and weight 18-25 kg (40-55 lbs). The Claywall Trophy, donated six years ago by Zena Wallace, will be there to be won by the BOB Canaan. If I had forced him into being close to other dogs and not They are more interested in keeping on the right side of certain people or making a favourable impression on those outside the ring than in doing the right thing. Canaan Dog Alliance is a United States based 501c3 rescue solely focused on rsaving stray animals from the Middle East and rehoming them in the United States. When Alan and Sylvia agreed to keep her for me "Jessie" went to live with her grandaughter, Isabel who is the highest agility-titled Canaan in the world and number two all-breeds in the US. Pleasant Hill Pretti Spiffi, owned by Donna Dodson, took a Herding Group 3 under Judge Mrs. Beverly Capstick, handled by her co-owner Kristen Jackson. They too deserve a little overindulgence and fun, so don't forget them while you're busy celebrating. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 19/7/99). | good people with good causes. Unfortunately we had to leave our baby, "Lottie", home as she is on heat and it was her 13th day. in Italy and yes, it was her dog. Why aren't these judges being held accountable? Besides, I have always contended that if a dog is put together correctly, it will move correctly. In addition, every other standard declares as a fault "anything that would detract from his potential for survival as a desert animal"a phrase of paramount importance which TKC (but fortunately, not all judges) has decided to disregard. The By the time I write my next set of notes we should know if their "junior handler in the making" is a boy or a girl! He went on to say how very like Myrna's dogs Layla was, to which Jill replied, "As it happens, I imported Layla from Myrna". I would hate to see the Canaan fall victim to this way of thinking. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 13/4/99). rang the number and was able to find out that the dog had been imported from Italy Not the least of these reasons is that because ours is a numerically small breed, we know the whereabouts of just about every Canaan. Unless the dog is posing a threat to humans and is completely out of control, (and it is a rare, rare Canaan that is people aggressive) why should we expect our dogs to get along with every dog they meet--people sure don't! I had the fun of entering and showing my Bernese Mtn Dogs and Tibetan Spaniels there for 13 years in a row. It was only by a stroke of luck that he had that day been into Imberpark Kennels to purchase some pet food and the manager asked what breed of dog he had. Well done! Some more good news for the Canaan Dogthe South Wales Kennel Association has agreed to schedule classes for the breed at their championship show 6-9 July 2000. A Canaan is just as likely to lay If one views their Canaan as a possession theirs will not be a successful relationship. However, please keep in mind that while we have the largest dog breeder directory on the internet, we cannot personally vouch for any individual breeder we list. Many thanks to Carol and Eric Minto for creating the lovely certificates for the fancy dress and to Rob and Hannah Thompson (Silverdale Kennels) for donating the doggie chews. They are devoted to their own families but wary of strangers. Thus, for example, a 21-inch male that looks masculine and isn't overly heavy nor "weedy" for his size is correct, as would be a 23-inch bitch that is obviously feminine. Many thanks to all of them for their interest and sincere efforts in doing a good job! We tell people that 15 years plus is the average life span for a Canaan rather than the exception and it was nice to meet someone who has a still active geriatric Canaan. When Jill came back with "but the standard requires them to be wary", Mr Quinney replied, "I know, but I don't like it. Three Canaans were shown at Kensington under Greek judge, Mr Stelios Makaritis. I'm proud to say that all the Canaan owners involved in this event are never found without a pocket full of baggiesand they use them as well! We had 35 Canaans that day which was a big entry at that time. This is her fifth Group Placement. Our judge, Mrs Valerie Foss pleasantly surprised us, as she seemed to take a delight in judging the Canaans. We are doing so for both your sake and the dog's sake as we feel people should take the time to learn enough about the breed they are interested in before considering getting one. As Richard and I were unable to attend Pinxton and District open show on the 9th October Jill Terry kindly let us know that the scheduled judge, Ray Blackmore, had to bow out at the last moment as his mother was rushed to hospital. It could easily be otherwise as we are faced with the difficulties brought on by quarantine in obtaining new lines, so we haven't done badly in our efforts to breed good Canaans here. A litter bred by Jan Smith and Lez Mozley, out of which came our Kibutzer Kween In Kofyn, added 7 to the total and the registration of "Bobby" and her litter added another 7 bringing registrations up to 53. their ears. This makes training difficult, even though Canaan dogs are intelligent enough to be trained by an experienced owner. In the USA there has been a tremendous increase in the number of Canaan puppy enquiries recently. All Rights Reserved. Most of the judges on the CDC judges' list have returned their tests and they have all done very well. His gentle and patient approach is perfect for our breed. Please send your news and views, as well as topics you'd like me to discuss. And as his dog was castrated whilst in quarantine, it does not make much difference. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 9/11/99). Richard and I picked up Meg Harris on our way to LKA, as we all wanted to do a bit of Christmas shopping and socialising. This year's theme for the fancy dress was Star Wars and I'm proud to say that first place went to our Lottie dressed as Princess Leia, Episode 3, second place to Digger as Obi-Wan Kenobi Espisode 1, and third place to Patrick and Barbara Gold's Simba as a Jedi warrior. I don't understand why, but a number of people when judging our Canaans feel that How nice it would be to have our first "overseas Canaan" actually be a dog that was born in England! AVNSC Utility at the City of Birmingham consisted of seven Canaans, so it was, in It is worth a visit. Our judge, Mr Peter Jolley, was a pleasure for both dog and exhibitor to show under. Helen, who has now moved from home and is attending university in Calgary, has a 9-month old Canaan puppy, Gemma, whom she acquired from a person in California. It is gratifying that more and more people are recognising the Canaan Dog when they see them. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 12/10/99). Richard threw a surprise birthday party for me to prove to me how many friends I have made in the five years I've been in this country. "Kelsey" at a recent show and told Michelle she was much too fat. Moses' story continued from last week. show dogs that resemble Canaan Dogs. the true black, brown and white pattern as in a beagle". | Are you a breeder who isnt listed? From the one championship show that gave us classes when I arrived in this country, 1999 saw 5 championship shows with classes. Drawings found in tombs in the Middle East dating back to 2200 B.C. So how long is a piece of string? Can't say that any of us were very happy with Birmingham's new showgrounds. EIN: 77-0395654. Pam views it as a challenge so, hopefully, she will be added to our every increasing circle of Canaan exhibitors in the not too distant future. He questioned why we never have this problem and whether it was an issue of personality. We drove quite a distance to be treated like that. Time went by and the club was told the amendment was before the Breed Standard Committee and then that it was going to the General Committee. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 22/3/99). As soon as everything is ), "Beulah" (Kibutzer Kween In Kofyn) has joined the Anacan family! Mr Jolley's BOB was our Digger (The Lion of Judah At Anacan) and his BOS was our Beulah (Kibutzer Kween In Kofyn). The rest of the pack rely on their leader for protection and in return for that security they give their allegiance. It seems that the hard work being put in to promote the Canaan is beginning to pay some dividends. I feel this particular person's training methods are inappropriate for a Canaan and I replied to him as follows: We don't think it is personality as such, but rather a person's attitude towards their Canaan that makes all the difference. I have actually met this person about 7 or 8 years ago when he was new in the breed and I am amazed at how quickly he has become an "expert". However, unbeknownst to the club the person who was secretary in 1995 sent in the wrong draft of the amendments and it was this incorrect version that TKC accepted. It is an insult to the breed, to the owner and to those ethical, serious and interested people who strive to learn all they can but are not offered judging assignments because they don't have the right face or the right circle of friends. But the only reason he got to adopt Moses was one day while walking him, Moses slipped his collar. Love to get your news and views. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 2/8/99). show on each day, and the November shows will also be on the 3rd thru the 7th. Diane Lloyd-Andrews sat at ringside as she was three days from the due date of her first child but was not about to miss the show! 740547. Also had a nice visit with Mrs Ann Wynyard at the Tibbie ring (my other breed). Heard that Inna Blayvas was just voted in as the new Canaan Dog studbook guardian over in Israel. We are most fortunate in that Deidre designed our letterhead and notelets for us and included our "Jasmine" in her last year's Christmas card "Opening Christmas Presents in the Land of the Pharaohs". Canaan dogs do get along well with children, and when theyre well socialized and trained, they are gentle and loving. It was only their second show ever but Allison Byrne and Ivan Kaye qualified their "Livvie" (Babrees Bright Blaise) for Crufts. date is Sunday, 21st November at the Tysoe Village Hall. At LKA a red-faced Michelle told us she found out the cause of Find volunteer opportunities from thousands of organizations that need your help. The interim standard now in effect is "illegal" in that it has never been voted on by the CDC membership. We all have a lot to be thankful for, not the least of which is the love so freely given to us by our wonderful Canaan Dogs. in the position to import another Canaan. breed standard proposed and approved by the membership of The Canaan Dog CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 31st August 1999). The breeder had just moved into a flat, which allowed her to have only one dog so she was unable to take Moses back. (To be continued next week.). She also thought he was rather nice. As a result Mrs Foss was well versed in the breed. Secondly, I think it's important for judges to be reminded what dog shows should be about. Once again I wish to make some comments on the Canaan Dog temperament, this time focusing on "dog aggression". Not too surprisingly amongst the booth's visitors were a number of Israelis, one of whom was Eyal Kan, the studbook guardian for the Israeli Canaan Dogs. The proposed amendment was first sent to TKC in May 1995 but nothing was done with it until I chased it in 1997. What a difference it made not only to the dogs' footing, but also to the noise levels. would give you an opportunity to take in a few dog shows at the same time. Richard and I had a very pleasant visit with her over a cup of coffee (courtesy Pedigree). As we feel strongly that any classes given the breed should be supported and as there are no Canaan owners up that way we made the effort to go but it was really too far for us. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 23/11/98). Canaan Dogs are traditionally working dogs suited to farm life but can adapt well to apartment dwelling if they get plenty of daily exercise. The animal welfare situation in the Middle East is a crisis that needs immediate attention. That should be quite interesting, as she has been the primary breeder of Canaans in Israel for over 23 years. Other results were: 1st in Special Junior Dog and Post-Grad Dog was Anacan Amourous Amos, owned by Ed Hager and Victoria Adams; Open Dog 1st The Lion of Judah At Anacan, 2nd Zeta Pride, 3rd Anacan Ziggy (owned by Richard and myself) and 4th Anacan Amourous Amos. I heard that Myrna Shiboleth (Shaar Hagai Kennels) will be coming over from Israel in November to pick out the two puppies she gets from Jill and Ian Terry's "Layla". That is I believe that a Canaan must feel secure in the knowledge that you are always going to be its safety net--you will protect it from scary and dangerous things. I explained that there wasn't.there are dingos and there are Canaan Dogs and even though they are related, they are two separate breeds. full-cream milk! "Digger" took BOB and went on to make it to the final cut of 5 dogs in the BIS ring under judge, Mr Ray Blackmore. There I remember the great dog writer and dog show judge, Maxwell Riddle, writing about "the olden days" of dog shows in America. Feeding, Grooming, Training, and Health, I'm sorry, there are currently no breeders that we have located in this state. Richard couldn't believe it. Canaan Dogs are territorial and loyal. I questioned the primary breeder in Israel on Canaan tail carriage, as this point has been a bone of contention. May 27th 2000 will see the First International Canaan Dog Working Party being held here. This will give us a great opportunity to exchange information with the Israelis. Canaan Dogs can be trained as seeing eye dogs. The FCI standard adds to this "males may be considerably larger than females". We did a bit of catching up and found out that Avi had just given the Canaan Richard and I sold to Finland (Anacan Diplomat at Kirifix) his second CAC! Judging AVNSC Utility was Anne Roslin-Williams. In our breed judges should be looking for type, soundness and a dog that looks like it has the potential for survival in the desert. For example, dogs face annihilation simply for beings dogs. Her sire is my Gvirwho came to England with meout of a bitch I bred named Briel's Hatikvah Bat Ariel. My honorary Canaan"Spice", a Tibetan Spaniel, won the waggiest tail competition. This has put "Ziggy" in the unbeatable lead for the PEDIGREE/DOG WORLD Top Canaan award, to our delight. Much to our delight our "Ziggy" took first in open dog, then Best Dog and then BOS to an imported Leonberger bitch. Mad River Walk on the Wild Side was awarded a Group 4 at the Chico Dog Fanciers Association show in Yuba City, California by judge, Mrs Bette Krause. Richard told the man we'd love to hear from Tomas and he said he would be in touch with his friend and encourage him to contact us. of Best AVNSC went to Doug and Jane Bateman's bitch, Babrees Beersheba They respect that as the boundary of their respective territories. With a few additional litters in the interim from Canaan Dogs of Anacan and then Ian and Jill Terry under their Babrees affix, registrations have now reached 89---an increase of 35 dogs in 4 years! they must throw something in the air or make a noise in order to get the dogs to use After a period of time the club was told that they would have to hold a ballot of the CDC membership to see if they approved the proposed amendments. Our then President, David Cavill, hearing about the dog at our AGM suggested we take him to Bellmead as he felt the dog's chance of rehoming would be higher there. BOB was Steve Payne's "Kane", shown by David Webb. Spectating at Nordic was new Canaan owner, Michelle Powell, with her 9 month old daughter, Amber, in tow. Happy New Year and hope you've all recovered from the holidays, and if you were Canaans are very pack oriented and have a strong sense of community and territoriality. How dare they! Margaret and her husband are the owners of a 17-year old Canaan Dog, Sadie, who they inherited from Helen when she went off to university. The judge commented that these would be very good lines to breed from and that "Evie" should produce some very good puppies, to which Jill replied "As it happens, she did produce a very nice litter for me not long ago." | We have two more people who have expressed willingness to show a Canaan so we anticipate that the Crufts' entries for the breed should show a small increase each year. 1999 has been a banner year for the Canaan Dog in the UK. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'localpuppybreeders_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',108,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-localpuppybreeders_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')};Report a broken link or other error here. We've been getting a number of enquiries regarding our breed as of late from people thinking of acquiring one. This is very good PR for the breed indeed. Best Bitch was won by our "Jasmine" (Mornavega The Chosen One of Anacan) and Reserve Best Bitch went to Digger and Jasmine's daughter, Anacan Forever Amber owned by Diane and Steve Lloyd-Andrews. Happy New Year and Happy New Century to the Canaan Dog and all its loyal friends! While Julie's words hold true for all dogs, she's given very important advice to Canaan owners in particular. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 23/8/99). It costs the owner of a rare breed or import register breed just as much to attend a show as it costs the owner of any other breed. Meg is quite an accomplished artist and had several of her paintings on exhibition at an art exhibition in her home village of Tysoe this past weekend. She hasn't gone off In the corrections to the It is a small world! "Wily" is owned by Sandra Sailer and bred and co-owned Cynthia Grupp. After all, if a strange man came up to you and put his arm around you, you would probably punch him in the nose, or at least most of you would. Certainly interest in the Canaan Dog, both at our DISCOVER DOGS booth and in our benching area, seemed to be at an all time high. I've been asked to share the following with you. He told me he didn't know there was such a breed. To add to that, she has joined The Canaan Dog Club over here and will be writing articles for the newsletter. He found his Best Dog and BOB in our Anacan Ziggy. What these kind of people who hold themselves up as judges do in the ring can often have deleterious effects on a breed. The show season is soon drawing to a close, along with the century, with only the BUBA show on the 4th December to determine the Top Canaan Dog for 1999. When I started showing over here in 1995 there were only one championship show which gave us classesBUBA. Unfortunately for the very first time, as Mr Quinney was doing the Utility Group at WKC we did not stay for it as we felt there was no point in exhibiting to someone who has an apparent dislike of the breed. give me your name and address and I will e-mail them to my contact in Bermuda. Avi has also done a breed assessment for The Canaan Dog Club here a couple of years before I came to this country. She won BB at her first national specialty at just 6 months of age and her ears still tipped! Jill's "Layla" got a VHC in Open Bitch, which pleased Jill. Ilan Schonewald volunteered to pick up Moses for us as he lived in the same vicinity. Oddly enough it was at Crufts, while manning the Discover Dogs booth, Richard met a man from Poland who said he had a friend with a Canaan. I've seen some terrible fights outside the Akita and Rottweiler rings at shows, both here and in the USA. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if a person doesn't like the breed, knows nothing about the breed and isn't willing to learn, then for goodness sake do not accept any judging assignments for the breed! It was truly a close call for him and had Jill not been so observant or had she delayed another day in taking him to the vet, she would have lost him. All rights reserved. We show our Canaans because we are proud of what they are. A charter member of the CDC, Helen Lightfoot, BA, DC, MMCA, will be judging Canaan Dogs at the Utility Breeds Association of Wales Show in Brecon on the 26th September. It sometimes is a small world! When Richard told him about all the information we had left for whoever adopted Moses Mr Sim went back to Bellmead to be told it had all been destroyed, as that was their policy. Michelle, as you may recall from previous notes, has a Canaan puppy, Kelsey. Margaret was kind enough to bring along photos of both Canaans. This is the whole purpose of the event and should result with fewer dogs ending up in rescue over due course. As an addendum to the tale of JFK's dog "Friday", I recently found out that he is now living in Portugal with some friends of the Kennedys. The ticket also entitles the holder to 1 copy of Catherine O'Driscoll's latest book, 'WHAT VETS DON'T TELL YOU ABOUT VACCINES' for 5, normally retailing at 16.45. This went back and forth and finally we were told the TKC would not accept our amendments because they had only changed the interim standard the year before. She did a very commendable job of showing Beulah to her second placement. This breed is not recommended for first-time dog owners, since it has a tendency to be aggressive toward other dogs and to be independent and stubborn. It has been a very interesting year with several more shows giving classes for the breed and more Canaans and handlers in the ring. Local Puppy Breeders is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Had some bad news from back home. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 23/11/99). Would love to hear your news and views AND constructive criticism is welcome. Margaret Day, a native of England now living in Canada, came to visit us on Sunday at the request of her daughter, Helen, who found us on the web. If any of you are lucky enough to be able to go on holiday during these dates, it She will be missed. Canaan Dogs were first bred in the thirties by Dr. Rudolphina Menzel. The staff of Bellmead spent a half-hour chasing the dog and no one could get near him. The idea for holding it can be credited to Richard Minto and Terry's Babrees Bethea Batyam ("Beth") with Richard and my Anacan Ziggy Next year we'll be adding another with South Wales Kennel Association. With their permission I would like to print some of the comments that came across the list in a future column as a follow on to my previous discussion of the breed temperament. Copyright 1999-2018 World Organization. On the same weekend Ch. Once it is, it will be interesting to see if we get some of the Canaans from the continent at our shows. Instead we went back to Jill and Ian's caravan and visited with Pam O'Loughlin and her other half, David. A 501(C)(3) Organization. And unless you are in one of those 'elite' rare breeds that has someone with loads of money and influence, you may as well not hang around for group judging unless you like being ignored. And then there are those of us who have been "bitten by the bug" and wouldn't know what to do with a weekend without a show in it. I think its great when you meet people who want to learn. in the local newspaper offering for re-homing a 9-month old Canaan bitch. True to his word, we received a letter and some photos a few weeks ago. CANAAN DOG BREED NOTES (submitted 14/9/99). We were a bit late arriving Sunday morning but our breed booth was already in the good hands of Patrick and Barbara Gold with "Simba" and Doug and Jane Bateman with their "Sheba". Then in 1981 a young woman named Ruth Corner returned from working with Myrna Shiboleth at Shaar Hagai kennels in Israel, bringing with her two pregnant Canaan bitches that whelped in quarantine and were then returned to Myrna. People used to travel to the shows by train and all shows were then benched. We are very protective of our Canaans as placing one in the wrong hands (and by that I mean the wrong hands for the breed not for a general dog owner) can do a lot of harm. But this year the layout was poorly designed, as we had to walk for ages from the entrance to our benching area, all the concessions were spread out, and the BIS ring was stuck sort of inconspicuously out of the way. Moses suddenly darted towards the road and Mr Sim ran into the road, stood there and Moses came right to him, sat in front of him and allowed him put his collar back on. The gentleman was very eager to find out whether or not his "Scamp" is a Canaan. We saw a number of cars being towed out by a tractor at the end of the day. He said that two years ago he and his partner and little boy went to Bellmead to look for a dog. Also to the Canaan is beginning to pay some dividends victim to this `` males be... The shows by train and all its loyal friends their respective territories reminded what Dog shows be. Dog is put together correctly, it was, in it is worth a visit at shows both... The same time the true black, brown and white pattern as in a beagle.! Had 35 Canaans that day which was a big entry at that time were then benched a old! Is welcome Kween in Kofyn ) has joined the Canaan Dog breed (. 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