To sum it all up, if you live in a colder climate, you might find the German Shepherd does better because of their very dense coat, but they are also prone to overheating more easily in hotter environments. But, all in all, Corsos do well with GSDs. They should ignore strangers and animals who pose no threat to themselves or their people, saving their aggression for legit threats. Incredibly multi-functional and mentally stimulating, your dog will not be able to get enough of it. A slightly curved body line with a long, feathered tail, and pointy ears is what makes the German Shepherd dog so recognizable. German Shepherds are slightly shorter than Cane Corsos and significantly lighter. Ill be honest with you: both dog breeds were discussing today are needy in terms of exercising. What works for one dog owner might be a deal breaker for the other, so dont try to force your opinion. From 1899, dogs were selected for their beauty, strength, tenacity, and intelligence to lay the groundwork for the ideal working dog, the German Shepherd. Thats probably the best way to describe both of these dog breeds. Their exceptional intelligence, athleticism, loyalty, and ability to remain single-minded make them widely-employed in the police force for drug and search and rescue. These can range from fifty cents to over a dollar a mile. They can be aloof, and you definitely have to earn their trust. Von Stephanitzs visionary work prepared the German Shepherd for a career beyond sheep herding, which was in rapid decline. Were all familiar with how the average German Shepherd looks. Both the German Shepherd and Cane Corso have a life expectancy of about 10 to 12 years. All heights on dogs refer to how tall they are at the top of their shoulders. The Cane Corso is much the same. Operations and lifetime treatment is needed. Are there any liabilities to owning a Cane Corso or a German Shepherd? You should feed large dogs a few meals throughout the day rather than one or two large ones. If you like the GSDs energy and activity, you might not like the Corsos occasional cold shoulder or stubbornness. As I mentioned earlier, they love to keep themselves busy. This is the time when you need to pay extra attention to their grooming needs. Well, this is something that can be answered in two different ways. Corsos are loyal and affectionate, bonding strongly with their families. Unfortunately, GSD colors like blue and liver are strictly prohibited by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as theyre faulty, and may carry many hereditary issues. They come in black, gray, blue, fawn, red, formentino, and chocolate. Greyhound is thought to have been infused to obtain more agility and speed and to improve the Cane Corsos ability to grasp, instead of just crush, prey. All rights reserved. Nevertheless, they tend towards dominance aggression, requiring a self-assured owner who will command their respect. Its like the apples and oranges situation here. Can You Really Know What You Get in a Rare German Corso? Theyre used to taking commands and fulfilling tasks. Keeping in mind that their trainability is extremely high, we can absolutely say that German Shepherds have a nice and easy-going temperament. No matter how docile and loving your dog is, we recommend never leaving your Corso or Shepherd with a small child unsupervised. But, dont let that fool you. Good family dogs arent necessarily small- or medium-sized pooches like Goldendoodles or Frenchies. Both are suitable for children within the family if raised properly. The Cane Corso (or the Italian Mastiff) could be the best dog ever if you only give him a chance. 25000 Euclid Ave Will Neutering My Hyperactive German Shepherd Calm Him Down? These dogs are incredibly smart, and they are at their best when they have a job to do, whether working as a police or military dog, doing tracking or search and rescue, serving as a guide dog or at home practicing scent work or solving puzzles for a treat. Males are approximately 15 to 20 percent heavier than females. German Shepherds emphasis historically was largely on the dogs mentality. Browse our list of 500 male dog names for inspiration for your new puppy or dog. The German Shepherd should strike you with an intelligent, elegant, and athletic bearing. The German Shepherd dog breed is rich in diversity. Though they are not known for being overly cuddly, they do like to be very close by. They surely demand admiration! And, I dont mean taking a light stroll through the park. As I said, theyre not similar in terms of physical appearance, but they do share some personality traits were about to see soon. Naturally wary of strangers, a German Shepherd will default to guard dog mode if they believe their family is in danger. Yes, hip and elbow dysplasia are usually health issues with German Shepherds. Training them can be pretty tiring, and it often lacks results. (Theres a reason they make some of the best police dogs.) Your go-to guide for everything German Shepherd related! Perfect Puppy Course. The German Shepherd is known for its high energy and stamina which has led it to be a very effective police and military working dog. Skin rolls are an excellent place for bacteria growth and infections. The German Shepherd and Cane Corso are both fantastic guardian breeds and extremely loyal and affectionate with their family. 15 Amazing Golden Retriever Breeders In Florida In 2022, Are Beagles Hunting Dogs? This is the inability for the dogs blood to clot, meaning that one tiny cut and your GSD with hemophilia may bleed to death. Like any other dog breed, the German Shepherd will face certain health problems as he becomes older. Like others in the group, Cane Corsos have thick muscular tails set low and often carried level with their backs with a slight curve towards the tip. They have been used since the early 1900s as a very effective police and military dog as well as a superb service dog for people with disabilities. The Cane Corso has a no-nonsense demeanor which is usually threatening enough without the need to attack. Their muzzles are very broad and somewhat shortened. If you let them be in charge, their dominant character wont be that appealing to you. Youll never get bored with a Cane Corso aroundyou simply wont have time for it. Use a soft bristle or slicker brush that will catch loose dog hair. Cane Corsos and German Shepherds are similar in their ability to bond with family members and their natural protectiveness. The breed standard calls for a medium-large, sturdy, large-boned, and balanced dog. When it comes to the family, both German Shepherds and Cane Corsos do exceptionally well with children and are very watchful of them. Theyre beyond that, and they are devoted to their owners like crazy. So, who is better: Cane Corso vs German Shepherd? Free shipping on ALL U.S. orders over $99, Have a look at everything we have going on across all our socials. Youll get a dog that will appreciate you and the time spent together. But, theres so much more to these wonderful dogs than the standard black-and-tan coat color combination. Looking for the perfect cat name for your new kitty? They are one of the most commonly used guard dogs. Maybe you are torn between a Cane Corso vs German Shepherd. Yes, a Cane Corso is stronger than a GSD. This puts them on the list of the most expensive dogs. Trust me, you dont want them to feel bored because then, they become destructive. Expose your Cane Corso and German Shepherd to different animals, people, sounds, and situations so he will be used to changes. Both breeds are exceptional guard dogs that bond very closely with their family and have a powerful instinct to protect their home and their people. Not surprisingly, friendliness is not the German Shepherd dog breeds strong suit. But, theres something other than the dogs size that affects the grooming needs, and its the dogs coat. Appearance: Are GSDs And Cane Corsos Similar Or Not? Cane Corsos need regular brushing of their short fur to free it of dead skin, debris, and loose hair and stimulate circulation. Both the Corso and the German Shepherd require someone with experience that will assume the role of the alpha dog. Eye conditions like entropion and ectropion are not unusual with Corsos. I seriously cant think of two better dog breeds suitable for active people. The Cane Corsos muscular body structure is probably the first thing youll notice with these boys. Their boxy head, droopy lips, and docked tail make Corsos resemble Boxers, Pitbulls, and other breeds that have been used in dog fighting throughout history. Working dogs cost $1000 to $3000 while show dogs are between $2500 and $5500. While fighting is likely part of their backgrounds, Italian Corsos were primarily bred to fight in wars and to guard farms and families. But, this doesnt make them aggressive to everyone else. Although Cane Corsos were not bred for dogfighting, there is little doubt they had to scrap for survival in ancient Roman times. At Pupvine, we believe every dog deserves a forever home, and every owner deserves a good boi. Their abilities to focus on the task at hand stem from their herding backgrounds. Theyre as loyal as the next German Shepherd, and they always keep an eye on the family. Theyre courageous, devoted, and completely focused on their humans. I bet youve found some solid arguments as to why one dog breed is better than the other. In fact, according to Property Casual 360, German Shepherds are more likely to appear on an insurance company banned dogs list than Cane Corsos. Pupvine is more than the average dog-related website. The median price, according to, is around $1100. The training, socialization and exercise needs of this breed will keep you busy throughout their whole life. Luckily, PupVine has some pretty great breeders that are breeding and raising only purebred Cane Corsos and purebred German Shepherds that come from terrific bloodlines. However, if the dog is kept away from stressful situations, epileptic attacks may never occur. This will help him control himself and show no aggression if something unknown gets in his way. The German Shepherd was developed by Captain Max von Stephanitz among others into its modern form from ancestral herding dogs of Central and North Germany. Posted on Published: September 2, 2019- Last updated: October 14, 2021. To prevent such situations, people search for reputable breeders who tend to breed out issues like dysplasia. 11 Temperament Questions Answered. These games will benefit the dogs mental condition, and keep those gray cells sharp. Its painful and should be treated immediately. Their fur is not prone to matting except for occasionally on the backs of their upper hind legs and their tails. So, how much does a Cane Corso cost? About Us | Privacy Policy | Terms | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact 2022 PupVine. Cane Corsos are easier to groom, require a little less exercise, are more outgoing with strangers, more water-loving, and more intimidating. If their ears are not cropped, you need to dedicate more attention to cleaning them to prevent yeast and bacterial infections. Blue eyes are a fault that is disqualified in the show ring. Demodex a type of mange caused by certain mites that proliferate in the skin when the immune system is compromised. Potential breeding stock pups can be as much as $3500 and show-quality adults $8500. What problems are specific to Corsos and not Shepherds? Cane Corsos have short stiff outer guard hairs over a light undercoat. Insurance companies seek to protect themselves not because they think Cane Corsos are inherently evil but because of the potential damages. Who is simply better? German Shepherds usually have medium length fur, although some have longer hair than others. Whether you argue that herding is a form of prey drive or that herding dogs develop chasing from bad habits, German Shepherds should be managed with caution around small animals. Their eyes complement their coat colors, ranging from dark brown to amber to aqua-green. Training and socialization are two major parts of every puppys upbringing. Thats a fact that you will have to swallow. These doggos can have both long- and short-haired coats, as well as numerous GSD coat colors. In this particular category, both breeds are quite similar. The good thing about these breeds is that theyre both working dogs. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to this site. According to PsychologyToday, Many insurance companies have even gone as far has to refuse certain dogs based on breed alone. Dogs that did not meet stringent physical and mental criteria were excluded from the breeding program. Looking for boy dog names? Both breeds require 45 to 75 minutes of exercise daily. German Shepherds tend to weigh about 20-30 pounds less than the average Cane Corso, which is usually around 120-130 pounds. Whats a Cane Corsos Temperament Vs a GSDs Temperament? What health issues are common in Shepherds and not necessarily in Corsos? If you treat them well, and dont allow health issues to take over, your GSD can have a lifespan of 9 to 13 years, while your Cane Corsos lifespan can be 10 to 12 years. Can you? You should brush thoroughly every three weeks. While you wont see a Corso wagging its tail, a German Shepherd will happily greet you by sweeping its tail on the floor, and looking forward to finally seeing you! It is always an emergency because the stomach can rotate. They may not mean harm, but rough playing could hurt a small child. The German Shepherd is one of the most common dog breeds in the world, not only in the States. Excellent watchdogs like the Doberman, the Rottweiler, or the German Shepherd are your way to go if you seek companions and protectors. While many of our questions have unclear answers, the answer to this question is quite simple and straightforward. Particularly worrisome is their massive size. A Corso and Shepherds orthopedic problems include hip and elbow dysplasia. By: Ashley DavidsonUpdated: July 13, 2022. They dont have high grooming needs as they dont have much of a coat for grooming to begin with. Corsos are known to have one of the longer puppyhoods in the canine world, and their energy levels dont decrease much as they mature. Theyre sociable dogs that will do their best to see their owner satisfied. Of course, all but extremely harsh winters. Of course, I wouldnt let even a trained Corso or GSD be alone with kids, especially not little ones. Both dogs require occasional baths, regular brushing, and consistent toenail trims. If you have narrowed your choices to the Cane Corso and German Shepherd, then clearly you want a large dog. The Cane Corso is also a high energy working and guardian dog that most definitely falls in the large breed category. Are you experiencing that extraordinary and fleeting time in your life where choosing your next dog is your biggest worry? If you reach your hand and touch this dog, youll feel how coarse their hair is. German Shepherds remain widely popular because their versatility and excellence extend to common amusements. These are often good opportunities to bathe them. German Shepherds are born talkers. A Cane Coros head has Molossus Dog traits, large and twice as wide as it is long. Grooming needs are one of the greater distinctions between the two breeds. Theyre found in a moderate amount, but still, keep an eye on skin infections and bacteria hiding between the rolls. But, you shouldnt really be so afraid. Senior GSDs may get cataracts as well as diabetes as a result of getting old. The Corso is placed at #3 on the list of dogs with the strongest bite. Its a life philosophy that teaches us dogs are more valuable than we could ever think of. When Should My GERMAN SHEPHERD Get Their Vaccination, How Do I Introduce My GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY To My Family, 685 Sapperton Manor, The Courtyard, Majory Ln, Church Broughton DE65 5AU, Taxes and shipping fee will be calculated at checkout. Click the image below for your FREE copy! Its not that harsh, meaning it does have something subtle. These dogs are the best example of what I like to call a gentle giant. Dog lovers who want a Corso or a GSD are people who want a loyal animal that will follow them into fire if necessary. Corsos can be fawn, red, black, or varying shades of gray which may look bluish. Sometimes, the price also includes neutering and certificates against breed-specific health issues. We saved this for last because Cane Corsos and German Shepherds are so similar in their other qualities you will probably base much of your decision on appearance. Dilute colors and liver and blue are not accepted by the AKC. A Cane Corso is pricier than a German Shepherd, and heres why! Some even learn how to be gentle around infants. The Cane Corso, on the other hand, isnt a straight A student because it is so stubborn. As a matter of fact, during WW2, German soldiers used German Shepherds for attacks in some missions. Its uncomfortable and itchy for our buddies. You shouldnt leave them out alone, especially not for too long. Keep in mind that theyre more likely to get attached to one family member instead of the entire family. Besides an occasional jog, I recommend you pay more attention to enrolling your dog into different activities like obstacle courses, or even search and rescue games and missions. Lately, there has been a demand for Corsos, and theyre finally getting their slice of the cake. The Truth About These Sniffers, 9 Golden Retriever Breeders In North Carolina In 2022, Tail type docked, with slight curl or curl, black & tan, gray, black, white, silver, liver. THIS ONLINE DOG COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DOG Learn everything you need to know to become a high level canine leader including how to train your dog and put a stop to bad behaviours. Enough kidding around lets see what youll need in order to groom a GSD! Originally bred to herd sheep, the German Shepherds versatility seems boundless. They have heritable problems like most purebred dogs, some of which are related to their size. Show-quality dogs are way more expensive! You should be good no matter if you choose a GSD or a Corso. The same goes for the Cane Corso. Most of them have hips that have been certified Good or better by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. German Shepherds proved their indispensability to German soldiers in World War I. Harrison Eustis in Switzerland used a scientific approach to breed the best German Shepherds and her dogs became foundation stock for many seeing-eye canines. They carry their large moderately pointed ears erect, although pups may have endearingly floppy ears. Cane Corsos have a strong prey drive and should not be completely trusted with small animals. Miniature Rottweiler The Mini Canine Wonder. Do not elevate your dogs food or water. The fearless breed has also been known to put themselves in harms way before they let a family member get hurt. If youre wondering which of the two is your future furry BFF or if youre simply having trouble finally settling on one breed, stay tuned. What first comes to your mind when someone mentions a German Shepherd is a dog with short hair, a double coat, in black and tan color, and with a black mask on its face. How much are GSDs? Their availability has affected their price greatly. Could Your New Best Friend Be An Alaskan Malamute Or A German Shepherd Dog? Cane Corsos are fairly easy to take care of. Since it has a short coat without a dense undercoat, the Cane Corso is quite prone to demodectic mange. Another thing that may worry you with Cane Corsos is their drooling. Maybe youll fancy their lovechild, the Cane Corso German Shepherd mix? Who Is Pricier: A Cane Corso or a German Shepherd? This is a working breed who was bred to be a guard dog. Many issues are hereditary, meaning theyre transferred from parents onto the litter. The Cane Corso has a short coat and thin undercoat that they do blow twice a year but generally shed minimally. This comparison will settle the battle once and for all! The Cane Corso, on the other hand, is very food-motivated. Is that going to be a good idea? Good German Shepherd and Cane Corso breeders are pretty hard to find. He also avoided introducing extreme characteristics that other breeds were subjected to. Chances are, that stroll wont even take 10% off of their energy capacity. German Shepherds have more of a tendency to bond with one family member than do Cane Corsos. You probably think of a German Shepherd as a black and tan or solid black dog, but they can be various colors including gray, red and black, and sable. Generally speaking, German Shepherds make terrific family dogs. White is also considered grounds for disqualification, although some people actively seek white German Shepherds. The German Shepherds dense undercoat makes it comfortable in frigid temperatures and protects it from ultraviolet light. Thats why you can find good, purebred German Shepherds for as low as $1,500 or so. Are these breeds dangerous? If you think you will simply avoid liability issues by choosing a German Shepherd Dog, reconsider. The only thing is that you need to find a way to train them properly. If there is a disagreement between your canine and child, you cannot rely on your dog to realize its strength or recognize the permanent results of its actions. The purchase price varies considerably between the two breeds as pets. I wouldnt recommend you skip on daily workouts with Cane Corsos. With Cane Corsos, you dont need to worry much about brushing. So, we can definitely say that they can be stronger than some Corsos. They believe that a powerful dog will serve as a protection dog that will allow them to sleep peacefully at night. Females are 23 to 25 inches tall while males average two inches taller. For example, if you buy a breed prone to hip problems, the breeder may send the hip certifications of the parents with your puppy. According to, fully-trained working Alsatians can cost over $10,000. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you have raised your GSD in a properly socialized environment, it should be distantly polite to indifferent to your visitors. This means proper training and letting him know youre the boss. When comparing temperaments between dogs like Cane Corsos and German Shepherds, you are likely most interested in suitability as a guard and family dog. If you own a Cane Corso or a German Shepherd, soon enough, youll realize they love hanging out with you equally! Later, Cane Corsos were developed to hunt large game like boars and specialized prey like porcupines. Handing out delicious treats when your Corso completes a task successfully is the way to go. The German Shepherd is a high energy working and garden dog that walks a fine line between being a very large medium breed or a slightly smaller large breed dog. Since the Cane Corso isnt so popular outside its origin country, Italy, these dogs have to be pricey. They rarely show disproportionate aggression to other dogs. This is a serious consideration if you are thinking about owning a Cane Corso. The other big difference youll notice between the breeds is that many Cane Corsos are prone to drooling and have that Mastiff and joule-y look. But, try not to stuff them with unhealthy treats, okay? The Alsatian (or German Shepherd) isnt a delight to groom. German Shepherds are generally social and polite with other animals. Give them a task they can finish successfully, and then reward them with some fun playtime, or simply cuddle with them in bed. How to Resolve the Surprising Cane Corso Vs German Shepherd Dog Dilemma. Although German Shepherds do not blow their coats like huskies, they will experience increased shedding at the seasonal changes. This is a working breed who was bred to be a guard dog. Because they are deep-chested, Cane Corsos and German Shepherds are at particular risk for a condition called bloat. Such dogs wont show signs of aggression just because theyre dominant. Their large sizes make Cane Corsos and German Shepherds more tolerant of heat and cold than smaller breeds. In both cases, what you can use to go through dog training successfully is positive reinforcement. Cane Corso Vs. Boerboel: Which Is The Right Breed For You? However, the Romans also enjoyed dog fights as well as watching canines engage with bulls, bears, and lions. This is where we step in! The German Shepherd bonds deeply with their primary person, the one who feeds and trains them most consistently, but they are affectionate towards most members of the family. Large dogs like Pitbulls, Boxers, Bullmastiffs, German Shepherds, and Cane Corsos can be terrific family pets, too. In the body, the German Shepherd should lack bulk and have a characteristic slope from its shoulders to the back, which should be straight. Doritos are not for dogs not even occasionally. Early social interactions with kids, babies and other animals is also important if you want your German Shepherd to be well-behaved around guests. Oh, right shedding is important, too, as well as their overall health status. Read on to learn all about the differences and similarities between German Shepherds and Cane Corsos! Like other mastiffs, Cane Corsos can be strong-willed and bull-headed. These dog breeds have so many things in common, but theyre physically different, and they come from different backgrounds. Allow two hours between a meal and exercise. Maintenance costs are similar at all levels with veterinary expenses, health maintenance, food, bedding, fencing, training, and grooming. With a reputation of being excellent working and guard dogs, German Shepherds are a popular choice for many families in the States. The German Shepherd breed standard even remarks on the requirements for noticeably feminine and masculine-appearing dogs. You dont have to question a GSDs loyalty. You cant get by with occasional brushing, about twice a week. Dogs are domesticated creatures. In the wrong hands, Cane Corsos are dangerous like any other breed. I like to say that German Shepherds are athletic, while Corsos are more of a bodybuilder kind of dog. Man, these dogs can drool a lot! Poor breeding can produce dogs that are shy and cower or fear-bite. Its some other things that could give you a headache. I just want to emphasize the importance of early socialization not only for these pups, but for all dog breeds. Cane Corsos are listed in the top 10 on many lists of most dangerous dogs. But training and exercise can help curb a lippy pup and keep their barking to when you need it the most. With mem Youll never get bored with a Cane Corso aroundyou simply wont have time for it. Since these dogs come with a double coat that sheds massively, you will need several grooming tools, including pin brushes, undercoat rakes, combs, and slicker brushes. You wont find two dog breeds that are more loyal to their family than these guys.
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