Copyright 2001. When peering from the side, the front of the leg should appear straight. I know when Im interrupted, I lose my place. The legs are supposed to appear like neat, parallel columns. Start with the back of her head and follow straight down her body to the base of her tail. Dremels or other grinders will smooth them out and make them nice. I double-check the inside of the rear leg and smooth out any rough spots with thinners. With the dog standing, remove the corners and any longer hair falling over the boxed-in area, creating a nice straight cylinder. Since the feet have already been trimmed, once you blend the coat at the transition areas, theres very little left to hand scissor. Ensure, that the dog is standing properly. Its important to have a professional complete the work because it takes experience to understand how to use scissors and clippers safely. Go over the side of her neck next. Bath time! frame, which is beautiful for a Goldendoodle! Trim below the fingers in a straight line. Notice the two stars in that list of 13 steps (6 and 8). If you work on the system, you will be able to complete a leg in under two minutes. Use chunking scissors to blend the longer hair around the mouth and over the eyebrows. When we get Oliver groomed, we notice a considerable, difference in the amount of water on our floor around the, Also with his face trimmed so neatly, there are no food. Today, all over America, house decorations say, Home is where the Doodle is!. The rear leg will be the same (with a few variances) to help establish the angles of the rear assembly. Make sure that the dog is standing straight so you can check the symmetry. Being efficient allows you to do more pets per day while enjoying your job. You may not copy or otherwise use anything on this site without our written permission. When it comes to Goldendoodle grooming, its all about following the natural form of the pet. In fact, the best brush around is the slicker brush. Then, add some shampoo. Remove the hair between the eyes with thinners. Consider the coat. Trim the chin hair straight and curve up a bit. Trim all that extends below it. Im not talking about a dog that comes in matted to the hilt. With straight shears, I box the outside and inside leg lines. Normally its just an area between 2-3 inches wide. In the pattern transition areas, I let my guard comb skim off the longer hair on the thighs, rump, and the shoulders. It allows me to minimize the amount of time I spend on each task. It's not necessary to purchase new blades when, they start to get dull. When its done, its so cute it looks like it should be a stuffed animal. If you plan to remove much of the coat, then you can use a dog grooming clipper to take this off. Comb the ear hair and then use your fingers to protect the leather. They became amazingly popular in the 1990s. Make an A line from the top of her chin. They are self-drying and will prevent ear infections. ), (In this scenario, Im starting with the front leg and moving to a rear leg but you can use whatever order works best for you or the dog. And who doesnt like that? Have you ever timed yourself? It doesnt mean that youre working harder, it just means youre being productive. Brush the teeth and apply some freshener. I quickly give the leg another comb-up and remove any of the high spots or rough patches with thinners. I double-check all my work before I move on to the rear leg. To double-check the pad area, I brush the coat down and trim any stray hairs with small detail shears, always working around the outside area of the foot pad. Your shears need to cut effortlessly with precision. Youll give yourself a huge head start if you do a few things beforehand. Please note that it is important to have a professional use clippers and scissors for the groom. Thanks! I put the foot down and let the dog stand naturally. We have places to go and things to do. animation, personality and facial expression! Comb up the legs and hand scissor wisps of hair. (Creating a box is much easier than trying to create a cylinder when setting in the lines.). The pet should be brushed so that the bath doesnt tangle anything further or make matters worse. Trim close to the foot but not so close that you, can see the pads. This is just a rough outline of the final product. There should not be a dent above the toes. Use some clippers on the nails if they are extremely long. Therefore, you can remove any mats or tangles. They can also be equal length. Comb downwards, and then trim any hair that descends over her pads with straights. Using straights, create a neat curve from the top of her leg towards the inside of the hawk. Blend the front and back of the hawk area towards the foot. crumbs getting stick around his mouth anymore. How about you? Otherwise, choose something natural and herbal. Its fun. I love how having systems in place allows me the freedom to focus on what is important the pet. To become highly efficient with scissoring legs, theres a secret. Clip the sanitary area with a 7 blade. Use your clippers. Jump on the Facebook page and tell us your tricks and tips for scissoring legs and saving time. Comb all the hair towards the front. Do you have to stop and think about where you left off? If, Be careful to not get shampoo in eyes or water in ears. I have a routine I follow when I exercise. I have a system for doing my makeup. Those are key areas when setting in the haircut to get legs done in less than two minutes. (Note: I always work around the dog in the circle. These are Goldendoodles, not poodles! This hold stabilizes the dog and naturally makes them point their toes so I can focus on the foot. If you are not being able to get legs scissored on a relatively simple trim quickly, I encourage you to grab a timer or watch the clock. but not least, trim hair on feet between the pads to the level of the pads. Firstly, it is important to brush every day. Leave a little skirt depending on the shape of the dog. I know I do. Refer to the owners preference for length. Once in the bath, rinsing completely is the first step. I lose precious time. We see that Harlee gets lots of large knucklebones. From the occiput, run the clip comb back. Lets say you have a Shih Tzu that comes in every six weeks. Monica Dickens was the first to breed a Goldendoodle in 1969. That way, you wont need to wash and dry that which you werent planning to preserve in the first place. Thinning the beard will help it to lay flat if its too thick. All equipment needs to be sharp. Remove all the hair from the corner of the ear into the side of the neck. Your thinners should run smoothly, without catching. The clipper will remove the bulk of the hair. Discovering a balance is key. It minimizes how much you must think about what you are doing while reducing the risk to the dog. I fluff the coat up, gently holding the dogs foot in my fingers then give the leg a little bit of a shake. The leg is positioned as close to the table top as I can while still elevating it slightly. For dogs with long legs, it makes them appear somewhat shorter. replace that of proper veterinary advice, diagnosis or treatment. Last. them looking like the wonderful crossbreed that they are. I brush downward over the leg and the foot with a slicker brush. Legs should be a bit shorter at the top than at the bottom. When were on autopilot, we can focus on the thing that matters the most pets! Use a 40 blade with a 3/8 comb attachment for the body. We, must keep them looking like the wonderful, Next, use an electric clipper and long comb (1-, inch attachment), and take two swipes down, Finish hand scissoring over the eyes so you. I remove any of the high spots or rough patches. Small and medium sized pets that have a bit of style to the haircut. double-check coat for any mats or tangles prior to beginning the haircut, trim the pads and round the feet at the same time with a #40 blade*, Sani-work with a #10 (eyes, tummy, and under tail), apply bows and cologne based on client preference. I get off track. Lift it only as high as the dog is comfortable (most of the time allowing the dog to bring its leg into its body a bit). However, it also has to be gentle enough for sensitive skin. If you havent, I encourage you to do so. Check that they are symmetrical. Im sure you use systems all the time. #10s, #40s or guard combs rarely nick the body of the dog. The foot should blend into the column. I have a system for making coffee. It allows me to be efficient. I have a system when I get into the car to go somewhere. I lightly clip the pads with a #40 blade (a #30 blade will work, too). Also, blend the skirt from the chest so it follows a continuous curve from the chest towards the back legs. We see that, These are Goldendoodles, not poodles! Gently pick up the one of the rear legs. This will improve the whole process. Once my clipper work is done on the body and I have smoothly transitioned the short coat into the longer fur on the legs Im ready to pick up my shears. If youre working with a quality pair of shears, theyre razor-sharp. Your blades need to be able to glide through the coat like a hot knife through butter. You must have a completely, Start on the head, and use scissors to groom, the top of head so it blends into the neck and. Thats another story. All rights reserved. brush thoroughly, and then comb through so there are no tangles (as they get worse after, , clean ears, and brush teeth if needed. They dont, considerable difference in the amount of water on, Also with his face trimmed so neatly, there are no, food crumbs getting stick around his mouth, A benefit of keeping him groomed up is that he is, no longer getting ear infections. For now, lets talk about a routine for scissoring a leg in less than two minutes. Refer to the natural form of the leg. Is it fleecy, curly or wavy? When I get close to the foot, I gently ask the dog to lift its foot. Brush out the remaining hair. With my less dominant hand, I slide my hand down the leg, with my finger and thumb closest to the table. The length should gradually blend into the column-shape legs. Then, hold them open and use some curved scissors to round them up in towards the temple. This system allows me to go on to autopilot and focus on the pet and the quality of my work. legs. We'll remind you to join our next Facebook Live event! attachment comb (1 inch) and clip the neck, back, sides, chest, and belly. I look for rough spots needing to be smoothed out or . You will probably need to run over the body multiple times. The toenails shouldnt show. My guess is youre just as busy as I am. A comb can be used to verify the lines. Using curved shears, I scissor in the angles over the rump and down the rear section of the back leg, accentuating the angulation. What happens when you get interrupted? If it happens, use a saline solution to prevent burning and watch very carefully for irritation. Fluff and comb upwards repeatedly to remove extraneous hairs. Next, trim the, feet, starting at front to so that the nails are covered. The set up before you pick up your shears is critical. The entire trim, prep, bath, fluff dry, and haircut should take 60 minutes or less. Heres my basic grooming routine on all my six-week or less clients who get a fuller styled leg trim. Picking up my thinners, I remove any rough edges falling outside of the nice rounded foot blending into the sidelines on the leg. If it continues to happen, I get frustrated. I re-trim that area if it needs it. Each phase of the grooming process can be broken down, systematically. Thats not something any of us want. It is best to clip, Stop clipping about inch above the elbows, on the front legs, and clip the same height for, For the legs, make one pass down the legs (1-, making sure to get the front, back, and sides, of legs only once - always going down the, , use a Mini Dremel tool and carefully grind off tips or clipper-trim the nails. Create a flag shape towards the body in a neatly curved line. I scissor in the front of the rear leg, accentuating the curved angle from the stifle to the hock and then straight down to the rounded foot. Its important to know how long each step of the grooming process takes you. Stop at the top of her leg. I then pick up the foot and detail the cylinder shape. While the dog is standing, I eyeball the front of the front leg making a mental note how much coat needs to come off to create a straight line. Use a 40 blade to remove the hair from underneath the pads. I trim a straight line from the elbow to the table with the dog standing squarely. Especially, for Poodle-like coats, they are perfect. Those are your cheat areas. I double-check all my work before I move on to the next leg. The inner portion of the leg should run straight to the top of the hawk. It allows me to give the client a consistent haircut every time. With a few ear infections under our belt, we now realized, that keeping the hair in his ears plucked his rendered us, Its strictly cosmetic, but I love when his, legs are trimmed up and I can actually see, his paws and his frame, which is beautiful, we usually have folks stopping us to ask what breed he is, & others telling us he is the most beautiful dog they have. If not, then you can proceed to grinding them. I have yet to find anybody who does not appreciate being able to earn more money without having to work harder for it. This is never attractive. Then take them down over her legs, just a few inches above her hawk and all the hair on the inside of her leg. I recomb the entire leg, give it a little shake, and begin my final scissoring. I give the foot a quick fluff with my comb. First things first. Creating routines and systems will also increase your revenue generation. Also clip the armpits and inner legs. Its heavy coated and gets a medium guard comb on the body with fuller legs and a round head style.
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