Some training techniques are, in fact, abusive, and you would be embarrassed and saddened to have your hound even witness them. The hounds will step into the bathtub when I say "Bath", and they know "Turn around" in the bathtub or when being groomed. Its better to spread this across the day rather than doing two hours in one go. Vet bills* or pet insurance if you dont have pet insurance and your dog needs veterinary treatment for an injury or illness, costs can rapidly mount up. If you buy an Irish Wolfhound puppy from a breeder, make sure your puppy will be well socialised and have all necessary screening tests, health checks and vaccinations. 2. And for me personally I feel a different closeness with Rose now that we have been through class. She writes: At Charlie's last attempt for his CDX we showed outdoors on a rainy day. Unfortunately, like so many other pure bred dogs, they are at risk of certain problems and conditions relating to their breed. They are prone to bloat, gassiness, heart disease and joint and bone cancers. Heart disease - all dogs used for breeding take part annually in a, Puppy vaccines if you rescue a dog, reputable centres will often vaccinate them for you. Competition heeling is now sometimes compared to dancing with your dog, and bears little relation to what you or your dog would actually do on a walk. . Some dogs may have, or develop, behavioural problems which might need professional management. My goal in attending the class was to gain complete control over Bobby. This means theyll love spending time with people and other dogs as long as they have been socialised from a young age. To reclaim your lost dog, cat or other pet from the animal shelter you must pay a release fee. Scheduled six-monthly health checks and visits to the vet are important to ensure your dog is healthy and happy throughout all life stages. Despite appearing lazy around the home, they love to run and play outside and still need a lot of exercise to stay happy and healthy. Some have graduated at the top of their class or have obedience titles. Wolfhounds. If youd like to buy a pedigree puppy, we recommend looking for a Kennel Club Assured breeder. According to the principle of biological preparedness behavioral predispositions make it easier for certain animals to learn particular tasks. If they perceive they are being treated roughly, unpleasantly, or unjustly, Irish Wolfhounds often shut down mentally. You can say or signal, "stand". My primary goal in taking Rose to class was to build her confidence. According to pet experts, Irish Wolfhound Dogs score out of 5 in the scale of dog breeds that are good with other dogs. This competition pressure can lead people to behave in ways that are detrimental to the relationship between dog and owner (of course, this can happen in conformation showing or with any type of competition). Your trusting Irish Wolfhound is a sensitive, loving, benign creature. Additional repetitions bore them and they quickly get creative in ways to liven up the routine. My decision not to show in these classes is due to the following three convictions: I know that the dogs can easily be trained to jump; any injury would cause pain to the dog; a condition might be created which would cause the dog to limp and thus prevent him from being shown in breed. Irish Wolfhounds thrive off company and like most dogs will get upset if they are left alone. Small progress I thought, but at least she didn't seem so scared. The Irish Wolfhound is one of tallest dog breeds in the world, standing around 80cms tall. Even if you choose not to compete in obedience trials, working with your hound positively can be fun and beneficial to both of you. Another command is "All done", which means, I have finished petting you so please leave me alone. However, obedience training, if done in a positive manner, is helpful in improving your dog's self-esteem, building confidence, and in learning ways to change your dog's behavior. We learned the exact same obedience exercises; however, the approach was entirely different. They are a dog of leisure, and of humor. Will obedience training cause your dog to sit in the breed ring? Brushing them around twice a week should be more than enough to keep their coat in good condition and stay on top of the dead hairs. I think we all have the sense that our Irish Wolfhounds will do anything and everything we ask of them, if it is important to us. To me, another proof of wolfhound intelligence Then there's my newest hound, Ashley. It is much easier to train an animal to perform an act if the act is one that is already included in the animal's behavioral repertoire. I rarely work more than 15 minutes at any one time with an individual dog. . degree. You can give a command or signal counter to sitting, if you want to. I recently taught Chelsea a new command, "Flat", which is given after "Down", and means, assume right lateral recumbancy with forelegs extended. In general, Irish Wolfhounds are not known for being big barkers. Little was known about how to train dogs to perform these tasks except for those methods used in training military or hunting dogs. All the regional reports for this particularHarp and Houndissue addressed the subject of IW's and obedience. Knowledge derived from the considerable body of scientific literature on learning in animals, including humans, has been slow to penetrate the traditionalist arena of dog training. The switchplate had noseprints all over it and she never turned the lights off; I wouldn't recommend teaching this. They like some exercise but not too much. While technically he did not do as he was told, and many another trainer would have made an issue of his failure to properly complete the exercise, I felt Charlie had made a wise decision. You and your hound will benefit in many ways from learning together positively. Irish Wolfhounds tend to be more laid-back and casual in their attitude, rather than conscientious and work-ethic oriented as are some dogs. Part of the reason Border Collies, Goldens and other sporting, working and herding breeds do so well in obedience trials is their energy level and constantly "up" personality, which also helps them tolerate repetition and constant practice. "Yip," Bobby said, and we were off --- well sort of. My standard reply was, "Look, a dog is a dog. Saturday & Sunday 9am - 5pm I have sometimes wondered what would happen if the owner just stepped over the ring barrier and headed off into the distance, as I'm sure some are tempted to do. Although they are an intelligent breed, Irish Wolfhounds need to be handled gently and positive, reward-based training needs to start from a young age. Let your conscience be your guide. The temperament of the breed, when combined with some traditional training methods, may affect its ability to excel in the obedience ring. That said, we wouldnt recommend having an Irish Wolfhound if you have smaller children simply because of their size and strong build they often dont know their own strength and could accidentally knock smaller children over. This breed requires moderate maintenance. My hounds certainly know if I am going to leave the house, and whether I will be gone a short time (errands) or a longer time (behavior consultation), because they have learned the details of my pre-departure routine and to differentiate between "errand clothes" and "behavior clothes". It is against the law to keep any animal that you find. Cardiomyopathy a type of heart disease which means their heart is bigger than it should be and doesnt function properly. Dog trainers are discovering or rediscovering how to use positive reinforcement more effectively and to rely less upon punishment. For some dogs with a strong desire to retrieve or play, the opportunity to play with a ball or other object can be used as a positive reinforcer. Your hounds' response to questions, such as "Do you want your dinner?" Brush weekly, bathe monthly and pluck their coats twice a year. One aspect of competition to be aware of is that fatigue is the enemy of the obedience Irish Wolfhound, and the longer they have to wait around, the greater the chance that they will get "the slows". Some top obedience dogs must be "warmed up" or drilled for hours before going into the ring. Frequent, short lessons are more productive than one long session. They are a sighthound so keep your pet leashed as they will take off after fast running objects. These breeders must do extra health tests and meet high standards. Youll need to be very patient when training your Irish Wolfhound due to their sensitive nature. I taught my first Irish Wolfhound to turn on the wall light switch with her nose, but she began doing it whenever she felt especially happy. (And now my obedience trained hound will sit the next time in the breed ring, just to humble me!). They do have a fairly loud bark though and will certainly use it to let you know if they are unhappy. Wolves also assume the sitting position less frequently than do most domestic dogs. 5. Some of the components that may be taught as part of the foundation for the obedience exercises can be helpful. "Off" means, do not touch this food I am trying to eat. However, Rose's behavior demonstrated she was having fun, Bobby just learned how to avoid unpleasantness. Treats shouldnt make up more than 10% of their daily calorie intake as this can unbalance their diet. Some of the conditions Irish Wolfhounds may develop include: If you want to minimise the risk of your dog getting problems due to exaggerated features, you can read our advice on choosing a pedigree dog. This command means the hound should look into your eyes until given a release command. Cecilia Hoffman found obedience as excellent way to appreciate her hounds' individuality. With the emergence of training techniques based on positive reinforcement, we can expect more Irish Wolfhounds to excel in the obedience ring, since these techniques are more suited to the nature of the breed. On this day, I had waited until just before I had to go in the ring to decide whether I thought the footing was solid enough. Despite their huge exterior, Irish Wolfhounds are big softies at heart and make terrible guard dogs as they love people too much. Check if your vet offers a health care plan as this can help spread the cost throughout the year. Sitting and retrieving may not come as naturally to your Irish Wolfhound as they do to the average dog; neither does the degree of precision called for in the obedience ring. Irish Wolfhounds form strong bonds with their owners and might not cope being left alone even for short periods of time. Go and observe critically (but quietly), keeping in mind the differences between Irish Wolfhounds and the other dogs the trainer may work with or understand.
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