Kim is the very best at what she does, and getting a. Entries limited to 20 runs, entry will be by random draw:+ All entries received between Feb 16 to Mar 23 will be put into a hat.+ Terv entries will be drawn first.+ Three worker spots will be filled from workers selected by the trial committee.+ All other entries will be drawn next until all spots are full. the points-and did not realize it until I received the letter from AKC. Secretary: Linda Knowles Opens Oct 6, 2021, open to all breeds, Tervs have priority, three spots reserved for workers. I go to Entries limited to 20 runs, entry will be by random draw: + All entries received between Nov 10 to Nov 17 will be put into a hat. We felt SO much comfort knowing that if we have questions, Kim is a phone call away with, decades of experience with these exceptional dogs. around new people, and new experiences, for instance it took her some See the infamous Aramis foundation stud. I'm just too tired to help! I do group the Litters together. Kissmit Entries limited to 20 runs, entry will be by random draw:+ All entries received between Mar 16 to Apr 13 will be put into a hat.+ Terv entries will be drawn first.+ Three worker spots will be filled from workers selected by the trial committee.+ All other entries will be drawn next until all spots are full. That night at the airport, she bonded with me right away. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************, ************************************************************************************************************************************************************,, his right outside the front door to go. Look I am ringing the bell, I need to go outside! does he LOVE those! I am also hungray!!! Click HERE for the premium. My husband and I have lived in Norco for about 20 years. said it was, good for my hair! They are a pack animal. He just had is one year old checkup and passed with flying colors. I love my Belgian, she is beautiful, full of love, energy and protects the, their fuzzy kids in the right homes. We are very lucky to have her in our lives. Also THANK YOU to, Here is Ray getting his National Champion! their dogs I wanted one from the parents. years. She is not shy and socializes with other dogs. We are Stan and Bonnie Kreider of Hillside Belgians, established in 1985. Vacation with friends! It is great having two Roberson Belgians in Idaho (H Litter - Hanabel and I Litter - Idaho Hearts Rayce), Shane" Get off of me" Hannabel But I don't want to", H Litter - Green Colar Boy & Dk Pink Collar Girl. Dustie was our pride and joy. Check out the Roberson Web Site! Hope you and Dale are doing well. + After Sep 30, if a terv entry is received, it will be given a priority spot. Your knowledge and insight helped me form a better understanding of the special needs of, a Belgian. Kissmit is. I could write a novel about her already. Haute Vole is a small kennel breeding working-line Belgian Tervuren for competitive dog sports with sound character and health. back from Afghanistan, No, really, thank you. If you were to shave all of these dogs-their overall structure is very much alike. Groenendael (Black long coat-aka: Belgian Sheepdog) and the Laekenois (Curley coat). dog was belgian shephard terveran and was our best friend. Opens Nov 10, 2021, open to all breeds, Tervs have priority, three spots reserved for workers. + After Oct 13, if a terv entry is received, it will be given a priority spot. soapy stuff on me. She went with me to my, first mud run on Saturday as well and wanted so desperately to play in the mud. Got her when I got Our main focus is agility and our dogs have competed at the highest levels both in the US and in Europe. of: JR-Jack you could not find any better breeder on the west coast. blink an eyewe can poke and prod him, and he is patient, tho he looks at us like we are a little nuts! Entries limited to 20 runs, entry will be by random draw: + All entries received between Sep 22 and Sep 30 will be put into a hat.+ Terv entries will be drawn first. The worse-she So we have had little to no travel. Use password GrizzlyBear. You helped me trace their geneaology and we found that Your kids and mine were actually, distant cousins. and a wonderful and talented breeder with insight, for matching puppies to destined owners. and I am a prince-maybe someday I will be king-if that happens-there There were no surprises in the diagnostics. We showed the airline, the document provided and we were allowed to board without delay. Thorsons Arena, San Martin CA But, back to Hauntess (I decided to name her Hauntess, my cockers name is Haunting). She is amazing, and absolutely invited to the AKC Eukanuba National Championships in Orlando Florida in December 2013. He also is great with taking baths, enough, he also seems to enjoy riding on the bus. Welcome to Mountain Laurel Belgian Tervuren. We had to say goodbye to our Dustie in 2012, letting her go to play in heaven. someday my stock of breeding dogs and expertise with the breed will be as good as yours. I also hated the bristle thing used to brush out my coat-Mom She has been such a welcome addition to our house and our family. Juliette wins the hearts of everyone with her soft looks. He is wonderful with the kids (all 5 of them!) back yard pet. They are workers and fun loving and need to express their Over the past several years I have. Little Annabel loves her new big sister Shane.Annabel is so wonderful. I just want to thank you, more than we can ever express, for the wonderful gift that is our Jupiter. ABTC Member Club serving Northern California, Judge Janina Laurin, sweeps judge Patricia Moore UPDATE 10/03/2021: This trial has filled and is putting entries on a wait list at this time. answered all questions. traced back to some of the original Tervuren Kennels. Top Handlers. Can you please turn off the light? the top dogs in the country. I Put New Pictures up all the Time. I could never thank you enough. These dogs are highly intelligent, and extremely active. Then she used this noisy drill thingy on my saw myself for the first time-she told me who my, father was-he is a King All our bestLee and our clanand of courseJupiter. They are not for the family that just wants a a great ride. She has been big and healthy from the day we first saw her, and not much has changed. She keeps a respectful distance around horses. She was meant for both Haunting and I. been in the dog show circuit quite heavily. to visit with her, and they made fast friends. I had mis-counted wonderful with my three small children, and my other dog, Lazarus. to be clear because some people do not get it- my name is Rainier, I think I found something! his toys like a puppy, etc. Your dogs represent the best of all of those characteristics from tempermant to coat. it wet red clay in her fluffy puppy fur, I can't even imagine! She has made such a big. this is Nala, aka Nastasia Wayward Star Roberson. An off-handed suggestion from my sister Cara, it was instantly and unanimously embraced by all. See how high I am! My thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey to this point, especially Sandi and Jill who graciously allowed Laurel to join my home and life. I just wanted to thank you so much for this sweet little girl! I know you must worry, but rest assured, he is as well loved as you loved him. Happy Birthday Ray!!!! So put all of this water with smelly Copyright Mountain Laurel Belgian Tervuren 2021. will be no drill, thingy's, no blowing things and no brushes. I heart. might fit our family. She doesn't really like it when I brush her, the vet, my mother and aunt (both of whom were obedience trainers), and especially me. And, I cannot forget, how very helpful you were. High Scoring Terv In Trial Friday: Dick Symons and Yetti, handled by Carol VeselyHigh Scoring Terv In Trial Saturday: Tracy Duncan and RushCONGRATULATIONS ON NEW CHAMPIONSHIPS EARNED:Tracy Duncan & Dylan, PACH2, FridayPatsi Nelson & Buster, MACH, Friday (hopes your wrist heals quickly! She There are four types of Belgians: Malinois (Short coat), Tervuren (Long Coat). See my new boots, I think they fit me just fine, Don't you?? I would never hesitate to recommend you to anyone. All Ray wanted for his 1 year old Birthday was a New Red Bike!!! + All other entries will be drawn next until all spots are full. Nieces, etc. Navy and our other dog Teddy, have become good friends. laps. were shocked when we realized that she had qualified. When I started dialogs with breeders about. And, when the time comes for me toadd to my Belgian family, it is you, and only you, I will seek for another family member. If the spots are all full, then the dog in the last spot filled will be bumped to put in the terv. Other than He learned 5 official book commands, potty trained; meaning that he doesn't go inside the, house at allnot even on newspaper. Terv, picking our puppy, and keeping her healthy along the way. He plays with. She is the only Tervuren and the only dog (I believe) in Norco that has been. I love you Then she put me on the table and choked my neck with I contacted Kimberly and, instantly felt a kinship. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************. Rarely does she leave my side, and she's wonderful on our walks each night. wanted to up date everyone on the mis-pronounciation of my name. I just hope that. + After Nov 17, if a terv entry is received, it will be given a priority spot. when I first called, asking if you had any Belgians left. For Kimberly and difference in my life. She has been here over 16 years. My first puppy from you was Iliana from the "I" litter of Kylie and Aramis. I really hated As you know, Lukkas and Leia are not from Your litters and yet when I, contacted you, years ago, you brought me into your world of Belgians. After quick phone call, she and I headed off to her favorite vet, Dr. Theresa Ortega who was on ER duty at Horizon Veterinary Specialists in Ventura. The few times he did start to mouth us, or the kids, we just offered, him a toy, and he was pleased as punch with itwhat a smart boy!!! train and treat your babies. And the beautiful Kylie-foundation bitch. been From that moment on, I knew that she was for me. I have to agree. He is my husbands She has been so quick to learn and pick up on commands and behavior, we expect of her. time to, get use to stairs without trying to jump over them completely, Incredibly smart, loyal, and, loving, and is started preparing. Opens Feb 16, 2022, open to all breeds, Tervs have priority, three spots reserved for workers. be will be competing against the Top dogs in the world as well as the She loves going to Blockbuster with me. We Your fuzzy kids are so well adjusted, they are loved and, And Lukkas, Leia and myself Thank You.Trevuren's Rock your world and mine..Donna. Afterwards, Mom showed me a mirror and I Mountain Laurel Belgian Tervuren was born in Bozeman. I don't know what life would be like without him Kimberlyand I've only been with him for a few weeks. will be representing the City at the Eukanuba National Championship- They playin the morning, right after they have breakfast, and when that happens, you better get out of their way. Judges: Meg Azevedo & Rita Crawford. She seemed a bit uncertain as I coaxed her out of her cage, but once she was out, she just stayed. 1 1/2 years old. Heimlich for dogs with balls stuck in their throat. I searched for the right, Just One of the top handlers in the country. Please direct all entries, checks, and payments (including paypal) to Abbadogs. If the spots are all full, then the dog in the last spot filled will be bumped to put in the terv. that thing. fuzzy kids I now have as a part of my family. As well as, AKC, UKC, and their home Country Registered. We bought our little Yrsa which was in the. We have 2 horses left-my Black Arabian. The breeders in the Belgian world have many characteristics that they are looking for in the perfect dog. Your responses to my questions and puppies I've purchased havejust won you Kimberly; "Best In Show" in. Well still have our RBTF New Title Mugs! AKC All-Breed VST-TDU Tracking Test Laurel woke me in acute pain. When I found out about her breeding of two of. for the show rings!! it, but she was initially hesitant. He trusts me with his life, and would protect him with mine if necessary, that how much I love him already. will stay behind and take care of the rest of her pack. All photos and content are protected by Copyright and cannot be reproduced without written permission. sooooooooo Much!!!! These wonderful animals, rescue and save lives, and they go unnoticed. And we did ! energy. That lil girl was waiting for us! Secretary Karey Krauter. + All other entries will be drawn next until all spots are full. From the bottom of our hearts we want to thank you. So organized and thoughtful. close to my chest with her little paws wrapped around my neck. part of the family. + Terv entries will be drawn first. All Of my Fuzzy Kids are OFA, DNA Certified and CGC Tested. All I can say is, "please pass the bag. Low and behold we purchased our new Belgian from her; I fell in love, every day. We let her free on a leash and she stays close by. I let her splash in it a bit, (and she got a bit on her nose investigating why I was covered in it), but I couldn't bring myself to let her roll in. During our years we have had several dogs, cats and the usual Norco pets. BIG TIME!! They make excellent house dogs providing plenty of exercise is given each, Kissmit is an import. I'm watching over my Mom taking a bath, Making sure she don't drown! + After Sep 30, if there are unfilled spots, entries received will be put into those spots on a first-come-first-served basis. Rainier-that is who I am named after-you know as in the volcano!! Both the conformation rings and the obedience rings. It's so nice to be on You watch for me! We thought about another breed but could never agree on which one. and Misty has shown her all sorts of things about being a "good girl". To anyone considering getting a Belgian puppy. We want to thank you for doing such a great job with the puppies. Also, the care and detail that you put in her album is, just mind blowing. Then yesterday I picked up Janos and Jager, two magnificent brothers from the "J" litter that reflect the. We got our dog Dustie in Dallas and she was wonderful. Anyway I just Which consists Opens Mar 16, 2022, open to all breeds, Tervs have priority, three spots reserved for workers. I brought her home and she was so well behaved, heh very smart. I just wanted to say thanks for Logan and for being there when we had questions. Sincerely; Michael Murray & Haunting & Hauntess! I was so very pleased that he was so well socialized. So that rounds out our team. She even insisted on sleeping with Misty at night while they were here. Has it got a little Cooler! wonderful addition to my family. She's getting so big and she's so, We love her with all of our hearts. Sunday, January 16 2022 at Cosumnes River College (VST) and Elk Grove Park (TDU), Sacramento She has groomed and handled some of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews. In other words, please do not copy them from this website.. Belgian Registration Exploratory Committee of the Belgian Sheepdog Club of America, 2020 Litter Announcement -Love Litter by GCH Savanna Monami The River Adam and CH Beowulfs Heart Charmer Charmer. In the US-AKC has them as. Breeding since 1976. He arrived safe and sound, robust, healthy, and more beautiful than your pictures showed us. I couldn't have been more informed or pleased with this beautiful carbon copy of her mother Kylie. She learns quickly, and it has been a, I am writing you to thank you for letting us have Navy. We have only entered her in local shows. Our goal is to produce quality not quantity so good health and temperament are of paramount importance to us in addition to striving to achieve the best breed type we can. We recently took her to Mammoth to hike with us, and she had a wonderful time exploring, growled or made me at all nervous he was great what a wonderful temperament, Kimberly Roberson has been fabulous to work with. It became clear that a new direction was required; one that honored the dogs of my heart, especially Laurel, and marked a renewed dedication to the dogs and sport that I love. When ever we are out people always comment on what a handsome dog he is. feet!! When she goes out, she has so much to discover, she hops like a rabbit. Phoebe joined me when one of the pups started talking, Phee was, very interested! She helps putting. 11th Annual AKC All-Breed TD-TDX Tracking Test Sunday, February 6, 2022 at Mather Regional Park, Sacramento TD 3 dogs, TDX 2 dogs, preference given to Belgian Tervuren. I howled but it kept, coming-then the drill bit my Mom and she He has brought a lot of joy into our lives. No it was nothing! This little girl is the world to me. Later that morning, I wrapped my arms around her and crying into her fur I prayed for peace as she slipped away. + After Oct 13, if there are unfilled spots, entries received will be put into those spots on a first-come-first-served basis. Y litter in 2017. Meaning she is old European lines that can be And they both love each other so well. sit, stay, and come front. She also thinks she's a. Kissmit has done wonders in the buyers, Kimberly went out of her way to make all arrangements for us to travel on an airline. These are pheonominal. As you've told me before, "Belgians are like potato chips". Enjoy her beautiful dogs. Fuzzy kid is a decision we'll never regret. see how to set from my None Fuzzy Kids! + After Nov 17, if there are unfilled spots, entries received will be put into those spots on a first-come-first-served basis. 14 weeks old!! Attached are. We both love to show and often compete against each other at shows and are always happy to talk dogs with anyone so please feel free to come and chat to us at any event or contact us by email. In the early morning hours of Sunday, January 20, 2019, the earth stopped spinning on its axis and my world imploded into a black hole. She, tends to be skiddish So everyone knows- I learned how to stack myself, step up, can do it!! another dog. and I am VERY pleased that he is not "mouthy" like, most puppies I've had. absolute best from their Father Gael, Mother Amanda, Grandmother Grimie and Grandfather Aramis. I am trying to get my puppy beauty sleep! VST 3 dogs, TDU 3 dogs, preference given to Belgian Tervuren. Hence, Star of Fire! I went on line and searched for, I wrote different breeders but nothing clicked. He picks his food as you, said he would, but does have a good appetitethe kids introduced him to doggie biscuitsand oh. She went swimming for the first time on Friday, too, and had a great time, and we've discovered that she LOVES to go on playground slides! From that moment until payment was made (so so so patient!) had a smile on her sweet snow covered face and was sending warm thoughts out to you! As you know he is just over a year old, and it has, been a great year. She came so well socialized by her litter, mates and other Fuzzy Kids around. Opens Sep 22, 2021, open to all breeds, Tervs have priority, three spots reserved for workers. Russell Terrier-12 yrs old and King of the House! She will be under a lot of pressure and we have already We can touch his paws, and he doesn't. Kissmit is my current dog in the conformation rings. We hope that we will rediscover the same friendship with Juliette. In Europe all of the Belgians, are shown in the same class and each type competes directly with each other. To told you I could climb! in dogs-We prefer the European imports. So, Id like to say thank you once again! )Peter Chuck & Yoshio, MACH6, SundayGwen DeBaere & Dare, MACH, SundayKatrina Parkinson & Trillian, PACH3, Sunday, Lodi, CA at the Dream Big Training Center. the other night. + Three worker spots will be filled from workers selected by the trial committee. Im now a convertBelgians for life! Years of heavy-duty medications for her severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease had taken their toll on her body. Eddie-Yorkshire Terrier-2.8 pounds- 8 Yrs old with obedience We drove 18 hours not a peep or whimper. Stallion Shazada and my husbands big Quarter gelding Sundance. Kissmit and I are going to Florida and my husband, Al, It didn't, take long for her to get use to + All other entries will be drawn next until all spots are full. He is happy Kimberly, I can honestly say he has been happy from the first day. We look forward to take her out on. My Mom says I am too smart! She remembers her life there with you all, she. Without a doubt. The words trust, integrity and reputation are all we have in the business world to judge people's actions. I am so thankful for you and all your Belgians, I am grateful for, being included in your Belgian family. Ps- Oh- I also wanted to thank you for answering questions and asking how they were both doing. Everyone loves petting her and thinks she's so soft. show ring. She loves my parents and I the most and we love her twice as much. She's finished with all of her puppy shots so far, and we'll be getting her, fixed when she's 6 months old. I Leia was just a pup and Lukkas, was on his way. located in, Norco. If it wasn't for you as a breeder, there would not be many Belgians around. this, ********************************************************************************************************************************************************. She never leaves my side. She loves trying to herd the girls and also our cats. Now that he has his "Service Dog In Training" vest, the, everywhere I go; even if I go outside to take the trash out- I have to take him. Since then- well. In all it is a pleasure to have her and we are thankful to you. For me, bone-crushing grief has a way of ushering in waves of contemplation. I titles a mile long!! She is always watchful. They run from one end of. And the links she has provided too many other sites available for Belgian shoppers. used this windy thing on me-all over-even, in my face!! my opinion. Also visit Kimberlys many other pages. She had her blankets and toy with her. FOR COMPLETE INFO ON THIS EVENT, GO TO NEW-TO-US SECRETARTYING SERVICE ABBADOGS, whose services we have accepted because she has perfected covid management (and puts on a really good event). She is a Silver Lining to our. Everyone loves her and spoils her. These are the parents of GCH CH Kissmit Lynn Roberson. because they frightened her. dog!! In it the pups dial into some background noise, maybe a truck or, Phee stopped and studied the noise; it was really cool I could see she was reminiscing, about her puppyhood at the Roberson's. My aunt brought her dog. They, are extremely loyal and protective of their, family members. Mostly all, in the past 3 weeks. She loves my ENTIRE family. I truly feel blessed to have her in my life- Thank you, *******************************************************************************************************************************************************. Judge: Wendy Pennington. Juliette (Lisa as our sons want to call her) is a active little girl. Chairs Pam Edgcombe and Darlene Hernandez that-life is good. Kimberly continues to be a big part of our puppy's, life with frequent follow up calls and emails inquiring about the puppy's health and welfare . I know I can !! Several years ago our first. she is handled by Michelle Cassidy-owner of the famed M&M Groomers Entries limited to 20 runs, entry will be by random draw: + All entries received between Oct 6 and Oct 13 will be put into a hat.+ Terv entries will be drawn first. hing Your entry and your payment must be sent via check/snailmail online/paypal/email entries not accepted. She has earned her Championship and her Grand championship had to get a band aid-but that did not stop her-she still did all 4 of, my feet- I finally quit howling because it did not work. Should we ever get another Belgian, Kimberly and Dale are the first on my list to call. Aramis's Star of Fire Roberson- Rainier, is pronounced Raynear-just like Mt When I lost my first Belgian to cancer we found, Roberson Kennel and felt right at home. that attaches to the table. + Three worker spots will be drawn next. Thank you so much for giving the dog of my dreams. And you were right! live out in the, country, so she goes out with me when I walk the If the spots are all full, then the dog in the last spot filled will be bumped to put in the terv. FOR COMPLETE INFO ON THIS EVENT, GO TO SECRETARTYING SERVICE ABBADOGS. in two. Entries close Thursday January 27, 2022 at 6PM Judges: Bob Rollins & Stuart Lease Suzanne Schwab & Lizanne Kaiser Secretary: Karey Krauter Click HERE for the premium. fun!! handling school on Tues/Thurs and will start at Ro. And full, ave I would highly recommend this breeder for a high quality Belgian. I too have handled my girl. Hauntings harness on him. handled by Stephen Cabral. stand-alone breeds. I am 9 years old now, See how Beautiful and Sweet I am!!! I visit their website all the time. myself and what we, want incredibly intelligent that eventhe professional trainer was amazed. Sydney, Emma Rose, Abigail and I just wanted to let you know that, Olympia is quite possibly the most wonderful dog we have ever known. Entries close Thursday January 6, 2022 at 6PM When we began to, my husband and I wanted to see her dogs. You were very understanding and. dogs, they are family members, they love and protect, they serve and entertain. He whines and. She is a Belgain Tervuren. property, stays by my side the whole time. The tireless Colton Meyer took photos, posted HERE. + Three worker spots will be filled from workers selected by the trial committee. Since then eleven litters have been bred under this banner which have included 15 AKC Champions Of Record and we are proud to have owned and bred Sweepstakes, Best Of Breed Speciality Winners and Group Place winners. Everyday he does something that, He is very affectionate, he love to give us kisses, and at times he thinks that he is a lap dog and tries to sit on our. As mentioned on the phone that night, my American Cocker has cancer (stage 5) and, She has brought out so much energy within him, it is just amazing. M Litter - Dk Blue Collar & Lt Blue Collar Boys. Through all my years in Federal law enforcement and being a business owner I've met all kinds of people.
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