This allows you to train them on what appropriate behavior is when it comes to other people and dogs. This is also an important part of obedience training, because you should always applaud good behavior of your dog by praising him. Answering this question can be subjective because it depends on what particular type of training we are aiming for. Remember, your emotions can also influence your dog. What fun tricks does your dog know? As the video above shows, you have to be diligent in waiting for your dog to bark by themselves first, and then reward them as they continually do it. If you have the time to dedicate to it, agility training is another way to employ your dogs skills. However, that doesnt land them in the category of naturally aggressive dog breeds, but if you take them for granted and dont look after well, youre up for a ride. Dogs naturally like to chew things, so giving them toys and treats (like rawhide) to exercise that instinct is important. Taking it to the next stage after obedience training is important, and trick training is the perfect way to go about it. Within the first few months, some gentle mouthing on objects and even on you is to be expected, but dont tolerate any hard biting. Say "get it," and give him the treat. Fortunately, border collies tend to be good-tempered and arent naturally aggressive. Border Collies like to interact with people and be with their owners all the time, and crating them for long period of time can have an impact on their behavior. So, the earlier you start the better it is. Of course, there may be some mishaps along the way, so invest in some training pads for your pup, and dont get discouraged. If you are a first-timer and interested in training your collie exciting new tricks, then you must start with few simple tricks that your dog can easily understand and learn. Border collies can be strong-willed, meaning they wont listen to just anyone, and they may see themselves as the alpha. This can be a real problem if you have close neighbors or if your dog tends to interrupt your work or sleep with their barking. You can help a dog learn to listen to you and ignore their herding instinct by practicing with them. They will not only help you speed up the process, but will also help you achieve results faster if you apply them properly. Therefore obedience training is very important for them otherwise they revert to their natural instincts to chase anything that goes pass them. Before the dog can go after the person, call out for them to come to you. You can also use a child's collapsible tunnel, keeping it short at first, but extending it as your pal gets comfortable with it. Border collies are very athletic and compete well. Remember, your dog can read your tone of voice and facial expression. A List of Easy Tricks to Teach Border Collies, Border Collie Advice: Border Collie Training, Border Living With Border Collies, P&G Everyday: Teach Your Dog New Tricks This Year. The tutorial above uses a backwards method approach, teaching the last part of the trick first in order for the dog to learn easier. Some dogs are uninterested in the toy and dont even want to try, some will go fetch the toy but not bring it back, and then there are the stubborndogs who bring the toy back but then wont let go. When training your dog, there are some key areas to focus on for their safety and your familys comfort. Yes, your dog may already shower you with kisses on a daily basis, but now you can actually teach them to kiss you on command. Its important not to leave young puppies in a crate for too long since they dont have the same bladder and bowel control as adult dogs. Research & Information First step is to research about the facts of this breed so that you understand your dog better and learn how you can train him according to your dogs age and background including behavior problems and health history. Now that you know some of the most important aspects of training your border collie, here are a few general tips to make your training more effective and rewarding for both of you. Gradually, your dog will start to recognize this as their safe space where they can rest and wait for you. Its important that they receive enough physical and mental stimulation to keep them happy and prevent behavioral issues. He'll catch on fast, but be patient and have fun as you train him. For this trick youll need something sticky like tape or a post-it, treats, and a clicker. Getting your dog to spin on command is a staple dog trick. For example if you taught him sit down trick with sit down code name and then next time you train him and you mistakenly changed it to only sit, that will confuse him. Copyright 2022 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I hope we helped you with your research on Border Collie Training. monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc". Daily Walk Border Collies love running and walking with their owners, which is healthy for both of them. You can create an agility training course for your dog to learn and practice, changing it up from time to time to challenge them. Not only is it required by many municipalities, but it also helps keep your dog and everyone else safer. If they trust you and allow your commands to outweigh their impulses, then you can stop them from putting themselves in dangerous positions. Bred to herd sheep, border collies have an intense need to work. Here are some key things to keep in mind when training your new border collie. Even if you dont take them to competitions, this will give your dog that extra stimulation to keep them happy and well-behaved. If you allow him certain days to get on your bed and then some days you fire him off the bed. After few weeks of consistently reminding your dog this phrase, he will start picking it up and understand what does that mean. Since border collies need a lot of exercise, you can work training into playtime by practicing some commands between throwing them a frisbee. To overcome this problem, you have to pick a place where your dog wont be distracted. Roll the Frisbee on the ground so your pup will chase it. They can also carry or drag small objects and be your companion for other tasks. Mental & Physical Stimulation They get bored very fast, because they are bred to work for long hours, and when they have nothing to do at home, their bad behavior problems start popping up from everywhere. Crate is used to teach a dog his limitations and boundaries and to learn house rules like not to scratch floor and chew furniture. As a trainer you start with assigning yourself a role of the Alpha Dog which means you are the leader of the group, and then you can teach them with different types of trainings. Border collies can quickly learn common dog tricks such as how to shake, roll over or play dead. As mentioned above, border collies have a strong herding instinct, which can result in an impulse to chase things as well. Positive reinforcement is the perfect approach to make your Border Collie feel that he/she is doing something good or right which also motivates him to do it again. However, if you are consistent with your methods, they will certainly respond to tricks you are teaching them. To teach him to play dead, stop him during the roll-over when he's on his back, and say "play dead." Border collies are good with hand motions as well as voice commands, so be creative; make a gun shape with your index finger and thumb as you say "play dead," for example, so he'll assume that position when you pretend to shoot. Move a treat around in a circle in front of his face, encouraging him to roll his head to follow it; help his body follow his head if necessary. However, if these are not the issues for you and if you can provide the essentials for owning a border collie, rewards will be sweeter than honey. Its essential that you get your dog the amount of socialization they need. Make sure to verbally praise your dog and give them pets. They can also walk your child to their bus stop or meet them and walk them home when they get off the bus each day (under your supervision, of course). If your dog barks once or twice to alert you that theres a delivery person on your front porch or let you know that their water dish is empty, thats fine. This trick might be for more advanced dogs and takes some extra patience, as its one of the tougher tricks. Watch the video above to learn how its done. Having enough time to dedicate to training your dog is essential when it comes to border collies. They can not only herd sheep but are used in some areas for controlling geese. This helps them safely express themselves in the right context, so they wont be as likely to herd in inappropriate situations. If you are anxious and upset, this can trigger their anxiety as well, so try to stay relaxed and dont get overly angry with your dog; this can cause more distress. Give him the "roll over" command, and repeat over time until he obeys your command without the treat. When you present a closed fistful of treats, your dog will likely be compelled to paw at your hand since they cant get the treats with their mouth. It can become pretty frustrating when your dog wont cooperate at play time. First, it lays the groundwork for a lifelong relationship of your dog trusting and listening to you. 12 Imperative Border Collie Training Steps and Commands for Pet Owners. It is impossible to successfully train your dog without getting his attention, because it is almost like a classroom of students who are not paying attention to what their teacher is saying and then expecting them to learn it. I dont know about others but I find them very cute, adorable and love the way how innocent they look and that lovely smooth coat, oh! Some border collies enjoy performing flips or leaping off your bent knee to catch a Frisbee as well, which requires that you throw the disc vertically near the dog. Of course, some dogs may have issues with anxiety, and some first-time dog owners may struggle with training. This means that border collies are energetic and intelligent. For puppies crate can be used when youre not home. That is also one characteristic that Border Collie have in them, but it is their natural instincts which we can overcome with training. This will likely trigger their instinct to chase and then herd this person. Make sure your dog has enough mental and physical stimulation. Unlike simpler commands like sitting or shaking hands, playing dead takes a bit more time and persistence to master. Get him out for walk in the park or at your outdoor space and play with him as much as you can to keep him healthy and happy. Adulation and Encouragement Positive reinforcement is an important part of the learning process for your dog. You should trythis clicker to help train your pooch with clicker training! The Shake Hands trick is definitely one of the cuter tricks your pup can learn. Besides their incredible intelligence, they are blessed with quick learning skills and if you want your Border Collie to be obedient for rest of his/her life you must train them at a very young age, because at that time they learn fast and remember that their entire life. For instance, use fetch instead of Go Fetch or say sit instead of saying sit down because it may confuse them to understand your commands. If you want to learn how you can teach your dog to become a well-behaved, smart, healthy, happy and obedient, youd definitely need this Border Collie Training guide for owners. Find out what commands they already know and start there. Every Border Collie dog would need proper obedience training and guidance which is not easy because of their over-enthusiastic behavior and because of that it takes time to train them well. For owners, having a Border Collie at home can be extremely exhausting at times, specifically for those who also have kids. Also, work to make sure they feel comfortable and are receiving enough attention and affection from the family. While you can always just give your dog a hug, this trick is neat because your dog will actually put their paws around you and hug you back. However, getting your dog to spin with a verbal command only can be pretty difficult for beginners, so even if you get your dog to spin with a hand cue or treats, its still an accomplishment to be celebrated. For example, sit, stop barking, come Lets Go For Walk are few tricks that are perfect to start with. Helping your dog to fix and overcome disobedience and other behavioral problems is the main purpose why we emphasize on starting with obedience training at a young age. You may start younger dogs with a harness to prevent them from hurting themselves if they tend to tug a lot. Humans used to train them to make their daily work easier and because of years of training by their past generations, over a period of time they have gradually become a perfect dog breed that is ideal to live in tough conditions like farms, however that trait does not take away anything from them, because they are equally wonderful family pets as well. It specially applies on Border Collies, because without any purpose they will make things difficult for you as they will start nipping, biting, scratching floor or may be start tearing your clothes. For instance if you have a 12-16+ months old Border Collie dog and you want to train him basic things like home rules, obedience and other behavioral problems then it is always better to start training your dog at a young age so that he will remember that forever. The instructor in the video above shows you how to begin with treats and eventually get to a verbal command only. As a Border Collie pet owner you must understand that its a hyperactive breed, therefore they always have a need to do something and you cannot keep them quiet for long without engaging them in some sort of physical activity. The dog in this training video not only learned how to kiss his human, but he even learned to kiss his cat friend! Your dog will get lots of awws from all your friends! For example, some border collies bark if they are feeling bored or simply want your attention. When your pup has the urge to bite or chew, correct them if they go for something like your shoes and give them an appropriate object to chew. They may also be feeling anxious or experiencing separation anxiety if you are in a different room. As weve mentioned, border collies are smart and physically active. We hope our list has given you helpful guidelines and prepared you for what to expect with your border collie. How to train Border collie puppies, commands for easy to learn training and different problems you are going to face during this wonderful journey are few things that you must emphasize on. Have a look at this video to learn how you can use easy to learn commands: 7. 2019 US Service Animals - It is definitely not a breed meant for a small home. While fetch is a classic game, its a trick that doesnt come naturally for some dogs. Dont start closing the door of the crate until your puppy is willingly spending time inside. Set up a playdate with one or two other dogs to get them started. Physical Activity and Exercises As we have mentioned it earlier, adequate amount of both mental and physical exercise for BCs should be the utmost priority of every owner. Although catching a Frisbee is an easy trick to teach a border collie, take special care when you play this way with him. However, if you can master it, barking on command is a very unique trick that will definitely impress your fellow dog parents. Given the fact that this breed is very active, they need a lot of physical exercise, otherwise get ready for nipping, biting, continuous barking, and other behavioral problems. Border collies have been ranked as the number one most intelligent dog, even above German shepherds. Border collies are a popular breed of dog due to their beautiful black and white coat and high levels of intelligence. While you can never completely eradicate the instinct from your dog, teaching them to listen to you and avoid dangerous situations like chasing cars is essential. Since border collies will always have the impulse to herd, you can give them safe outlets for this during play if you choose. Being consistent means you have to make tricks and commands simple and as clear as possible. If they dont have sufficient stimulation, they can easily become bored. Potty Training Most important thing you need to understand is that when you potty train your BC it will take at least a week or more for him to understand whats he supposed to do when you say Go Potty. Dogs Attention Its not easy to have full attention of a Border Collie all the time, because their mood swings fast and because of that their attention jump on to different things they have around them. Make sure you precisely lead your dog through each step, and before you know it, your friends will be asking you to teach their dogs for them! In this case, an old dog can learn new tricks. Since young border collies can be easily distracted by outside stimuli, you should choose the right environment for training. If theres too much activity going on, your dog can lose focus, which might be frustrating for you. Many border collies will love the opportunity to run around and interact with playmates, but its still important to keep an eye on them to make sure they dont offend another dog. Being friendly with your guests, kids and socializing with them comes under this category. Train them to recognize a command that means its time for everyone to come inside, and they will delight in nudging your children back into the house. And through adulthood, they will still need plenty of time and attention. While some owners may worry that their dog will be too young to start training, its best to get started right away. Make sure you use one word command names to make it easier for your dog to remember. He'll still enjoy his "job" of catching the Frisbee. Having said that, it is not like older dogs will not respond to training, but it takes more time because they can be a bit stubborn. But if you can manage them well, youll be blessed with unconditional love they have for you always. All dogs can learn new tricks! They respond well to treats as incentives, but your border collie's main goal is to please you. Making your dog Sit Pretty isnt just fun because it gives you the chance to take cute pictures of your pup to post to Instagram, but its also a great exercise for your dog. Take your BC for long walks and teach him to walk at your side. When it comes to border collies, many problems can be boiled down to not enough activity or attention. Fortunately, these intelligent dogs are relatively easy to train when given the proper amount of stimulation. 3. Lift his paw, and say "shake" a few times. They may become over-possessive and irritable when they dont get to play in open space or not given adequate amount of exercise to stimulate their mind, and that is when they start nipping people and other dogs. Continue until he can stand still with the treat on his nose, waiting for your permission to get it. Maintaining consistency while still being kind is the best way to earn a border collies respect and love. Herding Instincts You can train a Border Collie to control his/her herding instinct but you cannot completely overcome it, therefore never expect him to be herding instincts free, because its a part of their nature. Due to border collies energy levels and herding instincts, its important that they learn to interact with other dogs early on so they know what is acceptable behavior. Just because these dogs are highly trainable doesnt mean that everything is smooth sailing. If you adopt an adult border collie, you can still train them. By the time they are six months old, they shouldnt be allowed to mouth on your hands or anything other than their toys. Being in a closed crate all day, every day, isnt healthy for this breed since they thrive on stimulation. Of course, if your dog is excited about their favorite toy, it can be hard to get them to focus on your commands, so you may not want to expect too many tricks from them mid-play. Given below are few extremely important and valuable tips for obedience and trick training. The name collie even comes from the word in the native Scottish language, meaning sheepdog.. Border collies are great dogs, and its no wonder that they are such a popular breed. Let us know and leave a comment below! Regular jobs help them stay mentally and physically stimulated too. Since puppies can be harder to reign in, its probably best to wait until they are at least six months old to start teaching them more complicated tricks. Although it might take a few days for him to catch on, if your technique is consistent, your buddy will quickly learn that "fetch" means you need the disc back so you can throw it again. Its important to train them in good leash etiquette from a young age. Just love it. Avoid Switching Trainers If you have hired a trainer or using a dog training school, make sure you have patience with him. Also, keep in mind that it is a bit simpler for your dog to learn this trick if they already know Sit Pretty, but otherwise it is still very manageable. For a dog his den is the place to be, he thinks it as his home where he can sleep, eat and hide from danger. Bringing home a puppy is a wonderful experience, but that also brings lot of questions to answer and important things to consider for the pet owner. Even though they learn things fast, but they need to be taught what is right and wrong behavior, and without training that is not possible for the owner. Even though they are quick learners, you must wait until they are 7-8 months old if you are trying to teach them difficult tricks to make them a well behaved family pet, because that is the right age for them to understand your training commands. Move up to low tosses when he's perfected catching the rolling disc, then try higher, longer tosses. You may need to practice this for a while before you can allow your dog off-leash during this exercise. These courses can help you get started building a relationship with your dog and laying a foundation of obedience. Border Collies are known to bond well and gel along with their owner that makes them a perfect family pet breed. Tap into that characteristic by teaching your pup the simple "wait for it" trick. 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