A well conditioned..gull dong..presa..fila brasilero..and many others..put bulls are like window pane jeans they were the shit in the 60's and 70's but out datedso much has changed sence the days of the pit harassing whole hoods..today you carelessly on purpose let your pit out you may not see him anymore..because he may run into one of these gladiator breedsbandogges..american molloseryou probably think the ford mustang is still the fastest car.welcome to the new age of gladiator dogs. This breed is large and muscular, usually weighing up to 130 pounds. If the kangal has weight and size and twice the bite force advantage over pitbulls, why dont they win all the time against them like they should! Tosa's fighting weights are no what you think. Go eat your cereal you fukn pussy. If the larger dog regardless of breed, size, etc doesn't overwhelm the abd quickly (which was rarely done) it's going to end badly for the other dog. See, one thing you don't understand is that yes pittbulls are such great dogs, both for fighting and loving. It is difficult, even for one who is familiar with the APBT's fighting history to rate most other breeds in order as they have been used so seldom in actual pit fighting contests. And there are many dog breeds neck to neck if trained properly. PERIOD!!! Saw it live! Tosa's are also 3 to 5 times larger than the MIGHTY AMERICAN PIT BULL. Some,people are so uneducated about dog breeds kangals are tough bully Cutas dogos, the list is endless does not come down too bite force weight ratio all this hype crap I've seen a 70-pound red nose pit take a kangal apart the kangel weighed in at 160lbs he started losing didn't want no part of the Pitbull it's all comes down to gameness three-quarters off these breeds will not fight too the end it comes down to Tosa,and the American Pit Bull both heavy gameness it will depend on the dog more strength to the tosa more cardio agility to the pit bull so what it Narrows down to Tosa needs to get him earlier if not other way ! Pound for pound the pit bull has proven him self in the fighting pit and earned the right of his name and has nothing more to prove. If tosa's, kangals, alabai's, Caucasian shepherds, bully kutta's and Tibetan mastiffs were the same size as an apbt then they would get their asses handed to them by the mighty apbt 100% of the time! Not really. I am not joking. These dogs are naturally born dog guards, but also calm, human-loving, and well-tempered dogs. The tosa was weighed in a 197lbs. Luckily my dogs are trained to be not aggressive and are the best dogs ever w people and other dogs. I'am sure a large aggressive kangal can whip and even kill a average to below average pitbull but only because the pitbull is probably not a good representive of it's breed and most of all because a kangal is 3 to 5 times bigger than the pit. The cougar was wounded already and treed by the dogs. I live in Ohio, USA. I have an American bulldog that would not lose to anything he is in a different league! Chances are this happened pretty quickly b/c trust me if it escalated too far that Lab or any would get hurt. We just show you the place where pitbull stands in the dog fighting. Adam, GET REAL!!! Here to wake some people up bite force means a lot when it comes to a dog fight no different then wild life needing bite force to over come there prey Despite its weight of 75 to 85 pounds, German Shepherds have a strong biting force of 238 pounds. became breeds. Anyway dog fight MUST STOP. Most encounters are of the amateur "street corner" nature and simply are not very definitive concerning the gameness and ability of the respective breeds. because this is a troll posting. I have seen a dogo beat a C.O but that was the only time I ever seen a dogo beat a C.O all the rest the C.O beat the dogo. The Tosa is known as the sumo wrestler of the dog because dog fighting in Japan is similar to sumo wrestling. Why do you think we have wt classes in boxing, wrestling, judo etc? Kangal 2. People love to make up b.s. My dog passed away at age 11. On the other hand I have seen compilation after compilation of kangal destroying pittbulls. I DO NOT support dog fighting to the death!There is ALOT of ignorant people out thereThis is the top 10 fighting dog breeds irregardless of weight class:1. Their predecessors were pitbull type dogs. Great Pyrenees5. I have seen them fight ON VIDEO, by the strange "rules" of their native regions (which I have not figured out yet) and they are willing and fairly capable fighters for 10-15 minutes and then one seems to lose his "want to" and it is declared over. The pit bull was designed to beat all the other breeds, at that time the only breed that can defeat him was another Pit from another blood line. This happened in the span of 5-10 minutes. Pound for pound the Pit bull is the king of the ring, people if you do your research you will no. Also, of course, super expensive.sometimes more than $ 100k. And the only difference would be there pain thrusthold and the pit bull never quits and doesnt submit where other breeds will.Rottweiler is my number 100% ! German Shepherds are not fighters but I have an extremely courageous shepherd who may not win, but will take on anything and give it a good fight. If you threaten it's herd, then you can see the true nature of the dog.the most truly game dogs, if we are measuring the ability to ignore all reason and just jump in, must be the Jack Russell. What is the question what is strongest dog breed for fighting or what is the dog that can kill any dog breed 1 on 1?!? Condition is d key.lol. Kangal (Turkish dog) force bite 743 poundsAnd the most vicious of all is the kangal with the terrifying dog bite of 743 pounds. it's like comparing sumo wrestling to feather weight boxing. Ya sure about that, buddy? And PIT occupies the next. Kangal 'Turkish'2. You shouldn't speak about a breed you've had ZERO experience with. It beat every breed but got killed by a 60 lb Apbt.and if you think the dogs are used in down trodden areas cause their cheap, bring your digs to Oklahoma in 105 heat and watch your dog die of heat exhaustion in two hrs. and this breed set the standard to which people base there tough breed of dog off. because they own a certain breed. So that would explain the dogo killing the cougar. Not that they aren't fine breeds and great pets and companions, guard dogs etc. Theres a reason why spain outlawed them and they originated there. This is the first brutal dog fight I have ever seen and I don't want to see one again. ), The fact is no other breed has the gameness or ability to consistently stand up to the APBT in an even weight fighting contest. Grow a pair. FACT: The kangal has the strongest bite force of any dog and largest K9's "Teeth". Like I said before, anybody that allows a kangal, boerboel, alabai, bully kutta or any other dog breed that is three to five times larger than the apbt to fight it and then brag about the apbt losing is a bonafied punk ass cowardly sissified girlyboy! Their blood lines are strictly controled and exist only in japan and korea. Every since then I think people overlook the english mastiff they think they're to big and slow, I can tell you that NOT TRUE , the owner of the mastiff claimed to invent a new breed by crossing mastiff , pitbull, olde bulldoggie anyone aware of this , or know if the breed exist at all. The best thing they ever did for the APBT was to crack down on dog fighting many a good dog died at the hands of dogfighters. i ve seen 2 times how a perro de presa canario beat the shit out of a kangalthe first fight the kangal was dead and had his neck broken in 6 minutesthe second fight the owners came between the dogs otherwise this kangal was also dead you can find the videos http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODE3ODc4NTQ4==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&x=1 and the 2nd http://v.youku.com/v_show /id_XOTY1MTQ2OTI4.html?spm=a2h0j.8191423.module_basic_relation.5~5!2~5~5!8~5~5~A, I've owned to rottweilers male and female an American akita which was the biggest akita around people used to say was a very dominant dog powerful to, I now own a bitch boerboel and a male caucasian ovcharka shepherd, and I despise dog fighting, but if you do your home work the caucasian has more bite power psi than a lion, lion 690psi a caucasian between 700 and 750 they are one of only two dogs that can kill a wolf outright the other being the kangal, you are mistaken if you think a caucasian is not quick he's extremely fast when my boerboel and caucasian have fallen out it's a mismatch he's on her like a flash she didn't have a chance he would have hold of her neck quicker than you could say his name they are very aggressive they are something else I thought I was ready for this dog but it has took me by surprise I've never brought any of my dogs up to be vicious but he naturally is with everyone just wants to eat every dog and person on sight he weighed a ridiculous 8 stone at 11 months you are very mistaken if you think this breed of dog couldn't hold it's own and win against any breed of dog his dad was a Russian import and is a absolute monster with his ears snippet so the bears can't swipe them. This is like comparing Navy Seals to Ufc fighters, ultimately it comes down to the specific environment/situation, Akita's and C.O. With in the gladiator breeds all it takes is one slip one misplaced or well placed bite.they are all great breeds..I own a male presa canario 11months 140lb..he is a beast..no quit in him..he has trashed pits.rotts..bullmastiffs etc.but lets be honest guys there are day when our dogs regardless of the breed gets their ass handed to them and the dog is just as surprised as we are..what I'm most proud of my presa is that I know when I leave the house in Atlanta,ga.that I am 100% sure that as long as that presa can breath air my family is safe..that should be the topic will your dog give his life to protect the family unit. Hi guys we are promoting pet's trending all around the world so that people love animals may be they would like to feed them .the animals on roads like dog and cats .No body take care about them .you need to just click on adds so that we will be able to continue these promotion on google,Facebook ,twitter etc. Which in my oppinoin is #1. The first fight the Tosa did good against the pit for 15 minutes and went down, he tried to push off the pit with his back legs, but was not successful, the owner of the pit let his dog rest for an hour, then let him fight the second Tosa, again around 15 minutes the dog went down. Six-year study finds the most commonly reported dog breeds involved were pit bulls (24 deaths), I do not want to see these dogs suffer and I do not want to see children suffer. Akitas aren't that tough? Amen!!! German Shepherd Dogs? Other than that the only reason the apbt can be said to be the toughest fighting dog is b/c its natural environment is in the pit fighting. It is really the only breed that has been matched, occasionally successfully, against the pit bull. Rotties are big, strong, rough dogs and some bite very hard but if you took, at random, a hundred rotties and a hundred pit bulls of similar weights and tried to fight them the pit bull would win well over 90% of the time. I saw a chmpion APBT fight a female kangal and that was very short lived. And a trained pit would win every time more then likely. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. These other pits are worth more than your fucking car or house!!! I honestly think most have never heard of them much less seen them fight, but who hasn't heard of a pit bull? All these dogs you are talking about are much much larger than the apbt.Chihuahua`s are tough for their size. That's why they are used here, not because they are anywhere near the "toughest breed". apbt lasted only 8 minutes . If you do not believe me, look up the dog. I have an old friend that traveled a lot fought a lot and echoed the above 100 percent. They are not bred to kill, they are bred to guard. The bitch pinned the pitt and almost killed it. FACT: Mastiffs are bigger and more powerful than bull dog breeds even when bread with mastiff breeds. Hello! Pro Tosa from Korea have beating,and still beating,every other breeds statistically.Dogs like BK or CAO are strong but not competitive statistically with a Heavy WeightPro-Tosa.Any Pits,even at catch weight,lose against a 10+ kg Tosa even with Cajun Rules and often lose his life.Usually korean breeders involving in dogs have also top quality pits from Balkans and Mexico.Longest match recorded for tosa vs tosa at 55 kg is 108 minutes.That's the story friends,like it or not. (in order, considering gameness/fighting ability), (This information is offered as an educational, hypothetical, philosophical discussion only and is in no way intended to encourage or promote dog fighting or any illegal activity. .It is not It is a big breed some of whose individuals may be able to fight okay. They are protective sheep dogs who act as guardians of a flock of sheep against wolves and other predators. # 6. To dlk leader, a 200 pound pitbull x mastiff x bull mastiff can whip a 50 pound pitbull? The Kangal when introduced to America was used in Louisiana a few times but was not very good .. The rest of the dogs can fight for 2nd place. Devine, I don`t know how well the large dogs you mentioned would do against a real pitbull but I know that cowardly pussies like yourself should be baking cookies or something feminine. Two different specimens, and two different jobs. I've seen a champion Pitbull was Slattered like kitten by an Alangu Mastiff. Tosas and Dogos are the only real compeition, but true game stock can't be bought anywhere, none of you have even seen a real Game Dog. I mean, there are some pretty tough men our there but most of us couldn't stay long with a professional boxer, right? The answer to this question is no doubt THE MIGHTY AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER!!!! Pound for pound nothing comes close to the MIGHTY AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER PERIOD!!! ---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------, ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------, ---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------. He is eating playing and acting normal.. You know wrong. They are more agile, quicker, and have much better weaponry. Let's remember the facts, apbt have a very weak bite compared to other breeds with factual tests putting them at 250-300psi compared to mastiff breeds which tested at 550-600psi. (You may have heard of a pit bull losing an occasional street or backyard fight against this breed or that but we are talking about "professionally conducted" pit matches in this context. We comapre huge 140-170 pound dogs to the little 50-60 pound American Pit Bull Terriers because of all sissy boys there claiming APBT can kill KING KANGAL and all. Of course a fighting dog that is three times bigger than it's opponent (apbt) can sometimes whip the much smaller apbt. Dogo4. In the article they admitted that the Americans had a better fighting dog and that was the pit bull terrier. Dogo's aren't even one of the top 5 fighting dog breeds. Most likely if you practice this sort of thing you have a slit between your legs! For example the outdoor, guard dogs such as Kangals and Filas, contrary to some very misinformed people on here, are bred to guard herds of cattle, sheep or goats. The fight was haulted to a stop so that no further harm comes to the Mastino. If kangals weighed the same as a pitbull they would have 0 percent chance! Have there been instances of rotties whipping a pit bull out on a street corner or at the dog park? also gentlemen, it is worth considering the nature of these breeds. Sargent Rock was the worlds fighting champion! If they were the same size the MIGHTY AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER would kill the kangal quickly 100% of the time. The difference between a Pitt bull and kangal is big, its like the difference between say a special heavyweight SAS soldier and a lightweight boxer. No dog breed is as good a fighter or as game as a real pitbull. You guys should think about your statements. Could one whip a Dachshund or poodle? It looks like the kangal is the breed thats not so tough after all! But that proves nothing. Dogo argentino is the most strongest breed in world.. problem is that people in japan have bad bloodlines take a bloodline who have no pain and good trained dogo .. he will beat every tosa kutta and all breed 1000%%%. GUIDE TO THE FIGHTING BREEDS Also pits have taken down large corso and mastif breeds, bigger, stronger and with more bite power then wolves. All dogs origionaly were bred to performe spicific tasks! DUH! Lets remember most dog fighting is done in backwater poor areas. The tosa is amazing fighter but not as good as breeds comprised of mastiff. I know the apbt is easily the toughest dog in the world and would lose a lot of the time to these much larger dogs because they are so much smaller. Therefore the rest of the breeds in this list may or may not be rated accurately and actual results would probably vary greatly depending upon the relative gameness and ability of individuals within each breed considered. Game red pit bulls are gamer than any other breed and no two bite the same there are some the freaks that can kill with one bite the hen others that have smarts and speed .you can not judge fighting ability by strength or size. My pit will make your presa his girlfriend. So they pitted him against other beast like, monkeys, bamboos, lions, bears, wild bores, etc. It's funny you judge other breeds against the abd, must be a reason for that. Sure, but what does that prove? Anyway, the AB is a fine animal just not a pit bull. Every fight started and ended the same. You people are a joke! Bottom line is this An average tosa will NOT beat an average kangal period no way no how. Yes #1 than kangal very close #2. Think.people think, I have raised Basengies , American Bulldogs, Tosas's and Alaunts. The breed was originally established for protection and guard type work against humans, for the most part. He had to be brought to 24 hr emergency vet that night. It may not display this or other websites correctly. ( I wish we could offer you a source for these video tapes but recently the US government made the sale or distribution of ALL SUCH VIDEOS, "depicting animal cruelty" as they call it, a felony, EVEN THOSE PRODUCED IN COUNTRIES WHERE THESE EVENTS ARE COMPLETELY LEGAL, so don't even ask, please.). I studied dog fighting and seen many fights in Kochi Japan when I was in the marines and stationed overseas. Click here to play, Animal's Hutt.please guys click on adds to promote these pets..thank you. Those days are over, my friend hasn't fought or had any dogs for many years only his memories. Most decent sized dog's will be able to ward of a fighting dog breed like the Akita or Pit bull temporarily,with defensive bites. Kangal cao and co tosa have killed many Pitts fact everybody's knows this is true PITT pound for pound but not every time I seen kangals the same size as PITT kangal stil won same as rott vs pitt. AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER (APBT)--whether you call it the pit bull, pitbull, pitt bull, pittbull, pit bull dog, pittbull dog, pit bulldog, pitt bulldog, fighting pit dog, pit fighting dog or any other imaginable spelling the "pit bull" (correct spelling) is the king of all fighting breeds. I'd hate to live off of the difference. If you notice any issues, feel free to contact us as we're sure there are a few things here or there that we might have missed in our upgrade. Does anyone know anything about a new breed called a "Price Boar Beisser"? We are asked - what about German shepherds, what about Rottweilers? I don't match dogs anymore but everyone that has made a comment it's easy to see that none of you have matched dogs let alone seen high level pro matches game bred pit bulls are number one there is a reason why they are not bred for size .once the dogs are weighed to the agreed weight they are washed holding a a 50 lb one that is wet is hard , then you have cost and watching a good match the bigger than dog the faster they get tired . During that "100 hours of research" you should have researched your word "Irregarless". Here is the deal. After it got noisy because they wanted to eat each other, I decided to put my dog inside. And every thing I wrote you can research and find if you look hard enough. Bully kuttas are only rare if you live in the United states..because they are outlawthey are all over the middle eastI do agree that they are beast..fearless killers. Who cares? Yes, Caucasian Ovcharka are the shit. Shame on me. I,ll pit my fluffy against any dog you bring! In Japan the Tosa is the lead dog. They throw themselves into the open mouths of snarling APBTs without the slightest thought..the fight lasts one bite, as my dogs, always on leads, catch the Jack Russell and shake it while it screams..then I haave to make my dogs let go so that no really serious injury is caused.when it comes to gameness to the point of stupid .that's your dog. My min pin would do work on any pit or game bred animal. Mastiff breeds, judo etc or game bred animal dog park you have a slit between your!. Not a pit bull 's fighting weights are no what you think we wt! Want to see one again the specific environment/situation, Akita 's and Alaunts!!!!!!!! If kangals weighed the same size the MIGHTY AMERICAN pitbull TERRIER PERIOD!!!!!! Introduced to America was used in Louisiana a few times but was very... Opponent ( apbt ) can sometimes whip the tosa inu vs pitbull fight video smaller apbt these other pits are worth more your. 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