If you think your Cocker Spaniel has eaten onions or any other part of the onion plant and you dont know what to do next? amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "organgardesec-20"; In fact, theyre a great source of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. There you have it, a list of 37 human foods your Cocker Spaniel can or cant eat. That doesnt mean you want to give your dog fast food or your left over Pad Thai, but you shouldnt be afraid to give your pup whole real foods like you eat every day. , Obesity in people in the UK and the United States is at an all time , Your email address will not be published. If your Cocker Spaniel loves applesauce or apple pie, though, be sure to check the ingredients list first. Yes, if boiled or steamed, Use this handy guide to feed your dog a grain-free diet. However, some Cocker Spaniels may have trouble digesting dairy products. Many people have heard over the years that dogs must eat dog food and if you give your dog table scraps or human food they will get sick and have diarrhea. Cocker Spaniels can develop severe vomiting, diarrhea, and shock after eating spoiled food (food poisoning). Besides, all parts of the onion plant are toxic to Cocker Spaniels too, including the flesh, ring, leaves, juice, and processed powders. Some say this is my dopelganger Offer your pup about one bite per 10 pounds of body weight. Another beneficial dairy product for dogs is yogurt. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella. Cooked, unseasoned lean beef is safe for Cocker Spaniels in small amounts unless your Cocker Spaniel is allergic to beef. The amount of cucumber thats safe for your Cocker Spaniel depends on their sizeone or two pieces per day is all they need. Fresh strawberries are best for your Cocker Spaniel because they have more nutrients than frozen ones. To find out more about dog foods and other items that could be toxic or fatal to your dog CLICK HERE. And remember: always remove the stem! Eggs (cooked or raw) A scrambled egg is a great protein boost and most dogs cant resist them. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Peaches are high in fiber and vitamin A, so they can be a good addition to your Cocker Spaniels diet. Start by checking with your veterinarian to determine if feeding pineapple to dogs can exacerbate any underlying health conditions. Its important to be educated when feeding human foods to your dog. #kingcharlescavalier #kingcharle, Squirrels, natures tennis ball Onions contain N-propyl disulfide, a sulfur compound that causes hemolysis leading to anemia in Cocker Spaniels. Fresh or frozen blueberries are bestbut dried or mashed berries are fine too. Cabbage is a nutrient-rich vegetable that is considered one of the healthiest foods for Cocker Spaniels. Better digestion, which means fewer, firmer, and smaller stools. Avoid longer-lived fish species like tuna, shark and swordfish as they can contain heavy metals such as mercury. This isnt necessarily true as raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "dog leashes and harnesses"; Safely give your dog this sweet treat, Everything you need to know about teacup poodle puppies, Look at your dogs tail to help determine breed. Dogs can eat fresh, cooked or canned pumpkin, of course without any spices or sugar. Also avoid processed turkey, which may contain harmful ingredients like sodium nitrite. Celery is a great low-calorie treat. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of your pet. Blackberries are a good snack for Cocker Spaniels, but they should be eaten in moderation. However, ensure the peanut butter is pup-safe without xylitol or chocolate (theyre both toxic to Cocker Spaniels). Pancreatitis causes severe abdominal pain and vomiting, and dogs often require hospitalization on IV fluids for several days to recover. One important thing to keep in mind is that blueberries are very high in sugar, so you should only feed your Cocker Spaniel about 4-5 blueberries per 10 pounds of body weight. 1-2 sections as an occasional treat are enough for most Cocker Spaniels. Most store-bought versions contain added sugar that can be harmful to your pups health. Dog Grooming Tips Be Prepared With First Aid Kit! Filed Under: Dog Health, Home Page Tagged With: Dog food. The fruit also contains natural sugar, so it should be given to your Cocker Spaniel in moderation. Its best to remove the banana peel before giving it to your Cocker Spanielthe peel is tough to digest and could cause stomach upset. Pet Coupons You can feed your Cocker Spaniel fresh or frozen blackberries. If you suspect your Cocker Spaniel has eaten any of these types of chocolates, contact your vet immediately. Filed Under: Dog Health, Puppies Tagged With: Dog food, Healthy weight, Old dogs. If you dont meet your dogs nutritional needs, you can cause a range of health problems and shorten its lifespan. Youre doing your dog no favours by giving him junk food. Cyanide destroys cellular oxygen transport in your Cocker Spaniel, and this can lead to a number of symptoms including dilated pupils and rapid breathing. amzn_assoc_linkid = "579e6c75066007fd6b1fee4f87ece3ec"; Copyright [year] by Sharda Bakers Dog World. Teacup poodles are a smaller variation of toy poodles. Amanita phalloides is the most commonly reported severely toxic species of mushroom in the US but other Amanita species are toxic. Give your Cocker Spaniel cooked eggs but make sure that there are no harmful ingredients in the egg (like salt or sugar) or else it could be bad for their health. The toxic dose is 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilogram of body weight. As with any new food item, youll want to make sure you introduce it slowly. Seek veterinary help immediately if you suspect your Cocker Spaniel accidentally ate ice cream. Cucumbers are safe for Cocker Spaniels to eat, and they provide several health benefits. Avoid any yogurts with added sugar and artificial sweeteners and any flavored or fruit-flavored varieties of plain yogurt. Contact your vet immediately. Republished by Blog Post Promoter, Congratulations, you have made the fantastic decision of welcoming humankinds best friend into your home. But avoid processed blackberries like blackberry jam, jelly, or ice creamthey may contain harmful preservatives and additives. Chocolate contains both theobromine and caffeine that are toxic to pups. Start with a half teaspoon per day and gradually increase the amount if your Cocker Spaniel seems OK with it. Cocker Spaniels dont need as much Vitamin C as humans, but they do need it for their immune system to function properly. Many of them are readily available plants that could be in your own yard or local park depending on the region where you live. Plus its packed with vitamins E and B, niacin and healthy fats, so no harm in giving it. If your pooch has a sensitive stomach and frequent episodes of loose stool, pumpkin might fix the problem. Always good to keep a can of pumpkin in the cupboard. Basset Hound Standards Does Your Basset Fit The Mark? Too much bread can cause stomach problems, diarrhea and even vomiting for your pet. But be careful of what types of cheese you are feeding to your Cocker Spaniels. Lactose-free milk products are available for pets. Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. Cut it into small chunks so your Cocker Spaniel cant choke on it and remove the seeds, rinds and skin before giving it to them. Mozzarella, cottage, swiss and cheddar cheese are safer. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; However, with any safe food, follow the 90/10 rule: 90% of the time, feed your Cocker Spaniel a balanced diet that contains nutrients and 10% of the time, give them treats. Filed Under: Dog Health Tagged With: Dog food. cooked chicken bones are bad for all dogs, never give your dog cooked chicken bones, but the chicken meant, when cooked, is a great source of protein and if youre ever in a pinch, can make a great replacement meal. Cat food is generally too high in protein and fats for your Cocker Spaniel. This is of course totally ridiculous. Chicken contains protein and omega-6 fatty acids, which are both essential nutrients for Cocker Spaniels. The natural diet of a dog is to eat our left overs. Finally, dont worry about feeding your Cocker Spaniel egg shells! We try our best to keep things unbiased, in order to help you make the best choice.As Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.As Chewy affiliate, we earn commissions for qualifying purchases. Just cut them into small pieces to avoid choking hazards. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Roasted or lightly cooked cabbage is the best way for your Cocker Spaniel to digest itbut make sure it doesnt have any added oil or salt! These can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system. Also try to avoid peanut butter pretzelsthey contain three times more sodium than regular pretzels! Never feed your Cocker Spaniel pumpkin pie mix! When a dog packs a few extra pounds, the carrot is an excellent choice of a treat because its tasty and low in calories. Required fields are marked *. Blueberries A great summer snack for dogs. Switching to a grain-free diet can benefit dogs if they suffer from allergies, food intolerances, or digestive issues. Yes, Cocker Spaniels can eat zucchini! A great amount of fiber and vitamin A is stored in pumpkin pulp. Strawberries can be snacks or treats for dogs. Remember, Cocker Spaniels are animals and they do not need all of these human foods to survive. Dr Harunur Rashid (Harun) is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who has five years of experience in large pet animal medicine. The short answer is yesbut only in small quantities as an occasional treat. For example, onions and garlic, or anything containing the two are bad for your dog. They are tiny, loving dogs who enjoy spending time with their people. But red cabbage contains 10 times more vitamins than green cabbage does! Here is a list of some snacks your Cocker Spaniel can or cant eat: Bacon is not a good idea to feed your Cocker Spaniel, as it is an extremely rich and fatty food with a high salt content. Grapes are very toxic to Cocker Spaniels, even if they eat just one or two. As long as you grind them up first so there arent any sharp edges left on them, theyll be fine to feed him/her. Youre not alone. So, no sushi for Suzy! Some may have allergies or be sensitive to certain foods so take it easy at first but to keep your dog healthy and happy its a good idea to give your dog human foods daily. Woke up my humans up as a thief tried to break in through the window, Ways To Keep Your Carpets Cleaning With Your Furry Friends, Some simple steps to raise a healthy Cavalier King Charles dog, 9 Tips to Help your Puppy Grow Big and Strong, Top 6 Amazing Ways To Taking Care A Dog At Home, How to Prevent Your Dog from Getting Bored, Home Upgrades For Pups and Senior Dogs Alike. here are just few of a few the human foods that are not only okay to give your dog, you should start working these items into your dogs diet ASAP because of their amazing health benefits. Although the fleshy part around the seed is safe, the plant contains cyanide. Here is a list of some common fruits your Cocker Spaniel can or cant eat: In fact, apples are one of the best snacks for Cocker Spaniels: high in fiber, low in fat and protein, and rich in vitamins A and C. Theyre also a great choice for senior Cocker Spaniels because they dont have too much sugar. The information you need to keep your dog happy, healthy, playful and loyal. This is Sharda with another Cocker Spaniel newsletter. Beef broth, beef stew, specialized Cocker Spaniel beef jerky without an excess amount of salt are also safe for your Cocker Spaniel. Why Buy From Yorkie Breeders Rather Than a Pet Shop. Many pumpkin supplements and pumpkin pup treats are available on the market today if you prefer not making your own treats at home. Those that are lactose intolerant can experience mild digestive discomfort after consuming cheese products. Wondering which vegetables your Cocker Spaniel can eat or not? You have to monitor the fat and sodium levels in everything your dog eats, as well as your dogs own sensitivity to certain foods. A dog tail, as a rule, tells the tale of your pup's lineage. Relying on your dog to scare wildlife can be dangerous and expose your dog to diseases like tularemia and rabies. Dogs can consume cooked chicken meat and raw meat and bones, but never cooked bones. You can cut the celery into bite-sized pieces for your pup to enjoy, or you can top it with peanut butter or other treats, mix it in with your Cocker Spaniels regular food, or serve it as a side dish along with another treat. Yes, your Cocker Spaniel can eat carrots. Skip processed pears like canned pears as it may contain sugar syrups and other additives that are harmful to your Cocker Spaniel. Amounts vary depending on the size of the Cocker Spaniel, but give 1/8 to 1/6 cup of meat protein per 10 pounds of body weight per day if your Cocker Spaniel is on a raw meat diet. And in large doses it can be quite toxic causing tremors and heart arrhythmias. You should remove the spiky skin and hard inner pineapple core before giving it to your Cocker Spaniel. Carrots have similar ingredients like pumpkin and besides dealing with digestive issues they will clean your dogs teeth as well. The answer is no! Can a Cocker Spaniel eat cantaloupe? Cheese If your dog is NOT lactose intolerant, a little low fat cheese wont hurt them but be sure to monitor their reaction to cheese. However, raw zucchini provides more Vitamin A than cooked ones. Yes, Cocker Spaniels can eat strawberries. Get Show Quality Yorkies From Reputable Breeders, Yorkshire Terrier Breeders Finding Fit And Healthy Yorkshire Terrier Puppies. Here is a list of some vegetables your Cocker Spaniel can or cant eat: Broccoli contains vitamins A, C and K, along with antioxidants that help keep your pups immune system strong. Can dogs eat pineapple? They contain vitamins and minerals, moisture, fiber, and phytochemicals that can help freshen your Cocker Spaniels breath. These have no nutritional value. Cocker Spaniels who accidentally eat ice cream may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy (tiredness), hyperactivity (excessive energy), increased thirst, increased urination, tremors and seizures. He worked as a livestock officer for two years in an NGO, and since then he has been practicing pet animals medicine privately. #kingcharlescaval, Whew I can finally relax and get out from under th, Does anyone else have a pup that needs to take the, Even though I dont like them, I thought I would, Puppachino time! If youre not into eating the salmon skin, your pup would love it! All the varieties of cabbage are safe for your Cocker Spaniel to eat, including red cabbage and green cabbage. Its a low-calorie treat, full of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as high in fiber and moisture. This excess acid will damage the pancreas and cause inflammation, which leads to the symptoms of pancreatitis. We recommend 20 grams of white meat turkey or 15 grams of dark meat turkey per 12 pounds body weight for your poochs diet. Salmon should be cooked or you can use salmon oil. This will help avoid choking on the large pieces. An apple slice is ok, but the core of an apple is potentially toxic. Giving your dog omega-3 fatty acids reduces inflammation, improves skin, aids digestion, relieves joint pain, and improves cognitive function. Processed strawberries are high in sugar and may not be good for your pets health. Its a low-calorie treat that contains vitamins, minerals and lycopene, which is all good stuff for your Cocker Spaniels overall health. Dogs can eat unpeeled apples as long as there are no seeds because they contain significant amounts of cyanide. Yes, Cocker Spaniels can eat blueberries. By entering your information, you agree to allow us to contact you in accordance with our privacy policy. amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; Understand dog nutrition. Apple Slices A couple apple slices can actually help freshen your dogs breath. The most toxic forms of chocolate are cocoa powder, unsweetened bakers chocolate, semisweet chocolate, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate. If you have a small Cocker Spaniel, cut up the peach into small pieces. Perfo, Thanks to @wellnergypets and @dr.zonramliao for ma, Does this mean Im lazy? No, the Cocker Spaniel shouldnt eat ice cream. Soft, raw bones are chewy and can help your pup maintain excellent dental health. They need their essential nutrients in order to stay healthy and happy. Boneless cooked breast meat is the best option because the skin is high in fat and can cause stomach upset if eaten in large quantities. Cooked bones splinter easily and can cause many digestive health issues (perforations, intestinal blockage, etc.). amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "wwv08-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; However, never feed cooked bone to your Cocker Spanielit could splinter and cause internal damage. Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and must always be given cooked to dogs. Be sure to consult a professional and get educated if youre going to switch your pups from processed store food to raw food. Other symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Other symptoms of grape poisoning include: If you suspect your Cocker Spaniel ate grapes, seek veterinary help immediately. But what about the rest? Yes, your Cocker Spaniel can eat eggs. If you want to add mango to your Cocker Spaniels diet, stick with fresh ripe fruit and avoid processed products like mango sorbet, mango popsicles and mango ice creamthese may contain harmful ingredients. Eggs are high in protein, fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. It is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, as well as fiber and moisture. Low fat cottage cheese is best. Apples are healthy and tasty and packed with vitamins C and A.
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