As with almost all behavior problems, ball obsession is often related to the dogs upbringing, routine, and lifestyle. Why Does my Dog Nibble on me with his Front Teeth? If your dog is obsessed with balls it allows you to use the balls as a reward for your dog performing behaviors you want, like sitting politely! We provide ongoing support, this we believe makes all the difference to long term and lasting success. Aviso de cookies. The goal is to diversify their toys so that you can continue cycling through them. Say, for example, that the ball is accidentally thrown into the street. Like humans, dogs with unhealthy obsessions interfere with their normal lives. Phone calls can only be taken between 10am 4pm, Monday Friday. +ONE turns Insight into Advantage. Remember to use positive reinforcement to stimulate their learning and reward their efforts. Obsessive behavior over a ball is more common than you think. About us: Laura is a Full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors & an ABTC registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist. Well, this kind of behavior can lead to a lot of issues. You dont want your dog avoiding you, the way we teach our dogs these rules are by simply showing them that following these rules starts the game back up! Its not solving the issue though. If your dog has this kind of issue, barking at other dogs (or worse) please do seek professional help before the problem gets worse. But remember that if the game becomes an obsession, its effects cease to be positive. We know that it can seem cruel to deprive your best friend of something that he enjoys so much. According to Coppinger, Raymond (2001), the predatory sequences are known to be composed of the following sequences: Search (orient, nose/ear/eye) Stalk Chase Bite (grab-bite, kill-bite) Dissect Consume. Our robust yet cost-effective offerings are both tactile and experiential and support a myriad of corporate objectives. This is related to unhealthy fixation from the previous point. As an owner realizing that My Dog Is Obsessed With Balls actually has benefits like using the ball as an outlet for your pup. About 20 years ago I had a ball obsessed dog. Saffy (cocker spaniel) was my first dog, and for the first year of her life, she was an only dog. So on walks, Id throw a ball. Back then we didnt have Chuckits, I just threw a ball, probably not very well! Over time, I didnt really notice how it happened, but she came to expect the ball on every walk. It didnt seem like a huge problem, my dog trotting beside me, looking at my pocket until I produced the ball. The name of the game is to use what your dog loves to reward the right behavior and not the bad ones. If your dog is obsessed with balls its safe to say that you have to build your dogs impulse around balls. Dog Training Tampa Prices: Cost Of Getting Your Dog Trained. Quincy is not one of these? However, unlike his ancestors in the wild, your pet hasnt starved for days or hunted for hours in inclement weather. You can sit on the couch or on the deck and automatically toss the ball every time Rover drops it at your feet or on your lap. Savvy dog toy manufacturers have been catching up on research, focusing more on the appeal to dogs rather than humans. So I gradually weaned her off it and we only played with the ball at home in the garden. But be vigilant! We know that it can seem cruel to deprive your best friend of something they so greatly enjoy. If your dog doesn't become "obsessed" he can become prone to resource guarding if he feels balls are way too valuable and feels threatened by you approaching. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Adrienne is a dog trainer and former veterinary assistant. If you want to read similar articles to Why Is My Dog Obsessed With Their Ball?, we recommend you visit our Behavioral problems category. Dogs living in a human environment find contra freeloading helpful because it allows them to carry out species-specific behaviors and it fills a behavior vacuum due to the lack of stimulation in their non-natural environments. Color really matters when it comes to the manufacturing process of dog toys. If he decides to stop the game and put the ball away, your dog shows no signs of anxiety. Login with username, password and session length, Thinking about that Diesel last night? This could be a sign that your dog is becoming obsessed with the ball. Are dogs red-green colour blind?. Why is my Dog Aggressive with People? Penel is a member of the Professional Association of Canine Trainers & an ABTC Registered Animal Training Instructor. confidence building, kind & fun training. How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing Inside at Night. It's almost like they're in a trance. A ball doesn't offer food, but it acts as a reward on its own since it symbolizes prey. It is through the combined activity of these cones that humans are blessed with a full range of color vision. This sounds harsh, but it's necessary. Even a slight mention of the ball can send many dogs into a tizzy! In some cases, dogs love balls so much they develop a sort of "obsession." It is important to notice that trained hunting dog breeds, as well as their crosses, tend to feel a greater excitement when playing with the ball in comparison to other breeds. In a way, you are sending your dog the message that it is ok to be overexcited and behave hyperactively by rewarding them with throwing the ball again. In particular, David Mech in 1970, decomposed wolf hunting behavior into five stages more precisely: Travel Stalk Encounter Rush Chase. They will not show signs of tiredness even if they have exercised for a long time. So why do we do it? It's a fun way to strengthen your bond with your dog while also giving them an outlet to release some of that pent-up energy. They may whine, cry, and bark. It could lead to some aggression and anxiety. Most dogs will not hesitate to play fetch with you, This could be a sign that your dog is becoming obsessed with the ball, If they are refusing commands, treats, and praise, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising pr. Why does it matter?". From identification to implementation, Play Projects is the ideal partner to plan, manage and/or execute your projects. Instead, put the ball away so that they can't see it or get to it. You can teach this by simply say all Done taking the ball and trading him for a treat when you want to leave. Stress and anxiety are two very real issues that could affect your pup. When that thing they're trying to protect is a ball, there is a serious risk of injury. You also dont want to make it a habit of being fixated and obsessed with the ball. Take a look at your dog's demeanor next time they are playing with the ball. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Dogs should be aware of their surroundings at all times. Dogs are prone to developing compulsive tendencies such as tail chasing, spinning, flank sucking, chasing lights and shadows or imaginary flies, and there are also dogs licking paws excessively. barking, Soon you're stuck with a ball-fetching maniac who finds it hard to cope with a game coming to an end. Here are some reasons why a ball obsession should be addressed. At Dog Comm we help you through every aspect of your dogs rehabilitation and you wont feel alone. Want an easy way to calm your dog down? Things are further exacerbated when dog owners reinforce persistence. , If you have a ball obsessed dog, and now you want to wean them off it because youve realised its becoming an issue, try taking the ball on every other walk, or try surreptitiously dropping the ball and sending your dog back to find it. When your dog grabs the ball and shakes his head, he is basically "killing it" as he would do to break the neck of small critters. Normally, it is a harmless game that allows them to have fun while exercising their body and senses. On a rainy day, when walks are cancelled, owners may reach for the ball to find ways to tire Rover out. Soon though, this becomes the default way of interacting with the dog and all other better bonding opportunities are out. Spend time playing with your dog, introduce them to different activities, teach them new orders and tasks. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. In some cases, it may result from some underlying medical problem and therefore the diagnosis for canine compulsive disorder should be one of exclusion, being made only after ruling possible medical causes out. Pups who can't stand to spend a single moment away from the ball will exhibit all kinds of anxious behavior. Researchers have found two main motives at play when animals are working for a reward such as catching a ball. Giving your pup some new options to play with can do a lot to stave off the obsession. There is fascination, and then there is fascination. Based on this info, we can deduce how strong a dog's motivation to dissect and chew can be and how it might not be satisfied by feeding dogs commercially available dog foods in a bowl. It, therefore, makes sense for dogs to perceive toys as desirable chewing items. When we throw them the ball, we are artificially recreating the context of a hunt. Find a toy that offers a different texture, color, and shape. Therefore, you should act as soon as you notice any of the symptoms listed above. This could be another dog, a child, or even you! Many dog owners might notice their best friends are becoming increasingly obstinate. You throw the ball, they fetch it back to you. Did you know? The sooner you make changes, the better. The best we can do for them is to stop feeding their obsession and consult a trained professional to help us in their treatment. After a while, your dog begins to show signs of tiredness. Its because they simulate prey fleeing that dogs chase them. Some dogs might guard their ball if another dog comes near it, it might even cause a fight if another dog comes near their ball or tries to take the ball out of their mouth! Instinctive behaviors are innate abilities that occur as a result of a specific stimulus and are not learned. If your dog seems "obsessed about balls" here is a guide on what to do. This could explain why they are motivated to repeat this pattern over and over again, seeking satisfaction that they cannot find. How to know if your dog is obsessed with his ball. Check this article to know more about common puppy training mistakes. Finally, pay attention to how they protect the ball. So here you have it, now you know why dogs are so attracted to those vibrant yellow-colored tennis balls! Your dog will need to find alternative ways to exercise, have fun and socialize. Manufacturers for dog toys are very savvy and know how to produce toys that will grab your attention, but what about dogs? On the contrary, he looks relaxed and ready to rest. This is an important tip that you should adopt. Here is how a normal relationship between a dog and its ball should be: However, an obsessed dog will permanently demand that you keep throwing the ball. When it gets away from them, they will chase it until it's in their possession. Receive your free dog training consultation and set your pup up for success! These include: hyperactivity, tachycardia, excessive barking and whining. Once you have fully practiced each of these basic training commands, your dog will be ready to learn how to play ball correctly because they will have learned that there are certain rules and boundaries. However, by doing so, you will be reinforcing the obsessive behavior without knowing it. Again, obsessions can cloud your dog's judgment so much that they may start lashing out at anyone that even tries to touch the ball. While many dogs are eager to play with a ball when tossed, some dogs seem to almost develop an obsession over balls, so much so, pet parents often wonder whether a ball addiction may be healthy. However, when dogs become obsessed with their ball, it seems that it is the only thing that can bring them joy. This has earned them the reputation as "finishers.". Throwing a ball for a dog makes them very over aroused (excited) and if you do have a dog with any issues around other dogs, you want to keep them calm on walks (sniffing activities are perfect for this). When you reinforce frustrating behaviors and associated extinction bursts, you reinforce persistence and make the habit more and more ingrained and difficult to overcome. Playing with a ball is all about the thrill of the chase. Having a dog that is obsessed with a ball can become an issue when your dog views the ball as more relevant than you and anything around him. They develop a sort of tunnel vision for the ball. Many dogs love balls so much that dog parents across the globe are wondering what's the ordeal with such a deep fascination. Sadly, this part is something that should be discouraged though as it can make dogs prone to intestinal blockages. Now, back to balls! And most of all, what can be done about it if it seems like our dogs live for a tossed ball and they keep on dropping on our lap a slimy ball in hopes of playing fetch? If they are refusing commands, treats, and praise, you need to do something about this obsession as soon as possible. On the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, excitement over a ball is a relatively minor issue. It is possible for excessive ball chasing to be also compulsive in nature, points out board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. John Ciribassi in an article for DVM360. Keep an eye for trouble! Asa result, dogs have a much better time detecting the colors blue and yellow. people aggression, Your pup may have a hard time at first this. Dogs are known for being blessed with a strong prey drive, although research shows that the level of prey drive varies between one breed and another. If your dog starts to show signs of overexcitement, youll keep throwing the ball at him because you think hes having a good time. Do you feel that is the case with your dog? However, they're a great way to keep your dog safe and focused on you. You might also notice other strange behaviors that you have never seen in your dog before. For instance, small terriers such as rat terriers have been selectively bred to hunt down varmint and kill them. Normally, it is a harmless game that allows them to have fun while exercising their body and their senses, right? well for me it was because she was an only dog, I wanted to tire her out, give her lots of running around and fun on her walks. Back then, in the dark ages, we didnt really know about sniffing, and scent work, and other exciting enriching things you could do on walk with your dog. Soon, dogs become pushier as they struggle with the game ending, while owners give more and more in as they struggle with the dog's frustration. How to prevent obsession with the ball in dogs? Helping your dog overcome an obsession is about directing their energy to something a bit healthier. You don't have to toss the ball out entirely. In severe cases, they may even start to tear things up out of frustration. If we want to see things from our dog's perspective, we can therefore deduce that ultimately a dog's color vision is roughly similar to that of a person who is red-green color blind (a deuteranope). The first sign that your dog may be a bit obsessed with balls is if your dog gets fixated and you are unable to break your dogs attention from staring at the ball. So let's discover what makes balls so appealing to dogs and what research has unveiled on the topic. So what makes dogs go bonkers over balls? In the past, dogs were hunters that had to chase down prey to survive. Unfortunately, this distraction can cause serious accidents. Lets see what could be the cause. This term is used to depict the phenomenon of animals choosing food that requires some effort to obtain versus food that is offered freely. On the other hand, some dog breeds have been selectively bred to carry out a good part of the whole sequence. It doesn't matter whether you have a large German Shepherd or a tiny Pomeranian, all canines have that urge to chase. 2022 Hospital Veterinari Glries Declaracin de privacidad / The most obvious symptom is anxious behavior. 8 Ways to Get Your Dog to Sleep Through the Night, 8 Reasons Why your Dog is Suddenly Sleeping on the Floor. Once your dog clearly understands the rules of play a good way to use the balls your dog is obsessed with is as an outlet to tire your pup out! According to research, feeding on this type of food requires substantial chewing that lasts for 26 min on average (Forsyth et al., 2014). The dog breeds that enjoy the best health. Ideally, you should consult a veterinarian or a canine educator who can help you and guide you on how to treat this behavior problem. Now, choose something completely different. This is what a normal relationship between a dog and his ball should look like: However, an obsessed dog will constantly demand that you keep throwing the ball at him. Dealing with a ball obsession can be tough, but you must take action to stave off bad behavior and reduce the chances of something serious happening. If your dog starts showing signs of over-excitement, you will continue to throw the ball to them because you think they are having a good time. When you're playing fetch with your dog, provide some firm commands that teach them how to behave. Over time, you can start swapping out that ball they love with the new toys. In fact, we don't recommend this at all. Chewing in dogs is believed to be overall a relaxing and self-soothing activity considering that chewing releases endorphins, nature's feel-good hormones. After doing this for a while, your dog starts showing signs of tiredness and looks less motivated. This can help put their anxiety at ease. They may drool or bark as a sign of protest. Chasing a ball is therefore reinforcing at many levels. But the truth is that many dog owners may start to notice that their best friends are becoming more and more obsessed with this game. For a pooch that's obsessed with their ball, that anxiety a develop anytime they don't have the ball. !b.invoked&&(b.invoked=!0,b.renderAllForms()):console.error("[Keap Forms] Error: could not load")};var e=b.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(d,e),a.keapForms=c})(window,document); Our Online Dog Training Course is the most complete course to help you awaken your dogs true potential, from home, on your own time! After chasing a ball for some time, many dogs will lie down for some chewing. After all, a red ball is difficult to distinguish from the green grass of a park adding some challenges for even the most fetch-obsessed dogs! Common Dog Behaviors Explained: Why Does my Dog Do That? They know when to slow down, when to take a break, and when to stop. Most dogs will not hesitate to play fetch with you. They are also more likely to develop this problem. "Dopamine is about the anticipation of pleasure, it's about the pursuit of happiness rather than happiness itself," says Robert Sapolsky in a presentation. She seemed to have a lot of fun chasing after it and bringing it back. Soon after, we got another dog, Tilly, and then I realised Saffy was obsessed as she didnt really want to play with Tilly on walks, but just waited for me to throw the ball, throw the ball, throw the ball. If they are ignoring everything else but the ball, that might be a cause for concern. Can you have it at home? dog aggression, The way you can start building your dogs impulse around balls is by simply asking your dog to lay down and not touch the balls when he does this correctly use what your dog wants which is the balls and play with him, rewarding his efforts, when you understand that My Dog Is Obsessed With Balls one simple way to tackle the issue is to teach your dog when the game is over, Many times dogs think that we just want to take the toy away from them and avoid us to prevent that from occurring, To prevent your dog from assuming that every time you call him you want what he has, teach your dog a command that signifies we are done with this activity. i wonder how it comes that dogs do become ball obsessed cause Quincy's litter mate Kobi loves his balls too so it cant be genetic, My little angel, sent to me in my time of need, i love you with every piece of my broken heart xx. It may take some time for your dog to grasp these new commands. In other words, the effort in pursuing a ball is intrinsically rewarding because it creates positive feelings in dogs as the reward centers in their brains are activated. This gives your dog something to look forward to. Help! Dog owners come to rely on playing fetch as a great way to exercise and play with their dogs. It tires out your dog, forcing them to relax a bit and not go crazy about their favorite ball. It may start with owners who struggle with meeting a dog's needs for exercise and mental stimulation. It is courtesy of a dog's prey drive that dogs are often irresistibly lured to chasing things that move. However, it goes a step further because you're unable to capture your dog's attention. Instinctive behaviors are innate abilities that occur as a result of a specific stimuli and that are not learned. But when an obsession starts clouding your pup's better judgment, things can go bad very quickly. 2022 Dog Communication | Designed and Maintained by MissyRedBoots, And just like that he slept in the big boy bed (settling new puppies with no stress), Reactive dogs leave a legacy of what they teach us, The school run may not be fun for puppies. Before starting the game, call your dog and make sure you have their attention. Now you also know why dogs are so compelled to chew toys and break them apart. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I think a lot of our clients come to us with a ball obsessed dog, because it seems to help with the dogs issues. Once you have started limited access to the ball, create a designated playtime. Animal studies have indeed found that increased dopamine levels in the brain occur in anticipation of a reward. 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