We have a lot more tips on our housetraining page to help owners overcome potty training issues. So, if we can give you some advice to help keep an IG at your home, please let us know. Shared Costs - saving extra purchases on things like beds, crates, clothing etc. Check out my website to find out more about me, read my blog for tips & tricks or shop the official merch! She would also destroy her beds and de-stuff them we suspect out of boredom. When rewarding your puppy for going potty it is best to use attention and praise as the reward rather than a treat. You will receive a link to download the collars/harnesses guide. Moving a dog from one home to a foster home, and then again to a new home can be stressful on the dog. There is something very special about two iggies playing together. will move out around the age of 8 to 12 weeks. We begin our house training as soon as the puppies begin to walk out of thier whelping bed with newspaper on the entire floor of the expen area. Keep in mind the progress point your puppy is at will depend on the age that your individual puppy arrives home. We don't hide the fact that potty issues are one of the primary reasons we get Italian Greyhounds in to rescue. But keep in mind: The stressful times will be over sooner than you know and soon you will miss them! If you purchase toys for your dogs that are very similar to your children's toys do not expect the puppy to be able to differeniate between thier toys and those of your children as for them the child's toy is just another thing they can play with. It is best to gradually change your puppy's food and not do it all at once. I would definitely not take them to ANY Pet shop or veterinarian's and place them on the ground, allow other dogs to come in contact with them physically or allow others to handle or pet your puppy in any of those places. You will also receive all of our pupdates newsletter. When feeding I would avoid plastic dishes, the compounds in the plastic breaks down over time and enters into your dogs food. Keep the crate as a positive experince for your puppy, the training will go much smoother and they will not mind using the crate when neccissary. Although this is not something common, it does happen and if we have available resources we may be able to help on a very limited basis. They will also still love you in their own individual ways. I am delicate, and also very impressionable. Just because it was the perfect choice for us does not mean it will be for you, but we can speak to some of the challenges we noticed to help you make your best decision. They might chew up your furniture, digg deep in the sofa or steal every sock they can find just to name a few examples. Instead, please guide me with encouragement and wisdom. You want to have everything ready, once your puppy gets there. At that age, all puppies are super cute and Italian Greyhound puppies are the cutest. Sometimes just having a partner or roommate can be very helpful to just hold your dogs at the same time. Allow your puppy about 15 -20 minutes to eat, you can increase or decrease the food by monitoring how much your puppy consumes in that time. Confining your puppy not only keeps it safe but can make potty training go much smoother. If you allow it to play prior to going potty it will forget why it is outside to begin with, get distracted with playing and then most likely go to the bathroom in the house once playtime is over. Each meal usually consists of about 1/2-1 cup of kibble. The expen can also be taken with you on trips as a way to confine your puppy if you need too. Make sure you have the time to be there for them or you have someone who will take care of your Iggy puppy while youre away. You can buy so much more! Every so often an Italian Greyhound needs surrendered due to a military deployment. Put this across the door instead of shutting the puppy up in a totally confined room. For instance, if I am chewing something wrong, say, "No chew!" Using the indoor systems is a choice we have made and it has helped with housetraining considerably, it is definitely something worth considering. Keep doing this until they use the potty and don't forget the praise when they successfully complete the task! Before & after you bring your puppy home there are things you will want to do. Our personal choice are the buckle or belt style collars. I love you anyway. Doubling insurance can be very expensive. It also leads to poor coat condition. We do not reccomend things we have not either done ourselves or have researched to determine the success rate. This is not to say that they dont also enjoy their independence. NewsletterAboutBlog on MediumContactTerms & Conditions. Iggies also love to chase each other, so when theyre outdoors and able to run, they can burn off a lot of energy together. My play is beneficial, use your wisdom to guide me in my play with appropriate toys, and activities like chasing a rolling ball, or gentle tug games, or plenty of chew toys for me. Simply putting them on a regular routine and monitoring when they eat or drink seems to solve the issues at hand. This resulted in a bit of behaviour issues such as biting our fingers, our clothing or hair. I have also heard stories of IGs attempting to climb over the smaller ones and getting thier leg caught and broken. ". We havent experienced this too much however Adelaides barking has increased a lot since Phoebe came home. As The Iggy Parents of two Italian greyhounds, we know that crate training can be stressful. Add your email and we will send the link to download our guide to making crate training SIMPLE from night one! Using postive reinforcement with your IG works much better and creates a much more loving bond between him/her and the family members. Every challenge that presents itself to us in this process is overcome because we have time to devote to raising our iggies, we have amazing support from family as well as a strong Italian greyhound community. Yes, there is a lot you can save money on but supporting another dog will always mean an addition of cost. It might not be separation anxiety but they could struggle with being alone if they never get to experience it. Also take into consideration the personality of your first dog because you might not know the personality of your new puppy iggy. You cant expect to get a puppy from the breeder that is fully potty trained. It gives the puppy a sense of peace to be able to see out instead of being totally confined and it gives you an area of safety for your puppy/dog when you need to confine it either while you are home or away. It could be that youve noticed your Italian greyhound adores other iggies and thrives with their companionship. Meeting in a park is different than inviting another iggy into your home. We have heard situations where boys are harder to adjust with a new puppy but of course every dog will ultimately be different. Puppies love to chew wires, shoes, plantsand almost anything they can get. It has saved us numerous accidents on our floors and has helped them by not having to continue to try and hold themselves when we are gone for an extended period of time. After all puppies are much like children, they are only puppies who need to be shown and trained and sometimes to successfully train our puppies/dogs we need to train ourselves better in understanding. Having two iggies has made our first dog less lonely, more easily entertained and overall, happier and better behaved. Our dogs take care of each other. Set boundaries and clear rules right from the start and stick to them! Providing a variety of toys for your IG is important,it isa great source of stimulation for yourIGand a greatway for you and the puppy/dog to interact and have some fun time bonding. Look at your home and see what room you are going to leave your puppy in when you are out in the event you do not crate train. Once they begin to walk well and begin exploring we teach them to use an indoor training system also. An iggys love can be endless. The taller ones make it much less tempting for a puppy to even attempt to go over. Any website that you cannot verify the breeder or identity, can't video chat, are requested to wire money, send via money gram, or gift cards then IT IS LIKELY A SCAM. I am a Puppy; I cannot hold my bladder for longer than 1 - 2 hours. Companionship for your first iggy - Preventing loneliness has improved Adelaides behaviour and overall happiness. When they are still this young, they are quite energetic and while they will sleep most of the day, they will go crazy the few moments they are awake. To humans, it might look like theyre on their hind legs dancing, or perhaps in a showdown battle. This can be a tough situation since it is not a short-term defined period of time. You are armed with experience in things like potty training, what to do in an emergency, knowledge of leg breaks, insurance, nail clipping etc. If your puppy does slip it's restraint while outside be sure to stay calm as if you react in a non-calm way it may scare your already frightened IG and cause it to run from confusion. I truly DO want to please you, and be a part of your family, and your life. Lets dive into our list of pros and benefits of getting a second iggy. By the time the puppies leave here housetraining has been well begun, the success will rely on your continuation with whatever method you choose to use. Well, sometimes it may be better, and other times maybe not. Confidence in yourselves - You as a parent are more experienced with things like potty training, what to do in an emergency, leg breaks, insurance, nail clipping etc. We constantly research new techniques, and training as well aspreventative and corrective healthand do our best to pass this information along. You also want one that will listen to you, explain questions you may have, research things either that they are uncertain about or that may be new treatment options. Do not allow them to run in the house if they have not pottied or you will most likely have accidents in places you don't want them. They may be able to find someone to help care for your IG(s) on a short-term basis for a donation that will benefit the Italian Greyhound Rescue.***. Especially when they are teething, they will chew everything they can find. Perfect for iggy parents and iggy lovers. If I nip you too hard, talk to me in "dog talk", by giving a loud YELP, I will usually get the message, as this is how dogs communicate with one another. 3 Things to Consider Before Getting a New Dog, Fashionable & Functional Italian Greyhound Clothes: Our Favorite Iggy Clothing Brands, 3 Tips on Traveling With Your Dog For a Safe and Happy Vacation Together, The Top 5 Tips How You Can Get Your Italian Greyhound to Be More Confident. Such sites will often claim poor phone or internet connection to avoid talking. We found our second iggy, Phoebe, learned faster in many ways. But what do you need? It is also essential to know that no matter how much house training a puppy/dog has had,when going to a new home it upsets that training for a while as they have new surroundings, rules, and people to get accustomed too. Now Adelaide has a partner in crime, we fear that she could also inspire Phoebe to de-stuff beds when left unattended or other destructive behaviour. As a human, you can always try and mimic the movements of another small animal when youre playing tug or trying to make a toy fun for them, but we have always found that having another iggy to play with them is much more effective in tiring them out. Weve tried to trick them and switch bowls, trade food out without them noticing, but nothing seems to work. IG's can slip collars and harnesses if not properly fitted or adjusted. We provide lots of play toys for our dogs/puppies it helps keep them from being bored. You only allow it to play after going potty as then it associates playtime outside with something it does after it goes potty. I prefer the metal or crock style dishes, they are resistant to chemical breakdown and they are very easy to clean and disinfect. Our website is full of valuable information, but it can't answer everything, so please contact your local Italian Greyhound Rescue to help give you more information or help to keep an IG. A contract between the organization and pet owners will be required to ensure that such extremes have been considered and costs will be fully paid or reimbursed by the owners, and a deposit may be required additionally. I am a Puppy, I like to play. In time I will learn. The more time you put into training your Italian Greyhound puppy, the better socialized your Iggy will be and the less problems you will have later on. We are the same you and I, in that we both feel hunger, pain, thirst, discomfort, fear, but yet we are also very different and must work to understand one anther's language, body signals, wants and needs. They always have their eye on each other and sometimes even tattle on each other to their humans. If youre a new Italian greyhound owner youll know that this is not a small feat. In the past we have had the rare instance where a foster home has been able to care for an Italian Greyhound during a military deployment, or we have been able to find another IG owner or retiree who volunteers to watch iggys during that time. To aleviate teething issues and help avoid things being chewed that shouldn't be, supply your puppy with plenty of things that are appropriate to chew on or play with. With all of these benefits, we are not blind to the challenges as well. ( On your information sheet we provide you with reccomendations and if you decided to continue with our methods we will be happy to speak with you on how to better succeed with it). The main key to housetrainingsuccess is consistency and knowing/learning your IG. Make sure you puppy proof your home and yard. In so many ways its been easier raising Phoebe, even if you think of just crate training and the first night - our puppy slept through the night in a pen with her sister, without making a peep. A good way to make it a postive place is to remove the door, leaving it open in their personal area or somewhere in the home with a blanket in it and they will use it as a den. This will help you give your second iggy their best chance of learning quickly. Remember they are usually teething by the time you get them home. If your puppy arrives and it has not had it's complete series of Parvo vaccinations, we highly advise that you DO NOT take your puppy out into public places. You also want them to be open to discussing treatment options that you may have researched and not just dismiss you on it. While this may seem silly, it is enjoyable to watch your iggies bond and learn to love each other too. Some of our sweetest memories of Phoebe coming home are how Adelaide took her under her wing and took care of her. Although I am NOT a human in a dog suit, neither am I an unfeeling robot who can instantly obey your every whim. The first few weeks with your new Iggy puppy will be so exciting but also very stressful. and hand me a toy I CAN chew. Some day I will be a handsome dog, hopefully one you can be proud of and one that you will love as much as I love you. I am a Puppy and I want more than anything to love you, to be with you, and to please you. Its hard to give an exact answer here but: The more the better! Those we are currently aware of include: Similar to military deployments, sometimes people are forced in to a situation where they have to move temporarily for a couple of weeks or months in to a housing situation that doesn't allow pets. Preparation is super important. You cannot rob them of their training time and bonding time with you. We keep a steady supply of these toys around the house to aid with thier teeth cleaning and dental health. If possible, take at least 2 weeks off work when you get your new puppy. Giving you first iggy a sibling is their chance to be a big sibling and help protect your new puppy. Give them opportunities to be alone without their older sibling. Finally, having two dogs has doubly enriched our lives as dog parents. It can be particularly hard on a senior dog to change homes. Make sure that you never miss a pupdate! Best of luck! Make certain you have the supplies for whatever method of potty training you will be using. They still need the attention and skills that your first pup learned from you. We got creative entertaining her with puzzle games and even showing her real live Italian greyhounds on the television with video clips of Italian greyhounds being shown at the Westminster Kennel Club. A really fun and economical bonus to getting a second iggy is the opportunity to give your puppy clothes a second life! Its an important decision to make and we want you to feel prepared. Cuddling - Double the cuteness when they cuddle, Sibling Bond - They always have their eye on each other, Endless Love - The dogs love each other but they still love you, Added vet trips - they wont always go together. It really is situation dependent. Additionally, dogs can develop medical issues over time, those that suddenly arise, or injuries which can occur in any location, in which instances the owners will be responsible for the cost of the medical treatment. Content can not be copied, reproduced or duplicated without prior written consent. Best of luck! Correct your puppy when it has an accident and show it the proper place to go immediately following. Even HUMAN children put things in their mouths. Its great to also have support beyond your immediate household, because sometimes you may need help beyond the services of a dog walker or daycare. While it might not be a big concern, it can be time consuming and you might have to take time off work for double the amount of trips to your local veterinarian. Weve compiled a list of brands recommended by our community on Instagram and our personal favourites to make shopping for your iggy that much easier. Bringing your new MOSA puppy homeis an exciting and happy time. Make sure it is puppy proof and purchase a pressure mount puppy/baby gate that is at least 48" tall with a door so you can walk through without removing the gate each time. You will receive a link to download our Crate Training Guide. Here are the items you should have in your, Are You Ready for a Puppy? Training some things comes easier for the second puppy because your second iggy will have a great example in front of them. If I get too rough, simply ignore me for a few moments, or put me in my crate with an appropriate chew toy. Noticing the signs of a young puppy needing to go potty is not something to be taken for granted. A surprise leg break surgery can also be incredibly expensive. As dogs age, they may need let outdoors more frequently. There are other groups specifically dedicated to helping our wonderful military personnel upon deployment orders. Feed your puppy at least 2 meals a day no more than 3. The best advice wed have is to practice your second puppys indepence. If you are not able to watch your puppy it is best not only to confine him/her for safety reason but an unsupervised puppy that is allowed run of the house also can not be potty trained as quickly or easily. Pairing a very big puppy with a small adult Italian greyhound might be a challenge or vice versa. They will benefit from this their whole life! If youve been following Adelaides story during the pandemic, youll know that she has been very lonely. We help a lot of Italian Greyhounds every year find new homes, but wouldn't it be better that they stay in their original homes? Confidence in the second puppy came easier for us. Since they are similarly sized and shaped they can play together better than any other dog weve ever met. In our case, all of the pros outweigh the cons in the balance of our decision we made. In the first few weeks, diarrhea is quite common. Once your puppy has finished put him/her in thier confinement area for about 10-15 minutes and then take them out to potty, allow them at least 5-10 minutes to potty and use the command so they know what they are too do. It is play; it's what I do. The puppies especially love to play with the stuffless ones as they are easy for them to carry and play chase with. Our first priority is to better ensure your "parenting" success. Toys are also an excellent alternative to offer instead of your personal objects being chewed up and costly replacement of thoseitems. There are times when we all have to be away from our homes and ourIG's can not go with us. Phoebe didnt walk upstairs at this time unsupervised but escaping the pen gave her the chance to run up the stairs and she got stuck, not knowing what to do. It is a process to learn what you expectand it does not happen over night. So be prepared for a few pee puddles and poops in your home the first few weeks if not months. Did you bring home an Italian greyhound puppy and instantly know you wanted more? Just because youre introducing their new best friend into your home, doesnt mean they will stop loving you. You may think that every trip to the vet will be coordinated to bring both dogs but you cant account for emergencies or when your dogs are on different schedules with vaccinations. You can repurpose many items as well and let your iggies share a lot. You have to be really careful they dont eat something that could harm them. . Beware of numerous websites selling Italian Greyhound puppies and taking deposits/fees. This is not a free service offered by our affiliates if they can help, rather it is something that you will need to negotiate a set fee per week, paid in advance, for the dog's care as you would with any veterinary office or boarding kennel.***. This will tell them what immunizations and othe medicinces have been given as well as the brands of the vaccinations. (With the raw hides and pigs ears monitor thier time with them and take them away when they become to small to avoid your puppy/dog from trying to swallow it whole as they can choke or if successful it can block thier intestines causing unneccessary pain and an expensive vet visit to have it removed.). Theres no hiding the extra expenses you will have when getting a second iggy. Another option and one that we use is the expen. So enjoy every single day as much as you can and give all you got to socialize your Iggy puppy well for an easy life with your dog! Its true, sometimes the dogs prefer to be playing by themselves but more often than not they still want you around. There are many things you need when first bringing home an iggy puppy (see Iggy Starter Kit) however you can save a lot of money when getting your second iggy because you dont have to double everything. Find Local Italian Greyhound Rescue Reps By State. One of the funniest things we enjoy watching them do during play sessions is bumping chests and locking arms. After all, you are the boss whos in charge not your little puppy . The reason being there may be times you are out with them and treats are not readily available and you don't want them to be accustomed to recieving treats for this action and then be out at some point and not have treats available. So you get the advantage of skipping things that do not work and learning from successful things. In this case, your second puppy may have fear when being alone because they went straight from having a mom and littermates to having another iggy best friend and sibling. It can be overwhelming to buy your Italian greyhound a collar or harness, maybe youve heard they need specialized equipment but dont know where to look. If you require services like doggy daycare or dog walkers, there will be an added expense there as well. While our primary housetraining is to go outdoors we have found it very helpful for our IG's to continue keeping an indoor system in our home for the times we are gone and they are alone a little longer than expected. There is a certain joy however when they come together and the cuddles are too cute to handle. Do you have a support system? These are the reasons why getting our second Italian greyhound proved to be the best decision for our family. There are sites like My Apartment Map that will help you identify pet-friendly places to live. After that, you can slowly transition to something else. Examples of this are leash training, socialization situations and dog school. Although this isn't always possible, please contact your local Italian Greyhound Rescue to see if they may be able to find assistance. Do not be mad at me or expect me to be sedate, mellow and sleep all day. If you are fortunate enough to have some Italian greyhound friends, a great idea would be to babysit your friends puppy and see how it goes. I am a Puppy; I will chew EVERYTHING I can get my teeth on. We look for a dog food with as much natural ingredients as possible ( the first ingredient always a meat not a byproduct or filler), with little or no corn or soy product (at a minimum I would ensure it is far down the igredient list as possible), and the highest protien level we can find. Use the first few weeks for socialization and let your Italian Greyhound Puppy experience as much as possible. If you have the time and financial ability, its a no brainer. When you are more confident, your dog will also pick up on that and believe in you too. Phoebe has had moments where Adelaide normally would have iggy-screamed (the infamous high-screeching sound of death, if you know you know) but instead she just brushed it off and moved on with her day. They are more secure than the breakaway collars and once you adjust the fit of them it is not prone to slippage over time which cause it to fitmore loosely,as the breakaways are. Items to look for are:wires, poisioness plants, chemicals of any kind (some cleaning chemicals are toxic to your dogs), wires (from computers, telivisions, phone cords ect.). A breeder or rescue may have some answers for you regarding personality but the puppy is still developing so they wont have all the answers. The number one frustration with new puppies is not so much with the puppy but with lack of knowledge and training for the new parents. You will also receive all of our pupdates newsletter. Research and help report new scam websites at ScamPulse.com. If my high energy level is too much for you, maybe you could consider an older rescue from a shelter or Rescue group. Age, all of the vaccinations potty and do n't forget the praise they. Very lonely needing to go potty is not a short-term defined period of time rewarding your puppy food... It safe but can make potty training you will also receive all of the primary reasons we get Greyhounds! For whatever method of potty training you will receive a link to download the guide. Potty as then it associates playtime outside with something it does not happen over.. Indoor systems is a lot more tips on our housetraining page to help owners overcome training. That age, they may need let outdoors more frequently for your first a. 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