Thank you. We had to keep him quarantined for over a month. Another pet or person. I have a Catahoula (probably mixed with Lab) that sounds so much like your description. Absolutely loves everyone. Lou is very, if not over trained. We love her so much. I put her in the crate and had it prepared for her. And he enjoys bully sticks as treats. We have tried many foods for our dog. She hates being alone and follows us everywhere. Besides this magic ingredient, consistency and repetition are key. Our dog responds to one thing more than anything: treats! I take her everywhere I can get away with it. jaylucas (author) from Midwest, USA on January 17, 2012: GoldenBird: I think that "frank" is an excellent descriptor. Our catahoula son, gator, is 4. Now she is 16 weeks old and crate training is becoming easier. Less than 30 minutes later, I received a text message from my husband telling me that she cried, whined and barked the entire time I was gone. She only has one blue eye and I was just telling my husband the other day how I will be outside at night and just see this blue eye looking out the window at me. And the snuggles! He is well socialized with other dogs and children.I have had german shepherds all my life. Her first year she had some significant health challenges which they never really diagnosedthe cardiologist ended up saying it was probably because she was spaded so young? We adopted him when he was between 18 months and 2 years old. The largest is, The Catahoula Cur, a.k.a. I got him as a birthday gift. My husband says he would get another catahoula but at our age I don't think we are up to the task. She was playpen trained until she discovered she could climb out of it, along with baby gates. Her young puppy stage was tough as we were in a rental house till about 14 weeks. A Catahoula is not for the faint of heart, or lazy owner. This brings us to her diet. The problem we have is when we are walking her outside & any person on a bicycle, skateboard or anything with wheels she goes into attack mode. But can he be a handful. Almost every webpage speaks about the energetic, stubborn, and willful nature of this breed. Her name is Sawyer because she is extremely adventurous. However, we do take her to daycare on weekdays from 7 am to 6 pm as we both work, so she gets to run herself worn. So in a sense, yes, the Catahoula has mysterious ways of which I know not. Catahoulas are the only breed of dog to have historically originated in the state of Louisiana.Sep 16, 2021, How Much Does A Catahoula Leopard Dog Puppy Cost? You should expect to spend between $400 to $900 USD. We have had much success with a limited diet food by Natural Balance. The eyes may be any color or combination of colors, although glass eyes are preferred. LOVE HER TO PIECES, plus she picked me. The price variation will depend upon breeder experience, bloodline, training and socializing. Hes so kind and loving with the grandkids. She didn't like the crate--but loves the kitchenso that is her room. If he started on a shoe he got a light tap on butt with it and has never touched another. Jewel eats LI Natural Balance due to some gatro issues. Catahoulas were bred for herding and chasing animals, so playing fetch is a great option for them to use their natural tendencies. She has some issues, that we are trying to deal with, some anxiety and social issues, but I wouldn't trade her for anything! He is a tremendous dog, very loving. Let me just say, I love our Owly and would not trade her for anything, but had I read up on her breed prior to acquiring her, I may have thought twice about owning a Catahoula. there are very few people she hasn't liked but most everyone hse loves. She is extremely smart and can remembers everything. Durable balls (like The Best Balls Ever) or squeaky toys (like the Lady Liberty Ball) are both good options for fetch. I read somewhere that a Catahoula often behaves as if they themselves are the owner. Our boy gator is a full breed Catahoula. I have a lab/catahula and she is very strong willed. He is the second best dog i have ever owned next to my late Great Dane. She has to be near someone at all times. Catahoula sure are special. The easiest way to adopt a Catahoula Leopard Dog would be through a rescue that specializes in Catahoula Leopard Dogs. The toys Kong manufacturers have generally been okay for her. She is mostly black with white wings on her chest, with subtle brown brindle on her sides. i have been watching youtube videos on things to do to "avoid" the situation but does anyone know how to train your dog how to be comfortable around other dogs? Also, be sure to praise at the exact moment the dog is listening and to object at the very moment the dog is misbehaving. They belong to the, These dogs usually cost around $600 to $900, depending on the breeder. And i read up on them first. She hates being left home when I think she knows I'm going hiking without her. There is no standard eye color for Catahoulas. She is the most friendly dog towards strangers--even the mailman. I was trying to crate train her and I told my husband. She can dig up anything in the yard that you may or may not knew was berried. She knows when she's in trouble and will pout till you give her positive attention. Phoebe is a true adventurer. I need to spend more time with him but it scares me to take her places that aren't enclosed since she can get out of her collar or harness. The Catahoula Leopard Dog tends to be territorial and very protective of their home and property. He is very well behaved, a lover, a protector. Catahoulas have such a unique personality, maybe all dogs do, but she is my first dog (my parents dogs growing up don't count) and I laugh everyday. I agree with most all of your descriptionsI have 3 catahoula /Ridgeback mixes. I have found that our dog is strong-willed, yes, but is ever so dependent upon feeling a part of the pack. I'm also a catahoula lover and owner. But I have learned never break your authority and never show weakness or dance in their presence!!! He wasn't really sure. My Catahoula,Trooper, is almost 10 months, very smart and easy tempered. Much the same experience with our Catahoula Caya. Only problem, if you are on the other side of the counter and you have her in the kitchen she is unhappy about it. She acts tough but is a sweet heart. Great luck and best wishes. Loves being outside and loves attention. I am able to get advice and tips on how to make sure that she understands that I am the leader of the pack at all times. She hasn't had a lot of training as she doesn't listen or remains calm for any time frame. The largest breed of stock dog, a Catahoula, typically weighs between 60 and 90 pounds and stands, The cross between the Catahoula Leopard Dog and. Our dog's sweet nature (she gives hugs daily), intelligence, and energy are just what I needed to keep me on my toes. If you aren't going to be the alpha and show them who is boss (sometimes daily depending on age and temperament of individual dog), they will take over and you won't like it and neither will anyone else. There is no mountain too high or beach too salty (though she has learned the salt water is not good). She shreds any blankets we put in her crate, etc. They are assertive, strong and playful with their owners; however, they are wary of strangers. I found her as a 7 week old puppy, hiding under my porch. We have to carry her like a baby or she will pull her self out of her harness. I felt like you were writing about my Willow. Thank you for writing this article. We believe the problem was caused by either Fromm or Fuel, two of the foods which gave her very loose stools. I got her at 8 weeks. We do not know her past history. Loved reading your story. She is the most persistent dog I've ever met. She wouldn't crate train she hated it. She loves treats and has learned many tricks from the doling out of these goodies. Labs, too, are marvelous creatures. However, I also disagree. During that time, I walked him every morning before I went to work. OMG this made me crack up. She was supposed to be a lab but that didn't happen. We started training him from minute one. If you were on the other side of the gate her bark would keep you away, but once you were on her side, you were best friends and received all kinds of love and attention. Training your dog many times throughout the day to do the trick you want. As I am the leader of the pack (I have 4 dogs ranging from 60 lbs to 3 lbs) I do find it a challenge to keep her in line. Every time I read stories about people's experiences with Catahoulas I bust out laughing because they are all true! He could be giving her a shot, and she will just be wagging her tail. However, she hates being left at home when she knows we're off on an adventure. The easiest way to adopt a Catahoula Leopard Dog would be through a rescue that specializes in Catahoula Leopard Dogs. I dont recommend a Catahoula to a lazy house. I have a 18 month old little girl named Sawyer. She goes to a pet sitter while I am at work and plays. Your dog is absolutely beautiful!!! He is fun, wiley, intense, intelligent, and the very best big brother our younger dog could have had. We live out in the country so I am not sure how she got to my house. It seem to resolve but she still has exercise intolerance to an extent (but runs up a storm anyway). I can't argue. They keep me on my toes, wide awake, and exhausted but so absolutley sweet and adorable that I can never stay mad at them, absolutley in love with them all! We've done lots of obedient training as well as nine months of daily physical therapy (she jumped out of a car and had a partial ACL tear). Does anybody have any advise? Somewhat surprising for an independent hunter, the Catahoula Leopard dog does best with a lot of attention. I was reminded of those spooky woods scenes in movies, in which an owl's eyes might be the only thing seen in the dark, scary woods. He will not however go across the front door threshold. Litters can be as small as 4 and as large as 12 puppies.May 27, 2020. It was expensive but the payoff is this tremendous member of our family that will protect us from anyone and anything. The bad thing is she's very cute and rocks the puppy eyes so it's hard to punish her. Some Catahoula Leopard Dogs go in the opposite direction -- without enough socialization, they become fearful of strangers, which can lead to, There are three lines of Catahoula dogs that vary in size and appearance. We even had to hire a trainer, and get a collar. We took our dog to training sessions, and they were lifesaving. She will find it. The word is of Choctaw origin and is translated to mean "sacred lake." Her instinct to hunt is insane! I own a catahoula, and reading this makes me giggle! I have enjoyed many different breeds and mixes over my lifetime and my Adegail was one of the most loving, loyal, bright and fun dogs. The breeds of dogs known to climb trees include the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard, Tree Walker Coonhound, Jack Russell Terrier, New Guinea Singing Dog and the Raccoon Dog. Our dog has always been great with us crating her when necessary. The only animal she actually killed was the racoon she ran up the tree to obtain. I named her Rayne. This kid lays on him, sits on him, and he lays in floor for cartoons with him. I wouldn't have felt I was unprepared for her personality. I wouldn't trade her in for anything!!! He can be that stubborn, and other times so obedient. When she was younger, she ate the stuffing and backed up her intestinal tract. Hes constantly Working. But the best thing, l am in a win win situation..l have to get off my backside and walk him and l have a very lovable dog. If she sees a bunny once on our walk, then she looks for it every day. She began to lose a patch of fur near her muzzle, and we realized she was allergic to something we were feeding her. I have a 5 month old catahoula/australian kelpie. I had rescued their mom from the street not knowing she was pregnant, and she was actually Vizsla/ridgeback mix and dad was catahoula. A great place to start would be by starting a breed search on. Thanks for the story! I wouldnt give this dog up for nothing. People often comment on our dog's eyes; does your dog more closely resemble a Catahoula or a Lab? She is a hnadful, but makes us laugh and is a huge part of our family. From everything, even her diet. Yes, they can actually climb trees. Keep going! She is 7 years old, very loving with the family & people that come into the house. We have tried to have her sit to telling her no but it's a problem. We are both trying to figure out who is the alpha. He is a natural bobtail and shows great signs of being a good tracker one day. He took her out of the crate which is exactly what she wanted. Welcome to the Catahoula family. I am so thankful that I take her to PetSmart because many of the employees and Banfield Pet Hospital employees are catahoula owners. This is extremely inexpensive compared to other breeds out there.Jul 22, 2021, The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a medium-large, short-coated dog, known for its many varied coat and eye colors and patterns. She lays on the couch till we go to bed and then gets on her bed. I loved you hub. Had her since 8 weekscame from Mississippi (a Humane Society shelter there for some reason sends their puppies to South Florida). 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. She also tears up everything that isn't a hard toy. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. They bred Mastiffs, Bloodhounds and Greyhounds that had brought there by Spanish explorers with the dogs of local Native Americans, who called the resulting breed wolf dogs. When French explorers arrived, they bred these wolf dogs with their own breeds, possibly including, The Catahoula Leopard Dog is an American dog breed, In 1996, the breed was accepted into the American Kennel Club's (AKC) Foundation Stock Service, but as of 2020 the Catahoula leopard dog, Often called the most versatile of all working dog breeds, the Catahoula Leopard dog is certainly an active canine. Dont be mistaken, I would never leave a small child in a room with a dog. You can have a full on conversation with her if she's in the mood. Needs Company. The search will show you all the available Catahoula Leopard Dogs in your area. She rarely pulls on the leash, and she even lets us brush her teeth (her daddy is a dentist). Even from an early age she has been a handful. If its too cold for a walk he goes on the treadmill. A great place to start would be by starting a breed search on I walk him every day rain, snow or shine. He had been picked up off the streets and had about every parasite imaginable. Thank you all for your stories. She cried so loud out neighbors were worried what we were doing to her. Tires (dog toy, not actual size) seem to work well. In fact, in a recent visit to the vet, a doctor who was not assisting us "just had to come over" to see the "part angel/part demon Catahoula" that keeps her so spellbound. Found homes for mom and 5 puppies but have 3 of the siblings. :). She loves water and if there is water, or mud, nearby she never fails to find it. But I absolutely loved Owly, she is very sweet and good. She talks back good and bad. She loves to bury under the covers or a blanket. (Actually there are two things she does not tolerate well (1) blood withdrawals and (2) nail trims). The Catahoula is a special dog to own and once bonded with, you are under their spell. If you own or think you want to own a Catahoula, be sure you look up the breed standard for the correct temperament and type. You cannot give in! She has stamina and can outrun almost every dog there! The vet recommended we put her on a hypoallergenic diet, but I couldn't bear feeding her cardboard if it wasn't 100% necessary. At home, she is okay with lounging around generally, but at times I have to keep her entertained, or she will sniff out trouble. You have the exact same struggles with yours and I do with mine! I went off to work. These spry creatures are most likely to climb the tree when they are hunting prey that is running up the tree to get away from them.Feb 26, 2018. Due to genetics, gator blew out both his knees, and required TPLO reconstruction. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. He is well mannered, calm, quiet, and listens. It's gotten to the point that we can't give her anything with stuffing and certainly nothing that can be torn. I too (^^@Mary) have discovered the tire toy, it's all he hasn't destroyed, lol. Love her anyways. He is going to be a constant challenge but l wouldn't change him for anything. She will be 6 in Nov and she has been a beast and a lifesaver, and after many threats to take her back (I never said them seriously) she lets me pretend I run the house. And that's a place you'll learn to love if you find yourself the owner of a Catahoula. I have her in puppy training classes and she has a great vet. I currently have a one-year-old purebred Catahoula and one thing I can tell you all is that they are not ALL as easy as the description above. And totally believes our 2 1/2 yr old grandson is his baby. She is so smart and loving and very devoted to her pack. She is a great addition to my family, even though my husband has not realized it yet. Catahoulas are a great family pet, however. Our dog uses every loophole to her advantage (I finally have taught her that barking will get her nowhere, although the moment I give in the cycle begins again). Where did you acquire your pack members? She is never aggressive, only playful, and is friendly with all strangers. I am able to relax and train her at night when she is more attentive. I feel bad that he spends 3 or 4 days a week in the backyard. I think she is a great source of joy and companionship. It took less than 15 minutes to train her to shake a paw. she is very fun, loving, energetic, and obedient. He loves the snow. Well, in short, I can admit I am glad I did not know of the willful way of the Catahoula. I rescued my Phoebe when she was about 8 weeks old while I had been volunteering at a rescue in Shreveport, LA. He is great with my family, although his puppy pounce can be problematic with his nails. She absolutley took a piece of my heart with her over the rainbow bridge. What a great story. She loves people and treats and is such a sweetheart! The hunting instinct is strong and many a neighbor bunny that tried to venture into my garden learned to STAY AWAY. She loves car rides to the dog park, which is where she imagines we are going to have fun without her. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. I had two cats, but never had a dog. I also love her to pieces but wish i would have read about the breed more. LOL. It took time, patience and perseverance to get him to stop pulling on the leash. Your story took me back to his early years. the Catahoula Leopard Hound (which is not actually a hound), is an. She has even made it her own home. Our dog learned very quickly with steady training, and she remembers the tricks even when time has passed without practice. He actually helped us raise her. I renamed her Owly one night soon after this when I realized all I could see in my dark kitchen were her two little eyes peering out. If you wait, the dog will be confused as to what behavior you are referring to. She is so intelligent because she made crate training difficult. Her previous names were Priscilla and Lemonade, she was neither so I shortened the Lemonade to Adde, my boys called her Adegail. She loves eating everything: fuzz, paper, gum, rocksyou name it. She sleeps at our feet if we let her in the bed (this is a submissive position), she waits up with me until I've finished my work and then follows me to bed. If a stranger knocks on the door his size and bark are intimidating and most leave the porch. Just wish l had heard about this breed 20 years ago. Or she will just sass you too. Ever. If she was a telemarketer, I'd buy two dozen of whatever she was selling just to get her off the phone. But unlike you, I didn't read about the breed until after I got her home. Hello, vet bill! Bugalugs (Bugsy) has been with us for 7 years. She is wonderful with kids, and we did introduce her early on, so this might be a factor. I have a Catahoula mix and I got her when she was 6 weeks old. Very high energy, except around 7:00pm when she is ready for bed. I had never heard of a Catahoula when we adopted her. In fact, MOST Catahoulas are bossy, stubborn and very strong-willed, which is exactly what they are supposed to be in order to hunt hogs! Allow me to share a precaution. I walk him daily for 1.5 hours then a half hour run off lead at the dog park. The leopard is a carnivorous (meat-eating) mammal. Well said. It took us about six months to train him to be polite, and it was a lot of hard work. He is an excellent swimmer, and loves to play lifeguard! They make excellent watch and guard dogs. She doesn't mind her crate when we are home, however; hates it when we leave. She is about a year and half now. My initial thought was, "What have I gotten myself into?" They get along well with children if they are raised with them. Give them something to do, be the alpha of your pack, and hes a great companion and protector. I was told to read about the breed after asking, "Cata what?". Loves her vet. But she is willful and has chewed up every kind of toy and bed. jaylucas (author) from Midwest, USA on January 14, 2012: What a joy to hear you say this! We rescued a second dog a husky mix who is the complete opposite of her. He does a have a attack word. We found our Catahoula, Owly, as a pup at our local Humane Society, when her name was Valentine. I absolutely Love and Adore my 4 yr old Catahoula- Lou. These dogs are, Without careful socialization, they may be suspicious of everyone, which could lead to biting. I rescued a Catahoula that had been returned by two prior families that didn't understand this high energy, strong-willed bred. My husband & I rescued Star in Jan this year from the Humane Society. She will potty with her nose stuck to the ground sniffing stuff out. Jay is the proud owner of a Catahoula Leopard Dog and shares his experiences with the breed with others. The eyes do not have to be the same color and may have partial glass in one or both eyes, commonly called cracks. I have found that people have rarely heard of the Catahoula Leapord dog, thus my Hub. She also loves to chew through every toy we give her. Somewhat surprising for an independent hunter, the Catahoula Leopard dog does best with a lot of attention. Totally get itand agree. She's my girl! Every other dog I've ever known, barks at the mailman--she doesn't, if she is in the yard when he drives up, she goes over to greet him. I think she has anxiety because she doesn't like car rides, or going to the vet or pet stores. The only thing is she lunges and barks at dogs even from a distance. My one regret is not having more time to spend with him. I picked up Chocci from the pound not knowing anything about this breed. These dogs are definitely NOT for someone who isn't going to absolutely be the alpha!! i recently rescued an 11 month old Catahoula mix and she is very intelligent and very very sweet. It is our dog to a T (1-2 year old Catahoula)! I would like to say two things on this matter. Him quarantined for over a month, commonly called cracks found homes for mom and 5 but! Owly, she was a lot of attention two dozen of whatever she actually. Walk him daily for 1.5 hours then a half hour run off lead at the dog be... Dog toy, not actual size ) seem to resolve but she still has exercise intolerance to extent! Have generally been okay for her personality: fuzz, paper, gum, rocksyou it! That specializes in Catahoula Leopard dogs has to be near someone at all times house till about 14 weeks Willow! 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