But the atmosphere in the godskin fights created by the music and the environment is really damn great. This run Im doing exclusively no summons, and a good 40 levels under leveled (final few bosses left, Im at level 110 or so). any pride I had gained was dashed at daddy's feet. any pride I had gained was dashed at daddy's feet. Not worth it. I know for a fact that a guy with a Baki build absolutely beat her, but that was with fist weapons. I didn't realize how good it was for everything else because I had been using seppuku on this build up to this point. I'm convinced Malenia wouldn't be anywhere near as difficult if not for her stupid 4 times spinning sword attack.. 9 times out of 10 that's what was killing me with her. But in the end, its one of my absolute favorites, maybe #2 or 3 for me. Episode 6: Bloodhound's Fang. Just fyi. Could've made it even easier with White Mask and Jump attack boost talisman/chest-piece. Hahahaha, at least you noticed and tried to play a bit fairer, but see? It was developed by FromSoft and published by Bandai Namco. He'd be easy to tune down into a souls style boss. To each their own. I'd heard so many horror stories about the godskin duo that I just threw down the mimic and charged right ahead. I use the duo godskinpeeler twin blades and bolt of gransax to knock her on her ass. I hope you reconsider this as sekiro is truly a work of art, Demon of hatred was my wall. Uptop of the building with the elevator, there is a talisman, thats an upgrade of the dragon crest youre wearing. Vilification? On my first playthru I had to respec to a bleed build to kill her cause I was really struggling, The game doesn't respect us, so we have no obligation to be respectful to it, A W is still a W, no matter how you get it, Its crazy how funny this sounds but she really is Im fighting her right now and gah damn Im getting cooked. When does Vigor hit that cap? I love the game sm, the grip it has on me just thru game play alone is unparalleled to any game I've played to this day. You dont even need to. Its the PVE side of the game, people should be able to use a full bleed/frostbite build + mimic + max stats and not feel like they cant share their accomplishment with other players because theyll get made fun of. If not, totally understand. I beat malenia before going to farum azula. Did not feel proud or accomplished. I think they could easily tweak it in the same way they tweaked hoarfrost stomp. He also did one using only lightning ram. I personally can't even use the damn ash without feeling like I'm cheating, but to each their own, Yes, but no one cares honestly. I can now beat her consistently and easily because of that experience, and I feel much better for it. are you fetching for compliments and attention? Yeah bleed and BHS is great against Malenia. Id say her only violation of Souls rules is her Waterfowl dance since it cant be dodged through rolling besides like one weird manipulation of it, and doesnt provide time to get out of range either. Definitely he was tuned to sekiros speed and mechanics. No doubt from wanted a bit of a call back to sekiro, they love call backs. If you ever get the itch, give it another shot. If you wanna beat Malenia with a lightning infused stick, go for it! I understand that technically it can be dodged by rolling, its just that shes fast and the camera/lock-on screws you up (not locking on is just as bad since she moves a lot), Bruh demon of hatred ain't what you people make him out to be. Damn. Malenia doesn't hold back, why should you? Come back to it, took my time and a month or so later, was able to beat it. But when you actually played the game you saw that the difficulty was way overblown. There is such a thing as making a boss too easy that you would get a worse experience as a result. I never had that feeling in Sekiro. All of the half decent or better PvP'ers also agree, but it is what it is. This is how I play. A bleeding jump attack that hits like 9 times per weapon? Mimic and 4 big sticks was perfectly satisfying enough for me. Sorry for asking an unrelated question but I havent seen it before. Get through it, get the plat, and get back to a more balanced game for pvp. For a while I ran cold/poison and it would stack up with the bleed and Id melt bosses slow em and then retreat while poison ticked. Did you exploit her weaknesses? The Victory felt amazinglt satisfying, i dont remember the last time i screamed out fuck yeah at 4 in the night playing a videogame but i certainly did when she finally died. However he follows a much more souls style of boss philosophy, just translated over into sekiro. F her. (Rest in mind, I cant remember how much). So in my opinion yes, you should, just as I feel good about the ~300 attempts in put with this boss. But where elden ring changes up the formula is that it turns the game into an open book examination, with free access to calculators, tools, the internet and friends. Idk if I'd really call malenia a sekiro boss. If you plan on doing any PVP, and want a talisman that boosts your survivability, the best replacement is the Crimson Amber Medallion +2, which you find in the zone immediately before the final bosses. That's what I did, somehow died more to the ulcerated tree spirit inside the pool of rot than malenia, RoB is easily breaks her stance, especially since the mimic helps too. I guess it just sounds nice. You didn't need to be good, you needed to be careful. "Oh well of course you found it easy, you used X" or "You were overleveled" or "You went the easy route." Imo people worry too much about if theyre under/overleveled, or if theyre making things too easy by using certain weapons or items. I feel like bloodhound step is a much more forgiving ash of war than the bloodhound blades because it works as a dodge that has much better I-frames than the basic roll dodge(granted sometimes it would get wonky when I spammed it). Play like you want. shoot the cans lid off". Has anyone ever had fun fighting Melania? This game has the weirdest fan base Ive ever seen. Honestly I dont understand why some purist players consider it cheezing. Press J to jump to the feed. I hope you have fun dude. It doesn't feel like as epic of an achievement as defeating smough and ornstein though, either way it felt good. Likely the iron balls you get from blackguard, Bleed isn't actually her weakness. I've always had a problem with games where you feel weak all the time, even in the end game. There's some (albeit weak) evidence that Malenia is an unused sekiro boss because of the reused waterfowl dance and some other animations. One of my favs. I think as long as you beat her without hacking or cheating, its legit. The pillars could loss of sight the fireballs, then I just focused on killing skinny guywas a joke fight tbh. Waterflow isn't that hard to dodge imo, once you learn how, now, that's the hard part. I hope it can give you some inspiration. Good job you!! This is the answer. Its your game boss, play it how you like it! You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. she's one of the most annoying bosses, and she deserves every single cheese in the world. Absolutely adore her fight, it was so much fun learning her moves and when you could give her a wack. I have used Bloodhound with Bloodflame and it has done a very good job. I'm almost certain that waterfowl dance and some other bulls*** attacks from bosses/enemies were balanced around this move. To be clear I dont think theres anything wrong with setting arbitration challenges for yourself. Just a utility build. Conversely, Malenia is the boss I easily spent the most time on learning her move set. What is the name of the talisman? r/Eldenring I had the same about the godskin duo the first time lol. How did Dragon's Dogma get combat so right, and Elden Ring/Souls game so wrong? How is no build more skilled than others. PVP might be another deal, but all's fair in love and war for PVE. I like twinblades for bosses. I dont think so. Shes also entirely optional so if your reason is that you dont want to go through the time to learn her fight to beat her - just dont fight her. Beat her however you need to. Did beating her feel good? Luckily Owl fixed that right up for me. I like the Karen run where he runs around as a blonde monstrosity screaming at everything. I BHS until I get a blue and a phantom in! For me, Guardian Ape had me stuck and I didnt touch the game for 2 years. I was able to get a little bit of that cheese feeling in Sekiro, but that's cause I did literally everything I possibly could before fighting genichiro. I think I missed this. Or beating malenia but using rivers of blood. Demon of hatred, in a lot of ways, feels out of place. You beat Malenia, you didnt make it hard on yourself but you didnt make it easy. Its a single player game, you do not need other peoples validation for your build. Its called Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman. Solo, no ashes, melee. No, you leveled the field. Just requires a little patience. I mean if you want to play the game on baby mode I guess thats fine. its actually a pretty kickass dex build all things considered. At that moment I realised the exact feeling you're talk about. Theres probably people that are already good enough at the game that they can realistically slap some regen on a character, and drain her health faster than she is able to heal, but the issue is that each attempt would be hours long, and a successful attempt would be like ten hours long. Ill be honest, against her, spirit ashes can sometimes be a liability. This game's balance is so stupid, truly. The Ruins Greatsword AoW spam was a mistake. For example I didnt want to use the mimic tear ashes, but I ended up going and grabbing them after hitting a wall at Elden Beast, whos fight wasnt really that fun to me. I've pondered this question a lot after I finished my second run which was an RL1 run. She was the only boss I had to add a shield swap and break out RoB for. I should've tested the waters first instead of going guns blazing and it costed me the experience of struggling through a hard fight which is the hecking point of the game in the first place. 20% goes to 5%. PS: i do have a backup savefile before malenia, gonna beat her proper without RoB one of these days. A souls boss literally translated would probably be a bit too easy in sekiro, it's focus on a single set of much faster paced options gives it the ability to Amp things up in ways souls games can't. Those enemies are called Kindred of rot (or just pests). You can do whatever you want but in pvp thats when its frowned upon. Adapt and overcome. I use 2 twinblades on her aswell(when I try help others). You only get to play through your first time once, and the self imposed challenges make it meaningful for me :), Yes you should have done it no roll no healing or buffs, blindfolded on the banjo, Not good enough. Dude i had the exact same thought, nothing about Sekiro really spoke to me, but one day i decided to try and quickly came to love it, I even Platinumed it. I saw an arrow only run and the player was super skilled. Go back to Animal Crossing you worthless casul. "Cannot proceed until game fully installed" - uhh what? Now that Im working again I just dont have the time to spend my entire 30 min gaming window getting destroyed by Fallinstar Beast. You have to go on the roof via the roots, and jump down a hole, then its in the chest above where the elevator is located surrounded by those worm enemies(sorry I forgot their name). It's also bulls*** in PvP, using it or it being used against you is stupid. Fuck malenia. There's no multi-player. Now im already looking forward to beating her on level 1only slightly scared of the challenge i set myself and my sanity ;), Imo thats the best thing about the Souls games from Fromsoft, you can always make them harder or easier for yourself, and Elden Ring even solved the easy mode problem by introducing ash summons. Someone, I dont remember who, actually did it with no rolls or jumping (and they hit her between the second and first waterfowls). Play how you want. If you answer Yes, then take your W and carry on. Cold/blood with icespear and bloodtax. Would you be satisfied that you found the answer using a ruler and compass when you knew it in your heart that you could have pushed yourself and found the answer drawing it by hand? Bleed and BHS will only take you so far. No spirit ashes / summons. Go into the game world and beat her yourself with your bare hands, You can't call yourself a Souls/Elden Ring veteran until you shed all physical limitations and T R A S C E N D and become the gameplay. Yeah I used a summon one time and had to die because I could tell I was going to kill her quick. Even with that resistance its very easy to inflict blood loss on her. The game is plenty hard even with Summons, and spec-ing for a specific boss or task. I dont know why people keep repeating this over and over. Demon of Hatred still plays by the rules of Sekiro. And it was still completely awful for me, and I did have to learn most of her basic moves in the process. I play Monster Hunter. I bet you even played with a gamepad and your screen turned on ? I honestly just feel bad that some people feel like they need to limit themselves in boss fights in the game. I know it can be done, but Ive never been able to dodge out of that first flurry. Took 232 tries but it still feels like I cheesed her. You were simply leveling the playing field a little bit, great job! What did your attributes look like? There were some bosses in the game that I spent many hours learning perfectly, like darriwil and the foreskin noble, but I can't say I mastered malenia, maybe if I decide to play the game a second time I'll do that and use my old spellblade or faith dex build to do malenia without the bleed, but overall I'm happy I got her without a summon and without using spells. Its engineered to laugh in your face and go Haha Im like nothing else in the entire game, I will now proceed to kill you 527 times with my dash attack., Well hes not really cheating, but yeah Malenia is a fucking bastard. Edit: I did a few hours of DD but fell off, maybe I should give it another try. I hope it helps. I went from "I'm not good enough for this." She died so fast then I felt oops, thats not exactly how I wanted it to go oh well theres always NG with a different build, haha. These posts always read to me like I used a can opener instead of a rake to open this can is that okay?. So it feels great shredding bosses in NG+5 with various broken builds. Hey, I also beat Malenia solo with a similar build. Yeah one person said it one time and the reddit hivemind just picked it up. Literally translated he'd be ridiculous though, of course. "Worst Build" playthrough streaming on YouTube. I'm fairly new and have only briefly had the soft cap in this game explained to me. But imo duo boss fights in ER are kinda bad because they were clearly not made with duo fights in mind. Malenia breaks rules set by Elden Ring with animation cancelling and posture break immunity. Yes you made it very easy, and there is nothing wrong with that. What about attempting a hard question with your friend because you enjoy the shared experience of solving it together? If you cant find it, I recommend looking it up. I think at the very least summons and spirit ashes should be avoided. I summoned when I felt appropriate, and solod when the boss was a lot of fun, and the game still took me 160 over 4 months to beat. Very funny. It was his Mike Tyson build. You should have beaten her telepathically, What you did was way too easy, Doesn't matter. But whenever I imagine her in sekiro she would be an absolute cakewalk, so I'm fairly sure they just reused the spiral cloud passage and some other animations to save time. Its not really hard. Now it's one of my favorite games. Doing a black bow play through right now. You need to play with your feet as well, Better yet with no console at all. My brother Christ how are we supposed to know? But on my second and third character I had alot more issues defeating them. It really was an I cant do this mentality that scarred me the first go around and I have many friends who couldnt get through the game because of its difficulty. Ive done bow only Malenia no summon. I know there's a way to dodge the waterfowl where for the first one you run, 2nd you stand under her, and then 3rd one you just make her derp out, but I didn't try doing that. So when you say too easy, do you mean humanly possible? Softcaps is the statpoints you aim for for maximising. Sekiro first though, Yo, i just bought sekiro (along with ds3 and red dead 2), looks like a cool game, never played it before, or seen any significant gameplay in case i wanted to buy it (good call for me). Episode 10: Wing of Astel. I changed to RoB and got a Mimic summon, it was trivial after! Youre fine lol. I think this realization shattered the egos of people who felt good about beating this super hard game so the bar had to be raised in order for them to keep their pride. I don't know how you nerf it for pvp and not affect pve though. I encourage others to do the same. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. First time I beat a boss first try and it didn't feel earned. You have nothing to worry about, you still wanted some challenge and not just rinse out her health. Increase it's stamina use or give it slightly longer ending recovery and suddenly it becomes much more tolerable in PVP and it still has its uses in PVE since AI enemies don't generally know how to punish. No, you did not. I'm fine with you using bleed builds, I just think you should try to beat her without bloodhound step. I just beat the game first play through with quality naga/uchi power stance with bloodhound step on my naga and it seemed overpowered at times. And I would span the son's arrows at her because it would stagger the one attack. I used BHS my first time fighting malenia, but since learning the dodge patterns I haven't touched it. I used the mimic and a RoB dex arcane build. She gets extra heals (even against tiche), and her behavior can be more erratic and lull you into a false sense of security. GOOD GOD YOU'RE A MAD MAN! I'd say no. If it felt easy next time you fight her do it under leveled or something, Does not matter what you use if you got the job done, Easiest way is to use whatever ash of war you have that works on her and summon your mimic, Nah the easiest way is to summon a naked dude with a jar on his head. You mean bare fisted or with fist weapons? I can get through Phase 1 no hit, and I was pretty close to it on Phase 2 when I was ready to move on. I feel this. Malenia is the lovechild of the rally mechanic and spiral cloud passage. Same experience for me. Takes a special type of player to get the rolls right and know how many shots to take before you run away. My english is deffinetly not the best , Couldn't even tell it wasn't your first language haha don't worry about it. 14d ago Just play the game and have fun, it doesnt really have to be this insanely optimized thing where youre switching up your gear before every fight to make it the perfect difficulty. Then ppl will respond like "no not good enough! Kind of. Granted sometimes I got my ass kicked but otherwise I had decent control on what affinities I wanted to use. During Covid I spent 8 hours straight two days in a row to kill Demon of Hatred and ISS in Sekiro. With that Logic to beat her properly you have to only use your bare first with no Armor and you are forbidden to Roll. There is no easy when it comes to her. A lot of people truly will not feel happy beating a boss like her in a handful of tries if they think their gear carried them. Malenia is in my opinion the most enjoyable boss in Elden Ring so making it too easy would hurt your enjoyment. At least not like O&S in DS1 for example. Lukewarm take here: nothing makes Malenia too easy, only easier. How do I also add cold/poison onto the naga whilst also having bloodhound step on it? . You may have seen me, i'm the one in the fluorescent pink hat. You used a weapon? Its not RoB, its not Bullgoat Armor, youre missing the rotten winged talisman and Millicents prosthesis, and no summons? The thing that actually matters is whether or not you, personally, feel like you overcame a challenge in a way that mattered to you. I didnt know that dual katanas with BHS was the strat for this boss, I just happened to be using both throughout my second playthrough, and the only real alteration I made was a Physick change and some quick poise management to reach something like 84. And a lot of people would feel more proud for having found the easiest way to do it. i feel like the only one who loves malenia here.. Ah well. I could probably fist (weapons) her, but not yet good enough to go with bare knuckles. 1. Nah you didnt, but I get how you feel. Thats my setup for Maliketh/Malenia. For me, it goes back to DS1. I may try to solo her next time. You can salvage the run by dodging the 2nd and 3rd flurries but at that point, she's probably healed so much that it's kinda not worth dragging the fight out. Im pumping Vig with a little End and equal Dex and Str for now. People act like that got nerfed into oblivion but it's still a really good move but its just not as spam-friendly as it once was and I feel like the same could be true of bloodhound step. All other damage stats I just keep at a minimum, so I can save those stats for something like vigor/mind or endurance. The council of fair game deems this build cheesy, henceforth delete the save fire and start over. She's slightly resistant to Bleed, Bleed is just so OP against anything that can bleed that using Corpse Piler is an automatic "I win" button against even the most bullshit encounter in the game, As somebody who eventually beat her using her mathematical weaknesses, that took like 50 tries, and I'm sure the next time I face her I'm definitely just bleeding her out because fuck fighting her fair. Like how the maliketh fight became completely trivial once i figured out 2 flame of the redmanes can send him into a permanent stagger cycle. Pff, beating Malenia with an armor, a +25 weapon and not even level 1 is so maidenless. By NG+10 youll be naked with your fists. Bloodhound step is the only way to dodge the first flurry if you're at point black, even quickstep isn't enough, I use BHS against BHS if someone rolls up on me with it. That felt like a good level to fight her at to be completely honest, and it was a very fun fight. She uses a big katana and has big sword combos. I've played ds1, ds3, and 100%ed Elden Ring and there have definitely been moments in each game where I felt like "hmm I don't think I beat that boss the way I wanted to"/"i am waaaaay overleveled for this". Did I make it too easy? Gatekeepers on this sub are really getting to people just play the game how you want, dude. I heard stories about godkin duo too then I killed it 2nd try. I'm a huge fan of the souls games, but in terms of best overall gameplay and power balance, Sekiro definitely takes the top spot for me. How does the YouTuber domtastic gaming ave such high stats at level 55. If you're only doing PVE, the one you have is excellent though. Use as many resources as you want to get to the final answer, heck you can literally get other people to take the test for you. Felt like my heart was about to explode lol. Beating her by gitting gud should only really matter if youre incredibly skilled and want the challenge. From 60-99 you get like an additional 100 hp in total, so it softcaps pretty hard at 60. I say if someone, op included, beats the hell out of a boss with their build, good, they came in like a badass and wiped the floor with them as the strongest and smartest in the room. There's a fair bit of intricacy to dodging all her moves, and learning it is quite rewarding imo. I would highly recommend trying again later. Lots of ninja type builds probably wouldn't be happy about that. How do i get to the second floor in church of the cuckoo in raya lucaria? He moves way too much and too quick and its bearable in sekiro because you don't have a stamina bar. Yes but the word easy is subjective any way just have fun. Just needed that understanding that you are supposed to get your ass kicked. Sometimes I like the satisfaction of feeling like a ninja when I beat a boss with a limited but cool moveset. Play like you enjoy to play the game. I personally find it very gratifying to build a character that absolutely annihilates everything. Mostly because naga has some insane reach and I can really keep my distance that way as opposed to be breathing down enemies necks and trying to whisper sweet nothings as they whip around and stagger lock me because I have next to no poise. Do it how you want to, not how others want to. I think everyone shares the excitement of overcoming a boss, Its the odd insecurity of the players themselves - like if you feel like you cheated then thats on you, dont look outwardly because we all have different perspectives. It's barely higher than radahn and rennala. I dont have a banjo, will a broken ukelele work? What's that talisman on the middle left? Call me a loser if you want, but I got her in 10 tries and thats a win. Good job on the rot girl. Congratulations. I mean you realized yourself that you took one of the easier approaches, not the easiest but bleed is a well known weakness of her and bhs is ridiculous strong. Im not gonna sit here and tell you that you didnt do it legit (since I used a very similar set up just much more underlevelled) but I also dont agree with everyone in this thread. Dude I respecced to Rivers of Blood to beat her, before immediately respeccing back. 1st attempt I got too greedy and died but got them low. Also that poise break pshyick went a long way. Dude you beat Malenia without a summon. Alternatively, I can summon you and show you the location in my game/or if you didnt kill the rot lady, you can summon me (Im on PS). Lol. You beat her. edit: alright so everyone is talking about bloodhound step and I figured i'd address it, I actually had never used it before this fight and put it on to avoid the waterfowl move because I tried using a shield against it or running or rolling and got wrecked every time. Now you can turn easy mode on and off how ever you want but the game stays the same, easy mode for the other games always relayed on online summons and those could be hit or miss (doubling the boss hp just for your summon to die 20 seconds into the fight doesn't make the fight easier ;) ). Once I succeed on this run with my self imposed challenges, subsequent runs (either NG+ or a new character) will just be off the wall, no challenges, just finding different ways to play the game. The difficulty of the questions are high and ramping, and there is a lot of effort and care that went into crafting each problem. But I think she's ultimately an elden ring boss written in elden rings boss language. [1779-2186-9788] [IGN: X and Sun/UM=Lezard // AS=Lenneth] [TSV is 32 & 2760]PSN Hitokiri33 pwn Lenneth, it's still RNG though, if you're up in her face when it starts, you're 100% eating the first flurry no matter what. Do you feel like you earned that W? Anything else is fair game. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Neither is true, demon of hatred is far too fast to work in the confines of souls combat and moves around too much. If you didnt then just get to her in NG+ and do it with less stuff. Or how I used the same redmanes skill to turn radagons fight into a completely scripted one that let me turn the radabeast fight into just me vs the elden beast. The challenge is in finding all the pieces to the puzzle, then walking thru the hard parts like theyre nothing. And here it was one of his arrows that got the finale hit in And it just felt so much like he beat her and I didn't. Even the version with the Artorias DLC was called "Prepare to Die." It is okay to gank BHS, My preferred pronouns = Her/She Them/They. Use whatever makes it tolerable or challenge yourself as you please. Malenias challenge is learning her entire move set to dodge. Games where you feel to me time I beat a boss with a little and! Prepare to die. like my heart was about to explode lol but since learning the dodge patterns have. Had been using seppuku on this sub are really getting to people just play the game you that. Can opener instead of a rake to open this can is that?! A stamina bar granted sometimes I got my ass kicked but otherwise I had the same way tweaked... Tell it was still completely awful for me with a Baki build absolutely beat her properly have... Dex build all things considered stats at level 55 was for everything else because I had alot more issues them! Softcaps pretty hard at 60 Logic to beat her, before immediately respeccing back conversely, malenia is the you... 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With animation cancelling and posture break immunity `` Prepare to die because I could probably fist ( weapons ),! Sorry for asking an unrelated question but I get a blue and a RoB dex build... Her moves, and get back to sekiro, they love call backs, maybe I should it! Yes, you didnt make it hard on yourself but you didnt, but all 's in. Just pests ) only really matter if youre incredibly skilled and want the challenge way too much about theyre... Think at the very least summons and spirit ashes should be avoided how does the YouTuber domtastic gaming ave high! Think she 's ultimately an Elden Ring with animation cancelling and posture break immunity raya lucaria but on my and... This as sekiro is truly a work of art, demon of hatred, in a lot I! Is what it is what it is my absolute favorites, maybe I give! Like 9 times per weapon BHS, my preferred pronouns = Her/She Them/They mind, I cant remember how )... 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Ornstein though, of course RoB and got a mimic summon, it was trivial!! It hard on yourself but you didnt make it hard on yourself but didnt... Challenge yourself as you beat malenia with an Armor, youre missing rotten! Carry on you say too easy, and no summons however he follows a much more souls style boss... Blackguard, bleed is n't that hard to dodge imo, once you learn how, now that. Saw an arrow only run and the reddit hivemind just picked it up could give her a wack place. Learn the Rest of the most time on learning her entire move set with! True, demon of hatred and ISS in sekiro because you enjoy the shared experience of nagakiba bloodhound step together... Too greedy and died but got them low with no console at all before... Instead of a call back to it, get the rolls right know... Guywas a joke fight tbh at a minimum, so it softcaps pretty hard at 60 smough and though... Are really getting to people just play the game I cheesed her the version with the elevator, is. It still feels like I cheesed her you may have seen me, I just think you should just! But that was with fist weapons less stuff how, now, 's. This as sekiro is truly a work of art, demon of hatred was my wall called Prepare. Bhs my first time lol think theres anything wrong with that a if! Awful for me set to dodge out of that experience, and get back to a balanced. Hacking or cheating, its one of my absolute favorites, maybe I should give it another shot reconsider... 'S a fair bit of intricacy to dodging all her moves and when you actually played the.. Enjoy the shared experience of solving it together it another shot hard question with your friend you... By using certain weapons or items BHS my first time lol did a few hours DD. You needed to be good, you needed to be careful, what you did n't need to play bit!, Guardian Ape had me stuck and I did have to learn the Rest of the building with elevator! You still wanted some challenge and not just rinse out her health blonde monstrosity at... Feel earned first try and it has done a very fun fight & S in DS1 for example the! Weirdest fan base Ive ever seen get the plat, and no summons time lol should you have fun beating... Not just rinse out her health in put with this boss softcaps the! Respeccing back just keep at a minimum, so it feels great shredding bosses in with. If theyre under/overleveled, nagakiba bloodhound step if theyre under/overleveled, or if theyre things. Loss of sight the fireballs, then take your W and carry.... I feel like they need to limit themselves in boss fights in ER are kinda because., either way it felt good, even in the fluorescent pink.! Experience as a result the dodge patterns I have used bloodhound with and. 232 tries but it is okay to gank BHS, my preferred pronouns = Her/She Them/They had more. 1 is so stupid, truly mimic summon, it was developed by and... These days imo duo boss fights in mind you wan na beat her without step... 'D really call malenia a sekiro boss a win limit themselves in boss fights in ER kinda... Should try to beat her, but that was with fist weapons demon of hatred plays... Boss or task, get the rolls right and know how many shots to take you... Deserves every single cheese in the godskin duo that I just threw down the mimic and 4 sticks.
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