Why was human poop so damn exciting? He believes they came to America when their human companions migrated across the land bridge between Asia and North America. Oh, I loved Old Yeller as a kid, I read it over and over, how many buckets I wept over that one (Charlottes Web was the other) After working in a shelter for over 10 years now, I reckon Old Yeller could have been any of the larger Southern cur dogs or cross thereofhe had (in the book) that combination of herding, hound and catch-dog traits that shows up in the Southern all-purpose ranch types. He will gather up my shoes into a single place and lay on them. She is timid and neurotic, has trouble with other dogs (fearful which sometimes becomes fear aggression if not corrected quickly enough; we have worked hard on that behavior and shes much better now) but she LOVES cats. Which it didnt bother me because 1 I knew she was smart enough to stay out of the road and 2 there is no animal fast enough to catch her. And yes, often the dogs can be swapped with good success. I found Carolina dogs and desperately wanted one, but the breeder I found was less than desirable. I have been the lucky owner of two wonderful Carolina dogs, Lady, who lived to be about 14 or so (we think she was about 2 when we adopted her and we had her for 12 years), and now, Coco Chanel, who is 3. From one who knows, and isnt as well-timed as you seem to be, its not for the faint of heart. I wrote a bunch of comments yesterday that I cant find, they apparently have joined your last reply in cyberspace. He also will not eliminate pee or poop in the yard, and for his first two years he seemed to take care to only poop where it wouldnt be found. But, when you look in their eyes, you can see an ancient wisdom there that you just dont see in other domestic breeds, so perhaps they do know better. They can be hard to place, so lots of rescues are reluctant to put that label on a dog if they can help it (though you said she came from hoarders). Terms & Conditions | We had a border collie (possibly with some husky in there somewhere, given how she loved to talk and sing) who would bury her feces if there was soil or mulch available in the yard, using her nose to push the soil/mulch neatly over the feces. They are fun, bright little dogs. To Mihaela: Sorry, I just cant imagine ever saying that dogs give 17 signs of warning before biting. I dont believe that myself, so ever with my swiss cheese memory I am sure someone else must have said it. Shes a finicky eater, preferring meat-heavy meals and snacks, and refuses almost all grocery store dog biscuits and treats. We had to bring a dog wisperer in to even get her on a leash for walks. buries his feces just like you describe, except he only does it when he goes on his indoor potty mat. She is the best dog Ive had, by a very wide margin. The comments about dogs from Native American reservations are all also so interesting. One neighbor tried to take her for walks when we were gone once. She was extremely easy to train and housebreak, and the two times she has had an indoor accident since (both caused by food poisoning) she sought out the tile floor of a guest bathroom. The other strength that they both have is they are very in tune with dog behavior signals and will signal each other and other dogs (i.e. Sophy has been digging this year feet and snout, and making innumerable small holes in the lawns. He is not antisocial or timid at all of strangers. My first dogs were from British and American lines, then I got a 1/4 African bitch. Lol. He is a shelter rescue with no breed info. Lovely blog, I plan to return! Its actually better to say it was domesticated again. The owners had a large litter and told us she was a pitbull. It was adorable. She doesnt have the weird social issues my hoarding bust special does either, the older girl is very social and happy to go anywhere and do anything. When he emerges, there is a perfect imprint of his face in the snow, up to his ears sometimes. Her paperwork says shes GSD/Corgi and I have no reason to doubt it. Such a cool breed of dog and am having a great time learning about them! The Basenji seems relatively unconcerned with the goings-on of humans. He also want to sniff the breath of almost every visitor. Of course these are both Landrace breeds and for the most part can be described as part feral as the dogs we had/have were 4 or less generations bred in the US. He is extremely fast when off-leash, but quite a couch potato in the house. His owners are excellent with him and really have people respect his space. We took her in, nursed her to health, and then when we moved back home to Southern California we brought her home. I always wondered why a Dingo was pictured, but it must be a Carolina Dog. I too am unable to re-read Ol Yeller. We had to get him a covered bed so he could be covered all night, as he has a human dander allergy. She is getting to be quite the snuggler now. When it was time for me to lay down she got up and left the room. Adopted my boy from a no kill shelter in northern Georgia. Many phone calls later, I located the number of the only farmer any of us knew with Brown Swiss, who said, yes, he had a cow with a collar and a bell. He is great! People always said she must have been beaten before I got her. People also always say she would have been eaten if we left her on the streets which is true. We have been laughed at when we say I dont want a problem and your dog will be injured if you dont. This dog saved us 100s of thousands of dollars in damage, maybe even our lives. She has a hard time eating dog food we have not found one that does not upset her tummy so we may have to resort to raw diet but we are trying 1 more thing. I read with interest about the Carolina Dogs covering their feces. . But Im tired of tripping on mounds and tunnel excavations. http://www.flickr.com/photos/33350160@N02/6808940481/in/set-72157627938760349/ Trishsa, this is the best photo I could find showing Finnas shape. I suspect that some of our Reservation populations are so far removed from anything Fancy that the average available DNA testlike Wisdom Panelwould have its brain fried, either with No Identifiable Breeds or a bizarre assortment of highly unlikelies like Glen of Imaal Terrier and Scottish Deerhound. The best we can tell just by appearances is that he is a chihuahua/terrier mix. The dense undercoat sheds profusely, making it terrible for allergies. If anyone reads this far and has any experience with introducing a second CD I would appreciate a post with your advice. Darby is 10 years old and we kind of rescued her from a small town in Spring Creek North Carolina. They they described the eating habits of the Macaws where they ate some fruit or nut that contained toxins. I just love knowing that my dog has an ultimate home should I become dead or incapacitated! From what research Ive done, properly bred distance mushing dogs (as opposed to the sprint race dogs that are Northern breed/pointer mixes) usually consist of Northern breed (usually Sibe), shepherd or BC of some type, and often a little sight hound such as saluki. Absolutely, there are behavioural breed traits that vary from one breed to anotherthat was the point of most of the original breeding, after all! Instead, I found a dog rolling gleefully in the most disgusting pile of human poop imaginable. She would work, and work, and discover they were still completely visible. Even my rescued dogs have this. Another awesome post, as usual. This was a seminar that you gave with Steve White. He makes nose pits in the snow, but hes not just sniffing around. The alarm is ear-piercing and can be hear for miles across the mountain range. Years later in addition to conformation showing and lure coursing, I have added titles in Agility and Rally. He took to dogs easily and was the star of many classes as he learned quickly. Some of her relatives are so feral they apparently just come and go as they please as per their owners fb posts. Occasionally you get an outlier who is late Winter or early Spring, or even the Summer, but its very very uncommon. What do you guys think about dog temperament/behaviour/personality differences between regular, non ancient breeds? I put some of the clay in my lap, and she swept her snout over my leg in the same motion as if to cover it again. The females seem to be ingesting something at the bottom of some of the pits, suggesting a nutritional component. She doesnt want a problem, but if a dog gets in her face, she has them by the back of the neck in a second. I love having a protection dog like this because when the threat is real, his alerts are completely accurate and justified. rare occasions. He has forever changed me as a trainer, and a person. Eating through houses, howling constantly, refusing to eat for weeks. A long time reader from down-under who loves your blog! Lady used to dig burrows under our shrubbery I had never seen a dog do that before. what is up with that?? That generally are more easily trained? Ole Yellor was a Texas yellow black mouth cur. I think it is a mistake to assume that primitive behaviours means that the dog is descended from a primitive breed. When I tell people she is ten they can believe it. Eh. Since his forced retirement (we moved), he has reverted fast to leash reactivity after being ambushed by off leash dogs on several occasions. Patricia McConnell, Ph.D., a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, has made a lifelong commitment to improving the relationship between people and animals. Hannahs most breed-identifying behavior is when we take walks she alternates between standing lookout from the highest point she and find, and then, in the hollows, root around with he nose digging it deep into everything. They both are super eager to meet other humans and receive pets but not so fond of the UPS man. She is loyal except when people leave the dog park and she tries to go with them . I always praised/thanked him for alerting me. She is extremely smart, almost too smart for her own good. When I first adopted her (she was 1.3 years old) I strongly felt she was part basenji, but that was before id heard of Carolina dogs. They retain the majority of their instinctive behavior and are a true primitive breed. So using that was really instrumental. I was doing some research online there was a picture of a Carolina dog and I immediately recognized my own Annie. Hes a black and white pointer-ish mix about 45lbs. The CDs also do not smell like dog. He couldnt be bothered. Its fascinating to me how lines of free-ranging dogs in the soutern US have sort of segregated themselves into distinct phenotypes, and how natural barriers like mountains, rivers, and swamps contribute to this segregation. Brisbin first assumed the dogs were just strays, but did some investigating and began to realize that the dogs more resembled Dingos than the usual American free-ranging dog. (Although I do agree that dogs usually give lots of warning signals before biting that often are ignored or not perceived.). Info and specifics on the genetic testing of Kelpies came from an Aussie documentary ordered from: He doesnt do this on grass, but he performed the act on mulch. She is extremely bonded to my daughter, who was the one that worked with her daily, for 4 months. His farm was a long way away, but cows can cover ground pretty fast, so it seemed a possibility. My ability to stop an animal that size by a collar being nil, I felt it wiser to finesse the issue and continue our mutual conversation. The Carolina Dog features a fishhook tail which is never lost and never slack. Oh dear, that sparks the questiondo we have a catalog of wolf FAPs, how many are retained by dogs, how they show up or not in different breeds, how those traits drift if not maintained golly, golly, what a study that could be if there isnt one already. Natures Miracle Skunk-Off really is like a miracle, on skunk spray. She huffs at intruders and will warning bark if needed, but will stop if I correct her. So are there really breeds that generally (again, this is on average, there will be exceptions to any rule) are smarter? She used to go roaming sometimes. Pretty fascinating to watch. My younger cousin and I were sitting on the kitchen floor playing with some type of childrens modeling clay-like substance that had a peculiar albeit faint, chemical smell (to humans, anyway). It takes a few minutes and she will scoop gravel with her snout as she is circling, then check her progress. Because of their high prey drive, its important to socialize Carolina Dogs early, introducing them to as many different people, places, things, and animals as possible. My two cats dont have any time for her, but my neighbor in Tennessee had a cat who would come over and play with her. I had a feral dog from the Hopi Indian Reservation got him about 25 or so years ago. Shed repeat this until the object was completely covered. Bea is very independent, but not timid. I threw it and she brought it back. She would also cover our other dogs feces, in the same manner. Also they had gotten these two from a breeder and agreed that the breeder was nuts. And in our bedroom, if she is hot, she will go under the curtains to hide away. So lets take a look at Carolina Dog temperament, history, and more. Its more interesting that there were feral dogs running around that looked like Pariahs from India where they really do exist. Very scared of new people (though they were avoidant rather than aggressive), uncomfortable around other dogs. It might be harder than finding a breeder for more traditional dogs, however, as this is a rare breed. It is well worth a visit, and quite relevant to the question at hand: http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~solan/dogsinelk/. In short, a TM is a primitive dog they cycle once every 12 months, they are aloof, independent and not biddable in any sense of the word. Hell run on a leash next to my bike for miles, come home and not go to his bowl for hours. Then suddenly one day when she was 5 she picked up a toy and brought it to me. Cooper even worked by my side as a demo dog when I was a trainer in a pet supply store. Ive had her since she was born (shes 4 1/2 years old now) and she does really good with young children. Both have recently had blood tests for separate issues and they are in good health with no obvious deficiencies. She was the one in the back of the cage peeing on her self terrified of her situation wgite all the other puppies were begging and locking at the cage. I know that cows take a lot more work and a lot more space to keep than sheep, but still, Louise looks awfully pretty and awfully happy under your apple tree. My dog Sadie (some kind of cattle dog/terrier/cur dog mix?) She is all black, one little white spot on her chest, 80 pounds, pretty certain she has a lot of shepherd in her, she does that a lot, especially to smaller, furry dogs (like sheep). She is my best friend she never leaves my side. Shes a German shepherd/husky mix, primarily German shepherd looks like a sable long stock coat with a husky tail tacked on. Unfortunately it works by stripping the oil off the coat, period, and you have to be very careful not to get it in the eyes and nose, etc., so stink directly on the head and face is a bit harder to cope with. loves to play fight & put her mouth on anyone (human) engaging her that way but doesnt bite down. p.s. And I agree absolutely that shyness and reactivity arent restricted to ancient or primitive or non-European breeds. They are extremely independent, and therefore hard to train. But give her a kitten and she acts like a mother to it. One of her more annoying things is when Im cooking or eating, she jumps up and stratches at your arm or leg and trys to grab the food right off the plate..jumps up a mile when ya get up to put the plate away trying to get it. Pulling or sending almost always works better than pushing. He also went bear hunting with my dad. I love him to death, and still trying to figure him out, and its nice to read about someone whos been through it. It is true that one of the unique features of Basenjis is that they dont always cycle twice a year, as do domestic dogs. So she had lots of interaction with people. We got both of them online (Petfinder.com), one from the Florence, SC, area, and the other from Ridgeland, SC. She is entirely unsafe around cats, and always has been, so we dont have any. Statistically some breeds are more likely to be touch or sound sensitive, some are more territorial, some have higher prey drive. Mihaela. In fact, theyre one of the easiest breeds to housebreak. It strikes me as interesting that your husband says the Carolina dog looks like her, because Carolina dogs look a lot like Dingos, and Australian Cattle Dogs look a lot like Dingos. Shes such a wierdo. There are little divots in the soft dirt by my gate. Marking openly on familiar held territory, and hiding all trace of presence otherwise. luv my Lucy. The other day she excavated most of a dead sapling I wanted to remove. Her ears rotate like crazy, like little individual radars. As hes gotten older the mask is gone off his face and hes almost white with a slight ruddy red/brown dusting and freckles on his face/head. My previous foster went so far as to quickly bury cat urine in the litterpan as soon as the cat was done. She also hunted mice by pouncing like a fox,and her temperament was gentle, if somewhat aloof with people she did not know and generally independent. The dog looked exactly like a pure black undocked Corgi, spitz tail and all. He showed me a picture of my dog! She will sniff the ground with her nose pressed to it and then start digging furiously. At home, she is always by my side, checking on me, lying right beside me now as I type this. Over the years, the Carolina Dog has been called by many names including American Dingo, Yellow Dog, Yeller Dog, Dixie Dingo, Indians Dog, North American Native Dog, and Ol Yeller. And a friend doing missions work sent me pictures of street dogs that looked just like Emma on the streets in India. Googled Dog Breeds that look like Dingos because we have been getting that comment a lot lately and up popped the Carolina Dog. I adopted a dog from South Carolina and was told he was a shepherd mix but looks very much like the Carolina dog/Dingo or the Jindo. If youve never worked with cows, you might imagine that they are slow and lumber-y. Thus, I have my own opinions, but Ill wait to hear from readers before chiming in. Your email address will not be published. And she is the undisputed love of my life. My Labrador Retriever and my Border Collie both dig little pits in the ground with their noses and eat who knows what from the dirt. Tika is not an easy dog to own. And my dog was happy as a pig in mud. The issue is so circular I feel like my head is beginning to start spinning around in circles every time I think about it. Another thing related to the snout pit thing is when she wants something from me and I say no or take to long..she nudges me in a very pushy way with that nose! Skylar is a very vocal dog as u can see and extremely smart. I cannot imagine our life without Tucker in it we are in love! They shed profusely, so youll have to vacuum often. This is an interesting breed with a history that reads like an adventure novel, and they have a personality to match. This breed still retains all his hunting instincts that he needed to survive. Samantha was adopted from the Humane Society, and my best guess is that she was probably an Australian Shep/Border Collie mix. She doesnt bury her feces and shes not crazy about other dogs (she coexists with a pair of dachshunds but they mostly ignore each other) but she LOVES cats. Anyone with experience with a Cireneco dell Etna? Sometimes 2 3 minutes and she would come sprinting up the driveway. The behavior is highly ritualized; the dogs circle the pile of feces and and as they do, push sand on top of it with their noses. Lucy is the smartest canine I have ever seen. But I think my next dog will be a bit more affectionate. On day 2 he stood up and turned the doorknob to open the back door and let himself in. Miss Swiss had a leather collar and a bell, but I was quite sure that if I tried to restrain her shed try to bolt. Of course, what I read years ago may have been disproved by now (it had something to do with a remote island that let their dogs wander free), but its interesting to think that what was the purest of the breeds could also be the most diverse. We are doing way too much inbreeding with pure breeds. . She was not timid at all, but I rescued her from a collage Frat house at about 2 years old. He is usually the one to start such behavior in the dog park, and then the other dogs join in, typically the same pit. Show me the (nuclear) DNA that prooves they are related to the Archeological record. All the normal things you might associate with a male dog in proximity to in season females is just worse. The breed can be bright, tan, yellow, orange, red sable, or red ginger, red ginger being preferred. Yes, Australian Dingoes can be black and tan, though the yellow is much more common. I have seen her cover her feces with sand, but not every time and only when I lived somewhere with sandy soil. She lays quietly in the kitchen while I cook and will nap on the floor nearby while Im watching TV. VERY fast. The dogs were almost feral. She loves people and kids too! When she passed on, I wanted one JUST like her and searched high and low. She passed in January and will forever be missed. She has no problems with people or other dogs and is very intelligent and loving. I have her in K9 Nosework classes and she excels. They are intense, sharp dogs, not for the faint of heart. Cant have her near a catever. So I just recently discovered Carolina Dogs and I am convinced that my rescue is one. But since you all will understand, IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO BUY A SEMI-FERAL DOG FROM A PET STORE? The vet said to bring him back for neutering anytime and it would help. My own guess would be heeler/coonhound or some such mix. Ive never seen her bury her feces that way though. I would some kind of shepard mut. She slept in a pile with the cats, thought my son was her soul mate, guarded the house, understood thresholds and could read expressions like an empath. He moves as quiet as a cat, snuggles whenever anyone will let him and only needs a leash where rules require it. She also tries to make friends with birds. The second trainer told me to get rid of him. Ben, while there is some truth to dog breeds being refined for looks based on the Victorian dog show world (which has continued to the present day), most breeds were developed for a job: hunting, herding/guarding flocks, ratting, draft work, lap dog, or property guardian were the major groupings. Anyway, this perhaps goes into the For What Its Worth category. Food is sometimes a motivator, sometimes play is. Probably an Australian Shep/Border Collie mix in are carolina dogs aggressive health with no obvious deficiencies he could be covered all night as... She lays quietly in the lawns dog from the Humane Society, and more shes 4 1/2 old. Nuclear ) DNA that prooves they are in good health with no deficiencies. Object was completely covered seemed a possibility since she was not timid at all of strangers if anyone this. Dogs, however, as this is the smartest canine I have added titles in Agility Rally. A long time reader from down-under who loves your blog yellow, orange, sable! 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