You can even bring along some of the studies used in this article to help base your conversation around current research findings. The main thing to know is that it is your responsibility to prevent accidental breeding and to have a plan to do just that. Simple safety precautions like keeping doors closed, keeping your dog leashed, and ensuring your yard is securely fenced go a long way to prevent roaming and accidental breeding. Female Golden Retrievers reach sexual maturity between 6 and 12 months of age. At some point, all dog owners with female Golden Retrievers will have to decide if they will spay their female Golden Retriever. Its often stated that neutering your dog ensures you are a responsible pet owner who is not contributing to pet overpopulation. That has not changed since getting my Golden Retriever, and he does fart as well (obviously). J Amer Vet Med Assoc 1997;211:180-182. This perfectly illustrates how spaying and neutering is not always such a clearcut, black and white decision. In that article, entitledGolden Retriever Cost Guide (Plus Money-Saving Tips), I provide pricing plus some cost-saving tips such as links to TheASPCAandPetSmart Charities, which offer a database for low or no-cost spay and neutering programs. Intact males are also more likely than neutered males to develop perineal hernia. Play and roughhousing or fighting is a concern with other dogs, as is curiosity about the incision site. Therefore, below is a review of health consequences to consider when deciding whether and/or when to neuter a Golden Retriever. Significance, clinical aspects and etiopathogenesis. For example, it is important with reference to cancer risk to know that 18% of all Goldens die from hemangiosarcoma but that testicular cancer is rare (less than of 1%), so that appropriate weight can be given to the effect that neutering has on each of those cancers. If youre concerned about preventing accidental breedings and want the peace of mind that your male wont be fathering any litters, a vasectomy may be something to look into more. Your Golden will most likely spend the first 24 hours sleeping the sedation off. J Amer Vet Med Assoc 1991;198:1193-1203. Spay surgery typically takes anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Females neutered prior to their first heat cycle have less than of 1% chance of developing mammary cancer (breast cancer). Spaying shouldnt affect your dogs personality. Determining the optimal age for gonadectomy of dogs and cats. As with all things related to the health of your dog, its best to have a thorough conversation with your vet to help you weigh out all the factors that go along with spaying or neutering your Golden Retriever. Most of these tumors occur in the spleen, with fewer but still a substantial number in the heart. It will hopefully make understanding the data a bit simpler. Dr. Jennifer Summerfield wrote an insightful article explaining that there is very little evidence that neutering improves aggression issues. Both of these diseases can be treated surgically, but treatment is costly and success is variable depending on many factors. The surgery involvesanesthesia, and the longer the surgery and the heavier the dog, the more required sedation. The risks of spaying and neutering vary depending on if your dog is male or female. If your Golden enjoys playing with other dogs, you can have playdates at your home. While neutering had little effect on the cancer rate of male Goldens, female Goldens who were spayed at any time past 6 months of age showed three to four times the incidence of cancer compared to intact females. Determining the age of best health outcome for spaying was precisely the intent of researchers at the University of California. This is critical to understand so that you can prevent accidental breeding. The cons of neutering your Golden Retriever are that they may have an increased risk of joint disorders, hypothyroidism, obesity, and a reduced lifespan if you neuter them too early. Males neutered before one year had almost 3 times the occurrence of lymphosarcoma as intact males. You could also hire a dog walker for your intact dog if youre unable to send your dog to daycare past 6 months. Its important to weigh out the health risks of spaying and neutering and the age factor with the potential benefits of dog parks, daycare, and boarding. However, understanding what is involved in spaying a Golden Retrievers can help reduce some of the anxiety associated with not knowing what to expect. Additionally, those organs are responsible for producing certain hormones, so once they are removed, hormone production is also affected. For females, there is an ovary-sparing hysterectomy. These outer layers of stitches will be removed, if necessary, at the post-op examination about 8 to 10 days later. Spaying can reduce or eliminate certain behavioral issues and the mess associated with heat cycles. Surgery can take potentially longer if the female is in heat. Your Golden Retriever will be examined to ensure the dog is in a good state of health before undergoing surgery and usually includes preoperative blood work to ensure that any anesthetic administered is safe for the dog. The anesthetic will be administered via the IV to sedate the dog. In females neutered after the first cycle but before the second, this risk increases to 4%. Females spayed after one year of age showed an increased occurrence of hemangiosarcoma, compared to intact females and females spayed before one year of age. Most Golden Retrievers will go into heat every six months, so about two times per year. Did you notice that health benefits are missing from that list? Therefore, that best balance seems to be at one year of age. If you are having a behavior issue with your Golden Retriever, its best to discuss options with your veterinarian or a certified professional trainer. So, lets look at what to expect before, during, and after surgery, along with pain management, risks, and home care. In fact, Norway does not allow spaying and neutering unless absolutely medically necessary. As such, owners must then consider balancing the need for preventing unwanted pregnancies and reducing behavioral issues with thebest health outcomesfor their female Golden Retrievers. Treating Pets for Cancer can Revolutionize Care for Humans. Each respective procedure prevents your Golden Retriever from reproducing. Taller Goldens have shorter life spans than shorter Goldens. They also found that male Golden Retrievers showed the greatest increase in joint disorders, namely hip dysplasia and cranial cruciate ligament tear. The data illustrates that spaying a Golden Retriever atanyage increases the risk for cancer and joint disorders. We did tons of research before getting our Golden and have opted to keep him intact. The steps are similar to neutering, but there is a greater need to prevent activity and licking. We recently did a study of nearly 600 Golden Retriever owners and found that 78% of Golden Retriever parents have had their dogs spayed or neutered. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 1997;139:271-276. J Am Vet Med Assoc. Other factors impacting cost are the dogs age, weight, size, and preexisting health conditions. Tearing sutures is a concern, especially for spay surgery, as it can be life-threatening if the inner sutures open. However, before the procedure, many owners also have some degree of anxiety about the surgery and the safety of their pets. Females showed no significant differences. If both ovarian and uterine tissue are left behind during a spay surgery, stump pyometra can occur, where that uterine remnant becomes infected. Researchers suggest neutering your male Golden Retriever after one year of age due to the increased risk of joint disorders and cancers. Pros 2007;67:1174-1181. Not all Golden Retrievers Are Fluffy: This is Why! Excess weight also makes orthopedic issues more likely. However, unless the plan is to breed the dog, most owners will choose to fix their beloved pet due to the benefits spaying offers. She will also have heat cycles, so its important to learn about the signs that indicate she is in heat and to understand at which point in her cycle she can become pregnant. Discharge is associated with heat cycles and can stain carpet and furniture. In addition, spaying is more complex than neutering and lasts longer. Spaying at one year of age and between 2 to 8 years increased the risk to 14 percent. Its best to. This increase in height is associated with a decreased life span. Vet Clin NA 2003;33:573-596. Therefore, a balance needs to be struck between controlling unwanted pregnancies, behavioral issues, and the mess during heat cycles while trying to best reduce the risk for joint disorders and cancers for your female Golden Retriever. The incidence of joint disorders goes up even more for male Goldens neutered before 6 months of age. Breed risk of pyometra in insured dogs in Sweden. 2007 Dec 1;231(11):1665-75. She is a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner and is passionate about helping people and dogs live fulfilling, harmonious lives together. This 2021 study found that there is a genetic component associated with pyometra in female Golden Retrievers, which suggests that there are other risk factors to pyometra than the fact that a dog is intact. Breakdown of the inner surgical sutures is rare but is life-threatening since the stomach contents can be exposed. Neutered dogs, of course, dont face any risk of testicular cancer. Suppose you have a male Golden Retriever and are curious about the answers to common questions on neutering. (Theres no way around using proper body part terminology when discussing this topic, so buckle up!). Again, its best to have a conversation with your veterinarian to determine the best age for your specific Golden Retriever. The uterus horn will be captured using a spay hook, and the horn will be brought outside the body after the ovarian ligament is stretched (source) so that the blood supply can be tied off. Goldens neutered before the age of 6 months showed four to five times the incidence of joint disorders compared to non-neutered Goldens. '"Golden Retriever Club of America" is a registered trademark of the Golden Retriever Club of America, Inc.' . A population study of neutering status as a risk factor for canine prostate cancer. Consider contributing to The Golden Retriever Foundation. As such, it is normal for owners to be nervous about the surgery and potential risks. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Often in vet clinics, monitoring of your dog will take place until she wakes. Overall, intact dogs showed lower rates of joint disorders and cancers. But, again, a responsible dog owner wont be letting their dog roam around free to mate with whatever dog they come across. Its commonly believed that spaying and neutering can resolve unwanted dog behavior, such as urine marking, humping, roaming, and aggression, especially in male dogs. But to help you prepare for that conversation, this article will tell you: Spaying and neutering are medical procedures that sterilize a dog, making them permanently incapable of reproducing. All Rights Reserved. Proceedings, Society for Theriogenology, 2003:230-238. In this article,we discuss female Golden Retrievers, and well address those same questions. Intact female dogs will need to stay home from the dog park during their heat cycle, whereas spayed females can enjoy dog park romps year-round. Arnold S. Urinary incontinence in castrated bitches. She will still have heat cycles, though usually no bleeding, and be attractive to males. Its very important to keep your female away from any potentially intact male dogs while she is in heat. Of course, the female must be kept on leash or securely fenced away from males for the full three weeks of her heat cycle to avoid unwanted pregnancy, so this should not be undertaken unless the owner is able to be certain that there is no possibility of an accidental breeding. Gonadectomy in immature dogs: effects on skeletal, physical and behavioral development. It is possible to prevent accidental breeding, but it takes planning and a lot of vigilance, and should not be taken lightly. Hart BL, Eckstein RA. You will also want to ensure that your intact male is not able to roam around outdoors and breed with any female dogs in heat in your area. Neutering before one year of age results in taller dogs by delaying the closure of bone growth plates, which allows the dog to keep growing longer than if they were intact. Testicular cancer is rare (less than of 1%) in dogs with both testicles normally descended into the scrotum. Spaying is considered a major operation and requires anesthesia. J Vet Intern Med 2001;15:530-538. The term neuter refers to either sex. There are benefits and risks to spaying and neutering your dog at any age and there are benefits and risks to leaving your dog intact. Ideally, everyone with an intact female dog would not bring her to the dog park when shes in heat, but you cant control other peoples decisions and your intact male could potentially breed with an intact female. Any compensation earned is at no cost to you.This website does not constitute medical advice for Golden Retrievers or any other pet; kindly consult a licensed veterinarian for any medical advice concerning your Golden Retriever.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'raisinggoldens_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_27',641,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raisinggoldens_com-large-billboard-2-0')};report this ad. Size, age, being overweight or having preexisting conditions factor in the cost. Learn more about Golden Hearts here. The term Golden will be used when the data are specific to Goldens, and most of this data come from a large breed health survey scientifically conducted and analyzed by a veterinary epidemiologist () The term dogs will be used when the data are applicable to many breeds, and supporting references are provided. Our responsibility is to promote the temperament, appearance, soundness, natural retrieving and hunting abilities of the Golden Retriever. Incidence, risk factors, and heritability estimates of hind limb lameness cause by hip dysplasia in a birth cohort of boxers. This can be hard, as some males become quite worked up, whining and pacing around the house constantly. As a result, there is a lot that goes into it. There is some evidence that the incidence of cardiac hemangiosarcoma is greatly increased (2-5 times) in neutered dogs, and that the risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma may also be increased in neutered dogs. Lastly, consider that the cost of not spaying your Golden Retriever and the cost of puppies should they be unexpected the cost of care (food, water, and shots), the risk to the mother giving birth, and the impact if those puppies are surrendered. Neuter is often used interchangeably, but that is technically not accurate. Females that remain intact are exposed to a significant risk for pyometra (a life threatening uterine infection) that rises with every heat cycle, particularly after the age of five years. An incision is made just below the belly button (midline of the tummy). Neutered dogs have a higher incidence of hypothyroidism than do intact dogs. Prices can also differ across clinics and where you live. J Amer Vet Med Assoc 2004;224:380-387. I also want to include (as someone who works with dogs professionally as well) that many of my clients are concerned with the worry of an intact dog aggressively/obsessively humping everything and anything. Research has shown that the effects of spaying and neutering vary widely by breed, so its especially helpful that there is research specific to Goldens. Then, the usual surgical gear is utilized, such as surgical gloves, gowns, caps, and a surgical drape. In many European countries, spaying and neutering is not the norm and the majority of dogs are left intact, which means they are not sterilized, and its not necessarily seen as the responsible thing to do. Salmeri KR, Bloomberg MS, Scruggs SL, et al. Oliver believes every day is the best day. Cancer risk for females went from5 percentin intact females to 11 percent in females neutered before six months of age and 17 percent in females between 6 and 11 months. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'raisinggoldens_com-netboard-1','ezslot_18',675,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raisinggoldens_com-netboard-1-0')}; The surgical area is cleansed before surgery, and the vet will also wash their hands and forearms. Infection of the incision is also a risk, as it is with any surgery. One study showed that roaming, and urine marking improved in 40% of dogs after being netuered, and aggression to another family dog or human improved in 20% of dogs. Its common for females to also have a change in appetite, becoming pickier or maybe completely ravenous. Age of SpayRisk for CancersRisk for Joint DisordersRisk for Mammary CancerIntact5%4%1%< 6 months11%18%Not reported6 to 11 months17%11%Not reported1 year14%Not reportedNot reported2 to 8 years14%Not reported4%. Male vs. Pyometra is a common and rapidly progressing disease in Goldens that must be diagnosed promptly to be successfully treated. Associations between age, parity, hormonal therapy and breed, and pyometra in Finnish dogs. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'raisinggoldens_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',656,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raisinggoldens_com-leader-1-0')};The incision site is then closed under the skin using two layers of absorbable stitches, which will dissolve over time. Now that weve looked at some research and considered the risks and benefits, lets talk about the best age to spay or neuter your Golden Retriever. Similarly, if you and your dog are avid hikers and enjoy a lot of physical activity, it may be worth considering waiting until your Golden Retriever is older to spay or neuter. Risk factors for excessive tibial plateau angle in large-breed dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. It is relevant to consider what diseases are more and less common in the breed, and also what diseases have greater or lesser consequences to the dog, so that information is also provided. The reality seems to be more complicated. In some cases the findings have been substantiated across many breeds, but relative risk is also defined specifically for Goldens. Spaying a Golden Retriever prevents pregnancies and potential complications during labor and birth. Spaying a femaleincreasesthe risk of joint disorders from 4 percent in intact dogs to 18 percent (if spayed before six months of age) and 11 percent (if spayed between 6 and 11 months). There are some important things to know about living comfortably and responsibly with an intact dog. When in heat, females often urinate or mark more to attract males. Berry SJ, Strandberg JD, Saunders WJ, et al. Both females and males sterilized before one year of age showed an increase in cranial cruciate ligament tear. 2022 Smiling Blue Skies Calgary Walk for Canine Cancer Raises $34,707.34! While neutering a male has minimal effect on cancer risk, spaying females increases that risk. A 2014 study by the same university and researcher comparing the effects of sterilization on Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers also has some interesting results. Females in heat may also try to escape to find a male to mate, which puts the dog at risk of getting lost or injured. Canine ovariohysterectomy and orchiectomy increases the prevalence of ACL injury. In the study, Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence, researchers compared the risk of joint disorders and cancers versus the best age of neutering and spaying a dog to avoid increasing the chances of a dog acquiring these joint disorders (hip dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament tear, elbow dysplasia), and one or more of cancers. As with any surgery and anesthesia, there are risks associated, but thankfully complications during surgery are rare. While your Golden Retriever may be groggy and sleeping, she should still be responsive and become more so as the sedation wears off. Again, this is potentially an option to look into if you are worried about accidental breeding. Spaying your female can give you peace of mind that she wont be having any accidental puppies though, especially if you have an intact male in your home. Some people will opt to have a friend or family member take the intact male during the window of time that their intact female can become pregnant. However, appropriately tailoring neutering recommendations to a breed requires awareness of the ways in which neutering and the age of neutering affect specific breeds, and it may be impossible for veterinarians to know this in detail for every breed. If you and your dog routinely visit the dog park, you might consider spaying or neutering to prevent any accidental breedings from happening while your dog is at the park. As such, researchers in the study suggest for female Golden Retrievers that based on the increased occurrence of cancers at all spaying ages (and I would add joint disorders as well), is to leave the female intact or spay at one year and then remain vigilant for the cancers.. Upon reaching sexual maturity, the female experiences a flood of estrogen, and the reproductive cycle begins. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'raisinggoldens_com-leader-3','ezslot_7',659,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raisinggoldens_com-leader-3-0')}; Hold up: I wrote a detailed article on the total cost of owning a Golden Retriever, including the cost of spay/neuter. (And Why So Stinky). A 2019 study found that Golden Retrievers neutered at any age were 50 to 100% more likely to become overweight or obese compared to intact dogs. There are many low-cost programs now available and in most major centers. Hip dysplasia is common in Goldens, and torn cruciate ligaments are less common but not rare. Cardiac tumors in dogs: 1982-1995. The decision to spay or neuter your Golden Retriever, and when to do it, can be a tough one to make. Aside from having concerns about the surgery, the most common concern owners have is wanting to know if spaying will change a Golden Retriever? If you choose to leave your female intact, she can have puppies if she mates with an intact male. Dogs neutered prior to sexual maturity grow taller than their natural genetic potential, and their bone structure is altered toward a more narrow, lanky appearance. Which represents a challenge for owners then. The role of gonadal hormones in the occurrence of objectionable behaviours in dogs and cats. This is not a serious disease, and while it can sometimes be managed medically, neutering affected dogs is curative. And rather than sending your dog to a boarding facility, you can likely find a dog sitter who can watch your intact dog in your home or theirs. Mol Cell Endo 2002;197:251-255. van Hagen MA, Ducro BJ, van den Broek J, Knol BW. Experts Answer Pigmentary Uveitis Questions, Heart Disease: Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS), How to Participate in Pigmentary Uveitis Research, Participating in Research: General Tips and Information, Protecting Your Golden from Flea and Tick Diseases, Electronic Health Survey Results at 1 year, The Golden Retriever: An Illustrated Study Guide, Letter to Judges regarding correct coat and grooming practices, Size Disqualification in Golden Retrievers, Suggestions for Judging the Golden Retriever, Dog Training Articles by Connie Cleveland, Raising A New Puppy: Part III Kindergarten (3-5 Months), What Exactly is an English Golden Retriever, Touched by the Peacemaker By Sister Pauline Quinn, OP.
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