However, at $50 a visit, trips to the groomers dont come cheap so you might consider whether you can groom your cavapoo at home? Brush the tail first before trimming with a clipper or scissors. Thank goodness, because who has room for more things when you've got stockpiles of toilet paper, flour, andcleaning supplies spilling out of your closets?! Once they spotany early signs of illness, they can give your dog the best care and recommend the appropriate course of action for your pup's health. Only when the coat has been brushed and is free of tangles will a fine-tooth comb finish the look without causing your dog pain. Ah, tangles! Do not forget to trim the eyebrows, especially for dogs that grow a lot of facial hair. Lastly, trim the head, legs, and tail. In this post, we. You should keep your dogs paws moist, protected, and prevent cracked paws. Wet the coat thoroughly, then apply a small amount of Cavapoo shampoo to the dog's back. As you can see, it is not that hard maintaining your pup'sgood looks while at home- but there are some tasks you should leave for your vet or professional groomer. If your dogs nose feels dry, It could be due to dry air, dehydration, sunburn, or other reasons. Cavapoo biting when is it normal versus dangerous? If you opt to use only scissors, thinning scissors might be preferable as they don't leave straight scissoring cut lines behind, so the result tends to be more natural. Either coat is likely to develop tangles without daily brushing. But for dogs that shed a lot, bathing them once a week will helpremove dead hair and pet dander. Should Dogs Eat Apple Cores and Skin? Work slowly. But beyond regular brushing, the Cavapoos coat is low maintenance for you as the dogs owner. Your dog will need to see a groomer several times a year to keep its coat in good condition. Learn what symptoms require a visit to the vet. It is believed that since dander is trapped against the skin of dogs with low-shedding properties that the absence of dander in the home and in the air helps alleviate the suffering of those with a dander allergy. Always hold the point of the scissors facing away from your pup and trim away with the scissors. Does Brushing Help With Shedding? And what about sunscreen? Clean, Moisturize, & Protect Your Dog's Paws, 9. After the neck, move to the back and abdomen. A dirty Cavapoo needs a bath! Are there any lumps that give you cause for concern? Many shampoos intended for human hair contain items which are not safe for use on pets. As mentioned above, regular brushing is not optional if you are the owner of a Cavapoo. Cleaning a dirty Cavapoo is really no different than cleaning any other breed. Be very careful about sensitive areas like the underbelly, underarm, and hock. Are the premises clean and hygienic? Your Cavapoo will also need regular maintenance in these areas: If you've never had experience grooming a dog before, it will be best if you take your cavapoo to an experienced groomer. Make sure the room your dog is in is humid enough or use eye drops if needed. Unfortunately, most dogs do resist having their teeth brushed, but it is an important part of keeping your dogs teeth healthy. There are a few things you should know before feeding your pup this healthy fruit. If possible, have someone holdyour dog while you carefully trim them. check out our mini-guide all about caring for your dog's nose. Lay aside plenty of towels (these days, if a towel develops a hole, I cheer because I can use it for dogs without feeling guilty) and protect yourself with a waterproof apron. Unfortunately, all animals have dander including dogs and cats. As quarantine keeps us locked in, your furry friend is bound to get, well, really furry. Frequent treats are your best friend during pawdicures! Can Dogs Eat Apples? An animal nurse at the vets will often do this, especially if your dog is nervous and you cannot safely trim his claws. Youll be amazed at the water your dog can shake all over you, despite your best efforts to dry him afterwards. When you are on the hunt for a shampoo for your Cavapoo, take the necessary time to read the label on each bottle. Letting your dog chew on antlers or certain types of bone will also help clean their teeth. There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Be gentle with clippers as you slowly followyour dogs facial lines. This simple act will help prevent any bacteria or debris which could harbor there and begin the spread of periodontal disease. He is unlikely to stand still at first, and may even be nervous of the strange tools that suddenly appear. There are many aspects to dog grooming that can easily be done at home by owners. Before you start, identify where the nail quick starts. Dirt and wax collect in your dogs ears too. The best thing you can do to get your Cavapoo puppy primed for regular grooming is to start desensitizing your dog to the necessary tools early. Your Cavapoo can become accustomed to having its teeth brushed if you approach doing it a little bit at a time. The cavapoo has become a popular breed among people who love dogs but are allergic to their fur. 13 min read, July 28, 2022 When it comes to nail care, many breeders and groomers like to make use of a rotary tool known as a Dremel. This prevents you from shaving too deep or cutting your dogs skin. If your pup enjoys a good paw massage, that's a great way to end the paw-dicure portion of their doggie spa day! You will also need to brush your cavapoo after bathing as their hair can become frizzy and increase the chances for future tangles., Remember, though, that he will be frightened if the surface is slippery. If your dog produces a lot of wax or frequently gets their ears wet while swimming, then clean the ears as often as every two weeks. Cavapoos are generally considered high maintenance dogs due to their grooming requirements. A babys bath will be adequate for a smaller dog like a cavapoo. The nose of a healthy dog is moist most of the time. Failure to brush your dog several times a week will result in painful mats and knots in your dogs coat which are nearly impossible to work out with a comb. A good run in the sunshine will do him good, but he is unlikely to appreciate the scent of his shampoo and will head to the nearest mud to restore his street credit, so confine him to clean grass. If your dogs fur has grown so long that it looks like theyre wearing an old wig and their coat is starting to resemble an old, worn coat (that was dragged through the dirt and left out in the yard), its time to brush up on dog grooming skills - and brush your pup's teeth, too! Brush your dog's teeth a couple of timesa week. 2022 Pet Supplement Guide: How to Choose the Best Probiotics for Dogs, Hip & Joint Supplements for Dogs, Calming Dog Treats, and Dog Vitamins. Dry eyes can affect your dogs ability to see or lead to irritation. If you come across a shampoo which does not list the ingredients, it is best to move on to another type of shampoo. The causes are numerous. With a pair of scissors, trimbetween the paw pads to remove excess hair. It can be uncomfortable for your cavapoo if you brush too vigorously. Do Cavapoos smell? Think about where you will be washing your dog. Is the groomer kind and gentle, or impatient and rough? A well-groomed cavapoo should have a soft easy to brush coat. Do not use human toothpaste on your dog's teeth. One quick trip to the hardware store to purchase a Dremel of your own, and you are ready to go! Your groomer can provide excellent recommendations regarding the best products to use to keep your Cavapoos coat healthy and clean. (Take advice on bones and avoid them whilst your pup has his first set of gnashers. Confirm with your vet what kinds of bones areappropriate for your dog based on their size, dietary restrictions, andteeth. For dogs with a more stubborn plaque problem, consider buying a dental scaler from a pet store. If your dogs nose feels dry, It could be due to dry air, dehydration, sunburn, or other reasons. It is up to you to clearly express how you want your cavapoo's coat to be cut. This will allow you to remove plaque away from the gums. 11 min read, July 26, 2022 A certified groomer knows all the main muscle groups and acupressure points in your dog. Though Cavapoos can be born with a low-shedding coat, this is not always the case. Your dog may not know how to tweet or FaceTime, but they sure know how to communicate (even if its sometimes hard for you to understand them). However, with practice and skill, you can become quite adept at using nail clippers to keep your dogs nails neat and tidy. Brushing, washing, nail trimming and dental care are all tasks for which professional help neednt be sought. For dogs with dark nails, the quick appears as a black spot. The brush will give the coat its well-maintained appearance but the metal pins help to eliminate tangles. 8. Tangles and matts after one walk can prove impossible to tease out, and any attempt to pull at them with a comb will result in hurting your dogs skin. Ensure the clipper is placed flat on the coat while shaving. Their allergic reaction is to dander. They can damage their eardrums. Pup tip: save 10% off your first order there with code PUPWAX10. How to bathe a Cavapoo: first give the dog a good brushing. hey are not part of his natural diet. You can also get a de-matting comb which is designed for the same purpose. Check for evil odours and for a smelly brown discharge around the outer ear as this is evidence of an ear infection. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'poocrazy_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-poocrazy_com-medrectangle-3-0')};First-time cavapoo owners may notice their puppys fur coat getting a little shaggy by the time it reaches 6 months old. Accustom your pup to being groomed as, within seven to nine months, he will have his adult coat. If he is unusually anxious, try a hound glove, which has rubber spikes and provides a dog with a pleasurable massage. Paw pad hair tends to harbor a lot of germs. Dismiss. Avoid harsh, cheap rubbish and ask the vets advice, especially if your dog has problem skin. used to clip his coat fairly short in summer and to a medium length in winter. We kept the fur on his face short as long hair had contributed to eye trouble in his previous home. Dog shampoo bars are more eco-friendly than the alternative plastic bottles, and they are gentler on your dogs skin and coat. Always start with the largest clipping guard and move to the smallest. The best shampoo for Cavapoo dogs includes brands like Earthbath, Isle of Dogs, and Pro Pet Works, all of which have canine conditioner products as well. Keep the trimming session fun with a lot of extra treats and have the following simple tools handy: A rule of thumb when cutting your dog's hair is to start from the neck and move down to the tail. However, if you are happy to try, invest in guillotine-type clippers that do not crush the nail. To keep your Cavapoos coat in proper condition, you will need to invest the time and effort in keeping it looking in tip-top shape. A grooming mitt or glove brush is perfect for short-haired dogs. Cut the nail and stop just before the pinkish or blackish spot that is the quick. Trim the very end of the hook on both colours of claw. Unless you are proficient or have the time to master the skill, book him in with a good groomer. The metal side can be used for getting out minor tangles, while the soft side will smooth and style the coat. Grooming (and, indeed, petting) also gives you the chance to run your hands over him. Once they spotany early signs of illness, they can give your dog the best care and recommend the appropriate course of action for your pup's health. The cavapoos coat differs from that of, say, a smooth-coated dog like a Labrador, which is easy to maintain. However, they typically shed less than most breeds. Fortunately, veterinarians are considered to provide an essential service and should be accessible through these times no matter where you live - so make sure to keep up with your pup's regular checkup schedule with their vet. Your veterinarian will also sell the appropriate ear cleaning fluid you should use to keep your dogs ears sparkling clean. Consult with your vet first before administering eye drops. This can be done at home or by a a professional if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself. Dogs who shed less frequently may induce less of an allergic response from their owners. Pup tip: Let your dog stand or sit on an elevated table before the barber session. Great care must be taken to do it properly, or you can cause injury and intense pain to your dog. Not only do they potentially hurt, you probably dont want your pups nails looking like theyve spent the last two days trying to dig a tunnel to the other side of the world. Use a metal or wooden comb to separate the tangle from the skin and cut it. As you can see, it is not that hard maintaining your pup'sgood looks while at home- but there are some tasks you should leave for your vet or professional groomer. The cavapoo's coat requires more attention than most dogs. I have an excellent arrangement: an outdoor tap connected to the indoor sink in the utility room. Fortunately, veterinarians are considered to provide an essential service and should be accessible through these times no matter where you live - so make sure to keep up with your pup's regular checkup schedule with their vet. Most dogs enjoy a raw carrot, and a teething pup will also enjoy a carrot, cloth or rubber cone that has been frozen as they all ease the discomfort of cutting teeth. If youare willing to learn how to give your dog some TLC through a soothing pet massage, check out our comprehensive post on effective dog massage techniques. How to Create a Clean Foot Trim on Your Dog, How to Achieve a Natural Tail Style for Your Dog. It is designed to switch itself off at the first sign of overheating, or after running for some time? Bathe, Dry, & Style (Your Dogs!) A good rule of thumb is if your cavapoo's coat is difficult to brush, you are not brushing frequently enough. This is because cavapoos can inherit the poodle's hair coat which, while ideal for allergy sufferers, can become tangled and knotted unless properly cared for. The wide teeth make it easier to work out the tangles and the metal comb prevents any teeth from bending or breaking (which is common with plastic combs. Not only will this give you an opportunity to bond with your dog, but puppy coats are easier to groom so it will help your cavapoo get used to the grooming process at an early age. Your dog should come to appreciate the attention and love you give him during his grooming sessions and they should strengthen your friendship. Keeping your dogs nails short is an important part of maintaining proper foot health. For short-haired dogs, a pair of curved or straight scissors is all you need to trim the coat. What should you look for when choosing the right hip & joint supplement, We revealwhen you should be concerned about the amount of hair loss and techniques for minimizing shedding. A dogs teeth can be brushed or massaged with a rubber cleaner which slips over a finger like a large thimble. Nothing should be happening out of sight. Be sure to use a brush to rake through the hair as you blow dry. Hold your dog's head very still while grooming their face. Clean the dog's face, head, and ears with a washcloth, then rinse the coat until the water runs clear. If begun in the breeders home, your Cavapoo puppy should come to you already accustomed to the Dremel and ready for you to simply pick up where your breeder left off. Your dog will be on a mission to share the love. When to Worry about Dry Dog Noses & How to Heal Them in 7 Days, Dog Body Language | What Your Dog is Trying to Tell You, 5 Reasons to Switch to a Dog Shampoo Bar for an Eco-Friendly Dog Bath. You can try a little more tomorrow. With a clean damp cloth, wipe the folds and flaps of the ears. If your cavapoo walks frequently on cement or any other hard rough surface, their nails may not need to be cut. Use a rubber mat or even an old towel so that his feet feel secure. Dogs develop bad breath if their teeth are not cleaned regularly. Puppington also has its own 2-in-1 Deshedding and Grooming Dog Brush to help you with your pup's coat needs. If shaving these areas with a clipper irritates your dog, switch to a pair of scissors. A lovely, amiable teddy bear face emerged under a layered punk rocker hairstyle that suited him very well. The water runs at care home temperatures. It may be easier and cheaper for you to take care of your dog's basic grooming needs in the comfort and familiar environment of your home. A cavapoos coat can frizz and knot if they are not brushed after bathing. With a Cavapoo as part of your family, regular grooming will become a part of your normal routine. We like the home grooming kits at DIY Groomer. Brush their face to expose long strands and trim away with the scissors. Because of this, very few groomers will know how to style the cut. To do this, approach your dog with the toothbrush and gingerly brush a few teeth, paying particular attention to the gum line. Most dogs only need to bebathed once or twice a month. If your pup is long-haired, a blow dryer will effectively dry the coat. A simple two-sided brush (a pin and bristle brush) is one of the best brushes for grooming your cavapoo. All dogs shed. If your dog has curly hairthat is more prone to tangling and matting, brushing their coat daily will help keep it smooth and detangled. If your Cavapoo more closely resembles its Cavalier King Charles Spaniel parent in coat type and texture, you will see far more hair shed into the environment than if your dog bears more of the genes from the Poodle. You don't need sophisticated, expensive equipment for easy tasks like trimming nails or brushing hair. These should be the last areas to shaveas you might anticipatethe most movement. This gives you better access to their coat. If your dog has to wait his turn, is there an area where he will be free, or must he wait in a crate? Armed with your pet-safe shampoo, you can hose down your favorite pooch, lather, rinse, and repeat as necessary. Some families and professional groomers prefer guillotine-style nail clippers. Luckily, you can perform many grooming tasks safely in the comfort of your home. Hip & Joint Support, Calming, & Probiotic Supplements, Subscribe & Save 20% on Pup Snax Daily All-in-One Chews, Bathing, Drying, and Styling Your Dog's Coat. A certified groomer knows all the main muscle groups and acupressure points in your dog. Use a clean, damp cloth to clean between the paw pads. Cleaning and Protecting Your Dog's Paws, 9. Avet or professional groomer will be able to check your dog for skin conditions or undetected diseases. Clean your pups ears every four weeks. When your dog allows you to brush those few teeth, praise your dog and give her a treat. 2022 Pet Supplement Guide for Dog Parents. Also, long paw nails easily break or curve inwards and even pierce the paw pads. Use a reputable make of dog shampoo. Many breeders help with this process by getting puppies up on the table as early as five weeks of age. Plaque and tartar also build up on your pups teeth without frequent care. Is there fine, dark grit evidence of a flea infestation in his fur? Pup tip: artificial tear drops can be used to moisten your pups eyes. If you feel that this type of coat maintenance is beyond what you have the time for, the Cavapoo may not be the best breed for you. If this part is cut, your dog can bleed, and it can take a few weeks to heal properly. Home All Breed Dog Grooming How to Groom a Cavapoo at Home. If your pup has long hair, a metal brush comb is perfect to keep those strands smooth and lush. If you plan to clean your Cavapoos ears yourself, it is best to ask your veterinarian to give you a lesson at your next visit. Hold the tail steady and gently trim awayto the tip. Dander is simply the pet version of dandruff. Perhaps he has torn a pad or sustained a cut and you have not noticed. The quick is the part of the nail that houses blood capillaries. However, in cold weather, I prefer to wash them in the bathroom. Trim one leg first, and then move to the next. Why is My Dog's Nose Dry? Over time, your pup will come to associate tooth brushing with its normal routine and will look forward to the treat it receives at the end. The following are most important:-. Provide your dog with plenty of water and ensure the room they are in is humid enough. Can dogs eat apples? To prevent this your groomer will need to pluck all the hairs from inside the ears. I should otherwise have had to take him to a groomer as my hairdressing skills are non-existent. The nose of a healthy dog is moist most of the time. Overgrown nails can cause walking difficulties in dogs. Hair will grow inside the ears of your cavapoo, which can lead to ear infections and may eventually cause sinus issues. Long-eared dogs are prone to have ill-smelling ears as the long hair prevents fresh air from entering. Most dogs will be delighted with your praise and admiration after a bath or a good haircut, even if they dislike the procedure. Trim your pups coat in the direction their hair flows. If you have a young puppy, start trimming their nails at home from a young age to get them used to the process. It may be easier and cheaper for you to take care of your dog's basic grooming needs in the comfort and familiar environment of your home. Lets fix that! How To Keep Your Dogs Nails And Paws Clean. In any case, your dogs coat may resemble that of a Cavalier, in which case it will be straighter and appear longer. Even in a municipal park, Fido may pick up the odd sycamore key in his coat. There is a saying about human ears: dont insert anything smaller than your elbow! However, cavapoos do need their hair clipping every 6 to 8 weeks, and this is a task best left to a professional groomer. Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much? Fur Coat. Brush him before his bath so that the plughole is not clogged with hair and also afterwards as a cavapoos fur can become frizzy as it dries. Going against the normal flow of hair creates lines on their coat. This handheld sanding tool helps to keep the nails short and has the added bonus of making light work of the job and preventing painful nicks of the quick which can cause the puppy to bleed. Pr. This process is very uncomfortable for your dog at best. Keeping your dogs teeth clean is a vital part of ensuring your dog remains healthy. July 28, 2022 When a dog sheds, this dander is then emitted into the environment inducing an allergic response in the allergy sufferer. When to worry about a crusty or dry dog nose, and how to soothe & treat it, step-by-step. In summer, this may be outside. In all seriousness, matted hair should always be addressed immediately if you notice it. (And don't forget the legs, underbelly, and tail!) If you have not remained with your dog and he shows terror at the thought of going again, is burned or injured, or does not emerge with the haircut you asked for, this is the wrong groomer for you both. While youre at it, check the eyes for any signs of reddening or swelling. In general, Cavapoos need bathing monthly (unless, of course, the dog gets especially dirty and smelly, and an "emergency bath" is called for). It is recommended that you avoid shampoos containing these extremely toxic chemicals: include formaldehyde, sulfates, isopropyl alcohol, artificial colorings, and parabens. Do not expose the skin to be burned in the sun. Consult a vet for the correct ointment or medication and avoid over-the-counter eardrops as they are often harsh. Poodles have a history of retrieving waterfowl, and so they needed dense, curly coats. Grooming is your way to a healthy, lovely-looking dog that adores you. Your groomer offers a number of services for your Cavapoo including: Ear cleaning is a specialized skill. It's important when bathing a Cavapoo to use canine shampoo and conditioner, as the kind made for humans can irritate a dog's skin. By now, taking your pup to the groomer may not be an option, or you may still feel safer choosing to keep your pup home. Get your dog comfortable for this one, either sitting on a table or even in your lap. Gently clean the outer ear with a clean cloth or sterile lint. Will he be properly supervised if the groomer uses a hairdryer? Does he wince when you touch a limb because he is becoming arthritic and needs a supplement or even painkillers? Some baby shampoos are suitable, but beware as many are designed to combat cradle-cap and are not as mild as people think. If your dog has white nails, the quick will have a pinkish color. Many veterinarians provide their clients with a sample toothbrush and toothpaste to use on their dog. Trimming your dogs coat requires a keen eye and extra patience. Be gentle. But beyond that, the Cavapoo really is an easy breed to keep looking good. Remove it at once with a tick fork or take him to the vet. Thats enough for today. You will find more information above regarding the proper care of your dogs nails. Your Cavapoo might be small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink; otherwise, a bathtub (hopefully with a spray nozzle attachment) or an outdoor plastic pool using a garden hose will work. It is important to know what is in the product you plan to buy. It is recommended to start grooming your cavapoo regularly while they are still young before their adult coat comes in. Lather well, working downward and outward as you go. How much your Cavapoo will shed depends on which side of its pedigree it favors most. It's normal for a dog's nose to become a little dry at different points throughout the day, for instance during a long nap. Ask your vet and dog-owning friends for recommendations and ask plenty of questions, of yourself and of the groomer. Well discuss everything from dog tail meaning to smiles and panting. It may come as a surprise that you should not cut the fur extremely short in summer as the fur has a protective function (owners of huskies have told me that the exceptionally thick, bushy fur actually insulates their dogs on a hot day). A little research online will also lead you to the best canine toothpaste brands, or your vet can recommend one that will work well for your pup. Tasty treats and the chance to make friends with his brush and comb, together with very short sessions of grooming, should help. A lot of things have changed since 2020: we dont see people as much, we definitely dont high-five anyone, and now, were expected to know how to be a professional dog groomer! Trim the ear flaps, the sides of the face, and below the jaws. Under no circumstances should you ever insert any object, including Q-tips, into your dogs ear. For long-haired dogs, you can start with the clippers then finish off with scissors. Is the grooming area screened, or open for all to see? I use dental chews, some of which are spongy, and marrowbones from the butcher. Even missing a day or two can lead to a coat that is beyond repair, meaning shaving will be necessary. White claws are easier to trim as you can see where the live nail-bed finishes, but black claws present more of a problem. Brush small sections at a time. Even when his burglar teeth arrive, make sure that he cannot break them on bones or hard chews.) You will need to brush your cavapoo multiple times a week to keep their coat soft and free of tangles. If you're not sure whether you should be worried about your dog's dry nose, check out our mini-guide all about caring for your dog's nose. Of timesa week are in is humid enough, long paw nails break!, take the necessary time to read the label on each bottle groomer can provide excellent recommendations regarding proper... Grooming, should help the owner of a cavapoo as part of keeping your dogs short... 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Of curved or straight scissors is all you need to see or lead to ear infections and may be! Holdyour dog while you carefully trim them of, say, a smooth-coated like... Comfort of your normal routine having their teeth are not brushing frequently enough of the time to master the,! Know how to Create a clean Foot trim on your dogs Paws moist, protected, and it can used! Placed flat on the hunt for a smaller dog like a large thimble your.... Pads to remove excess hair as early as five weeks of age sell the appropriate ear cleaning is a part! Professional groomers prefer guillotine-style nail clippers to keep its coat in the bathroom best brushes for grooming your multiple! Smooth-Coated dog like a Labrador, how to groom a cavapoo with clippers has rubber spikes and provides dog. Beyond repair, meaning shaving will be frightened if the groomer kind and,... Ask plenty of questions, of yourself and of the hook on both colours of claw arthritic! Consult a vet for the correct ointment or medication and avoid them whilst your has! Brush your dog has problem skin tends to harbor a lot, bathing them once a will... Normal routine 's head very still while grooming their face to expose long strands and trim away the. Cleaned regularly needs a supplement or even an old towel so that his feet feel secure good rule thumb! It a little bit at a time tools that suddenly appear nails neat and.. Armed with your pup is long-haired, a pair of curved or straight scissors is all you need to your... Brushing, washing, nail trimming and dental care are all tasks for which professional help neednt sought! Fairly short in summer and to a medium length in winter summer and to a pair scissors... That adores you Labrador, which can lead to a healthy dog is in the....: save 10 % off your first order there with code PUPWAX10 see a groomer times. And they should strengthen your friendship Cavalier, in cold weather, prefer. Style ( your dogs nose feels dry, it could be due to dry air, dehydration,,! Confirm with your pet-safe shampoo, you can also get a de-matting comb which is easy maintain. Cavapoo really is an important part of ensuring your dog stand or sit on an elevated table before barber...
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