: Alternatively, you can also perform a docker exec with a pipeTransport configuration that resembles the following, assuming you know the name of the container (its 'container_name_here' in this example): How to compile/debug a C++ application in Docker with Visual Studio Code on Windows, Using VS Code for C++ development with containers. Despite the huge potential for C++ in the cloud with containers, there is very little material out there today. Do you know I can set this up? Learn on the go with our new app. Embedded Systems and Cross Compilation Primer. // Specifies where to find the Dockerfile to use. You should consider that this Docker image should have all libraries that you need to compile your application. As debugging requires running privileged operations, were running the container in unconfined mode. There are a couple of ways you can setup IntelliSense for use with your C++ code intended for use in a container. We need to specify a bit more to run a container based on this image so VS Code can debug processes in it. The provided launch.json is configured to break on entry ("stopAtEntry": true,) so you can immediately see that it is working. We will also revisit this application using Windows containers in the future. Docker: Automating the over-the-shoulder Docker setup help. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. The first thing we needed to do was install the remote development extension. Python, node, and chrome debugging is managed quit differently and thus isn't really covered here. VSCode is intended to be a highly adaptable text editor, not an integrated development environment as most people seem to think it is. Bare Metal on Raspberry Pi 4: Getting Started, Remote Containerized Debugging with VSCode C/C++. : Testing with ES6 imports in NodeJS. Replace the content of the launch.json with the following code: As you may notice, the pipeTransport includes the same arguments as the task.json file. To bring up the Debug view, click the Run icon (Ctrl+Shift+D) in the Activity Bar and create a launch.json file and select the option C/C++: (gdb) from the prompt. Copyright 2010-2022 PSPDFKit GmbH. Common task definitions include actions like, build, clean, run, unit test, and so forth. To create one in a new project, select the configure icon and follow the prompts to choose any configuration. That container already has all our basic development prerequisites, but for VS Code usage we need a few more things enumerated above. Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 was a huge release for us, so weve written a host of articles to explore the changes in more detail. Microsoft has several base Docker images for use with VS Code, one of which we used as our base. : Building Firmware Images without GNU, Use Case: Running Application Containers With Different Credentials per Project, Use Case: You're Away From Home And Your Windows VM Host Reboots, Bare Metal CMake Development: Multiple Toolchains and Containers. ([source](https://xkcd.com/1205/)). Python, Node). #Nginx: Docker, Flask and Let's Encrypt (SSL), #Raspberry Pi: Controlling Philips HUE Lights (ZigBee & CC2531), #Portainer: Managing Docker Engines remotely over TCP socket (TLS), #MicroPython: VSCode IntelliSense, Autocompletion & Linting capabilities, #Zigbee: Reading Xiaomi Sensors with a Raspberry Pi (no Xiaomi gateway needed!). The arguments are passing the parameters to sshpass to login using ssh to the container with the correct password (root), port (2222) and the run script after the log-in (/source/build.sh). # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. One of these widgets are the Tasks that you can define in VSCode. Here is my preferred way to handle this with a docker run: There is a ton of stuff defined here, so here is the breakdown: For more information, please refer to the official documentation. The -p parameter links the port 2222 to the exposed 22 port of the container. For CMake, we used the now-Microsoft-maintained CMake Tools. As you may have noticed, you need to create this build.sh file aside your source code. It also made a lot of sense because we could use the same compiler and development environment we use for our tests. Couple that with a custom build task for compiling in your container and you will have an interactive containerized C++ development environment. My container simply run a sleep infinity, Puede ser mucho mas simple, To run a container based on this image so that VS Code can debug processes in it, type the following on a terminal inside the folder, in which your source code is located: The -d parameter detaches the Docker container from the terminal. The important lines to consider are the following: Hit F5 to start debugging in the container. That directory will be copied into the build container if you dont delete it (which you dont want), so delete the output directory contents before rebuilding your containers (or adjust your scripts to avoid this issue). If you use vcpkg on your host system, and have acquired the same libraries using it, then your IntelliSense should work for your libraries. Open VSCode in the project folder, click on the remote-container status icon and choose Remote-Containers: Add Development Container Configuration Files , Then you can choose Existing Dockerfile..(Ext) , this will create a .devcontainer folder with only a devcontainer.json file which will have the keys: dockerFile: Dockerfile, and context: .. , which points to a Dockerfile in your project folder (Its better to call it Dockerfile.develop to distinguish from the Dockerfile of the final running image), in that Dockerfile you can choose which remote container image to use, you have a full list at: https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-vscode-devcontainers and start adding your dependencies. In addition, VS Code is one of the most responsive editors Ive ever used. Major security ramifications here, we could alternatively use keys. Here well show how our setup looks. Thank you, The -v parameter creates a bind mount that maps the local file system ($PWD - print working directory) into the container (/source). VS Code has the capability to target a remote system for debugging. At PSPDFKit, we have a pretty big C++ codebase, which is something that can easily suffer from too little computer power, so we figured wed look into using the new remote support! To configure it in a new project, press Ctrl+Shift+B and follow the prompts until you get to other. Build Systems for Embedded Development: From 30000 feet. In addition to shell commands, task types can be defined from extensions for more advanced usage (e.g. The next block shows how to start the pipe. 1). More often I have been able to get away from using debuggers by simply getting better at static analysis through tools like objdump. This article will be targeting C/C++ development. Here are a list of the ones I've found most commonly used: A nice tip I got from the bottom of the documentation on these variables Use an echo task to output the value of a variable if its in question: Similar to how we were able to setup tasks in VSCode, we can setup special debug sessions for VSCode. // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created. We simply chose Remote-Container: Open Folder in Container again and VS Code connected to our configured server, built the Docker container, and connected to it. This container will be accessed via SSH to compile the application; You'll need to setup a task that will compile the application code; You'll need to setup a launch task that will debug the application. If you use the above image you can create one file for installing dependencies using the package manager (deb/rpm/etc) and one file to install other dependencies from Vcpkg so your Dockerfile will look like this: where the install-deb-dependencies.sh will look like apt-get install -y and the install-vcpkg-dependencies.sh will look like /home/vscode/vcpkg/vcpkg install cpp-base64 sqlitecpp . I have created an image for vscode-devcontainer with GCC, CMake and Vcpkg which makes installing popular dependencies very easy, you can check it at: https://hub.docker.com/r/aharonamir/vscode-remote-gcc-vcpkg. Why so hard? Note that our build container copied our src directory to /src. Looking forward, we will introduce a helper container that provides a proxy for our service and to deploy our containers to Azure. The necessary cookies help to make the website work properly. That post showed how to use a single Dockerfile to describe a build stage and a deployment stage resulting in a container optimized for deployment. Please note that this article is not about how to use the VSCode debugger and tasks, but instead how to setup debugging and tasks to meet our goals. export DOCKER_GID=`echo $DOCKER_ENT | cut -d: -f3`, - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock, - /home/$USER/.gitconfig:/config/.gitconfig. type - This is the string that indicates which extension is going to handle the launch. Is it possible to debug a gcc-compiled program using lldb, or debug a clang-compiled program using gdb? The configuration consists of two files. Microsoft has some more information about this here. The content of that script reads as follows: Don't remove the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug flag, otherwise you won't be able to debug the compiled code. I've created one with the following Dockerfile: A Quick Note: I 100% prefer to use lldb for debugging and have attempted to use lldb with the following process for quite a few hours without success. stopAtEntry - Whether or not to break at start of the program execution. This article is a documentation for me that I will use every time that I need to compile a C++ application. Thanks for waiting! Since code-server is a service, I always launch it with docker-compose up -d. My docker-compose.yaml looks like: Assuming docker is working from code-server integrated terminal, you should now be able to proceed to the next sections. Inform me every time a new article is published, Get periodic summaries and other interesting news, #VSCode: C++ Development and Debugging using containers, #Raspberry Pi 4: Hardware accelerated video decoding (GPU) in Chromium, #Raspberry Pi HQ Camera: Autofocus for the Telephoto Lens (JiJi). LeMaRiva|tech will check it and publish it. Note that the vscode remote container images adds a non-root user vscode, so youll need to switch to USER root before doing running root privileged commands, dont forget to switch to USER vscode after to avoid permission issues after. VS Code -> support CMake integration better! If you look at pipeTransport.pipeArgs, there is a ${input:dockerImage} variable. If all of this were to work out, wed be able to work more quickly than we can now, even using an old laptop! The task is usually defined in a tasks.json file inside the .vscode folder. Versatile networking shell scripts with gethostbyname() and ip_route_addr(). The steps are divided in three main groups: To compile and debug applications on VSCode, you should install the following extensions: If you need some help to install extesions on VSCode, please follow the official tutorials. Wed love to hear from you about what youd like to see covered in the future about containers. The debugger path option is the default and is correct for this example. First, theres a Dockerfile that will be our development environment, and second, theres a devcontainer.json that contains information on how to run the Dockerfile. https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-vscode-devcontainers, https://hub.docker.com/r/aharonamir/vscode-remote-gcc-vcpkg, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers-tutorial, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers, Remote Development (ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack), C++ Intellisense (austin.code-gnu-global), Visual Studio IntelliCode (visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode). We wont go too much into the specifics of configuring them because this is out of scope for this blog post, but in general, they all mostly just worked. You need to build a Docker image with the tools/dependencies/libraries etc.. A container will be started using this image and the source code will be linked using the volume option of Docker. In this case, for example, you see that I included two apt-get install -y lines. This means that its really up to the user how they intend to use it for development. On macOS, we had to add --query-driver=/usr/bin/clang++ as an argument for clangd to work correctly, but apart from that, we didnt need to do anything else. Since CMake runs inside the container it sees all the installation except vcpkg, We need to add the vcpkg toolchain, include and libs: Since the remote container contains a vscode agent, the debugging is like local debugging, only it runs on the remote container. The pipe arguments are just the parameters to pass to ssh to start the remote connection. Notably, we need SSH for communication with VS Code for debugging which is configured in the RUN command. These sessions are defined in .vscode/launch.json. There are several options on how to configure this, but. : BuildKit to Local Repository. First, lets configure our build task. Basically youre Dockerfile should start the same as the Develop Dockerfile, then add the CMake commands to build the target/s, after this stage is completed you start a new stage from a minimal image (the minimal OS you compiled on, e.g ubuntu:18.04/Alpine etc) and copy only the target and its dependencies (libs) to the new image, the trick here is to use ldd for finding the shared libs. Hope this post was helpful, give me a if you liked it. code-server downloads aarch64 version of C/C++ extension. We can be reached via the comments below or via email (visualcpp@microsoft.com). In our case, this is our. We found the VS Code extension CodeLLDB worked pretty much out of the box. Linux Is DOS: Windows returns to its roots. The second one includes the libraries required for my C++ application. The command here is ssh (which is available on Windows 10). Visual Studio typically manages all the details of CMake for you, under the hood, when you open a project. To get the remote vcpkg headers you can similarly do the following. Therefore I've installed gdb as a dependency for VSCode but fully intend on using lldb for any manual debugging sessions. Im following along but using VS Code on linux and my project successfully builds inside the container and displays the ouput in terminal tab. Microsoft announced a while ago that it added support for using Visual Studio Code remotely. with VSCode Remote Container you can . The Remote - Containers extension allows you to add a new container configuration, and it will set up default values for you. As we are enabling root login, this container definition is not appropriate for anything other than local development. You can also find us on Twitter (@VisualC). Heres the one were using, with extra comments: With both of these files, we were able to try running this on a local Docker! The content of that script reads as follows. It did not show you how to use a containers with your development environment. If you look at Dockers documentation, youll find that volumes are usually preferred over bind mounts today. // For format details, see https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/devcontainer.json or this file's README at: // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/tree/v0.112.0/containers/cpp. The conclusion from that article is that, for our purposes, we must volume mount /var/run/docker.sock into our code-server docker image so it can control the host docker and sibling containers. Ok, so the first thing is that we need to figure out is how to run docker from inside of docker. The inputs at the bottom of the file define an enumerated list of docker images that can be selected to fill in this value. Recently I've become increasingly interested in accelerating my usage of debuggers. Youll note here that pipeProgram is not just ssh, the full path to the executable is required. When you are done with your development simply stop the container. First, lets configure a building task. "source=${localEnv:HOME}/Work/PSPDFKit,target=/workspace,type=bind,consistency=cached", DEVELOPMENT | Web Docker Server Insights. Well need to change our container definition a bit to enable using it with VS Code. However, sharing source code with a container is considered a good use of a bind mount. Use the "remoteUser", # property in devcontainer.json to use it. This caused VS Code to build and start our container locally, so we were able to begin trying out if it all worked. The path in the example above is the full path to ssh on Windows, it will be different on other systems. It also brings along a few challenges as well. In contrast, if you can't use docker for accessing the process to be debugged for any reason, you can also use SSH as the pipe transport. For this command the container need not be running. Drive container creation and deletion from a container. In the FROM statement were basing this definition on the local image we created earlier in our multi-stage build. name - This is the name that appears in the debug dropdown menu. Because were using Debian, we used mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/base:0-debian-10. Using Docker-in-Docker for your CI or testing environment? You can test this our by simply running docker ps from an integrated terminal in the running code-server. Github Webhooks, Jenkins, and Docker Oh My. For awhile now, I've been using Visual Studio Code Server (code-server) to do my development. and a DRM solution! Microsoft has documentation on how to get Docker installed here. However, some development workflows require more fine-grained using multi-stage containers for C++ development, C++ cloud and container development survey, Help > Send Feedback > Report A Problem / Provide a Suggestion in the product, Open Existing CMake Caches in Visual Studio, Login to edit/delete your existing comments, https://github.com/newsages/docker-cpp-dev. Think Twice. One of the new parameters we havent covered before is security-opt. The following lines install and enable SSH with user and password root:root and expose the port 22. program - This is the path of the binary to debug (from the perspective of the container). But still we had to have some stuff on our machine, e.g if we wanted to see the third-party include files, we had to have them on our machine, IntelliSense issues and more. Before we start, lets set all the extensions we need in VSCode: After the Remote-Containers extension installed, you will see a new Status bar item at the far left. Mastering your IDE and using portable development and debugging tools (Docker based) might be one of the best investments in your professional development (check out Fig. My goals are to be able to build my code with a containerized toolchain, debug my builds with a containerized environment, and manage as much of this in the VSCode Server GUI as much as possible (from a containerized code-server.) After compiling our test binary, it simply picked it up and showed the available tests, and we were able to run them. Remember that in this example we have our output configured under our source directory on the host. All Rights Reserved. # Avoid warnings by switching to noninteractive, LLVM_GPG_FINGERPRINT=6084F3CF814B57C1CF12EFD515CF4D18AF4F7421, "deb http://apt.llvm.org/buster/ llvm-toolchain-buster-, # Switch back to dialog for any ad-hoc use of apt-get. This made us decide to try the clangd extension first, and were happy to report that it works really, really well. You can see that this script just invokes CMake inside the /source/build directory, then builds the project. Create a directory where you want to save your headers, navigate there in your shell, and run the following command. As an alternative to scp, you can also use Docker directly to get your headers. You can see that this script just invokes CMake in our output directory, then builds our project. Create a Dockerfile inside a folder and add the following in that file: I like to use Debian images because of Debian simplicity. The command here is sshpass (which needs to be installed on your OS - sudo apt-get install sshpass). Tasks.json has already been created in the .vscode folder of the repo for this post. Login to edit/delete your existing comments, This is the only place Ive found information on the ssh command, really useful arcticle, thanks! This is so that when we edit files on our host those changes are available in the container without having to rebuild the image or copy them into the running container. # To fully customize the contents of this image, use the following Dockerfile as a base and add the RUN statement from this file: # https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/blob/v0.112.0/containers/debian-10-git/.devcontainer/Dockerfile, mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/base:0-debian-10, # This Dockerfile's base image has a non-root user with sudo access. After this is set up, you can run a build at any time from within VS Code, as long as your container is running. sourceFileMap - This maps the container path to the VSCode path for source file mapping. inputs - These define the various ${input:VarName} variables that can be used in the launch configurations. Comments are closed. # See https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/containers/non-root-user for details. Its based on an example Dockerfile created by VS Code, along with additions from our own Dockerfile that we use to compile our code on our build servers. When not running services, its important to always teardown containers as quickly as possible so that containers don't generate a diverging state that can potentially make execution success less deterministic. How to Bypass Anti-Scraping Tools on Websites? Note: youll probably have to re-install VSCode extenstions in the remote container, You can either Re-Install the extensions after the container is running by going to the extension tab and choosing Install in [container-instance-name] to enable , or you can add the extensions name in the extensions: [] option in the devcontainer.json file. venvx: Managing Multiple Python *2* Virtual Environments, Rube Goldberg Machines: OpenID Authentication Process, Why so hard? : Access OSX over SSH with non-admin account. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2090316 for license information. pipeTransport - Defines path to debugger binary and process used to pipe debugger communication channel. Why So Hard? We automatically test our C++ code on each platform we support, but the easiest setup we have is for testing on Linux using Docker. Security is not a priority at the moment, but security should be considered with all decisions for easier mitigation later on. The build output also shows in the output tab and not the terminal tab. We prefer using LLDB as our debugging tool of choice, mostly because this is what is automatically available when using Xcode, and we wrote our own small extensions to make things easier. While your container is running, you can use scp to accomplish this (which is available on Windows 10). Configuring the devcontainer.json was the next step. Therefore, after the incorrect group addition, we remove that group and add our own with our own host matched group id. The first one is required to remotely build and debug applications. mira mi repo: Now you can configure your C++ IntelliSense to use those locations. On Linux, the container user's GID/UIDs. As debugging requires running privileged operations, you'll run the container in unconfined mode, thus the --security-opt set to seccomp:unconfined. We use cookies to improve our services. With this in mind, we started looking at the remote Docker support of VS Code. After this is set up, you can run a build at any time from within VSCode, as long as your container is running. If you encounter other problems or have a suggestion for Visual Studio please let us know throughHelp > Send Feedback > Report A Problem / Provide a Suggestion in the product, orviaDeveloper Community. Anonymous statistical cookies help to understand how visitors use the website. environment - Any additional environment variables to inject into the debugged process can be performed here. # Licensed under the MIT License. Your comment has been submitted! This option is good for simple testing projects, but usually youll need to install a specific gcc/cmake version and other build tools like vcpkg to other. This task has already been created in tasks.json under the .vscode folder in the repo were using with this post. It was surprisingly simple to configure VS Code for remote C++ development. All rights reserved. We need to add one new parameter at the end of the configuration. I usually have a build script for my docker images so that I don't have to retype/fat-finger the image name for each rebuild or update. For testing, we found C++ TestMate, which also just worked. # will be updated to match your local UID/GID (when using the dockerFile property). #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. I have configured my tasks problemMatcher to display warnings but it seems like the IDE doesnt make the connection between the code i have in the editor and the warnings created by the build. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. We plan to continue our exploration of containers in future posts. To continue we need to install a crucial dependency, the C/C++ Extension. Our configured build task appears as follows. And clicking on the item will open the remote-container commands: You can choose open folder in container choose the folder you want and then choose a container from predefined develop containers configuration files: This will create .devcontainer folder with 2 files: devcontainer.json (which is the config file for running the container) and Dockerfile (for building the container image). But this time, the absolute paths to the commands are required. This enables us to have much more CPU power available, which big C++ projects definitely need. #MicroPython: Taking photos with an ESP32-CAM. The configuration we need is not one of the default options, so once you have your tasks.json select Add Configuration and choose C/C++: (gdb) Pipe Launch. code-server is basically a way for me to host Visual Studio Code over a web connection so that no matter where I go, so long as I have access to the code-server host, I can bring up the Visual Studio Code from that host with all the same (saved) settings. #Raspberry Pi: Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc. Docker and Python debugging error in VS Code: Timed out waiting for launcher to connect. If you are working on Mac or Linux perhaps they are close enough that you are not concerned with configuring this. The trick is that we are invoking this via ssh inside the container. Now with a new arsenal of toolchains and development environments that I've been accumulating throughout 2020, I want to reacquaint myself with runtime debugging. READ/DOWNLOAD%< Exam Ref 70-417 Upgrading Your Ski, Senior Data scientist at IBM, Kristian Sawin, READ/DOWNLOAD%< Exam Ref 70417 Upgrading Your Ski, Automation Anywhere Training Only the best tutorial for top certification, Apple Voice Over read order bug on absolutely positioned hidden text. What if you could have nothing on your machine except your code, no third-party installations, no apt/apt-get/yum/rpm, nothing but docker and (obviously) VSCode. Because the debugger in VSCode has to maintain a constant connection with the debugger, setting this up is a lot less straight forward than setting up tasks.
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