and cats too!) Thank you Lord God for the kind people who rescued these sweet babies!!? And that all of Gods creatures, big and small, are treated with dignity and respect. I pray that we can stop this nonsense from happening here. They are not to be worshipped or raised for food. Thank u all for the of these sweet animal.God bless I all for being who u are. Thank u so so so so so very much for resucing these beautiful pups! Glad those sweet pups were saved, Thanks for rescuing these dogs. Thank you so much for rescuing the dogs from those horrible people who treat them like thar. Nara Kim, campaign manager of HSI Korea, gently comforts a dog during the rescue operation at a former dog meat farm in Yongin, South Korea. Lord puts people like you among us.. Angels with hidden wings.. Amen. Please save as much dogs as you can. I love that this was achieved. Such wonderful news that the organization has rescued the 171 dogs from South Korea and that they are going to be treated with loving care so that they can be adopted to families that will give them love and forever homes! All life is sacred, we must do better as a species to acknowledge that fact.I would gladly give up a portion of my meat intake if it meant saving just one of these dogs.They are loving and intelligent and need our protection and care. Lets pray that someday maybe even in our lifetime, every single meat farm what an awful expression, is shut down forever. What your doing is simply just amazing. Is there a rhodhesian ridgeback available near Sacramento? Thank you to HSI and Korean partners for understanding, caring and taking action!! I am glad that they closed them down thanks to the recuse for closing them down I hope they all find a good home. But you are tipping the scales in favor of the dogs and will one day be highly rewarded for yout great acts of courage and defense of animals. Id rather pay for the adoption fee than give the money to breeders and pet shops. Thank God these dogs were rescued! I pray all of the workers and the dogs stay safe!!! They are horrible every animal should be able to live in peace and safety on Gods green earth. I wish some would come to Florida. The world has become a better because of you. Appalling !! I wanted to go there and get trucks full of dogs and bring them home. Dogs are amazing, and we dont deserve them! Every dog deserves the love it gives. Awww this is so sad but Im so glad these people were there to help them and give them a better future. I pray for the ones that were unable to be saved! Please help recuse the dogs from meat markets that is so uncalled for that is sick poor dogs and cats wish I could save them. Bendiciones desde Miami Florida a Estas personas que rescatan los animalitos que tambien son creasion de DIOS. please save these dogs. This is horrible! There not for food. Enter your email address below to receive updates each time we publish new content. I hope we never have too, but after a pandemic-who knows. Im happy something good is changing! Since the pandemic and the fires and storms in the US, They do this by donations. Thank you thank you thank for saving the dogs. All the workers who day in and day out help animals of all kind are truely the angels on this earth!For all of us who live in a daily rutine,stop and take time to think about what these rescuers do,im a 54 year old big man who has been brought to tears of joy for these dogs,and we should all find a way to make this a completely humane world.thank you so much for your compassion,heart,and sacrifices! Please add my name as one of your supporter for a better quality of life, for all of your teams loving efforts! How can I adopt one of these rescued dogs? How do I adopt one of them.I would love one! So amazing to hear these pups were rescued! Bless you for saving these beautiful creatures. Thank you to those who save these beautiful beings. Breaking: Dogs who were raised for meat arrive in the U.S. to find homes, 171 dogs from South Korean dog meat farms landed at Dulles International Airport, Korean dog farmers who want to leave the dog meat industry work with HSI, growing movement within the country to see former meat farm dogs as adoptable, footage shot during the recent dog farm rescue, Breaking: Historic transport of approximately 4,000 beagles spared from animal testing, In pictures: Hundreds of beagles spared from animal testing arrive in our care to start new lives, Netflixs Tiger King is a wake-up call for ending private possession of big cats, Victory in court for horses who need protection from cruel practice of soring, Collars found in slaughterhouse tell heartbreaking story about the dog meat trade. All of those kind of places should be shut down!!! Im a dog lover with two of my own that are my sons not dogs. Its well past time for this barbaric behavior to stop. Im glad that they all were rescued.i cant imagine how people could be so cruel like that!.hopefully all those farms can be stopped.. You guys will surely be blessed as you help those who cannot help themselves.. And are no less important than a human being. Are people really actually starving that much?? Thank You 4 doing this work & 4 sharing with us the alarming status that the World we live in has gotten too. May all of you find good homes and feel loved and respected every day. Saving Our Beautiful Beautiful Animals ! Please update when these dogs have new homes! WE MUST CONTINUE TO EDUCATE THESE PEOPLE AS TO WHY THIS ON SO MANY LEVELS IS DANGEROUS UNACCEPTABLE AND JUST PLAIN CRUEL. I will make a donation of what I can afford to them. I want to know how I can help save these animals and free them from their torment and murder!! Torturing geese & calling it a delicacy!!! But I am so grateful, truly, for exceptional people like the rescue team that liberated these poor dogs from such a horrible fate and existence. GOD BLESS YOU A FOR SAVING GODS ANIMALS.. And even more God bless all of you for saving these furbabies. BLESS ALL THAT MADE THE RESCUE POSSIBLE. We have renamed him Zeusy boy, Zeus came to us and was absolutely terrified of people could not touch him at all . Thank you so much for saving the animals. There are plenty of dogs in US needing homes. Keep up the great work! I cried watching this amazing video saving dogs life. Dogs are loving and loyal it would be as if one of my children was murdered! Amazing work you are doing, those poor babies. But what about all the cows and pigs and chickens? I am an animal lover and I am so glad that she rescued these dogs what can we do to stop them from putting them in this farm and slaughtering them for me there has got to be something that people can do. his favorite things to play with are sticks and cardboard boxes lol (he shreds them) but he is learning to play with balls and ropes. HEARTWARMING WORK YOU I see there were many that look like my own dog Emma. Thanks. How and where can I get a job doing this in other countries dogs and cats are my passion. Its ungodly!!!! . They are suffering. May God bless you people every single day of your lives and always keep you in His care. There is a Special place in Heaven I do what I can for the local shelter here . They are the most loving sweet animals. I support you and hope more people do the same. Is farming dog meat abhorrent because theyre common pets? I wish all the counties over the world can put it to ended and make it officialillegal and ban them to sell on the market. There is no better love & loyalty than that of a dog and all they need in return for there service is a good scratch and a safe forever home. Omg ty for saving these babies! You should try and think about it. This makes my heart hurt and bends my thankful and glad that these dogs were rescued. I think getting these farmers involved in another form of farming business is a great idea. THANK GOD JESUS AND ALL THE ANGELSEARTH AND ARCHANGELS FOR KITTY AND THIS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. God bless them and continue the fight for ending this abusive and archaic dog treatment, I cant read the article. This is heartbreaking and so sad. Booker T. (Boo) Humprey Bogart (Bogie) and Milly thank you too. I agree 110% !! Thank you. It must have been a wonderful feeling to know you were apart of something greater than yourself! This organization is awesome!! Reading this literally broke my heart, this is the saddest and quite possibly the most wonderful thing Ive ever read. Angels rescuing Angels! What is the contact information for people to adopt a dog? I give monthly to HSI. By participating on this page, you are agreeing to our. I remember the first time I learned people in South Korea ate dogs I was in total shock. How great and wonderful this organization is! Im so greatful the Heroes that rescue these animals do such a great job!!! GOD BLESS YALL SO MUCH FOR THE HARD WORK YOU DO THAMK YOU ALL BLESSINGS TO YOU AND THE ANIMALS. This inhumane way of how they use animals there such as dogs .cats..etc is unacceptable!!!!! They should be treated with love and care not slaughtered. The thought of him enduring life in one of those cages waiting to be brutally slaughtered rips my heart out. These dogs will have the life that they deserve as mans best friend. This is the kind of stuff nightmares are made of, or at least for me!
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