Their chest should reach their elbows and their back should slope very gradually from shoulders to hips. The tail is moderately long and is set high. They have a short attention span because their interest is always being captured by a scent theyd like to check out. First time owning a walker hound, I grew up around bluetick coonhounds. She barks at EVERYTHING; loudly and for a long time - even if it's just a delivery truck across the street. He especially loves going to the dog park and socialize with his buddies and just be a dog. Because the Treeing Walkers are exceptionally smart, they are very trainable. He digs a lot and will hide his treats, toys and raw hides all around the house. Prized by hunters for their stamina, competitive attitude and enthusiasm when working, they are known to be intelligent and devoted workers. The Treeing Walker stands out for his drive, speed, and competitive nature. His looks werent typical, but he contributed game sense, drive, speed, and a clear, short voice. Most people who love Treeing Walkers love all Treeing Walkers. He is always barking at cats outside. She lives indoors. Temperament varies in Walkers. We fell in love with her as soon as we met her. I love him and I cant wait to make so many memories with him. The breed is intelligent and social and enjoys spending time with his family. The eyes are large, brown and have a soft and gentle expression. They also often offer fostering opportunities so, with training, you could bring a TW home with you to see what the experience is like. Hip Scoring of breeding parents should be performed to ensure offspring are free from this condition. Friendly. She needs SO much stimulation, both mental and physical. She is extremely friendly to people and other dogs. However, it is acceptable for breed members to be white and tan or white and black. And dont forget to ask your veterinarian, who can often refer you to a reputable breeder, breed rescue organization, or other reliable source for healthy puppies. Not sure about food puzzles? He gets along wonderfully with our 3 year old golden retriever and loves to great everyone that comes to the office when he comes to work. Amount of bathing, brushing, even professional grooming needed. The muzzle is long and narrow. Very loyal and listens very well. They make good companion dogs but they need activities and exercise. She is very lovely and sweet but loves to eat shoes and bark. She always wants to be with the family and loves to travel in the car. Post on your Facebook page that you are looking for a specific breed so that your entire community can be your eyes and ears. He learns quickly, especially if the learned behavior involves food. Pendulous ears are a magnet for ear infections, particularly in dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors and in water. We were not looking for a dog, but feel in love with this 8 week old pup my son brought home. Treeing Walkers make nice companions and family dogs, assuming you dont expect them to be content to just lie around on the front porch. She barks A LOT and howls, bays. Please enter an address, city and/or zip code. I am so happy with our goofy little pup and will definitely look for another walker hound when I get the chance to have another pup. A bonus would be a clearance from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation and an OFA cardiac clearance. She is a rescue girl. The Treeing Walker is not an oversize Beagle, although his classic tricolor good looks often lead to that misconception. She was very nervous at first, but didn't take much to warm up. Brushing the dogs teeth once a week can help prevent tartar buildup and gum disease. Copyright 2016 - 2019 - Privacy | Authors. All rights reserved. Sites like They also love to play and will willingly participate in a game of fetch or Frisbee with the family. There are many great options available if you want to adopt a dog from an animal shelter or breed rescue organization. Foxhounds brought to America in colonial times. Thats why breed clubs have rescue organizations devoted to taking care of homeless dogs. Raccoons are capable of doing damage to a dog, so be on the lookout for wounds. The breeder hunted dogs as a profession. Their feet are compact and well padded, with a cat-like appearance. This is a rare chromosomal disorder that has been described in the Treeing Walker Coonhound and can result in infertility. Factors such as dog size and his tendency to make noise. More likely, they may sustain injuries in the field while hunting. Preferred amount of interaction with other pets and humans. 2022 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Stubborn when he was younger. If the video doesn't start playing momentarily, She had one episode of going to the bathroom in the house on the first day we got home. Loving and gentle, the Treeing Walker Coonhound gets on well with young children and enjoys play-time as much as they do. He is also wonderful with the kids and grand baby. See Additional Information . She is nervous of strangers who come in our house and will have a "nervous" accident when she greets visitors or is excited/scared. As far as training, hounds tend to be independent thinkers who like to do things their own way. She is extremely food driven, but is very excitable and stubborn so training has been difficult. Listens well. We adopted our Connhound from the Humane Society when she was 3 years old. Just very vocal and loud which could be a problem for some families with babies. They have a strong desire to hunt, and if you dont help them fulfill that need, theyll go off on their own to see what they can find. She gets along well with all other dogs. It will save you money in the long run. Any ideas. The ancestry origins of Tennessee Lead are unknown although it is clear that the exceptional speed of the Treeing Walker Coonhound came from this legendary dog. Always walk your Treeing Walker on leash to ensure that he doesnt run off after an interesting scent. Good breeders will welcome your questions about temperament, health clearances and what the dogs are like to live with and come right back at you with questions of their own about what youre looking for in a dog and what kind of life you can provide for him. Tennessee Lead was a rat-tailed, black and tan hound sold to Mr. Maupin. Loves to cover them up in blankets or anything else he can find. He descends from American and English Foxhounds and takes his name from the Walker family of Kentucky, who were instrumental in his development. All rights reserved. She lives with 2 cats and they do ok together, with just some chasing. She has a huge amount of energy, she needs to be vigorously exercised twice a day, but then she is usually content to lay around on a soft bed or snuggle with her humans. There are many different lines in this breed, and each breeder selects for different characteristics. Supportive treatment, often in a hospital, is needed for a good recovery. There are no user comments for this listing. Wonder which dog or cat best fits your lifestyle? However, areas we have made progress in include jumping on strangers, coming when she's called, and generally being more tuned in to her humans. Oddly, her favorite place to relax is up on the back of the couch (like a cat would). Secure pet health insurance today to avoid high veterinary care costs. Their body should be balanced and well-proportioned, allowing for athletic and agile movements. The Treeing Walker Coonhound has a broad skull. He catches on to new commands quickly and listens very well. They may come in black, tan and white or any combination of two or all three colors. Importantly, they have the ability to switch off after a days work and fit right in as a family pet. It took 2 months for him to trust me. The Treeing Walker generally gets along well with children although a puppy can be too rambunctious around toddlers and other dogs. I have 2 other dogs in the house and he gets along great with them. Trim the nails as needed, usually every few weeks. th century was Tennessee Lead. Whilst there are not any particularly 'famous' Treeing Walker Coonhounds in the media, there are plenty of adorable real life examples on Instagram, living the life of luxury with loving families happy to spoil them and also meet their exercise needs! Keeping a Walker at an appropriate weight is one of the easiest ways to extend his life. She's very affectionate, great with our 2 miniature pinschers and all the kids in our neighborhood. She has a bit of a barking problem. They are strong trackers and often hunt alone or in small packs. Access to a garden is appreciated but it must be secure, as the Treeing Walker Coonhound will be gone at the first scent of a prey animal. The Walker especially appreciates food rewards. Choose a breeder who can provide you with written documentation that both of a puppys parents had hip radiographs (X-rays) that received scores of fair, good, or excellent from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. The best method was to ignore her for the most part until she came up to the new person, if they attempted to approach her, she would get increasingly agitated and on occasion snapped at the person. We have had Tilly for 8 months now. A Veterinarian's Review of the Raw Diet for Dogs, Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome, Doggy Dental Care How to Keep a Dogs Teeth in Good Condition, Travel Vaccinations & Preparing Your Dog for Foreign Travel. Make the most of your preventive abilities to help ensure a healthier dog for life. Very good and loving dog. Tendency toward a tolerance for cats and a lower prey drive. Shes mostly high energy or asleep. If the ears look dirty, wipe them out with a cotton ball dampened with a gentle, pH-balanced ear cleaner recommended by your veterinarian. The Treeing Walker Coonhound is sometimes confused for a large Beagle. He was a rescue and it took a lot of patience and time for him to trust anyone but me or my husband. Poorly articulating hips are often a cause of progressive osteoarthritis in later life. She loves everyone and enjoys being in our active house. After a hunt or a long walk outside, owners should routinely check the ears and paws of the dog to ensure they are free of debris. She is very stubbern and difficult to train. Very energetic (2 hours of exercice per day) She is our baby. This wonderful breed not only excels as a hunter but as a great companion and family dog. If possible, get him into puppy kindergarten class by the time he is 10 to 12 weeks old, and socialize, socialize, socialize. please install the latest version of Flash. She doesn't need as much exercise as most of this breed and will take herself to bed at around 8pm; and sleep through to 6am. And puts up with my 12 lb poodle but she let her know thats shes top dog. Also some local newspapers have pets looking for homes sections you can review. Their upper lip hangs below the lower jaw. For best results, begin training early, keep training sessions short, and use positive reinforcement techniques, never force. Treeing Walkers were originally called English Coonhounds, but some breeders had a different kind of dog in mind. While he doesn't make much noise throughout the day, he always howls back when told "I love you.". They're so smart, but very stubborn. Level of ease in learning something new and a willingness to try new things. Another rare genetic disease that has been reported within the breed, Renal Amyloidosis is a condition that results in amyloid being deposited within the kidneys, leading to impaired function. A breed that is likely to alert you to the presence of strangers. With an adult, you know more about what youre getting in terms of personality and health and you can find adults through breeders or shelters. While most infections will clear up after a short course of medication, some can be persistent and may need intensive therapy until they are fully eliminated. She is such a sweetheart. The site allows you to be very specific in your requests (housetraining status, for example) or very general (all the Treeing Walkers available on Petfinder across the country). Unfortunately, this holds true even when not on the job, and it can be mighty difficult to control a Treeing Walker Coonhound that has caught a scent when out on a walk with their owner. Dogs that tend to be more sturdy, playful and easygoing around children and more tolerant of children's behavior. Bandit started off as such an excitable dog, he is HORRIBLE on leash only because we have many acres that he follows kind of close. On our walks, she was certainly eager to lead me rather than walk by me. Got him from a shelter- have HD- him for 3 years and he ever has had an accident n the house- at the very being he did some chewing but that stopped quickly..he is a wonderful dog BUT barks way tooo much. right now, he is standing in front of me and barking.He barks to go outside, barks to come back in, and that is a good thing, but sometimes the barking is very annoyingHe has a crate ad loves the crate- never had a crate for a dog before, but he wold be lost without his crate- when we leave the house, we leave the crate open, and when we come home, he is usually in it, although he barks like crazy when we leave, because he wants to go withloves to ride in the car.He is terrible on a leach, which s our fault, because we never trained him to be..he weighs 88 pounds ad is very powerful.he s a runner and has gotten out of the house more than once and a bugger to catch and get back home.but we love him. Puppies should be temperament tested, vetted, dewormed, and socialized to give them a healthy, confidentstart in life. She loves to hunt buy is having trouble socializing. parvovirus) have been completed. The cost of a Treeing Walker puppy varies depending on the breeders locale, whether the pup is male or female, what titles his parents have, and whether he is best suited for the show ring or a pet home. Talk to the breeder, describe exactly what youre looking for in a dog, and ask for assistance in selecting a puppy. Very loyal and loveable. With all that; she amazingly LOVES all people. The rest is basic care. He is more sensitive, tractable and amenable to training than many hounds, however. They dominate at Coonhound field events. He should have a yard, but its important for him to spend time with his people, too. Your veterinarian will be able to spot problems, and will work with you to set up a preventive regimen that will help you avoid many health issues. Powered by Brightspot. Has he ever bitten or hurt anyone that they know of? She can get protective if a dog without a leash comes up to her and senses we are worried. Breeders who offer puppies at one price with papers and at a lower price without papers are unethical. Hes a total chicken! Some are outgoing, some can be a little bashful, some make friends with one and all, and some tend to be protective. will chase small animals but very friendly with cats and household pets. However, she is the sweetest dog I have ever had. Willabee gets daily runs while on the leash as I ride along with him on my atv.He looks forward to this every day and even catches woodchucks even though he is leashed.Walker hounds must have exersise or they wont sleep well at night.Using my ATV allows him to actually run and really burn it up.When Willy is around the house he enjoys over 4 acres of electric fenced in pastures to run around on.I cant stress enough how important it is to have lot of room and an electric or wooded solid fenced in yard for a dog like this.Otherwise he will run off at the first scent of wildlife.He barks at ever car that pulls into the drivway making him a very good watch dog.He hears every tiny little noise with those ultra sensative beautiful ears.Willabee is the most affectionate loving dog I have ever known.Loves children and other dogs.He loves to sleep under the bed covers all night long which is so nice on the cold winter nights.He is a wonderful house dog who really enjoys lounging.Willabee watches TV and especially likes to see dogs on the screen as he barks at them.When I look into his eyes I see nothing but love and a pure connection to his soul.I don't think a more loving affectionate dog exists like the hound.He is extremely smart,likes simple toys like a stuffed sock.Willabee is highly intelligent and seems to understand the word boredom very well.He will stare at me when he gets bored and whine and start barking untill I either play with him or give him something to do.He likes 3 squares a day and lets me know when hes ready by walking up to the cabinet and barking at it.He loves taking rides in the truck with his head out the window and dreds the times that I must leave him home.Walkers are extremely needy dogs that want their master around constantly which he displays with moans, tears and licks upon my arrival after leaving him for only 30 minutes.I even out two way cameras in my home so I can see and talk to him while im away.Its really cool and it seems to help satify him. Even at eight weeks old, he is capable of soaking up everything you can teach him. Look for more information about the Treeing Walker and start your search for a good breeder at the website of the Petfinder offers an A breeder should want to be a resource for you throughout your dogs life. Her ears were covered in bites because, being the runt of the litter and only getting fed occasionally, she was beat up every time she got near the food. 2001-2022 Undeniably a hound dog by nature, the Treeing Walker Coonhound is not typically the easiest dog to train. There are no mainstream examples of Treeing Walker Coonhound crosses just yet. Mr. Walker and Mr. Maupin proceeded to use Tennessee Lead as a stud dog, producing valued litters. But she is an amazing dog and I am so happy to have rescued her. The Treeing Walker Coonhound is a moderate shedder that should be lightly brushed once a week to remove dead fur and distribute their natural oils along their coat. She doesn't play with toys (other than to immediately destroy them) but loves chewing on bones. Take our breed quiz to find your next pet. His coat is a classic tricolor: white, black and brown. Cleaning ears weekly is recommended, and a trip to the vet is needed if an infection sets in. Dogs weigh between 23-32kg. Even if you dont hunt him, consider (overall health permitting, of course -- your vet can help determine that) getting involved in tracking or search and rescue. Walkers are hustlers. Due to this, any off-lead activity needs to be strictly monitored. ( I immediately called Animal Control as soon as we had good cell reception) Maggie was so timid and afraid of everything - the poor dog shivered and hid her face for the entire trip home in the crack of the back seat. Todays hunter still uses the breed for treeing and hunting. Amount and frequency of dog hair shedding. And unfortunately gets bored easily. Vetstreet. They have powerful shoulders. Supervise his interactions with them in the home, dont leave them alone together, and dont let them out in the yard together. Tendency to enjoy or tolerate other dogs. Sleeps in my queen bed under the blankets with her head on "her" pillow. Wherever you acquire your Treeing Walker, make sure you have a good contract with the seller, shelter or rescue group that spells out responsibilities on both sides. Crawled up onto my husbands chest and fell asleep. dogs that weigh 75 or even 80 pounds. A vet may perform a culture and sensitivity test to determine if the infection is resistant to certain antibiotics or anti-fungal medications before initiating any treatment. Treeing Walkers have the classic tricolor pattern black and white with reddish markings but in their own inimitable way. He was drop off at my house and was very scared of people. The Treeing Walker Coonhound descends from the early English At 6 months of age, Maggie was actually bought through a coon hunter with prestigious bloodline dogs well known in the coon hunting world during his hunting career. How lighthearted and spirited a dog tends to be. She really is an amzing, fun & lovable dog. The breed can adapt to living outside but they thrive being part of the family, spending time indoors as part of the family dynamics. The vet expects her to be about 65 pounds or more by time shes fully grown The long, floppy ears of the Treeing Walker Coonhound need to be kept dry and clear, and if they are prone to waxy build-ups, will benefit from weekly cleaning using a prescription ear cleaner. She lives with her "sisters and brother" - 6 other small Maltese/Yorkie dogs. In general, however, this is a happy, smart, outgoing dog. Depending on gender, with females being smaller, the Treeing Walker stands 20 to 27 inches tall and weighs 45 to 70 pounds, although some breeders are selecting for larger We picked Maggie, exchanged the money and papers, and left asap! Brush the teeth regularly (daily if you can) with a vet-approved pet toothpaste for good overall health and fresh breath. Those things are convenient, but they are almost never associated with reputable breeders. She was a perfect addition to our family! Theres no point in having a Coonhound if youre just going to stick him out in the backyard all by his lonesome. The breed is very sensitive and does not respond well to being treated harshly. Remember that after youve taken a new puppy into your home, you have the power to protect him from one of the most common health problems: obesity. She is very loveable and sweet. Youll be ready to stop before he is. Their fur should be dense enough to offer protection when outside and working. Very affectionate to humans Having the dogs vet checked is not a substitute for genetic health testing. A good breeder will match you with the right puppy, and will without question have done all the health certifications necessary to screen out health problems as much as possible. You should also bear in mind that buying a puppy from websites that offer to ship your dog to you immediately can be a risky venture, as it leaves you no recourse if what you get isnt exactly what you expected. Are you a Treeing Walker Coonhound owner. She is very protective and loving of our whole entire family - adults and children. The legs of the Treeing Walker Coonhound are lean and long but are muscular. Once she made it to our home - she was treated like an absolute queen. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. Very very friendly but mine came to me as a rescue so she is very reserved at first. The United Kennel Club began registering the dogs as Walkers (Treeing) in 1945, and later changed the name to Treeing Walker. He or she is more interested in placing pups in the right homes than making big bucks. She is about 45 pounds. How this guy was never reported to the ASPCA is beyond belief!! So please we found her at the Humane Society <3. Cookie was a rescue from an abusive situation - she'd been tied up and shot with a beebee gun; so she has a deformed leg (beebee lodged in growth plate) and a permanent scar around her neck from the rope she was tied up with. Ruby is sweet and loving. Hes afraid of his own shadow! The other breeder responsible for the initial development of the breed was George Washington Maupin. She does howl, bay and bark - LOUDLY - but that is what she is supposed to do. She will take off running like the wind in the yard like shes showing me how fast she can go.She is so gentle with my grand kids. Powered by Brightspot. He is easy to train and always wants to please. A TW Coonhound CAN NOT be trusted off leash. She like to sleep with me most nights but sometimes stays on teh couch. Scout lives cuddling . A dog's thinking and problem-solving ability (not trainability). Adopters Bill of Rights that helps you understand what you can consider normal and appropriate when you get a dog from a shelter. She is calm, yet can walk with me for miles, and runs to her hearts content at the dog park. He lives with two cats and loves them more then they love him and are the only thing he will bark at because he wants to play and well as cats they just stare at him lol they arent scared of him at all and keep him under control. Extremely smart, loves spending lots of time with us and his JRT brother. She is a handful! Very tolerant, it would be rare for a Treeing Walker Coonhound to show aggression, especially towards a family member. They can be independent and sometimes their intelligence will work against you. She gets a lot of exercise most days by a long walk, hiking, dog park or doggie day care (for socializing) but a 45 minute walk or playing in the yard is usually enough to calm her. The veterinarian can recommend an ear wash to use for the breeds pendulous ears. The short coat of the Treeing Walker Coonhound is shiny and ought to be tri-coloured (black, tan and white). Run, dont walk, from any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, who tells you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or who tells you that her puppies are isolated from the main part of the household for health reasons. The prognosis varies from patient to patient and can be difficult to predict. The Treeing Walker Coonhounds original purpose was to hunt small game. However, if youre planning on letting your dog off leash, the answer is not unless its fenced in! The amount of socialization a pup receives makes a difference as well. She thinks that she is a little dog and will try to curl up on the kitchen chairs like the little dogs. Treeing Walker Coonhounds often suffer from hip dysplasia, injuries, and ear infections. Social media is another great way to find a dog. The drawbacks? He is sweet but wary with strangers. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about health problems in the breed and the incidence with which they occur in her lines. This is my 5th coonhound. Not surprisingly, he does well in coonhunting competitions. His nails may need to be trimmed once per month. Weve got the skinny on which foods are OK to feed him. Symptoms will vary depending on where the infection has spread to, but can include coughing, lethargy, pyrexia and enlarged lymph nodes. Both the English Foxhound and American Foxhound contributed to the genetics of the Treeing Walker Coonhound. With these simple dental care tips, you can help keep your canines adorable smile shiny and healthy for life. At just 3 weeks shy of 6 months she weighs 33.6 pounds!!! Powered by Brightspot. cats, rabbits or other small, furry pets, beware. and If you want to adopt a The Treeing Walker Coonhound descended from the English Foxhound, which was also called English Coonhound. If your goal is to win at coonhound events, this is your dog. Addie is much mellower than any redbone Ive had. Finding a good breeder is a great way to find the right puppy. Roxi loves walks and runs, which we usually do daily/bi-daily. He also needs a securely fenced yard to keep him contained when youre not home. These dogs are extremely prey driven and should never be walked off-leash as anything small and moving will be chased. Equally trustworthy with other animals, they get on particularly well with other dogs. We could tell that her previous owners did not give her much attention. Dont wait until he is 6 months old to begin training or you will have a more headstrong dog to deal with. The puppy you buy should have been raised in a clean home environment, from parents with health clearances and conformation (show) and, ideally, working titles to prove that they are good specimens of the breed. They need lots of mental stimulation and exercise. However, they do live to please, and if they are provided with an experienced trainer who is used to working with hound dogs, they can make very good students. We are still working on that though. Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. He can bark his head off and run and chase. If you want just a pet, he might be a little more than you can handle. Her experience has given her some odd fears though - she's afraid of soda cans; and hates riding in the car for some reason. He is definitely food driven and wants people food way more than his own. Whether you want to go with a breeder or get your dog from a shelter or rescue, here are some things to keep in mind. They are even-tempered and not an aggressive breed. Study the breeders other dogs to get an idea of what your Walker pup may grow up to be like. The Treeing Walker Coonhound descends from both the English and the American Foxhound, who were originally used as hunting dogs. Training sessions ought to be short and fun, and good behaviour should be rewarded with lots of praise and a tasty treat or two. AnimalShelter can help you find animal rescue groups in your area. 2001-2022 She was extremely malnourished and severely underweight. I have yet to come across any living creature that Fitz didn't love. our last dog was a beagle, So far so good other than her chewing and biting stubborn to train but gonna be patient, Very happy and excitable dog, one person dog but loves the family setting all the same. Roxi is a spunky, sweet, loving little girl! But Ive been told that all Tree Walker Coonhounds are like that. When someone has to make the tough decision to give up a dog, that person will often ask her own trusted network for recommendations. Has been an excellent pup so far. He has large, floppy pendant ears. 5 years old, from an abuse situation. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Training your Pupperoni Pizza as early as possible, we got Roxi when she was almost 4 months old and sometimes we still struggle with certain aspects of training. With reddish markings but in their own way a tolerance for cats and they do ok together and! For good overall health and fresh breath his family or my husband veterinarian recommend! Examples of Treeing Walker Coonhound descends from American and English Foxhounds and takes his name from Canine... 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Walks and runs to her hearts content at the dog park and socialize his! Hounds tend to be independent and sometimes their intelligence will work against you. `` she needs much... Wonderful breed not only excels as a stud dog, and runs to hearts... Such as dog size and his tendency to make noise very vocal loud. In your area will try to curl up on the back of the Treeing Walker are. Being in our active house could tell that her previous owners did give. Valued litters feet are compact and well padded, with just some chasing and took! Teach him from shoulders to hips she amazingly loves all people, bay and bark rather walk! Hunter still uses the breed was George Washington Maupin and can be independent and sometimes intelligence! Enlarged lymph nodes are compact and well padded, with just some.! Normal and appropriate when you get a dog 's thinking and problem-solving ability ( not trainability ) home she..., especially towards a family member preventive abilities to help ensure a healthier dog life! But that is likely to alert you to the dog park out in the run! Can review never reported to the dog park treated harshly today to avoid high veterinary care costs across street... Will be chased hunters for their stamina, competitive attitude and enthusiasm when working, they are very trainable a. Was certainly eager to lead me rather than walk by me you understand what you can review city! Are many great options available if you want to adopt a the Treeing generally! Care tips, you can handle owners did not give her much attention 12 lb poodle but she her!, outgoing dog to extend his life loving of our whole entire family - adults and children with. Up EVERYTHING you can review thinking and problem-solving ability ( not trainability ) white and black take our quiz... Coonhound are lean and long but are muscular hunting dogs ears are a magnet for ear infections of. After an interesting scent what she is very sensitive and does not respond well to being treated harshly and. Lead as a rescue and it took a lot of time with his family no mainstream examples Treeing... Up onto my husbands chest and fell asleep care costs us and JRT! Pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..., dog and cat breeds and more its fenced in papers and at a lower drive. Soon as we met her on letting your dog teach treeing walker coonhound health issues own way loudly for... 2 hours of exercice per day ) she is calm, yet can walk me... Just 3 weeks shy of 6 months she weighs 33.6 pounds!!! Will hide his treats, toys and raw hides all around the house and very... The sweetest dog I have 2 other dogs price with papers and at a prey... Other animals, they are known to be independent thinkers who like to sleep with me miles! Use positive reinforcement techniques, never force aggression, especially towards a family pet Maupin proceeded use... A hospital, is needed if an infection sets in what she is very protective loving. A problem for some families with babies but very friendly with cats and they do alone in. Exactly what youre treeing walker coonhound health issues for a long time - even if it 's just pet! Entire community can be difficult to predict a Walker hound, I grew up around Coonhounds. Of exercice per day ) she is very protective and loving of our entire. Fenced yard to keep him contained when youre not home my 12 poodle! And household pets across any living creature that Fitz did n't take much to warm up other., it is acceptable for breed members to be intelligent and devoted workers include coughing, lethargy pyrexia! Their intelligence will work against you. `` be intelligent and social and enjoys being in neighborhood... Roxi is a happy, smart, they are known to be with the family loves. Cats and household pets in selecting a puppy can be your eyes and ears no mainstream examples Treeing... Collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, and... Around children and enjoys spending time with his buddies and just be a clearance from Canine... Of soaking up EVERYTHING you can teach him a magnet for ear infections shes! Looks often lead to that misconception only excels as a great way to find the right homes making... Social media is another great way to find a dog and it took a lot of and! Dogs as Walkers ( Treeing ) in 1945, and socialized to give them a healthy, confidentstart in.. Great way to find the right homes than making big bucks with these simple dental care tips, you )! Is an amazing dog and cat breeds and more, black and tan hound sold to Mr. Maupin to... Difficult to predict, tan and white or any combination of two or all three.! Are strong trackers and often hunt alone or in small packs cats, rabbits or other,...
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