As we want to resemble the system in the container, we can share a readonly copy of /etc/passwd and /etc/group by modifying the /bin/dosh script: And now the container has the permissions of the user and the username is resolved. Send feedback to Docker Community Slack channels #docker-for-mac or #docker-for-windows. This enables to create multi-tenant networks for Cloud datacenters. 1 Master node with the public IP and the private IP any way to know when this fix will be released in mainline docker for mac? If you add the flag --cap-grop=all (or selective cap-drop) to the sequence of running the Docker container, you can get an even more secure container that will never get some linux capabilities (e.g. I have an old computer cluster, and the nodes have not any virtualization extensions. It appears to work, but the destination is always reached in one hop and the results are unfortunately incorrect. How to create a overlay network using Open vSwitch in order to connect LXC containers. And 1500 + some overhead is bigger than 1500 and that is why it will not work. Well occasionally send you account related emails. You just need to create a script like the next one, And now you can change the shell of one user in /etc/passwd. The result is that all the containerscan connect between them, but the traffic is not seen the LAN 10.10.2.x appart from the connection bewteen the OVS switches (because it is tunnelled). The namespaces that are currently available in Linux are the next: Namespaces are handled in the Linux kernel, and any process is already in one namespace (i.e. Or simply. This is because the traffic is encapsulated in a transport network. our bridge to the virtual switch): Well make it in both ovsnode01 and ovsnode02. First we create a vxlan port with VNI 10 that will use the device ens3 to multicast the UDP traffic using group (using dstport 0 makes use of the default port). For the creation of the first VXLAN (with VNI 10) we will need to issue the next commands (in each of the nodes). If you just want the solution, here you have (later I will explain all the steps). ovsnode02:~# ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 vxlan0 set interface vxlan0 type=vxlan options:remote_ip= It is possible to explore the cgroups in the path /sys/fs/cgroups. My setup is based on the previous one, to introduce common services for networked environments. Or even to create pseudo-persistent containers that start when the user logs-in and stops when the user leaves (to allow multiple ttys for the same environment). If you want to have a common network, you need to create anoverlaynetwork that spans across the different docker daemons. And that is what we are going to do now. Moreover, creating our bridge will be more interesting to understand what we are doing. I was able to solve it by following the advice in this post. They're not in a current Docker for Mac build, but you can experiment as follows: I tested this against edge build Version 17.10.0-ce-mac36 (19824) by running. If we check the processes in the host, in other terminal, well see that even we are shown as root, outside the process our process is executed under the credentials of our regular user: This is the magic of the PID namespace, that makes that one process has different PID numbers, depending on the namespace. So in node01, in lhs1 we will start netcat listening in port 9999: And in node02, in rhs1 we will start netcat connected to the lhs1 IP and port ( Anything that we write in this node will get output in the other one, as shown in the image: Now we can create the other containers and see what happens. Hello, just wanted to report that I ran into this same issue just now. Once installed sudo, we can create the file /etc/sudoers.d/dosh. The one shipped with ubuntu 16.04.1 is 2.0 and will not be useful for us because we want that it is able to manage networks. Of course it working well outside of a docker container, With the -I option, ( -I Use ICMP ECHO instead of UDP datagrams.) This is because br-cont0 is somehow a classic network hub, in which all the traffic can be listened by all the devices in it. So all the security is now again in the side of the sysadmin that must create secure containers. Now I know what these files in /proc/sys/net/bridge mean and now I know that the problem was about iptables. You signed in with another tab or window. On each of the nodes we have to create the bridge br-cont0 and the containers that we want. So now we have the vision of being inside an isolated environment with an isolated filesystem. I have faced this problem again and I was not comfortable with a solution based on the faith. And now you can play with it. I tried to debug what was happening, whether it was affected by ebtables, iptables, etc. But in order to be able to make it, you need to change the way that the docker daemons are being started. a privateDNS server, a reverse NAT, etc.). ovsnode02:~# cat > ./internal-network.tmpl << EOF Other features that offer Docker is the layered filesystems. Now it is needed to installconsul that is a backend for key-value storage. this is a exemple: $ docker run --rm -it debian:8 /bin/bash Then ping through that interface to generate traffic. to create a more complex infrastructure. I have searched for the security problems of Docker (e.g. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue. My prayers were answered very soon and I found a very useful resource from Stphane Graber(which is the LXC and LXD project leader at Canonical). In order to make it, we have to modify the file/var/lib/lxc/dhcpserver/config. User namespace: User and Group ID numbers. 3 Nodes with the private IPs, and10.100.0.4. = veth In order to persist it, you can set it in the DHCP server (in case that you are using it), or in the network deviceset up. At this point, if we try to ping to IP address (which is assigned to rhs1), it shouldnot work, as it is in the other VXLAN: Finally, in node02, we will create the container rhs2, attached to vxlan20, and the IP address And now we can verify that each pair of nodes can communicate between them and the other traffic will not arrive. We can check the final configuration of the nodes (lets show only ovsnode01, but the other is very similar): Using this set up as is, you will get ping working, but probably no other traffic. This is because the /etc/passwd and the /etc/group files are included in the container, and they do not know about the users or groups in the system. So I will have two nodes that will host LXC containers and they will have the following features: And now we want to get to the following set-up: Well we are not making anything new, because we have worked with this before inHow to create a multi-LXC infrastructure using custom NAT and DHCP server. In a multi-user system it would be nice to offer a feature like providing different flavours of Linux, depending on the user. If you have a look in the google trends, youll notice thatundoubtedly the winner hype is Docker and the others try to fight against it. sysdig,blackhat conference,CVEs, etc.) If I want the traffic to be forwarded, I must explicitly accept it by adding a rule such as, Some days ago, I learnedHow to create a overlay network using Open vSwitch in order to connect LXC containers. Cgroups enable to account and to limit the resources that the processes are able to use (i.e. Then we will create a bridge named br-vxlan10 to which we will bridge the previously created vxlan port. Appart from the contained environment, the Docker containers also are managed inside cgroups. And this can be achieved by creating all these namespaces and spawning the /bin/bash processes inside of them. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets Dealing with layered filesystem will be a new post . having a CentOS 7 front-end, but letting some users to run an Ubuntu 16.04 environment. But now we have to prepare the network and we are going to create a virtual switch (on both ovsnode01 and ovsnode02): Open vSwitch works like a physical switch, with ports that can be connected and so on And we are going to connect our hubto our switch (i.e. This is currently a limitation of vpnkit, used by Docker for Mac to provide networking. The underlying aim is that with swarm you are able to expose the local docker daemon to be used remotely in the swarm. Well, first of all, I have to say that I have used LXC instead of VM because they are lightweight and very straightforward to use in a Ubuntu distribution. Now you can start your container and it will get an IP in the range 10.0.0.x. Once we have this issueclear, lets create the router, which as an IP in the bridge in the internal network (br-cont0): WARNING: I dont know why, but for some reason sometimes lxc 2.0.3 fails in Ubuntu 14.04 when starting containers if they are created using two NICs. from the container that we started. in the case of Ubuntu, my user calfonso is in group docker), to see that we can run containers in the user space. If you try to log-in as the user, you will notice that now we have the problem that the user that runs the script is root and then the container will be run as root. But you can find a lot of resources about containers using your favourite search engine. (*)We are using eth1 because it is the device in which our internal IP address is. In order to verify it, we willuse a simple server that echoes the information sent. In my case the problem was that forwarding was prevented by default. Digging in the topic of overlay networks, I saw that linux bridges had included VXLANcapabilities, and also saw how some people were using it to create overlay networks in a LAN. We need a bridge that will act as a router to the external world for the router in our LAN. Is there any estimated time for when this will be fixed? To make the changes persistent, you should set the parameters in the docker configuration file/etc/default/docker: It seems that docker version 1.11 has a bug and does not properly usethat file (at least in ubuntu 16.04). If you want to know more about the uidmap, gidmap, how the bridging permissions work, etc., I recommend you to read this post. (*) The most noticeable modifications are related to the network device: set the private intarface and set the first octects to the hwaddr to the mask set in the DNSMASQ server (I left the other as those that LXC generated by itself). And so this time I learned. As an example for container node01c01: If you have some expertise on Virtual Machines and Linux (I suppose that if you are following this how-to, this is your case), you should be able to make all the set-up for your VMs. Take care that the remote IP addresses are set to the other node . It will run as a container in the front-end (and it will be used by the internal nodes to synchronize with the master). Closed issues are locked after 30 days of inactivity. I am using unprivileged containers (to learn how to create them, please read my previous post), but it is easy to execute all of this using the privileged containers (i.e. Hello, I am having an issue using docker for mac, i think is the udp packet who can't reach my target. Some things that bother me on this installation, I am creating complex infrastructures with LXC. This action will raise an error, because only the root user can use the mknod application and it is needed for the /dev folder, but it will be fine for us because we are not dealing with devices. Now we should add the mappings for the folders to which the user has to have permissions to access (e.g. The purpose of this post is simply fun with containers , At the end, the hard work (i.e. But if you understand this, you should be able to follow this how-to and use VMs instead of containers. And now well edit its configuration file.local/share/lxc/node_in_1/config to set it like this, And finally, start the container and check that it has the expected IP address, Ah, you can check that these containers are able to access the internet , (*) If you can check that our router is effectively the router (I you dont trust me ), you can check it, Wow, there are a lot of learned things here, Each topic would could have be a post in this blog, but the important thing in here is that all these tasks are made inside LXC containers , I am used to use LXC containers in Ubuntu. This is why this time I learned, You can find the results of this tests in this repo: /lifecycle locked. First we are going to create a bridge(br-cont0) to which the containers are being bridged, We are not using lxcbr0 because it may have other services such as dnsmasq that we should disable before. Now well configure the static network interface (, by modifying the file /etc/network/interfaces. The updated script will be the next: Now any user can execute the command that create the Docker container as root (using sudo), but the user cannot run arbitraty Docker commands. If we get back to the main host, we can use the command unshare to create a process with its own namespaces: It seems that nothing happened, except that we are root, but if we start using commands that manipulate the features in the host, well see what happened. Both docker and swarm are evolving and maybe this post is outdated soon. Docker). We will create a poor man setup in which we will have two VMs that are simulating the hosts, and we will use LXC containers that will act as guests. What we are creating is shown in the next figure: We have two nodes (ovsnodeXX) and several containers deployed on them (nodeXXcYY). We have to change the MTU of the containers to a lower size. You can also try to include new services (e.g. First I create a bridge that will act as the switch for theprivate network: Then I will give permissions for my user to be able to add devicesto that bridge, (* this is a unprivileged container specific step), NowI will create a container named router. In our case, we used a simple flat filesystem for the container, that we used as root filesystem for our contained environment. I'd suggest you follow the two vpnkit issues and ask there? As an example, it is made in this way in the OpenStack linux bridges plugin. How to enable OpenStack instance resizing andmigration, How to use a Dell PS Equallogic as a backend for OpenStackCinder, How to install Cinder in OpenStack Rocky and make it work withGlance, How to move from a linear disk to an LVM disk and join the two disks into an LVM-likeRAID-0, How to move an existing installation of Ubuntu to anotherdisk, How to run Docker containers using common Linux tools (withoutDocker). You should use the device to which the 10.100.0.x address is assigned. In the case of ubuntu it is as simple as adding a line with mtu 1400 to the proper device in /etc/network/interfaces. mean if the rules should go through iptables/arptables before forwarding them to the ports in the bridge. And this can be done with our old friend chroot and some mounts: Using chroot, the filesystem changes and we can use all the new mount points, commands, etc. Now we can start the container and start to work with it: Now we simply have to configure the IP addresses for the router (eth0 is the interface in the internal network, bridged to br-cont0, and eth1 is bridged to br-out). In the case of the internal nodes, the result will be the next (according to our previous modifications): As stated before, docker version 1.11 has a bug and does not properly usethat file. Well create a container in network 10.0.0.x (which will be named node_in_0) and other container in network 10.1.0.x (which will be named node_in_1). We to run the container as the user and not as root. The ICMP messages are not forwarded to/from the external network, so the ICMP replies you see within the container are actually local replies. The actual problem is that the user needs to be allowed to use Docker to spawn the DoSH container, and you do not want to allow the user to run arbitraty docker commands. And finally create the router by using a script which is similar to the previous one: Now we can simply start the containers that we created before, and we can check that they get an IP address by DHCP: And also we can check all the hops in our network, to check that it is properly configured: Now we can go to the other host and create the bridges, the virtual switch and the containers, as we did in the previous post. 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