The difficulties in training your male Cavalier Spaniel come down to their energy levels. Syringomyelia, episodic falling, and patellar luxation are conditions that both sexes can suffer from. But dont get angry when your female Cavalier starts refusing to pay attention; youll only scare her away from training sessions for good. A heart murmur is when its heart has an extra vibration that results in a disturbance in blood flow. Both King Charles I and his son, Charles II were devotees of the breed. Not only can it be dangerous for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniels but it maybe dangerous for you as well. You may find yourself struggling to get her to do a task if she doesnt want to. The female Cavalier King Charles Spaniels tend to be more open when it comes to people. What dogs are similar to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel? Females are also less likely to assert dominance on you during training, but they are resourceful and often headstrong. Theyre sure to steal your hearts with just one look, and theyll always provide you with all the love and affection they can muster. He issued a royal decree that the dogs should be allowed in all public spaces, including Parliament. 7. Male Cavaliers are often very possessive of the females (dog or human) they bonded with. Tends to protect a territory or whole family. I guess its like with your first baby (child) wondering if they will like each other and hopefully love each other. The 8 Laziest Dog Breeds, Because Couch Potatoes Are the Cutest. Your subscription could not be saved. My instinct would say have two rather than one. Although, like any other breed, they dont bode well with the same sex unless they were socialized at a very young age. While they are as energetic as males when theyre puppies, theyll grow into a calmer, quieter dog as they grow older. When faced with competition for a female dogs affection, the males can get aggressive. The spaniel is superb with children and a pleasurable companion. The King Charles spaniel was bred with the pug, giving it a shorter snout and domed head. While it is good in terms of training and obedience, they have the tendency to become more stubborn, and they will manipulate their way into not doing a task. The task of socializing and keeping the puppies healthy before they go to their new homes falls on you as the breeder. They are more focused on training than males, but this might be because theyre eager to return to their comfy spot for some alone time. If you have an existing female pet at home, its best to socialize them well at an early age and keep at least a 2-year difference in age to avoid them competing. The male Cavalier King Charles Spaniels tend to be aggressive against other dogs, especially male dogs when a nearby female is in heat. Females, in comparison, are sedate and often aloof. This is especially good if youre looking for a guard dog. Shawn Mendes And Camila Cabello Ignite Split-Up Rumors Amidst PDAs, Whats The Truth? Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniels tend to be less aggressive than males, and theyre much less likely to hump people or engage in fights to show their dominance. This condition typically starts with a heart murmur that worsens until they eventually have heart failure. Please try again. You might be surprised to hear that these stars of the racecourse are amongst the lowest maintenance dogs out there. Due to their lower levels of hyperactivity and their quicker maturity, females are generally considered easier to train. But ALL dogs really need focused active training and daily practice at this age. They bond as strongly to their dog companions as they do their human ones, but just because they bond to another dog doesnt mean they dont want to be with their people, as some breeds tend to do. A neighbors dog visits and she seemed "enamoured" with this dog, happy to see her, anticipating visits and looking outside to see if she was coming over. Or next day when royal mail. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. AnswersToAll is a place to gain knowledge. The Ladies Call The Shots With Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, it is the females that establish dominance hierarchies! Short answer is most trainers would recommend a male for a resident female (or vice versa), age probably doesn't matter but sometimes puppies are easier (and sometimes they totally torment an adult dog -- I have two that totally dislike puppies and would find it hard to endure a puppy through all its phases; other adults love puppies). Advantages of Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniels as Guard Dogs: Advantages of Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniels as Guard Dogs: They might be slightly unassuming because of their size and nature, but when the time comes, theyll protect you as much as they can. 14 Rabbit Myths And Misconceptions You Need To Stop Believing Now! There is a suspicion that female dogs are more prone to getting Dry Eye than male dogs. Greyhound. Obesity is a nutrition-related disorder that usually decreases the life span of the Cavalier. So if you want to walk your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel off the leash, you must teach him not to chase. Often confused with epilepsy, Episodic Falling is when the dog remains conscious during the fall and seizure episode. After King Charles II passed away, the popularity of the breed began to fade and other dogs, like the pug, stepped into the spotlight. Ive been thinking about adding another recently too. The ancestors of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel first arrived in the United Kingdom around 15th century. Ollie, originally from the USA, holds his master's degree in wildlife biology and moved to Australia to pursue his career and passion but has found a new love for working online and writing about animals of all types. Search our database of over 8507 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Your pup should begin to calm down even more once he or she is between the ages of 2 to 3 years old. Theyre refined and adorable and love curling up on your lap at the end of a long day. Lapdog type breeds, like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, on the other hand, may sleep as much as 50 percent of the day, with 20 percent playing and 30 percent relaxing around the house. A larger breed such as mastiffs and St. Bernards seem to nap throughout the day. How Long Do German Shepherds Live? They dont fixate their energy and attach themselves to just one member. If you want a more independent Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that loves its alone time and will come to you willingly for attention, then get a female. Females often choose when to obey and when not to, so make sure you train them early on so that you wouldnt have difficulties in the future. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Energetic even after the first-year mark. They are twice as likely to be obese as intact females. My name is John Carter and I absolutely love pets, especially cats and dogs. Males will suit an active lifestyle far better than a sedate one. Its easy to write these hefty pups off as lazy, but English Bulldogs welcome the frequent exercise they need in order to stay trim. The amount is based on the dogs weight, which for a Cavalier is normally in the 13 to 18 pound range. Clingy and affectionate, theyll follow their favorite family member into the bathroom and coax them into playing extensive games of fetch as they roam around outside. Go ahead and see which gender is the best for you! The dog suffers from separation anxiety when left alone for a long time. You shouldnt walk such a long-distance every day. They also mature faster, making them smarter than their male counterparts. I think she would very much enjoy the company of another cavalier. There is plenty food for thought there. Make sure to screen your male Cavalier for common health issues before breeding. 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Cavaliers love company, they do not like being left alone. Are King Charles Spaniels good family dogs? Ive read all the info but Im still mulling it over. If you train them early on, theres a much better chance that they will get along with other dogs regardless of gender. The males just go along with the flow and do as theyre told. All respectable breeders have up-to-date medical records. (BB24) SINGLE BONE CHINA Items are normally packed the day following payment and booked for collection the following day. Whether you have a male or female, however, always make sure you screen your dog for common health issues. Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal? This maximum or ideal walking distance will vary a lot from one Spaniel to another. You must keep this breed on lead or in a fenced yard because they are so friendly and interested in the world that they will run off to visit everyone and snoop behind every bush! They are still playful puppies til around 1 though. As a breed, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are relatively easy to train. Most of what I would say is in the post referred to on 'thinking of adding another cavalier' noted above. Males tend to be more prone to mitral valve disease, but theyre less likely to suffer from obesity and dry eye. With enough patience, youll have yourself a fully trained puppy. Males are larger and clingier, while females have slighter builds and tend to be more independent. !Taylor bless her is heading for 18 and holding her own against kidney failure and other old age probs!! Both males and females can suffer from syringomyelia, episodic falling, and patellar luxation. However, one thing to keep in mind when buying one is the subtle differences between male and female Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. A Guide for Parents. Cavaliers need lots of attention as this dog was bred originally to warm the feet of royalty, they enjoy lots of laptime. Many owners agree that the difference between male and female can be summed up in a phrase: Females love you but males are in love with you.. King Charles Yorkie (King Charles Spaniel & Yorkie Mix). Stubbornness is also a trait among female Cavaliers. Make sure to keep sessions fun, lighthearted, and packed with positive reinforcement. Its hard to distinguish whether your Cavalier is a male or a female without looking at their sexual organs because they practically look the same. Use the search! One common condition in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is the Mitral Valve Disease (MVD). Cavalier King Charles Spaniels like to be cuddled. Kevin my hubby said about getting a dog after the cat was no longer with us, well eight and a half years on I'd still be waiting! However, if you want a dog that is still as energetic after the one-year period, get a male, as females tend to become calmer after their first year. This makes it rather difficult for them to socialize with other dogs and people. Cavalier king charles spaniel dog figurine statue resin with welcome sign . If you look on this Forum under Buying and Preparing for a Cavalier, there is a sub thread "I am thinking of adding". These two are the whole colors of the Cavalier coat. They are often more protective of them and are more careful. If theres one dog that typifies a friendly dog, its a golden. Tends to protect an individual (her owner). A female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the best choice for younger children as they are more fragile and require a calmer dog. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? Theyre also a good choice if you already have a dog of the opposite sex. Theyre also good if you have children, and you want a puppy that grows with them while keeping the same puppy energy they had. At what age do Cavalier spaniels calm down? Avoid loud voices and strong reprimanding as this will just make them avoid wanting to train. Pretty magical if you ask me! You shouldnt walk such a long-distance every day. Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels better in pairs? As opposed to the males of their breed, the females are a bit more obedient and less energetic, making them easier to train. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels cost about the same as most small breeds. While they are all great family pets and affectionate lapdogs, male and female Spaniels can have a bit of variance in personality. What Is The Point Of A BMW X6 Vantablack Car? Let Hall have a good chance of being the alpha. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca or Dry Eye is usually caused by an autoimmune reaction to the dogs tear glands, reducing their ability to produce tears. For daily walks, you should stick to a distance around 1 mile (1.6 km) or 15-20 minutes! Help! Unlike males, theyll happily sit with any member of the family or spend time on their own. There will be moments when she will ignore you completely, only to cuddle up in your lap a few hours later as if nothing happened. These days, the Cavalier Spaniel isnt reserved for aristocrats alone. Cavaliers are basically baby wolves: 5. If youre interested in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, here are a few facts about each sex to help you decide between male or female. Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Overview, Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Overview. Another common Cavalier health issue is Episodic Falling. Read on below to see which one suits your idea of a guard dog more. Their stubbornness can make training a bit difficult, though. Best as a family guard dog, tends to be close to all members of the family. Collie. After his reign, however, the breed saw a decrease in popularity and by the late 17th century, was almost forgotten. Panda German Shepherd: Are Panda Shepherds Purebred? However, you can leave the dog in the company of other pets for some minutes as long they are not going to hurt it and your compound is properly fenced. Cavaliers are not just couch potatoes: What kind of dog is King Charles Spaniel? What is the lowest maintenance dog breed? They are also less moody, so youll find yourself always getting cuddled and followed by these little creatures. The breed was even named for the monarch. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and other pets As long as your Cavalier is well socialised, they should have no problems with other dogs. While the females can be stubborn, males are more than happy to learn a few tricks, regardless of whether youre using treats as a reward. Their grace and even temper, along with the way that they adore their people, give them an air of regality that nobody can deny. Males also form a closer bond with only one person who they will cling to all the time. (And How to Make Them Stop! Is it better to get a male or female King Charles Cavalier? Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Great Dane. In Fact, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are incredibly people-friendly- full stop: 4. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. While Mary, Queen of Scots and Tudor monarch Mary I were both thought to be found of these toy spaniels, it was Charles I and Charles II who made the breed famous. A male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is better for you if you want a hyper and energetic dog. Females are also easier to train even as puppies, so if you dont have a lot of time but still want a trained pup, then a female Cavalier is better for you. They are smart and easy to train, and they are always very eager to please their human. Although Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are a bit on the smaller side, they are fiercely loyal to their owners, and theyll do anything for their owners. We have been looking for a second dog. English Bulldogs. This happens when their knee joint slides out of place, causing them to suddenly lift their leg in pain. Netflix released The SPY trailer starring Sacha Baron Cohen . This means that its easier to bring them out, meet other dogs or people, and make it easy for them to socialize. Average Lifespan & FAQs. 6. Thanks everyone. If you have children and you want them to have an active dog as they grow up, a male is better suited for your family as males tend to remain as active as they were as pups even after they reach their first year. View Full Version : One Cav Or Two? In general, female dog fights are rare, but they are often more severe than male dog fights since they dont stop until they draw blood, or worse. Female Cavaliers bond with children mainly because of their maternal instinct. Any harshness or rough handling with these dogs makes them shy and unenthusiastic to train. Some dogs may do it just for the warmth. Females are the better choice if youre looking for a family guard dog since they dont just attach themselves to one person. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you only need to find the best one that suits you and your lifestyle. Male Cavaliers arent usually aggressive, but they can be toward other male dogs or the females themselves if theyre around one in heat. While their stubborn streak can be a mile wide, they will adore every member of the family equally. Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies are also full of high energy and dont expect them to calm down anytime soon because even as adults, they are as energetic as puppies. You will have to teach him how not to fetch! Build: Slightly slimmer built with less muscle mass. Because they mature faster than males, they also tend to be more intelligent. Originally bred as companion dogs and small game hunters, the Cavalier Spaniel mixes both traits into an energetic and adorable breed that is perfect for all types of families. Although Mitral Valve Disease can happen to both genders, a study suggests that male dogs are almost 1.5 times more prone to getting the condition than female dogs. The five breeds listed here are well known for their willingness to snuggle with their adult caretaker almost all of the time (although there are always individual exceptions, no matter what breed you choose!). Far-reaching of super massage in our day-to-day schedule, How Cryptocurrency Can Change the Entertainment Industry, Enhancing your Cybersecurity as a Remote Worker, What To Do If Your House Is Damaged By An Act Of God. With a little persistence and a great deal of positive reinforcement, though, your male Cavalier will be exceptionally well behaved in no time at all. Collection of Mana officially launched on Nintendo Switch. One thing owners have noticed is that male puppies are much more eager to please than females, and they will do anything you want. Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are very affectionate, and they would do practically anything to please you. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels become very attached to their humans. Powered by vBulletin Version 4.2.1 Copyright 2022 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Moving on to the former part of the female Cavaliers love you, but male Cavaliers are in love with you, females are more likely to bond with the whole family rather than one person. During the reign of King Charles II of England, the breed was a firm favorite among royals and nobles, not to mention a beloved companion of His Majesty himself. Depending on whether your male Cavalier Spaniel is part of an at-home breeding program or you offer your dog as a stud to other breeders, your involvement in breeding these dogs will vary. There are other ways that they differ, however, and choosing the sex best for you depends on your lifestyle and what youre seeking in a pet. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels come in four colors. Dont let the size fool you. I've got a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare and have several years experience working in animal shelters and rescues. However, this intelligence comes with a bit of a stubborn streak, as females like to choose who they want to obey and when they want to. First and foremost, collies love children and love playing with them. Common symptoms include pain that can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and possible partial paralysis, sensitivity in the head and shoulders, and air scratching. This maximum or ideal walking distance will vary a lot from one Spaniel to another. Goldendoodle Lifespan: How Long Do Goldendoodles Live? Furbo Dog Camera name the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel at number three in their article entitled 10 dog breeds with worst separation anxiety. They are still playful puppies til around 1 though. Poodle Lifespan: How Long Do Poodles Live? If you have just one Cavalier, my knee-jerk answer always is: "GET A SECOND CAVALIER!!!" Aside from being slightly smaller than male dogs and the difference in sexual organs, there isnt much physical difference between male and female Cavaliers. If Dry Eye is left untreated, it can result in blindness. Golden Retriever. Oliver (Ollie) Jones - A zoologist and freelance writer living in South Australia with his partner Alex, their dog Pepper, and their cat Steve (who declined to be pictured). This is because they tend to be more free-spirited in nature and are easily distracted. However, we noticed for the first time that she "drooled" when the neighbors dog was visiting. Offering your dog as a stud is the easier task of the two. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the perfect addition to your family. There will be times when their independent streak will show, and theyll appear distant. Youll be given a fee or pick of the litter, but otherwise, your involvement in the breeding is limited. Our thoughts were two cavaliers are better than one but more importantly we felt that Hali (3 years old) would benefit having a playmate:? Collie. There are, of course, some differences in male and female Cavaliers but regardless of gender, youll always be sure that youre getting a loyal companion for the years to come. They also have the habit of roaming especially when they smell a female in heat. But can you leave a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel at home alone? Make sure you have his or her attention and put him on a leash. Having another cavalier can definitely help this, and most cavaliers do best in pairs. This is especially a concern if you have small children with the dogs loose around the house. Lastly, Patellar Luxation is the dislocation of the knee. Chihuahua Lifespan: How Long Do Chihuahuas Live? They are more intelligent and are easier to train. Males are usually taller and bigger than females, but in the case of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, their average height and weight are usually the same. Like males, female Cavalier Spaniels suffer from many of the same health issues. How far should you walk a Cavalier King Charles? Build: Slightly bigger built with more muscle mass. This is an illness that can debilitate them and cause them great pain so once you notice symptoms, take them to the vet for a check-up immediately. I suggest keeping an eye out for your unneutered male as he might suddenly disappear for days searching for the female in heat. Males are more energetic and slower to mature than females, so it may be difficult to capture and hold their attention. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. 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We were seriously considering the idea, but have tabled it until Holly recovers from the recent accident. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a70d2ab4fb0160b856090bfb2f4cff34" );document.getElementById("c82db2eba3").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); White Jack Russell Terrier Info, Facts & Traits (With Pictures), Yellow Lab Facts, Appearance, History & FAQs (With Pictures), Tri Color Border Collie Facts, Genetics & FAQs (With Pictures), Red Merle Border Collie: Facts, Genetics & More (With Pictures), Blue Merle Border Collie: Facts, Genetics & More (With Pictures), Charcoal Lab Facts, Genetics, Health & FAQs (With Pictures), Black Pug Facts, Genetics, Puppy Price & FAQs (With Pictures), Fawn Pug Facts, Genetics, Puppy Price & FAQs (With Pictures), Black Jack Russell Terrier Facts, Genetics, Pictures & More, How to Treat a Dog Nail Separated From Quick (8 Easy Steps), Crusty Scabs Around My Dogs Mouth (Causes, Treatment & Prevention), Do Pitbulls Have Lockjaw?
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