All I write comes from reading and reading about the various topics I'm interested in. Nonetheless, our investigations, after scouring through multiple studies available today, establish that this strategy does not hold any scientific basis. Information we learned about French bulldogs, over the past years, we like to share with the world. A portion of healthy food and the proper diet will provide health benefits such as strong muscles, better digestion, coat support, increased energy level, etc. That indicates that she/he is overweight and finding it difficult to do anything at all. You can use our free online tool to track your French Bulldog puppy`s growth curve. Includes Chart! At 0 Their baby teeth start getting replaced by adult teeth. What is the Height of the French Bulldog? day(s), A fat French Bulldog will find difficulty in lifting its body to jump on the couch. This is based on the fact overweight Frenchies are susceptible to developing several health problems as well detail later on. French Bulldogs, just like pugs, have short noses and a round head structure. And it would be best if you kept the target weight in mind. If you are wondering what is the average weight of a French Bulldog and how compact and if yours is within that average, Im about to give you the answer and discuss all matters relating to the weight of French bulldogs, from puppy to adult. Upon observing your dog and reading the pointers herein, you could be wondering how you can get your Frenchie to either gain or lose weight. Daily 15-minute walks or regular play sessions are ideal for keeping its weight down. The first method and the better and accurate method to weigh your French Bulldog is to use a dog weighing scale. We designed our dog weight tracker and weight predictor based on a recent research study carried out by researchers from Banfield Pet Hospitals and the University of Liverpool. Body condition scores are from a scale of 1 to 9. Alternatively, you could try feeding them a different type of food other than what you usually give them. year(s), Earnings from affiliate commissions help keep this website running. On average, female dogs grow faster than males and reach full size earlier. French bulldog, The indicators summarized above should help you identify either of these two states. If your fat French Bulldog requires a diet, you should visit a vet and ask for their advice. (Explained), Are French Bulldog Floppy Ears Normal? Then use the same scale to weigh yourself without your French Bulldog. Additional factors include the mothers size, age, and weight. Not being fit and healthy may add to these problems, and your Frenchie may find it difficult to breathe properly. Having a scale for weighing your French Bulldog will make it easy for you to weigh your French Bulldog regularly without any hassle. While the list above provides basic pointers, you should seek professional advice from a vet, particularly in areas where uncertainty exists. At six months, they weigh between 15.4 and 23.6 pounds (7 and 10.7 kilograms). According to its size, the weight of the French bulldog female at 3 months should be between 3.5 and 5.5 kg. At 6 months, the French bulldog male weighs on average between 7 kg for the smallest individuals and 10.7 kg for the largest individuals. If An average adult French bulldog can weigh up to 30 pounds (13.8kg). However, note that this method is not very accurate, and it may be difficult for you to use this method to weigh your French Bulldog if your French Bulldog is very heavy or if your French Bulldog is the type that would not stay still while being held. However, male, weighed 8.5 kg. Firstly, a healthy balanced diet is essential to help your dog shed extra fats, maintain its weight and keep a healthy body. year(s), Lastly, their diet and exercise, depending on their age and weight, is to be checked. 9 It is normal for a Frenchie to breathe heavily while performing these activities. It may even affect the proper functioning of the bodys organs. At around 47 weeks (~11 months), a female French Bulldog should have reached its maximum weight. Timo, Also during this stage, the French Bulldog puppy learns how to act like a dog (biting, chasing, barking, etc). Grudu, The average weight of a 12-week-old female French Bulldog is 9.8 lbs (4.5 kg). They may even find difficulty in breathing under continuous activities. You need to understand that your overweight Frenchie can develop some serious health issues and diseases, such as diabetes, or joint problems, which can cause serious difficulties in his movement. For an overweight Frenchie, however, fat covers the ribs, making you unable to feel them. How to Tell If Your French Bulldog is Overweight, Conclusion on French Bulldog Weight and Growth, French Bulldog buying guide and French Bulldog price guide, Click here to start using this free and useful French Bulldog weight tracking tool, free online tool to track your French Bulldog puppy`s growth, World Small Animal Veterinary Association. A male French Bulldog will then slowly stop adding more weight. French bulldog full grown reaches optimal body size. This method is relatively easy to use. At 0 Another sign to look out for is to see if there is heavy breathing after walking at a normal pace for just five minutes or so. 5 When this is lacking, its an indication that your dog is overweight.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',141,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; Youll notice this through its breathing issues. Also, this growth chart is the combined growth chart of the male and female French Bulldog. French Bulldogs go through social and sexual maturity during this stage. French Bulldog Growth Rate, Size of Male French Bulldog Versus Size of Female French Bulldog, Male French Bulldog Weight and Growth Chart, Female French Bulldog Weight and Growth Chart, Male French Bulldog Weight/Growth Chart in KG, Female French Bulldog Weight/Growth Chart in KG. However, it becomes an issue if you see your Frenchie taking heavy breaths even while sitting or lying down. It would be best if you did so in moderation. Abnormal growth in French Bulldog can be because of underlying disease (such are heart, hormonal, or bone problems) or because of overfeeding or underfeeding. Its, therefore, vital for you to seat your family down and enquire whether they have been taking care of your Frenchie as you had instructed them. While, at six months, they weigh between 13.8 and 22 pounds (6.3 and 10 kilograms), and one-year-old female French bulldogs weigh between 17.6 and 28 pounds (8 and 12.9 kilograms).AgeWeight in poundsWeight in kilogramsAt birth0.44 0.56 (7 9 ounces)0.198 0.2551 week0.81 1 (13 16 ounces)0.369 0.4542 weeks1.1 1.60.499 0.7264 weeks20.96 weeks3.1 3.91.4 1.88 weeks62.73 months7.7 12.13.5 5.56 months13.8 226.3 1012 months17.6 288 12.9if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_17',340,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; Frenchies attain their maximum sizes at varying times. It is without a doubt that you will find your Frenchie breathing heavily after taking a short walk outside. Obesity or being overweight can affect your Frenchies joints and cause permanent damages. However, they have moderate levels of energy and may feel exhausted very soon. month(s) and 0 Then your French Bulldog will slowly stop adding more weight. At 6 months, the French bulldog female weighs on average between 6.3 kg for the smallest individuals and 10 kg for the largest individuals. taking it as a sign of being underweight. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Add your dog's weighings and compare them to other registered dogs. Information we share endlessly improves. Check where the weight of your French Bulldog falls in the graph for its age. 3 month(s) and 7 1 At 0 Involving your entire family in your Frenchies weight loss journey is bound to yield better results than if they were ignorant about their role. Taya, Between 9 and 13.8 kg. French Bulldog Neonatal Period is from Birth to 2 weeks. I'm Sara, an animal enthusiast and proclaimed dog lover. We discussed how you can tell if your French Bulldog is growing normally from your French Bulldog`s weight history earlier in this article. Other than that, its important to note that the litter size also impacts the weight of the newborn puppies up until they are about 1 month old. month(s) and 26 Nevertheless, if your French Bulldog weight doesnt fall within the ranges detailed above when its over one year old, then its either overweight or underweight. Instead, a raw meat-based diet presents both health and safety risks. However, weight in the dark green region is more typical for French Bulldogs. A newborn French bulldog puppy weighs 11 to 14 ounces (300-400 grams). If not, your dog might be overweight. male, weighed 9.8 kg. #followe, The Importance of Maintaining Your Frenchies Weight, Health Risks for Overweight French Bulldog. However, the more accurate method to predict and track normal growth in your French Bulldog is by regularly weighing your French Bulldog and recording the weight of your French Bulldog with our free dog weight tracker and weight predictor. weight of your French bulldog The rapid learning and socialization of the puppy occur at this stage, and what the French Bulldog puppy learns in this stage will have a long-term effect on the puppy`s behavior as an adult. The dogs studied included dogs in the French Bulldog weight category. Then at 6 months, your French Bulldog will gain 0.43 pounds (0.19 Kilograms) every week on average. French Bulldogs like to play around and perform various activities. Fox Terrier Growth Chart. This is How to Tell, How to Measure the Weight of your French Bulldog, How Fast Do French Bulldog Grow? your Frenchies ribs can be seen distinctively, then its a sure sign They like toys as much as kids do. French bulldog, With this in mind, it still behooves you as the owner to keep their weight in check and consult a licensed vet for professional advice. A walk or short exercises every evening is good enough to maintain a healthy weight. A puppy with no problem of weight will also have less tendency to have an adult one, because as in the human, good habits are taken very young. During this stage, the French Bulldog puppies will attempt to clarify and resolve their boundaries. This article contains the French Bulldog growth calculator that you can use to predict your French Bulldog`s adult weight. When it comes to these dogs, you should exercise at cooler times of the day like the morning and evening, and exercise in short amounts, but more frequently, instead of longer, more intense sessions. You know your Frenchies regular habits. However, male dogs usually grow at a different rate compared to female dogs. Male Frenchies generally weigh up to 33 pounds (13.8kg). Puppy growth predictors, growth charts, and growth calculators are approximate methods for determining normal growth in dogs. However, a recent research study on dog weight shows that 12-week-old female French Bulldogs can normally weigh as low as 2.7 lbs (1.2 kg) and as high as 13.2 lbs (6.0 kg), Correspondingly, 12-week-old male French Bulldogs can normally weigh as low as 2.6 lbs (1.2 kg) and as high as 15.1 lbs (6.9 kg). However, these tools have limited capacity. The danger of obesity or being overweight applies to both humans and dogs equally. year(s), Protein provides in strengthening their muscles. Below is what a normal growth pattern and what abnormal growth patterns look like in French Bulldogs. However, a recent research study on dog weight shows that 1-year-old female French Bulldogs can normally weigh as low as 7.3 lbs (3.3 kg) and as high as 30.3 lbs (13.7 kg), Correspondingly, 1-year-old male French Bulldogs can normally weigh as low as 7.6 lbs (3.4 kg) and as high as 36.1 lbs (16.4 kg). Then calculate your weight when holding your dog minus your weight when not holding your French Bulldog. The typical weight range of a 6-month-old female French Bulldog is from 13.9 lbs to 22.0 lbs (6.3 kg to 10.0 kg). We will continue our mission, and we are grateful that you are part of it. However, you shouldnt be alarmed since other unserious and innocent reasons could be behind your dogs weight problem. year(s), 6 day(s), If you do not own the French Bulldog yet, make sure you purchase your French Bulldog from an ethical French Bulldog breeder or work with a reputable rescue. By continuing your navigation, you accept the use of cookies. You can use our free tool to track your French Bulldog`s growth and weight over time. French Bulldogs also have breathing problems because of their flat noses and the shape of their heads. Research has also shown that one of the reasons many dogs die young is because they are overweight. Our tool will tell you, first, a more accurate future weight of your French Bulldog and, second, if your French Bulldog is growing normally. Check out our French Bulldog buying guide and French Bulldog price guide here. Tracking your French Bulldog`s weight will let you see the unique growth trajectory of your French Bulldog. Your email address will not be published. They are rich with vitamins and water. day(s), The first and foremost sign is that your dogs weight will be beyond the ranges given above. Accordingly, some of the external links on are affiliate links. Small-sized dogs, achieve their maximum weight at 12 months, while bigger-sized dogs will reach their maximum body size at 14 months. French Bulldog Maturity Period is from 1 year to 4 years. The French Bulldog puppy will only have the senses of taste and touch. French bulldog, Dogs love to sleep on the couch. But, if you can see its ribs, then your dog might be unhealthy underweight. Hi, Im Mister, a Frenchie, and a well-mannered family dog. How Much Should a 6-Month-old French Bulldog Weigh? Therefore, later on in this article, we will provide you with the gender-specific growth chart for the male and for the female French Bulldog. Starting at 4 months, your French Bulldog will gain 0.71 pounds (0.32 Kilograms) every week on average. First and most importantly, you shouldnt give them human food or your leftovers. The average weight of a 4-month-old female French Bulldog is 13.2 lbs (6.0 kg). body structure when they are young. This method is illustrated in the picture below. As you can see in the French Bulldog growth curve below, the French Bulldog grows really fast in its early weeks, and then its growth levels off till it reaches 100 percent of the adult weight. In the first 24 hours, the puppies lose some body weight. French bulldog, At 38 weeks, a male French Bulldog will have reached 95 percent of its adult weight at 38 weeks. Find something that is interesting for your Frenchie go run in the park, throw the ball, or take him out in the park with other Frenchie friends to play. A score of 4 and 5 means that a dog is of ideal weight, and a score above 5 means that a dog is overweight. The average weight of a 6-month-old female French Bulldog is 18.0 lbs (8.2 kg). It will help if you try giving them fruits and vegetables like broccoli, cucumbers, apples, carrot, green beans, bananas, etc. See the growth rate chart of the French Bulldog below. Your Frenchie cant groom itself properly. You should always take professional help and pay a visit to the professional vet if you notice any of these issues. This method requires some expertise to use. Most dogs eat way too much and do not get enough exercise. Monitor your French bulldog weight and life will be easier for you both. The average weight of a 6-month-old male French Bulldog is 19.6 lbs (8.9 kg). Of importance is the fact that overweight Frenchies have a shorter life span than their healthy counterparts. The food intake differs from their size and age. Frenchies putting on too much weight might be lazy and refrain from doing physical exercises. Below is typical growth and weight chart of a Female French Bulldog in Kilograms (kg). The weight loss doesnt exceed 10% of the original weight at birth. Male French Bulldogs stop growing at 47 weeks (~11 months). As such, you shouldnt be alarmed by the initial fluctuation. Enter 8 and 12.9 kg. Please, talk to your vet before taking any decision on your pet`s weight and health. Instead, your Frenchie has an oval shape since the loin region is wide, and its waist has already disappeared. You can register up to 9 puppies per account. This is because each dog is unique and a dog`s growth may be different from that of the overall dog population. During this stage, the French Bulldog puppy will continue to develop a better sense of hearing and taste. They should be able to tell you how much your Frenchie should weigh. male, weighed 3 kg. This article also contains the French Bulldog growth chart and weight calculator that you can use to approximately tell if your French Bulldog`s weight is in the normal range based on its current weight. The average size of a male French Bulldog is 26 pounds (12 kg) while the average size of a female French Bulldog is 22 pounds (10 kg). Lifestyle and diet changes can drastically help in maintaining a healthy weight or losing excess weight in your French Bulldog. French bulldog, French Spaniel Growth Chart. Below is the typical growth chart and weight chart of French Bulldogs at different stages in their lives. female, weighed 8.5 kg. They dont require heavy exercises, but it is essential to take them for a short walk regularly. These tools will also help tell if your French Bulldog is growing normally. Be in the know and ensure you keep your French bulldog within the allowed threshold to avert health conditions that could dent your wallet unnecessarily. In the absence of causes that emanate from underlying health conditions, maintaining their weight relies on a combination of diet and exercise. How Much Should a 4-Month-old French Bulldog Weigh? month(s) and 26 Notably, their sizes depend on the sex, with male Frenchies being slightly heavier than female Frenchies. year(s), To tell your dog`s body condition, first, look at your dog closely and observe which of its bones are structures are sticking out or not sticking out from under its skin. day(s), At 0 The reason advanced to explain this phenomenon has a physiological basis whereby the puppies expel urine and meconium but dont restore these expelled fluids faster enough. As mentioned earlier in this article, a very accurate way to know if your French Bulldog puppy is on its way to becoming overweight is by weighing your dog every week and recording its weight. Adult Frenchie females weigh 20 to 28 pounds (up to 13kg). How Often Should A French Bulldog Poop? Click here to start using this free and useful French Bulldog weight tracking tool to track healthy growth in your French Bulldog. An obese or overweight French bulldog is prone to developing the following health conditions:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',143,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-4-0')}; You should look at the chest region. In the absence of a weighing scale, the following signs stand out. Maintaining French bulldog weight is paramount in increasing the lifespan of your Frenchie. There are two methods you can use to measure your French Bulldog`s weight. At 0 Nonetheless, by day 3, theyll have already surpassed their weight at birth, thereby signaling growth. Or do you want to know if your French Bulldog is of the ideal weight for its age? The typical weight range of a 6-month-old male French Bulldog is from 15.6 lbs to 23.5 lbs (7.1 kg to 10.7 kg). male, weighed 3.4 kg. Also, adult female dogs are generally smaller in size than adult male dogs. French bulldog, It is totally fine if the weight of your French Bulldog falls in either the dark green or light green region of the graph. Strains even after less intense exercises, Reasons for a French Bulldog to be overweight, Signs that a French bulldog is underweight, French Bulldog underweight health implications. At one week, the puppies weigh between 13 and 16 ounces (369 and 454 grams), while at two weeks, they weigh between 1.1 and 1.6 pounds (499 and 726 grams). French Bulldog Socialization Period is from 3 weeks to 14 weeks. The French Bulldog puppy`s eyes will still be unopened with no sense of vision. You should pay attention to these details as it might put a risk on your dogs health. day(s), month(s) and 5 One final reason why you must keep track of your French Bulldog`s weight and growth is that your French Bulldog`s weight and growth pattern can tell you if your French Bulldog has some underlying health conditions (such as bone, heart, hormone diseases). Switch treats with vegetables like cucumbers. And make sure to make it a habit so that he can get used to eating a smaller portion of food every day. You should visit a vet wholl rule out any underlying conditions, carrying out some blood work, urinalysis or even X-rays. Once again, always seek professional help before deciding on any health problems for your Frenchie. The growth pattern of female dogs is different from that of male dogs. Until maturity, the French bulldog continues to pack in weight and gain a heavy-set body. This is the average adult height of the French Bulldog. Here is an average weight chart of a Frenchie. As a result, male Frenchies weigh more than female Frenchies. Timo, Let us know if you liked the post. Catching early abnormal weight in your dog and correcting it (through diet changes, exercise) can significantly extend your dog`s life. Just like humans, even animals face health issues if they weigh more than they should. And a close look at your puppy`s growth trajectory will tell you if your French Bulldog puppy will be overweight or underweight. The lesser you give them treats, the better they are. 6 Timo, Below is typical growth and weight chart of a Male French Bulldog in Kilograms (kg). As such, you should take care of your Frenchie for them to live a long healthy life. At 0 How much must a French bulldog male at 1 year? How to get my French Bulldog to lose weight? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',137,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-3-0')};If you have been feeding your Frenchie the correct amounts of food, but its weight has continually dropped, then the vet could advise you on what to feed them. A male French Bulldog will grow very fast in its first 38 weeks. male, weighed 6.3 kg. Fox Terrier Weight Calculator. Starting from 3 months of age, French Bulldogs grow at a rate of 0.88 pounds per week (0.40 Kilograms per week) on average. Below is the typical growth and weight chart of a Male French Bulldog. Therefore, try to maintain your Frenchies weight through a good diet and moderate exercise. Similarly, a female French Bulldog will grow very fast in its first 37 weeks. Or longer but slower walks. The vet might also advise the use of supplements. Above is a graph that shows how much a French Bulldog should weigh at different ages. Dog foods that have low calories are a great option for overweight Frenchies. This strategy ensures that the dogs body doesnt store excess calories because the continuous supply of food maintains a consistent blood sugar level. His body size is much smaller than humans, so, to compare, 4-5 (2 kg) extra pounds on your French bulldog are approximate to almost 40 pounds (~18 kg) as a human. Click here to check out this scale on Amazon. 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